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Last night shouldn't surprise anyone. This teams needs more than just some superficial roster changes. This team continues to play with zero urgency. Which I attribute to the lack of accountability. They players are not holding themselves accountable (all those thoughts of Rivet coming in and keeping players in-line was just a bunch of BS.) The coaching staff is not holding the players accountable and the Front Office is MIA. The players and coaching staff know there is no shake up coming. There is no earth shattering trade on the horizon. The roster is now as it will be at the end of the season. The organization id under the pretense that this roster has enough talent to make the playoff. They are simply wrong. Even when it becomes even more apparent there still will be no changes made.

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Last night shouldn't surprise anyone. This teams needs more than just some superficial roster changes. This team continues to play with zero urgency. Which I attribute to the lack of accountability. They players are not holding themselves accountable (all those thoughts of Rivet coming in and keeping players in-line was just a bunch of BS.) The coaching staff is not holding the players accountable and the Front Office is MIA. The players and coaching staff know there is no shake up coming. There is no earth shattering trade on the horizon. The roster is now as it will be at the end of the season. The organization id under the pretense that this roster has enough talent to make the playoff. They are simply wrong. Even when it becomes even more apparent there still will be no changes made.


Don't think anyone WAS surprised.....


Darcy perhaps, but that's it.

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You know it's not bad enough that the Sabres have toughness issues, do I have to watch the game and hear songs with "Hey Hey You You I can be your girlfriend" played in the Arena?


Lmmfao. In Mellon arena i hear songs like "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica and "Ace Of Spades" by Motorhead! Coincidence?. But hey,Lydman listens to Metal and he leads the team in hits! So at least one guy has intensity.


I think we should give up the idea of bringing in a tough guy and just force every player to listen to this before every game.


Dark Tranquillity - " Punish My Heaven"



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Lindy has a long history of taking his teams into EXTENDED streaks of goal-scoring futility. Also of getting his teams off to slow starts. Both problems seem to be cropping up again.




I wouldn't be surprised if you'd want Barry Melrose to coach the Sabres.

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I wouldn't be surprised if you'd want Barry Melrose to coach the Sabres.


You want to address my points or just keep embarrassing yourself? They are factual statements. Can you defend your man against them?


Melrose? Nah. But there are lots of good coaches out there. Even inexperienced, cheap ones, which would be the prerequisite for getting hired here.

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You want to address my points or just keep embarrassing yourself? They are factual statements. Can you defend your man against them?


Melrose? Nah. But there are lots of good coaches out there. Even inexperienced, cheap ones, which would be the prerequisite for getting hired here.




MOST of your points have been opinionated and only a SMALL number of them have facts to back them up. Also, the facts you have been using have been rather pointless.

Here are the facts you DO need to listen to. Lindy won the Jack Adams award in 05/06. He's one of only 23 coaches to win 400 games and only seven of them have done that w/ one team! During his tenure w/ the Sabres, they have reached the ECF 4 times! Going to ECF 4 times in 11 seasons is impressive. Ruff is experienced, not expensive, and a great coach. I don't know wtf else you want.


You mentioned good coaches. Name some. I'd really like to see the "list" you have. Is your first pick James Patrick?

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MOST of your points have been opinionated and only a SMALL number of them have facts to back them up. Also, the facts you have been using have been rather pointless.

Here are the facts you DO need to listen to. Lindy won the Jack Adams award in 05/06. He's one of only 23 coaches to win 400 games and only seven of them have done that w/ one team! During his tenure w/ the Sabres, they have reached the ECF 4 times! Going to ECF 4 times in 11 seasons is impressive. Ruff is experienced, not expensive, and a great coach. I don't know wtf else you want.


You mentioned good coaches. Name some. I'd really like to see the "list" you have. Is your first pick James Patrick?




I never said Lindy wasn't a good coach. He has a heckuva record in Buffalo. Number of wins and wins with one team certainly get skewered over time as a guy remains in the league and with one team for so many years. If he coaches for life, as many seem to want, he'll shatter all those records. Numbers won't make him great. WTF I want is a Stanley Cup. That secures his greatness.


I can give you, conservatively, 10 stretches of games over the years where the Sabres go into scoring droughts and Ruff can't get them out (think 12 goals in eight games). After starting the season on about a 3.75 G/PG clip, they have now scored just nine times in five games. It's a classic Ruff funk. He rips up the lines, benches players, talks about how tough it is to score, gets in his own team's head and makes them grip the sticks so tight they do what Drew Stafford did with the empty net against Marty.


I can also point out how Ruff's teams more often than not have gotten off to slow starts to seasons through this time of year.


These are facts, and these scenarios are cropping up again. A great coach should have an answer.


P.S. I didn't say I had a list. The statement that there are good coaches out there is self-evident and requires no proof. No, I certainly wouldn't want to see the Sabres promote from within.

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Always a good combination, as long as I am not within 500 miles of you.


Wanna change your mind after last night?


As long as you're not drinkin whiskey and shootin guns, it might turn out okay. Ever see the movie Stop Loss? Drinkin and shootin usually not a good combo. Be careful brother.


I would never do both at the same time. It was guns followed by whiskey. Then I found out they lost and laughed heartily.

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I never said Lindy wasn't a good coach. He has a heckuva record in Buffalo. Number of wins and wins with one team certainly get skewered over time as a guy remains in the league and with one team for so many years. If he coaches for life, as many seem to want, he'll shatter all those records. Numbers won't make him great. WTF I want is a Stanley Cup. That secures his greatness.


