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This is the game where the sabres will finally get a win. They played well last night, but they had some unfortunate goalposts and a hot goalie to contend with. If they are still buying into Lindy's system, they'll come out and play a similar game tonight and those post shots will go in. You create your own luck and opportunity. Time to create tonight against the islanders. With that said, both teams played last night and they had some major bad blood from the last game. Kaleta better have his head on a swivel for Mr. Witt, cause you know stupid hockey players never forget a chance at revenge. I know nothing about the lineups yet for tonight but hopefully they will stay the same with the exception of lalime in for miller. LETS GO BUFFALO!

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This is the game where the sabres will finally get a win. They played well last night, but they had some unfortunate goalposts and a hot goalie to contend with. If they are still buying into Lindy's system, they'll come out and play a similar game tonight and those post shots will go in. You create your own luck and opportunity. Time to create tonight against the islanders. With that said, both teams played last night and they had some major bad blood from the last game. Kaleta better have his head on a swivel for Mr. Witt, cause you know stupid hockey players never forget a chance at revenge. I know nothing about the lineups yet for tonight but hopefully they will stay the same with the exception of lalime in for miller. LETS GO BUFFALO!


Pretty good chance Frans Nielsen is out for NYI, as he got completely leveled last night by Mottau.


Not that it should matter.


Nice elbow to the face, while leaving his skates too - Complete douchebag move.

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Tonight is a lose/lose situation for the Sabres. If they lose they continue on their downward spiral. If they win? It's only the Islanders. You can say the same for the Bills and KC. Just another win against a sub .500 team if they can get it.


How is it that a hard nosed blue collar town like Buffalo has the softest team in the NHL and the least physical team in the NFL? It just doesn't seem right.

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I'm still ticked off about last night. We had Mr. can't score on two wide open nets Stafford last night. I was beyond mad. I'm sick of it. When are they going to call up Kennedy or Gerbe? Send the team a message.


I couldn't believe the debate, crap, call it an argument Robataille and Neale had last night. Robataille saying the money players should be playing no matter and Neale saying that exact, and correct, opposite. You play who is playing good and wants to give it their best. Neale was saying money should not play a role in Ruff's decisions. This is one of the FEW things Robataille has said that just sounded completely stupid! I thought Mancari played a good solid game last night. Do whatever it takes to bench the "money" players who are not producing and bring in the ones who would love a shot. This "finesse" team hasn't been able to capitalize on great scoring chances. What a joke. Buffalo has now gone 5 periods w/out scoring a goal!

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I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that if the Sabres have even an ounce of dignity or respect left they will pound these clowns and hard. I get just as frustrated reading some of these posts :wallbash: and I can't even be there for the games due to logistical issues. But I am there with the rest of the Sabres faithful in spirit. :thumbsup: Go Buffalo Sabres!!!!!!!!!

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Tonight is a lose/lose situation for the Sabres. If they lose they continue on their downward spiral. If they win? It's only the Islanders. You can say the same for the Bills and KC. Just another win against a sub .500 team if they can get it.


How is it that a hard nosed blue collar town like Buffalo has the softest team in the NHL and the least physical team in the NFL? It just doesn't seem right.


Anyone else love to see Patrick Kaleta or Paul Posluszny lay out DeLuca? We'd see if ole 67 would jump right up and keep posting. Or would he be "year to year"?


Oh yeah, the SABRES are a sub .500 team!

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I see, like last year, us beating the Isles 6-2 or so, with guys like Roy fattening up their stats, and then immediately immediately losing all 3 games we have next week against the real EC teams -- Boston, Pittsburgh and the habs.


The season is slipping away, and it's not even Thanksgiving.

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Oh yeah, the SABRES are a sub .500 team!

Technically, they are above .500 in that they've earned about 50% of the available points (21 out of 38 available.) Unfortunately, with the nonsensical scoring system, you can be above .500 with a losing record. If I had my way, they'd have a 6-7-3-3 (RW/RL/OW/OL) record for 6(3)+3(2)+3(1)+7(0) = 27 out of 3(19) = 57 possible points, or a .474 record. Either that or 9(2) = 18 out of 19(2) = 38 points, also a .474 record.

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Technically, they are above .500 in that they've earned about 50% of the available points (21 out of 38 available.) Unfortunately, with the nonsensical scoring system, you can be above .500 with a losing record. If I had my way, they'd have a 6-7-3-3 (RW/RL/OW/OL) record for 6(3)+3(2)+3(1)+7(0) = 27 out of 3(19) = 57 possible points, or a .474 record. Either that or 9(2) = 18 out of 19(2) = 38 points, also a .474 record.


When you win less than half of your games, that sub .500 to me. Ruff's a sub .500 coach in the regular season. :)

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How is it that a hard nosed blue collar town like Buffalo has the softest team in the NHL and the least physical team in the NFL? It just doesn't seem right.


Because the same thing that is ruining our teams ruined this city--incompetent leadership by the people running things.

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I won't be watching this one, I'll be in the middle of bumf*ck NY shootin guns and drinkin whiskey.

As long as you're not drinkin whiskey and shootin guns, it might turn out okay. Ever see the movie Stop Loss? Drinkin and shootin usually not a good combo. Be careful brother.


Another not so good combo..........this group of guys that call themselves the Sabres trying to skate around and score more goals than the other team. I don't know what to expect tonight. Buffalo has been horrid in back to back games. Actually they have just been horrid period.


As for the Bills......Tyler Thigpen, yes I said Tyler Thigpen, has been playing pretty good football for the Queefs. I like KC at home in this one.


Good chance for another 0-for weekend in WNY.

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I see, like last year, us beating the Isles 6-2 or so, with guys like Roy fattening up their stats, and then immediately immediately losing all 3 games we have next week against the real EC teams -- Boston, Pittsburgh and the habs.


The season is slipping away, and it's not even Thanksgiving.


You know, that wouldn't surprise me one damn bit.


Looking for an 8-0 rout tonight, with Miller getting the shutout.


Well, either that, or the pee-wees dressed as the Buffalo Sabres get steamrolled on home ice yet again.

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When you win less than half of your games, that sub .500 to me.

I agree, in theory, which is why this point system makes no sense. If you either count all losses as losses, as you do with wins, or count OT/SO wins as less than regulation wins by the same amount that you count SO/OT losses as more than regulation losses, then you get a sub-.500 result. However, in practice as currently written, they are above a .500 team. In fact, you can make the playoffs with more losses than wins. For example, 40-28-14 is 94 points, which has been enough to make the playoffs in years under the current system. Want really crazy? A 40-0-42 record with 40 OT wins might get you the President's Trophy with a losing record and no regulation wins. :wallbash:

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I think we might see Patty Lalime tonight...


I say Buffalo 3 Islanders 2 with Roy getting a goal and an assist


BeeWhy5, welcome to the board. I, too, think Lalime should be in tonight.


The Sabres need to win 8 of their next 10 games. And I'm serious when I say that.

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