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I don't know what to make of this game. With Rivet injured, will the sabres d flop? Does Paetsch step it up and play a stong game? I am concerned over Tallydman, but they have worked well together. Maybe they can forget about last year and play like its 2005 again. Either way, the offense has been good enough and Miller has been the best I've seen him, so I think the Sabres can pull this one off.

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We might want to jump out to an early lead. If our defense is hurting (or thin) we might want to try get a couple quick and then hold them off. Maybe they will start to take chances and make mistakes. This games is tough; we need to score goals. It might take 4 or 5 from us to win this one. Miller stands on his head; 4-3 Buffalo.

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This won't be an easy game to watch. I think the Wild control play and keep us pinned in our own zone for almost all the game. If they get the first goal its gonna be a snooze they play the worst trap ever. Gaborik is gonna be out I believe but that doesn't matter because the D still won't show up for this game. 2-1 Wild maybe 3 with an empty netter at the end. Only way we win this is if they come out jumping and get two early fast goals on them.


Question is do you start Miller now or for the Avs.

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Looks like there is a good chance that Bouchard will be back for the Wild. The Koivu line has been red hot ... well, until last game. They are 4-0, but their opponents have been the Bruins, Thrashers, Panthers and Lightning ( :huh: interesting that they haven't played a WC team yet), who have a combined 8-8-8 record. The Lighting took them to a shootout, so there is hope. Miller will have to be on his game and the offense will have to focus on playing team defense, picking the right opportunities to make their rushes. Definitely looks like a 2-1 type game, with the first goal being very important.

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We might want to jump out to an early lead. If our defense is hurting (or thin) we might want to try get a couple quick and then hold them off. Maybe they will start to take chances and make mistakes. This games is tough; we need to score goals. It might take 4 or 5 from us to win this one. Miller stands on his head; 4-3 Buffalo.

Ya think?

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We might want to jump out to an early lead. If our defense is hurting (or thin) we might want to try get a couple quick and then hold them off. Maybe they will start to take chances and make mistakes. This games is tough; we need to score goals. It might take 4 or 5 from us to win this one. Miller stands on his head; 4-3 Buffalo.

Don't you always want to jump out to an early lead?

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Looks like there is a good chance that Bouchard will be back for the Wild. The Koivu line has been red hot ... well, until last game. They are 4-0, but their opponents have been the Bruins, Thrashers, Panthers and Lightning ( :huh: interesting that they haven't played a WC team yet), who have a combined 8-8-8 record. The Lighting took them to a shootout, so there is hope. Miller will have to be on his game and the offense will have to focus on playing team defense, picking the right opportunities to make their rushes. Definitely looks like a 2-1 type game, with the first goal being very important.


Don't have to type it because because you pretty much summed up my thoughts as well. :thumbsup:

I will add , I agree with your Miller choice as I also think Lindy breaks the rotation he has been doing and stays/goes with Miller again tonight because we will need a fantastic game from him and IMHO he gives us a better chance in the SO than Lalime and a SO is a distinct possibility in game like this against the wild. Lalime plays in Denver Saturday.

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I don't know what to make of this game. With Rivet injured, will the sabres d flop? Does Paetsch step it up and play a stong game? I am concerned over Tallydman, but they have worked well together. Maybe they can forget about last year and play like its 2005 again. Either way, the offense has been good enough and Miller has been the best I've seen him, so I think the Sabres can pull this one off.


Paetsch and Teppo will make a solid pairing.

Watch for Minnesota to test Nate with soft dumps to the Millers left, other than that

don't expect any dramatics but I think the Sabres will leave the LW high except

when Vanek is out there.


Minnesota...so this could be a snoozer.

Objective to get 3 out of 4 pts the next two games.

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Don't have to type it because because you pretty much summed up my thoughts as well. :thumbsup:

I will add , I agree with your Miller choice as I also think Lindy breaks the rotation he has been doing and stays/goes with Miller again tonight because we will need a fantastic game from him and IMHO he gives us a better chance in the SO than Lalime and a SO is a distinct possibility in game like this against the wild. Lalime plays in Denver Saturday.

I did glance into Novembers calender and every weekend is back-to-back Friday/Saturdays, I was just interested to see how Lalimes schedule could play out.

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I think Miller plays both of these road games ... Lalime will get his share of starts in November with all those back-to-backs, but Miller is playing well and frankly as banged up as they are they need to ride their best guy when they can. Down your best two defensive centers and arguably your best defenseman, that's when your franchise goalie has to get you points.

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I think Miller plays both of these road games ... Lalime will get his share of starts in November with all those back-to-backs, but Miller is playing well and frankly as banged up as they are they need to ride their best guy when they can. Down your best two defensive centers and arguably your best defenseman, that's when your franchise goalie has to get you points.


I thought of caveating my predicted Lalime start for Saturday with depends how well Miller plays tonight,,,, I could definitely see Lindy working him for a few games in a row following his strong game Tuesday... until as you say the November back to backs start up...


Have not checked it yet this year but hopefully we do not lead the league in back to back games played again this year.. That should be one of the SC finals team's perks.....

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Get the feeling that we are gonna hurt the Wild tonight. We played very poor the last time we played them (5-1) and Miller got murdered (4 goals on 22 shots). Hopefully this will be his, you scored enough last time so you ain't getting any tonight, game. Either way, this will probably be another slow start game. If the sabres can get out early and show them what they are capable of, I think they can get this one from them.


4-2 Sabres


EDIT: Voices is starting, FYI NHL Network

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Tough game tonite, ladies.

Doesn't MINN play that NJ Devil style of boring hockey?

I see a lot of questions about Miller playing or not.... I dont get it!

We have played 6 games so far...why does he need so many rests already?

Lalime has looked decent but cant they spread it out a LITTLE more?

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