I can give you, conservatively, 10 stretches of games over the years where the Sabres go into scoring droughts and Ruff can't get them out (think 12 goals in eight games). After starting the season on about a 3.75 G/PG clip, they have now scored just nine times in five games. It's a classic Ruff funk. He rips up the lines, benches players, talks about how tough it is to score, gets in his own team's head and makes them grip the sticks so tight they do what Drew Stafford did with the empty net against Marty.


I can also point out how Ruff's teams more often than not have gotten off to slow starts to seasons through this time of year.


These are facts, and these scenarios are cropping up again. A great coach should have an answer.


P.S. I didn't say I had a list. The statement that there are good coaches out there is self-evident and requires no proof. No, I certainly wouldn't want to see the Sabres promote from within.

Much better coaches than Lindy Ruff have been fired. Sometimes it not about the quality of the coach it can be about a coach just running out of steam in a particular situation. That may be the case here in Buffalo with Ruff. He has been here a long time. A change at the head coach position may just be what this team needs right now. They are not going to spend the money needed to make a significant roster change. That said, I doubt Quinn or Regier have the stones to make such a significant move.

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WTF I want is a Stanley Cup. That secures his greatness.


I can give you, conservatively, 10 stretches of games over the years where the Sabres go into scoring droughts and Ruff can't get them out (think 12 goals in eight games). After starting the season on about a 3.75 G/PG clip, they have now scored just nine times in five games. It's a classic Ruff funk. He rips up the lines, benches players, talks about how tough it is to score, gets in his own team's head and makes them grip the sticks so tight they do what Drew Stafford did with the empty net against Marty.


I, too, want a Stanley Cup. It's nice to know we have something to agree upon. As for the 10 games, etc.., every team faces this. In order to correct that type of problem, you have to mix up the lines and call/scratch players. You have to fix things that are broken. He did not rip a part line before they went into a scoring drought. If he did not mix things up, what kind of message would that send. I obviously have a different opinion than you. I stand for strict discipline and not caring about the results. If you live by that, coach by that, you will have success. Scratch the players that are not playing to their ability and dress the players who want to. I could care less what a player is making.


And just to add, I, too, was beyond pissed off when Stafford missed the empty net against Marty.

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I, too, want a Stanley Cup. It's nice to know we have something to agree upon. As for the 10 games, etc.., every team faces this. In order to correct that type of problem, you have to mix up the lines and call/scratch players. You have to fix things that are broken. He did not rip a part line before they went into a scoring drought. If he did not mix things up, what kind of message would that send. I obviously have a different opinion than you. I stand for strict discipline and not caring about the results. If you live by that, coach by that, you will have success. Scratch the players that are not playing to their ability and dress the players who want to. I could care less what a player is making.


And just to add, I, too, was beyond pissed off when Stafford missed the empty net against Marty.


It just seems like Lindy never gets back to the combos that were working. I hate the line juggling. I crave continuity and order. My little penguins all have to face the same way on the shelf.


I found an interesting blurb on sabres.com from October 31. The Sabres had just lost two games in a row after starting 6-0-2. Lindy blew up the lines.




?I?ve found that out over the years, sometimes when you shuffle the entire deck, players like it,? Ruff said. ?They like the opportunity to play with somebody else and sometimes that drives up the intensity on different lines.?


Ruff is hoping the moves will jumpstart the Sabres offense that has been outscored 10-4 in their only two regulation losses of the season. Buffalo compiled a record of 6-0-2 in their first eight games before dropping the last two contests.


?It?s been a good run with the lines we use. If we can bat .750 every 10 games, we will be in good shape,? Ruff said.




I'm not saying one thing led to the other, but it should be noted this was the beginning of the Sabres' swoon, and Ruff's changes seemed to work only temporarily. The Sabres won the next two games but have gone 1-6-1 since, scoring 18 goals in those eight games.

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You know it's not bad enough that the Sabres have toughness issues, do I have to watch the game and hear songs with "Hey Hey You You I can be your girlfriend" played in the Arena?

Ah, sweet memories of that song being played during the 06-07 playoff run. :blush:

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click on the link. this is how you get ur guys to play. skill guys feel the passion. the fans see it. scroll to minute 1:00 and watch wendell chase down a guy at full speed on the backcheck. how many times are sabres drifting around doing nothing on shifts? LAZY BASTARDS.

A team of Ray, May, Barnaby, Boughner will not work in this league now.

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It just seems like Lindy never gets back to the combos that were working. I hate the line juggling. I crave continuity and order. My little penguins all have to face the same way on the shelf.


I found an interesting blurb on sabres.com from October 31. The Sabres had just lost two games in a row after starting 6-0-2. Lindy blew up the lines.




?I?ve found that out over the years, sometimes when you shuffle the entire deck, players like it,? Ruff said. ?They like the opportunity to play with somebody else and sometimes that drives up the intensity on different lines.?


Ruff is hoping the moves will jumpstart the Sabres offense that has been outscored 10-4 in their only two regulation losses of the season. Buffalo compiled a record of 6-0-2 in their first eight games before dropping the last two contests.


?It?s been a good run with the lines we use. If we can bat .750 every 10 games, we will be in good shape,? Ruff said.




I'm not saying one thing led to the other, but it should be noted this was the beginning of the Sabres' swoon, and Ruff's changes seemed to work only temporarily. The Sabres won the next two games but have gone 1-6-1 since, scoring 18 goals in those eight games.

I ran thru the thread and no one brought this up until this post.


At the end of that Islanders game I saw Mac-Hecht and Pommers, Roy-Vanek-Stafford. I'd imagine Lindy thinks these are the scoring lines, but the system of play he wants is for them all to backcheck better, turn the center or first man back into the third defenseman, and they don't play like that when on the same line?

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