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So his only fight last year was against a similar player - Komisarek - who is exactly the same thing, a pseudo-tough guy. Color me unimpressed.


Although I can't stand his schtick, Commodore has never struck me as a bully/intimidator who picks on skill players. Over the last couple years I've seen Komisarek as the same player as Witt - chasing around skill players and picking on lesser fighters.


I'm not really disagreeing with you on your characterization of Witt -- just on the description of Komisarek and Commodore as small guys. Both are big bruisers, and not the type that a bully picks on because he's afraid of someone his own size.


As for Komisarek, I think he's a really good, physical defenseman. I haven't seen him pick fights with smaller guys, but if you have, I'll defer to you. I have seen him take the body in a punishing manner on smaller guys, but this is how it's supposed to be.

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I'm not really disagreeing with you on your characterization of Witt -- just on the description of Komisarek and Commodore as small guys. Both are big bruisers, and not the type that a bully picks on because he's afraid of someone his own size.


As for Komisarek, I think he's a really good, physical defenseman. I haven't seen him pick fights with smaller guys, but if you have, I'll defer to you. I have seen him take the body in a punishing manner on smaller guys, but this is how it's supposed to be.

I don't have a problem with big guys playing physical with anyone. What I think is pretty weak is when bigger guys try to instigate fights with guys smaller than them and/or are generally considered non-fighters. I don't see that with Commodore, but I do see that with Komisarek and Witt.


It might just be my perception, but I've seen instances where they have gotten overly physical in scrums with guys who would neither be considered big nor tough, and I have little respect for that.

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And by the way, per the Buffalo News, Ruff says Ellis will be in and MacArthur to center the 2nd line.







Lines for NYR


Shrader, did I not say MacArthur could, and should, be second line center w/ Hecht out? :nana: Just joking around, Shrader.

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And by the way, per the Buffalo News, Ruff says Ellis will be in and MacArthur to center the 2nd line.







Lines for NYR

That is one unimpressive lineup. The Rangers are playing really well to start the season. Miller better be ready to steal one for the Sabres to have a chance.

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If MacArthur ever wanted a chance to make a statement, this is it. Here's hoping he can provide more of what we saw on that give-and-go play with Paille, including the part where he started in his own end with strong backchecking.


If MacArthur does step up and play great (although i think he's been awesome both of our games so far), it will make it very difficult for Lindy to bench someone. I know somebody is bound to start playing bad, since we won't play that great every game but MacArthur could really make a mark on this roster like you said.


It seems like every player is helping his own cause. MacArthur with great play. He even got time on the PP and scored a very nice goal. Even his pass to Paille on that goal was awesome. He was hitting hard vs. Montreal. Paille is obviously playing great, PK warrior, speed, hitting. The whole 9 yards. I think Stafford has played well. Kaleta is hitting hard, fighting guys like Brandon Witt and even getting time on the PK. Adam Mair scores. Seems like all the guys who you'd think are "fighting" for playing time, are making a real strong case so far why they should play 15+ minutes per game. Well... except Andrew Peters. Guy has been worthless both games and vs. the Isles, a brawl breaks out and not once does he even fight in the game. What a joke.


When Goose, Hecht and Connolly return, i have no doubts Peters will be let go.

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If MacArthur does step up and play great (although i think he's been awesome both of our games so far), it will make it very difficult for Lindy to bench someone. I know somebody is bound to start playing bad, since we won't play that great every game but MacArthur could really make a mark on this roster like you said.


It seems like every player is helping his own cause. MacArthur with great play. He even got time on the PP and scored a very nice goal. Even his pass to Paille on that goal was awesome. He was hitting hard vs. Montreal. Paille is obviously playing great, PK warrior, speed, hitting. The whole 9 yards. I think Stafford has played well. Kaleta is hitting hard, fighting guys like Brandon Witt and even getting time on the PK. Adam Mair scores. Seems like all the guys who you'd think are "fighting" for playing time, are making a real strong case so far why they should play 15+ minutes per game. Well... except Andrew Peters. Guy has been worthless both games and vs. the Isles, a brawl breaks out and not once does he even fight in the game. What a joke.


When Goose, Hecht and Connolly return, i have no doubts Peters will be let go.

Really? Stafford was my choice to hang out in the press box. He's been invisible.

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I'm not putting Stafford in the press box after 2 games, but he needs to be a LOT better than last season if he wants to be a top 6 winger in the NHL.

Exactly. That's what I don't see. As for the players making the biggest impressions this year, he's at the bottom of the list for me.

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That is one unimpressive lineup. The Rangers are playing really well to start the season. Miller better be ready to steal one for the Sabres to have a chance.

