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Currently looking into pricing for replacing my heat pump. It hasn't failed yet (knock on wood), but it's 19-20 years old so it's only a matter of time now. GD, this stuff is expensive. I wish I'd stayed a renter.

Posted (edited)

32 inch Sony Vega TV. Can't even give it away.


If it's the one I'm thinking of, probably because it weighs 800lbs. :)


In a more useful comment: Best Buy takes almost all electronics back for disposal. I don't think you have to call ahead unless it's a really big TV.

Edited by MattPie

If it's the one I'm thinking of, probably because it weighs 800lbs. :)


In a more useful comment: Best Buy takes almost all electronics back for disposal. I don't think you have to call ahead unless it's a really big TV.


Yeah that's the one. It's bent the wood armoire it's in because it's so heavy. :lol:


Did you try the old "unplug it for 30 seconds" method? I love how that is usually the extent of the IT help you will get over the phone.


I tried that about 6 times.


So, the result was that after about 90 minutes on the phone today, including a conference call with the router company (Securify -- they were great, btw) and TWC, TWC admitted that the problem was in the modem. In particular, the modem has a built-in wifi router that they want to lease to you for $8/month or so, and somehow that router functionality needs to be disabled in order for the modem to communicate correctly with external routers. So it was all part of a classic TWC gouge.


The good news is that it's working now.


32 inch Sony Vega TV. Can't even give it away.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, probably because it weighs 800lbs. :)

Yeah that's the one. It's bent the wood armoire it's in because it's so heavy. :lol:


I still have a 36" WEGA in my bonus room upstairs. I've thought about replacing it many times, but then I remember how brutal it was to move in and I want no part of moving it out until it's absolutely necessary.


I tried that about 6 times.


So, the result was that after about 90 minutes on the phone today, including a conference call with the router company (Securify -- they were great, btw) and TWC, TWC admitted that the problem was in the modem. In particular, the modem has a built-in wifi router that they want to lease to you for $8/month or so, and somehow that router functionality needs to be disabled in order for the modem to communicate correctly with external routers. So it was all part of a classic TWC gouge.


The good news is that it's working now.


So wait...they have you using a router/modem combo even though you don't need it? Not just a standalone modem?


Just fyi, you can buy your own modem as well and force them to let you use it. I haven't bothered but if you wanted to save the charge for the modem entirely you could do it (and probably use a nicer modem).


Also, the TWC app for Android works very well. It allows you to check the status of your account/hookup and will tell you whether there are service outages or if a piece of your equipment isn't working (such as the modem).

Posted (edited)

I'm beginning to hate anything automated. On my way home there was one of those signs that flashes and tells you your speed. The first page says "25 MPH - SLOW DOWN!" The next page says "YOUR SPEED - 24"

Edited by SwampD

On my drive to work, there has been an abandoned car on the side of the work that has sat there for three weeks now. How does that happen? It has a white shirt hanging out of the window, so it's definitely the been the same car all three weeks.


This morning, a woman opened her door and slammed it into my driver side mirror... all while I was still sitting in my car. She acted as if nothing happened, went about her business, and then slammed the door into my mirror a second time! She never acknowledged it, just walked away. A simple apologetic nod goes a long way lady.


This morning, a woman opened her door and slammed it into my driver side mirror... all while I was still sitting in my car. She acted as if nothing happened, went about her business, and then slammed the door into my mirror a second time! She never acknowledged it, just walked away. A simple apologetic nod goes a long way lady.

A younger me might go to jail for my response, current me gets out of the car and f bombs her several times. I don't know how you kept composed.



A younger me might go to jail for my response, current me gets out of the car and f bombs her several times. I don't know how you kept composed.


I definitely would have told her off. When adults act like children they should be treated like children.

Posted (edited)

I definitely would have told her off. When adults act like children they should be treated like children.


same here. I have rage issues over my car however. When it was only 2 months fresh off the lot, someone backed into me in a Wegman's parking lot, and drove off. They cracked my bumber, and chipped paint. Since then, if someone even breathes towards my car wrong, I'm all over them.

