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Barry Melrose fired as head coach of the Lightning


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It's unfortunate that he wasn't given more of a chance. Guess Matt The Rat Barnaby gets the last laugh. Barnaby has done a really decent job taking over the ESPN spot left by Melrose. He's also a true buffalo homer, which is a major plus. Too bad about Melrose. I actually enjoyed the guy on ESPN. Just like Ted Nolan though, there's a reason he was out of hockey for 10 years, and i guess 16 games was enough to confirm the reasons, whatever they were, however, i still think that he should have gotten a much longer chance.

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It's unfortunate that he wasn't given more of a chance. Guess Matt The Rat Barnaby gets the last laugh. Barnaby has done a really decent job taking over the ESPN spot left by Melrose. He's also a true buffalo homer, which is a major plus. Too bad about Melrose. I actually enjoyed the guy on ESPN. Just like Ted Nolan though, there's a reason he was out of hockey for 10 years, and i guess 16 games was enough to confirm the reasons, whatever they were, however, i still think that he should have gotten a much longer chance.

WOW...Thats hysterical...Think ESPN will want him back as an analyst??NOT..Sorry Barry you just made the quickest exit as a NHL coach in NHL history...

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I wonder what Tom Webster's genius expertise is on this? LOL


I told ya hiring that wack job wouldn't work in Tampa.


Scotty Bowman would've failed miserably with that "defense". I don't even know who the GM is anymore (is it still Feaster?), but that's where the blame falls. Actually, I'll throw the blame at the new ownership because I'm sure they're the one's who forced these moves on the team. You have to love how they bring in basically a roster full of new guys and don't even give them 20 games to build some chemistry.


I'd love to see where this team would be if Mike Smith wasn't standing on his head.

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I love Barry Melrose and I always found him to be a great personality and I loved him in the studio, so let me preface by saying that. I've never thought his coaching was all that great and I found him to have a fantastic roster during the 1992-1993 season that I think I might have coached to the Stanley Cup Finals.


Having said all of that, he was not given a fair shake at all. Lawton and the ownership put so much money into bringing in 25 forwards that they are playing with an AHL defense. They gave up their two best defenseman for Matt Carle and a bunch of other future junk that has not helped them and then they turnaround and trade Carle for an awful Eminger. Personally, I have never been a Carle fan and have found him to be highly overrated. When he was a healthy scratch on many occasions in San Jose last year, I pretty much knew this guy wouldn't turn out to much more than Nathan Paetsch. So, that makes their best defenseman going into the season Andrej Meszaros who is brand new to the team and his all of 3 years of NHL experience making him the most experienced defenseman on the team. Are you kidding me? Then they go out and sign Marek Malik in the middle of the season, the very same Malik that got booed out of New York. I'm not going to say Melrose is completely excused from blame here, but the problem with this team this year is the same problem it had last year, their defenseman are terrible. And, at a bare minimum they should have given Melrose an opportunity to right this mess and at least given him the full season. He just didn't get a fair shake with the terrible roster moves and doing nothing to the defense core that Lawton and ownership made.


Now Tocchet and Walz are running the ship, but I really don't think anything better is going to come from this aside from the fact they now have the best bookie in hockey as their coach. I have to say as Sabres fans we are really lucky to have guys like Darcy and Lindy running the ship with their patience or we could have lost Lindy as head coach a long time ago. I know they have made their missteps and I have definitely pointed it out, but these guys are definitely two of the best in the business and we are very lucky in Buffalo.

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Having said all of that, he was not given a fair shake at all. Lawton and the ownership put so much money into bringing in 25 forwards that they are playing with an AHL defense. They gave up their two best defenseman for Matt Carle and a bunch of other future junk that has not helped them and then they turnaround and trade Carle for an awful Eminger. Personally, I have never been a Carle fan and have found him to be highly overrated. When he was a healthy scratch on many occasions in San Jose last year, I pretty much knew this guy wouldn't turn out to much more than Nathan Paetsch. So, that makes their best defenseman going into the season Andrej Meszaros who is brand new to the team and his all of 3 years of NHL experience making him the most experienced defenseman on the team. Are you kidding me? Then they go out and sign Marek Malik in the middle of the season, the very same Malik that got booed out of New York. I'm not going to say Melrose is completely excused from blame here, but the problem with this team this year is the same problem it had last year, their defenseman are terrible. And, at a bare minimum they should have given Melrose an opportunity to right this mess and at least given him the full season. He just didn't get a fair shake with the terrible roster moves and doing nothing to the defense core that Lawton and ownership made.


Amen, you build a hockey team from the goalie out to the forwards. Not from having a billion forwards and nothing in the rear.

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I love Barry Melrose and I always found him to be a great personality and I loved him in the studio, so let me preface by saying that. I've never thought his coaching was all that great and I found him to have a fantastic roster during the 1992-1993 season that I think I might have coached to the Stanley Cup Finals.


A Memorial Cup, Calder Cup, and a run to the Stanley Cup finals all in a very short career. It's tough to argue with that.

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The political thread is the one with Crosschecking in it :thumbsup:

:lol: cute!


BT3AH, what on earth could have gone wrong with Melrose Place down in Tampa? (Sorry about the pejorative. I couldn't resist.) I'm just finding this a bit hard to comprehend that they would let go of him so quickly.


Then again, as Bum Phillips once said, "There's two types of coaches: Ones that are fired and ones that are going to get fired."

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:lol: cute!


BT3AH, what on earth could have gone wrong with Melrose Place down in Tampa? (Sorry about the pejorative. I couldn't resist.) I'm just finding this a bit hard to comprehend that they would let go of him so quickly.


Then again, as Bum Phillips once said, "There's two types of coaches: Ones that are fired and ones that are going to get fired."


They mentioned in the intermission that ownership brought in Barry, not the GM -- so the most sense I can make of it is the GM simply didn't want Barry. I don't agree with it, but there ya have it.

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They mentioned in the intermission that ownership brought in Barry, not the GM -- so the most sense I can make of it is the GM simply didn't want Barry. I don't agree with it, but there ya have it.

This might further qualify your argument, Jack.


I totally agree with Melrose's assessment of Stamkos. I haven't seen Stamkos play, but it looks like Melrose was trying to do what Lindy has done to some players over the course of his coaching career.


IIRC, TB has a new GM, don't they?

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This might further qualify your argument, Jack.


I totally agree with Melrose's assessment of Stamkos. I haven't seen Stamkos play, but it looks like Melrose was trying to do what Lindy has done to some players over the course of his coaching career.


IIRC, TB has a new GM, don't they?

I agree as well, funny how both his goals (Stamkos) were against the Sabres. :ph34r: :ph34r:

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If the speculation is true , meaning the "stars" went above the coaches head to cry about ice time or how he (Melrose) does things they don't agree with etc... that is total BS. This really stinks of dirty politics so to speak. Props to Melrose for sticking to his guns and and not caving in to the "stars" who think that their crap smells like roses.

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