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Can't expect a win when the guys only give 100% when they are down two goals with five minutes left. These guys are pitiful.


The reason Mancari has looked good and actually scored is because he doesn't dick around with the puck. He shoots it on net whenever he gets the chance. That's a lot more than anyone has been doing. Look at Roy.....wow, he shoots the puck on net and look what happens. Hey here's an idea, shoot it on net all game long. WTF!


Mancari's hardest hit of the game was him slamming the boards after he scored. If he could only do that when an opponent is between him and the boards, he would have been here a long time ago.

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I quess none of the sabres got the memo that we actually have to play a whole game and Drury isnt there anymore to bail them out in the final minute. I'm still haunting myself with the same question after every loss. Why in the hell did management decide to "rebuild" from a PERFECT 05 06' team? I'll never know.

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Game thoughts...


-This team sucks at home! I want a team that is dominating at home and on the rare occasion when they do lose, the opposing team leaves knowing they earned two points instead of being handed two points.


-The GWG is the perfect example of what is wrong with this team. Both dman(Paetsch and ??) along the boards by the faceoff circle, Guerin skating down the slot and Mancari and Roy both have their heads up their ass.


-Rivet made a nice save in the crease late in the game, but don't let that overshadwo the fact that he passed the puck right to an Islander just prior to making the save.


-Peters took a nice uppercut to the face.


-Two goals combined in two games at home against two teams not renowned for defense is a joke.


-Darcy please stop the bleeding. The Sabres are now in 8th and fading fast.


-WTF was Vanek thinking at the end of the game.




:sick: :sick:

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Game thoughts...


-This team sucks at home! I want a team that is dominating at home and on the rare occasion when they do lose, the opposing team leaves knowing they earned two points instead of being handed two points.


-The GWG is the perfect example of what is wrong with this team. Both dman(Paetsch and ??) along the boards by the faceoff circle, Guerin skating down the slot and Mancari and Roy both have their heads up their ass.


-Rivet made a nice save in the crease late in the game, but don't let that overshadwo the fact that he passed the puck right to an Islander just prior to making the save.


-Peters took a nice uppercut to the face.


-Two goals combined in two games at home against two teams not renowned for defense is a joke.


-Darcy please stop the bleeding. The Sabres are now in 8th and fading fast.


-WTF was Vanek thinking at the end of the game.

:sick: :sick:

Hate to say it cuz I love Ruff but except for Peters, all that is coaching.

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this club has no leadership. it is clear to me. revolving captains, a weak german hecht who is the vet of the forwards. rivet is one guy, i said this in late august. the club needs a few savvy vets to calm the ship. the rochester americans of 2001-2008 aint getting it done. time to give these guys a little help.


REMEMBER, this is a club that didnt qualify for the playoff last season. thus, no player or palyer personell move should be barred or ignored. no emotional ties must be adhered too. This is a critical home game and some players are not good enough. time to bring in a few spark plugs.


regier needs to review this with a sober eye. there is no chemisty to #%^$#! up -- so go out and make some moves. if this was the 1980 edmonton oilers with 15 first round picks who were not playing well -- maybe they should not trade and wait things out. HOWEVER, this is not a high pedigree team that you wait on -- they are all semi-vets. In addition, they failed to make the playoffs last season. NHL front offices in this situation must make a move -- it is a simple and clear as anything i have ever seen.


and btw, i can be a suttle move. just add two old vet bastards to the lineup to be able to plug in. let them practice with the team and give a little charge. this roster refuses to work.

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This team is serious need of a trade. If management can't figure that now, then it's obvious we miss the dance again.


Funny thing is, I don't even care anymore. Life goes on. I miss the days of caring.


As for Vanek. My point about coaching again comes up. This guy should be playing 20 mins. He leads the NHL in goals. Surely he can score, but it's tough when on the bench.

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And Philly won their game... BFLO is below the Mendoza line... What a wreck to a fine start... Now it has to be all uphill!


Thank God Brodeur is hurt and the Devs have tanked along with others... I know it is earlier... It just pisses me of that they blew such a nice start to fall back to around the .500 team they have been exposed to be.


Mr. Ruff: "I've fallen, and I can't get up!"




Darcy: "We're sending help immediately, Mr. Ruff."


We're Sending Help!


Where is LifeCall when you need it? <_<


At least the Chicago BlackHawks pulled it out (in OT though) against the Laffs! Man the 'Hawks have something special going!!