Well, since you continue to beat the drum about how lame our forwards are, let's take a look at each team's 2nd & 3rd lines, with last year's total points:


2nd line:


Rangers: Aaron Voros (14) - Brandon Dubinsky (40) - Nikolai Zherdev (61) -- total 115

Sabres: MacArthur (15) - Pominville (80) - Paille (35) -- total 130 (of course, if Hecht were on instead of MacArthur, it would be a total of 164)


3rd line:


Rangers: Korpikoski (0) - Fritsche (22) - Callahan (13) -- total 35

Sabres: Max (28) - Mair (17) - Kotalik - (43) -- total 88


Again -- the Sabres have plenty of talented forwards. We have more scoring depth than just about any team in the NHL. What this team lacked last year was leadership and mental toughness. They tried to address those deficits over the summer. Did they go far enough? We'll see. But your theory that we don't have enough good forwards simply doesn't hold water.


I'm not putting Stafford in the press box after 2 games, but he needs to be a LOT better than last season if he wants to be a top 6 winger in the NHL.


Exactly. That's what I don't see. As for the players making the biggest impressions this year, he's at the bottom of the list for me.

Well, I think Stafford hasn't made a big splash yet (although he did score a big one in the SO vs. the habs), but he looks better to me than he did last year. He seems to be skating and handling the puck better and just generally playing with more confidence. I think his time to score will come.

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Well, since you continue to beat the drum about how lame our forwards are, let's take a look at each team's 2nd & 3rd lines, with last year's total points:


2nd line:


Rangers: Aaron Voros (14) - Brandon Dubinsky (40) - Nikolai Zherdev (61) -- total 115

Sabres: MacArthur (15) - Pominville (80) - Paille (35) -- total 130 (of course, if Hecht were on instead of MacArthur, it would be a total of 164)


3rd line:


Rangers: Korpikoski (0) - Fritsche (22) - Callahan (13) -- total 35

Sabres: Max (28) - Mair (17) - Kotalik - (43) -- total 88


Again -- the Sabres have plenty of talented forwards. We have more scoring depth than just about any team in the NHL. What this team lacked last year was leadership and mental toughness. They tried to address those deficits over the summer. Did they go far enough? We'll see. But your theory that we don't have enough good forwards simply doesn't hold water.

Well, I think Stafford hasn't made a big splash yet (although he did score a big one in the SO vs. the habs), but he looks better to me than he did last year. He seems to be skating and handling the puck better and just generally playing with more confidence. I think his time to score will come.


Pominville's 80 points really helps the point you are trying to make as well does the Rangers having a rookie Korpikoski. There is no denying the drop of talent from Roy-Vanek-Pominville to the next level of talent in Kotalik and the way Paille is playing I would add him on the second level. From there the drop off of talent is even steeper. Mair, Max, Stafford and MacArthur? A fourth line of a Kings waiver castoff, Peters and Kaleta? Come man it's time to get real. The Rangers are rolling four lines that are playing well early in the season. The Rangers second line alone has 19 points in 5 games. The Sabres top of the lineup can compete with any team in the NHL. The depth however is lacking horribly. Clarke MacArthur a #2 center and you want to make a case the Sabres have depth? They may have depth but it is currently playing in Portland.

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Pominville's 80 points really helps the point you are trying to make as well does the Rangers having a rookie Korpikoski. There is no denying the drop of talent from Roy-Vanek-Pominville to the next level of talent in Kotalik and the way Paille is playing I would add him on the second level. From there the drop off of talent is even steeper. Mair, Max, Stafford and MacArthur? A fourth line of a Kings waiver castoff, Peters and Kaleta? Come man it's time to get real. The Rangers are rolling four lines that are playing well early in the season. The Rangers second line alone has 19 points in 5 games. The Sabres top of the lineup can compete with any team in the NHL. The depth however is lacking horribly. Clarke MacArthur a #2 center and you want to make a case the Sabres have depth? They may have depth but it is currently playing in Portland.

The dropoff from the top line is much steeper on the Rangers (and on most teams) than it is on the Sabres. The Rangers are indeed off to a great start, but they also got fat off of 3 wins vs. teams that aren't good on D and aren't going to make the playoffs (2 vs TB and one vs Chicago), plus a very shaky outing from our old friend Marty (4 GA in the 1st period, getting him yanked). Our 2nd & 3rd lines would have fatter numbers if we'd played 4 games vs. the Islanders. The 4th lines aren't really relevant to this analysis but if you insist I will dig up their numbers. Do you think there will be a material difference?


As for MacArthur and Stafford, both have real talent and both haven't yet proven that they can be consistently good players in the NHL. I'd also say both have played pretty well so far this year. Mac is 23 and Stafford is 22. I wouldn't give up on either of them just yet, nor would I conclude that either of them isn't as good as Aaron Voros or Lauri Korpikoski. But I'm not relentlessly grinding an axe, either.

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