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*rumor* 08 - 09 3rd Jerseys


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sorry that i finally decided to join and post a message after a year or so of just reading posts.

No worries. We usually don't jump on n00bs but this was pounded to death before the slug came out.


But welcome to the board, and please stick around for a while. :thumbsup:

sorry that i finally decided to join and post a message after a year or so of just reading posts.

Not trying to crush your spirit, just stating that after the back and forth that appears to have happened between John Slabyk and the Buffalo Sabres that there is little to no way that the jerseys on the site you linked will ever see their way to the Mmarena.


A search on the term "Slabyk" will give you about 4 pages worth of posts here and should provide the full history. (Most of them are 2 years old now, so if you've only been lurking for 1 year you missed all the "fun" discussions about John's designs, the slug (or abominable snot smear, as I still like to call it), and a few others.)


Anyways, welcome to the board. :thumbsup:

No worries. We usually don't jump on n00bs but this was pounded to death before the slug came out.


But welcome to the board, and please stick around for a while. :thumbsup:


That's what she said.


Office first episode when? I was really disappointed with last season.

sorry that i finally decided to join and post a message after a year or so of just reading posts.


Don't let these Hot Air Balloons skerr ya. Just stay on Inkman's, DeLuca's and my good side and you'll be fine.

That's what she said.


Office first episode when? I was really disappointed with last season.

One-hour season premiere -- Thursday, September 25th at 9 p.m.


Did you see that Darryl the warehouse manager pled guilty to drug charges? No jail time if he completes drug education classes.


For the most part I liked last season. I loved the Dinner Party episode and the emerging storyline around "Ryan the former temp" and the tension between him and Jim.


Don't let these Hot Air Balloons skerr ya. Just stay on Inkman's, DeLuca's and my good side and you'll be fine.

Be careful who you form an allegiance with. If one goes down, they all go down.


(Don't worry so much about inky, though. Unless freakishly large calves and a wild beard scare you. :ph34r: )

Don't let these Hot Air Balloons skerr ya. Just stay on Inkman's, DeLuca's and my good side and you'll be fine.

Considering how you three rarely are on the same side of anything makes this virtually impossible for the noob to be able to do this...

For the most part I liked last season. I loved the Dinner Party episode and the emerging storyline around "Ryan the former temp" and the tension between him and Jim.


Jim slowly turning into Michael has potential too.

Jim slowly turning into Michael has potential too.

Yeah, and I can't wait until the Andy-Angela-Dwight triangle comes to a head.

Yeah, and I can't wait until the Andy-Angela-Dwight triangle comes to a head.


That's what she s... never mind.

That's what she s... never mind.

Jeez, you give a guy an empty-netter tap-in, and this is what happens. Damn offseason--everyone's slipping.

Jeez, you give a guy an empty-netter tap-in, and this is what happens. Damn offseason--everyone's slipping.


Call me Miro.


Hey, Joe Biden's from Scranton!


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