Edited by dEnnis the Menace

Woke up this morning with a big flare up from gout. Excruciating pain, among my worst. Popped some pain meds and some anti arthritic stuff and off to work I go. A couple hours into work and I'm on ###### Pluto. Not cool look at all the stars and aliens Pluto but my head spinning, I'm gonna barf, I'm not sure if I'm in control of my bodily functions Pluto.


Told my boss the situation and told him I had to leave. Get home, worried I should tell my wife to check my breathing if I fall asleep because I'm uncertain its going to happen. Sleep a few hours, feel much better awake to my wife crying in hysterics. Our 5 week old baby is consuming her and she's inconsolable. I tell her to take a break, get some sleep and reset.


This isn't the first time the baby has gotten the best of her at least the 3rd or 4th time since bringing him home 5 weeks ago. Her pregnancy was rough on both of us. She went off her meds, both prescribed and unprescribed and she was someone I hadn't met before. We went to the ER/maternity ward/urgent care more than a dozen times in 9 months with only one or two visits warranted. For every time we went there were 5 occasions I talked her off the ledge and we didn't go. I seriously contemplated leaving her once the baby was born but the birthing experience really brought us together.


I don't want to be in a relationship where I can't trust my partner with our child. I don't really want to be in a custody situation with our son but I'm not going to live like this forever.


Ink, don't underestimate the power of the pregnancy hormone cluster ######. Ppd is very very very real. It does get better over time, but I'd encourage here to tell her OB about her emotions at her checkup next week.


Ink, don't underestimate the power of the pregnancy hormone cluster ######. Ppd is very very very real. It does get better over time, but I'd encourage here to tell her OB about her emotions at her checkup next week.


Absolutely. Her hormones have been run through a blender, and she's probably not getting any sleep, which makes things even edgier. Plus, assuming it's her first child, it's not abnormal to be paranoid about baby health issues (e.g. I issued a code red and hustled my firstborn to a pediatric ophthalmologist when he was a week old because someone who saw a low-resolution photo of him thought he might have infant glaucoma).


It will get better, especially once the little one starts sleeping through the night. And if that sleep milestone isn't hit by the 3-month mark -- I recommend a visit with Dr. Ferber.


Ink, don't underestimate the power of the pregnancy hormone cluster ######. Ppd is very very very real. It does get better over time, but I'd encourage here to tell her OB about her emotions at her checkup next week.




I can't seem to win for losing. Official announcement at work today. Everyone gets a 15 day furlough in the 4th quarter. They are going to try to be a little flexile about when you get your time off but, still, 15 days without pay.


Someday maybe I'll find a job I like that isn't laying folks off.


Or not.


I can't seem to win for losing. Official announcement at work today. Everyone gets a 15 day furlough in the 4th quarter. They are going to try to be a little flexile about when you get your time off but, still, 15 days without pay.


Someday maybe I'll find a job I like that isn't laying folks off.


Or not.


that sucks.


Sorry ink. During my wife's pregnancy I felt like it was someone I didn't even know either. The hormons and post partum depression is a real and serious thing. After about 8 months when our little guy started sleeping through the nights and her hormons we're back under control things got so much better. I'm not in your shoes but if you can stick it out atleast another six months and reevaluate then I would strongly recommend.


Crazy busy with work recently so to just relax with some brainless stuff I finally broke down and got Transformers 4 since it's in Redbox now...what a waste of $1.50 and 3 hours. Holy cow. That's easily among the 5 worst movies I've ever seen. I was expecting it to be positively awful and it exceeded my lofty expectations.


Second complaint is I turn on TBS to watch Seinfeld reruns to compensate for that terrible movie and...baseball. I really just don't like that sport, and it's getting worse with age.


Any restaurant that serves generic crap cola(anything other than Pepsi or Coke), can go f*** themselves. The meal could be great, and you will never see me again. Seriously, how much are you saving by doing this, when you are already making a killing by charging anywhere from $2-$3 for a glass of pop that is costing them pennies.



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