Man I hate the 3 point game!!!... Now look at BOS-MTL... <_< :death:

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I quess none of the sabres got the memo that we actually have to play a whole game and Drury isnt there anymore to bail them out in the final minute. I'm still haunting myself with the same question after every loss. Why in the hell did management decide to "rebuild" from a PERFECT 05 06' team? I'll never know.



I know this is gonna rehash old wounds... I thought since the start when Danny and Chris left and I still have that feeling... Is... They had to leave because of Lindy's style underneath it all.


I love the guy... He just needs to change and lay off of these kids... Even if they sh*t the bed for periods.


Riding players will get you so far... I am really starting to turn on him.

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This team is serious need of a trade. If management can't figure that now, then it's obvious we miss the dance again.


Funny thing is, I don't even care anymore. Life goes on. I miss the days of caring.


As for Vanek. My point about coaching again comes up. This guy should be playing 20 mins. He leads the NHL in goals. Surely he can score, but it's tough when on the bench.



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i really still can't believe both BFLO teams started off the year SO strong and that both almost at the same time began to sh!t the bed...how likely is that? does any other city go through this?


Thank God for CHI-TOR, MTL-BOS, and upcoming DET-CGY tonight, otherwise the $ dropped on this Center Ice package primarily for the Sabres, would have been major waste

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Depressing thought of the night: after 8 games, they were 8 points above last year's team. After 20 games, they are just 2 ahead. Anyone remember how many points we missed the playoffs by last year? More than two.





Side note: anyone else not at all surprised that Boston and Montreal are in a shootout?

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I know this is gonna rehash old wounds... I thought since the start when Danny and Chris left and I still have that feeling... Is... They had to leave because of Lindy's style underneath it all.


I love the guy... He just needs to change and lay off of these kids... Even if they sh*t the bed for periods.


Riding players will get you so far... I am really starting to turn on him.


I had that feeling as well. I think Danny and Dru were the middle men for the team. They calmed everyone down after Ruff let em have it after a bad game or what have you.


Another interesting theory i've never shared with anyone is...


... I feel that Drury,Briere,Grier,Dumont and Mckee's leadership qualities brought this team together immensly while they were here. Thus,this team unity created by these 5 eleviated some of the motivational coaching Ruff had to do. I feel that with losing these guys,Ruff hasn't been able to make up for this element himself. And it shows in many different ways. Giving up leads,not being able to come from behind. Guys getting benched for extended periods of time. When did anyone who was a significant player on the team get benched in 05'/06' or 06'/07 ?

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Depressing thought of the night: after 8 games, they were 8 points above last year's team. After 20 games, they are just 2 ahead. Anyone remember how many points we missed the playoffs by last year? More than two.

Side note: anyone else not at all surprised that Boston and Montreal are in a shootout?


Missed by 4!


I tend to look at things by month... And it pisses me off the gains they made in OCT have been squandered. :wallbash:


This team has to play ABOVE .500 by the month over more of the long haul... Last yearly they hovered around .500 monthly the whole. Seems they are reverting to form.

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I had that feeling as well. I think Danny and Dru were the middle men for the team. They calmed everyone down after Ruff let em have it after a bad game or what have you.


Another interesting theory i've never shared with anyone is...


... I feel that Drury,Briere,Grier,Dumont and Mckee's leadership qualities brought this team together immensly while they were here. Thus,this team unity created by these 5 eleviated some of the motivational coaching Ruff had to do. I feel that with losing these guys,Ruff hasn't been able to make up for this element himself. And it shows in many different ways. Giving up leads,not being able to come from behind. Guys getting benched for extended periods of time. When did anyone who was a significant player on the team get benched in 05'/06' or 06'/07 ?


Exactly! People may attack us about this view... But, these are views nobody will know about except in the locker room.


Again--- I like Lindy--- I made the Tom Coughlin reference... I think Lindy should tone it down and adjust to his strengths... He may actually catch lightening in a bottle all out!

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Game thoughts...


-This team sucks at home! I want a team that is dominating at home and on the rare occasion when they do lose, the opposing team leaves knowing they earned two points instead of being handed two points.


-The GWG is the perfect example of what is wrong with this team. Both dman(Paetsch and ??) along the boards by the faceoff circle, Guerin skating down the slot and Mancari and Roy both have their heads up their ass.


-Rivet made a nice save in the crease late in the game, but don't let that overshadwo the fact that he passed the puck right to an Islander just prior to making the save.


-Peters took a nice uppercut to the face.


-Two goals combined in two games at home against two teams not renowned for defense is a joke.


-Darcy please stop the bleeding. The Sabres are now in 8th and fading fast.


-WTF was Vanek thinking at the end of the game.




:sick: :sick:



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