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On behalf of the admin team, the moderator team, and the support staff, I would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Here at Sabrespace, we consider ourselves a tight knit internet family. We can give thanks to each other here, because we are a family, internet or not. Many of us hang out at games, bars, or simply through the message board or e-mail. But we also recognize that today is a day for family and friendship. Go be with your family and have a wonderful day. We'll be back tomorrow for the Pittsburgh game. Today, family! Again, have a great Thanksgiving!




On a personal level, if you have time to come here today, I think it would be interesting to post your Thanksgiving plans. For me, my in-laws and 4 year old nephew are here. We plan on eating early and going to the Fayetteville Fireantz hockey game later tonight. Should be a good time. I did put the turkey into an aeromatic veggie/herb laden apple juice brine solution yesterday. It's my first experience with brining a turkey, so I'm very interested to see how it turns out later.

















Now, I'm off to start the stuffing. Ugh!

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Thanks for the thread Corp.


I get two Thanksgivings this year. My wife is working 14 hours today (RN at Roswell), so I'm spending the day with my folks and my brother & sister-in-law. Aside from missing my wife, it will be fun. Then, I get to do it all over again, as my wife and I head out to her family's tomorrow (her whole family was gracious enough to schedule their Thanksgiving tomorrow to accomodate my wife's schedule). Suffice it to say, I'll be eating my fair share over the next 48 hours.


I'm thankful for my wife, my family, my good friends and my dog. I'm thankful for our good health.


I'm thankful for my house, my car, my plasma and PS3. I'm thankful that I was lucky enough to be born in America, with a middle-class life that allows me to enjoy such luxuries.


I'm thankful that I live in Buffalo, a place that I grew up in and that I love. I'm thankful that the Bills and Sabres are both still here in Buffalo. I'm thankful that I have the free time to visit SabreSpace about 10 times per day and talk about my teams.


I'm thankful that the Sabres won last night.

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I think it's interesting that the first thing I do on Thanksgiving is coffee and Sabrespace.


As for today, the nearest family is 400 miles away and virtually everyone that I know locally is out of town. It's actually very liberating. My wife and I are going to eat dinner, drink some wine, and watch our four year old autistic daughter rip our house apart. Can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.


Happy Thanksgiving.

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Well, we were supposed to be at the wife's parents today. However, her mom has the flu. Now, seven years ago, there was a similar situation, and everyone (my wife is one of five kids) descended on my in-laws and just pitched in. By Saturday morning, over half of the 15 people that were there for dinner were projectile vomit sick, and by Monday morning, all but one got it.


This year, we ended up going go my brother in law's place instead. My wife's father, who claims to be healthy, is invited as long as he bathes in Purell.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving folks...


Only the second time in my life I won't be in Buffalo for Thanksgiving..


I'm thankful that I didn't lose my family last year on Thanksgiving Eve. I'm thankful for the courageous volunteers of the Elma Fire Department. I'm thankful that my son has recovered to the point where we can finally take the rods out of his legs (next Friday!!)... I'm thankful for the support of so many people over the last year as we have recovered from that night. I'm thankful for having a job and a house and a family when so many don't.

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Happy Thanksgiving folks...


Only the second time in my life I won't be in Buffalo for Thanksgiving..


I'm thankful that I didn't lose my family last year on Thanksgiving Eve. I'm thankful for the courageous volunteers of the Elma Fire Department. I'm thankful that my son has recovered to the point where we can finally take the rods out of his legs (next Friday!!)... I'm thankful for the support of so many people over the last year as we have recovered from that night. I'm thankful for having a job and a house and a family when so many don't.


As soon as I saw your name on the last reply, I knew it was going to reference last year. That was some storm! Glad to hear your son continues to recover.

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And safe travels to all - as wjag can attest, the weather and travel can get nasty quickly.


For my family, no big plans today. I offered to pick up extra shifts around Thanksgiving and New Year's so I could get some time off to go back to Niagara Falls and Rochester around Christmas. So the wife is making the traditional Thanksgiving dinner and we're doing football, food and a little R&R.

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Happy day to All... and may you all make it safely through it you Turkeys :nana: .....


turkies like me that also start their free day with coffee and Sabrespace and boy it feels so much better after a win,....

noise of the kids watching the Macy parade in the other room sparring like kids do, smell of the apple pie starting to bake in the oven, Man I got allot to be thankful for....


Have a great day all and God bless.. :thumbsup:

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Happy Thanksgiving to my extended board family at Sabres Space. My plans today include making the green bean casserole with the help of the Campbells Soup Corp. I haven't done this very often, but I am hoping that having followed the directions that it turns out really, really good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this project. After the GB casserole is finished I am packing off to a friends house with casserole in hand to celebrate Turkey day. My closest family is roughly 800 miles away and I am truly thankful for friends, family that is far away, and for all of those whom I have shared my opinions with on this board. I am also thankful for my little Boston Terrier and all of the fun and joy that she brings, for all of the years that have been given by God's grace to live on this earth, for my two sons whom I love very much, and my grandson. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!! :D



And thanks Sabres for the win last night. :thumbsup:

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Happy Turkey Day everyone.


I am going to be riding the couch and watching some football. I am in a fairly new relationship and have yet to meet anyone in my girl's family, so she is doing her thing and I'll be doing mine. I could have gone to Kendall, NY or Livonia, NY and have known only a few people, but instead I choose to chill at home. I am watching the Lions game and thinking to myself, being a Bills fan right now isn't so bad.

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Happy Thanksgiving All!


I am thankful for the great effort the Sabres put in last night. I am thankful I moved out here to Phoenix and have a job. I am thankful it rained today (seriously, it is nice for a change). I am thankful for this site to keep me all updated on the Sabres and to hear/chat w/fellow fans about all the ups and downs.

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Just got back from 9 hours in the car from Boston, it's supposed to take 6 hours. Crappy road conditions, heavy holiday traffic, plus a plow/salt truck every 5 miles from Schenectady to Rochester. UUUGGGHHHH!


wow. I went to the Bills game today with my buddy. I went back to Penfield after the disaster, while he had to drive all the way back to Boston for school. Atleast he's with like 3 friends although idk how much they will help him since all 3 were pretty hammered at the game. lol


I wonder what time he'll arrive back. He left Ralph Wilson parking lot around 5....

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I did put the turkey into an aeromatic veggie/herb laden apple juice brine solution yesterday. It's my first experience with brining a turkey, so I'm very interested to see how it turns out later.

hey, it was ours as well this year! i can't imagine ever going back -- the results were amazing.

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