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Why, exactly?

Why not?! ;)


Seriously, though, it would be nice, but we don't have to. To make the playoffs, we need about 8 points for ever seven games played from here on out (would give 93 total). Winning 8 out of 10 would definitely make that easier, but it's not necessary. In fact, if we were to go 8 for 10, we would probably be back at that top of the standings. That's basically what Boston just did to go from about 5 down up to first place.

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Why, exactly?




For losing 4 straight. That'd make their record 8 and 6 over 14 games. It'd help bring Buffalo (the team you say is a gurantee playoff team if Ruff wasn't the coach) back to the top. You can add, right?

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controlled caos...reckless abandon...this is what I would consider old-time hockey. I think Rob Ray was the last link to that style of hockey...at least for the Buffalo Sabres. What a great clip (the Wendell Clark clip). It's a shame we have to go all the way back to Rob Ray for these types of highlights. I hope someone in that locker room is truly angry tonight. Not just a "come on guys, let's play better..." I mean seriously angry...I-don't-care-about-my-paycheck angry. mair aside, it doesn't feel like there is a guy like that on this team. LET'S F--ING GO!!!!! KICK SOMEONE's ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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For losing 4 straight. That'd make their record 8 and 6 over 14 games. It'd help bring Buffalo (the team you say is a gurantee playoff team if Ruff wasn't the coach) back to the top. You can add, right?


Why not seven, or nine? Nine would be better than eight.


Reminds me of all these "must wins" people talk about early in the season.


I never guaranteed the Sabres would make the playoffs if Ruff wasn't the coach. Not sure where that came from. I did say the Sabres are a playoff team, and if they don't make the playoffs, I'll blame Ruff. Not exactly earth-shattering.

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Anyone else love to see Patrick Kaleta or Paul Posluszny lay out DeLuca? We'd see if ole 67 would jump right up and keep posting. Or would he be "year to year"?


Oh yeah, the SABRES are a sub .500 team!

Kaleta would hit me once and turtle like a little bitch. All I would have to do with "Poz" is start running pass patterns and I would lose his ass in a second.

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Why's Peters egging the crowd on to cheer him? For what, getting beaten to the ice? And do Rick and Harry really not know that there can be no faceoff after a goal until the off-ice official gives the signal?


Good thing Mancari scored. I was getting kinda grumpy there.

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click on the link. this is how you get ur guys to play. skill guys feel the passion. the fans see it. scroll to minute 1:00 and watch wendell chase down a guy at full speed on the backcheck. how many times are sabres drifting around doing nothing on shifts? LAZY BASTARDS.

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