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My complaint: I want to hold my son every waking moment but this whole work thing is really getting in the way. I've gone most of my 42 years without having much interaction with infants. The joy it brings is unparalleled.


My complaint: I want to hold my son every waking moment but this whole work thing is really getting in the way. I've gone most of my 42 years without having much interaction with infants. The joy it brings is unparalleled.


It changes a man.


And if it doesn't, you are broken.


I have to throw the Road in there somewhere, since it'll be a father-son endeavor.


I'm not really a dog person, so I am Legend is out.


Which Dredd? both?


Jericho and Revolution are on Netflix, if we expand into TV.


It changes a man.


And if it doesn't, you are broken.


I'm apparently mildly broken then. I love my kid and all, but when I'm at work it's not distracting that she's not here. But apparently the lack of father bonding is fairly common for the first few months, so I have that going for me.



Jericho and Revolution are on Netflix, if we expand into TV.




I'm apparently mildly broken then. I love my kid and all, but when I'm at work it's not distracting that she's not here. But apparently the lack of father bonding is fairly common for the first few months, so I have that going for me.



I think the difference between your work and Ink's work is probably part of the difference. I wont speak for Ink but I assume that spending time with his son is better than being at work pretty much 100% of the time. :lol:


My Fiance's and my dog. He goes a while with being left alone and being good (this last stint was about 2 1/2 months). Then for no reason, out of the blue, he becomes an absolute terror for a day. Today, my fiance left for a Drs apt, and I was obviously at work. He chewed her boots, one of her sweaters, and a few other objects of hers. She is so angry, there is no consoling. Every time he's ever chosen be a little terror, he eats her stuff. He won't touch anything of mine. She is almost as mad at me as she is him.


I usually have more complaints around tuesday, when I have my weekly mental breakdown. I usually solve/find some way to cling to hope by Thursday. But I do have a student that is a bit on the... hard to deal with side.


My class is going great. I love my students, I love seeing them learning and progressing. They seem to all like me, too. I'm enjoying teaching. But I have a student who seems to have some issues. Some of you may be familiar with SJWs, social justice warriors. This person, as this person refuses to go by any kind of gender pronoun, is getting on my nerves. This person doesn't interact well with others. Fine. Except this person must talk to ME every five goddamn seconds. These are college students. This person seems to need to touch me a lot. Interrupt others to bring attention to the project they are working on. Constantly.


I was discussing a student's piece and said "something something crazy something" (I used the word crazy.). This problematic student had been writing randomly on the whiteboard, mostly color theory stuff. Whatever. Student stares at me in the weirdest way then starts scribbling on the whiteboard. Whatever. Ignore, help other students, class starts to let out. Several start hanging around my desk, asking me to leave with them since problem child will not stop talking nonsense at me about passions with games and stuff ( a little is fine, but there's a limit, kid). One motions to the whiteboard.

Scrawled into an impossible to read diatrabe is "CRAZY IS AN ABELIST SLUR MANUFACTURED BY CISLORDS AND ANTI FEMINISTS ALL GENDER IS BINARY blah blah blah i couldn't read the rest, it got tiny and illegible. I didn't react, just wished everyone a good evening and left.


Problem person now just sits and laughs out loud with headphones on. Interrupts me when I'm with other students, gets told by the entire class to shush. Problem child is not malicious, not mean, but problem child has problems. Also very talented. I'm trying to help the struggling students, not you, darling.


It's easy to want to get mad, but I know there's something off. Doing my best to just be positive and supportive, and firm when necessary.


Can you just kick shim (there, is that one gender neutral enough for you?) out?



And now my turn. This morning at 8:30 the fire alarm went off in my office building. The entire time in the stairwell I had to listen to this woman behind me complain about how she had to walk down the stairs. And on top of that, each time she encountered one of the emergency staff (they have to stand in the stairwell and direct traffic), she tried to trick each of them into thinking that the alarm had been resolved. Yeah, that's great lady, the odds aren't high that this was a legit fire, but in the rare case that it is, you are trying to get the emergency people to direct people BACK into the building? Heaven forbid you have to walk down a few flights of stairs.


I'm apparently mildly broken then. I love my kid and all, but when I'm at work it's not distracting that she's not here. But apparently the lack of father bonding is fairly common for the first few months, so I have that going for me.



I down right disliked my second son for like 3-4 months. Now he's hands down my favorite.


My Fiance's and my dog. He goes a while with being left alone and being good (this last stint was about 2 1/2 months). Then for no reason, out of the blue, he becomes an absolute terror for a day. Today, my fiance left for a Drs apt, and I was obviously at work. He chewed her boots, one of her sweaters, and a few other objects of hers. She is so angry, there is no consoling. Every time he's ever chosen be a little terror, he eats her stuff. He won't touch anything of mine. She is almost as mad at me as she is him.

crate him when he is alone?
Posted (edited)

Can you just kick shim (there, is that one gender neutral enough for you?) out?

Nnnnope. But it is a bit like walking eggshells talking to her. One of my students is a guy who did a piece about a drag queen, because it's something he has interest in. She went off on a rant about gender, under her breath, muttering away... during crit... I stopped talking, looked at her, was about to ask if she had something to say or not (I could only hear it because she was sitting about 5 inches from me, scooching closer when she could), and she shut it. Oy. I just don't want to be the catalyst for her to go nuts or something.


Sorry girl, to me you're female, a student, and here to learn, that's what your profile says. But I'm just a straight privileged white female who doesn't know or understand anything but pumpkin spice lattes, right? (I hate pumpkin flavored anything).

Edited by Josie914



I down right disliked my second son for like 3-4 months. Now he's hands down my favorite.


This wasn't me, but I understand completely. I also understand ink's situation very well. These things are, I think, highly personal and can only come under the umbrella of "(intentionally) forced personal change" where the "change" can vary wildly from person to person. Ever since each of those periods for myself, I try to avoid doing or saying things that I would regret (from a parenting perspective) and, or but, it's very hard to be comprehensive in that endeavor. Each period, for myself, was rather transformative, but, like any other experience in life, its intensity fades over time. I wish I could bottle the thoughts and emotions during that period and experience them once in a while to renew the aforementioned endeavor.




My Fiance's and my dog. He goes a while with being left alone and being good (this last stint was about 2 1/2 months). Then for no reason, out of the blue, he becomes an absolute terror for a day. Today, my fiance left for a Drs apt, and I was obviously at work. He chewed her boots, one of her sweaters, and a few other objects of hers. She is so angry, there is no consoling. Every time he's ever chosen be a little terror, he eats her stuff. He won't touch anything of mine. She is almost as mad at me as she is him.


"Roll up a newspaper and gently (seriously, not to hard) swat your girlfriend across the nose. This will teach her to put her ###### away." - tosh .0 from this past Tuesday.


I'm kidding. Don't go all NFL on your fiance. I just had to put that out there because it was fresh in the mind from 2 Days ago.


Complaint: The workers/janitors at the school behind my house love leaving their newspapers and coffee cups out on the terrace when they're done with them, prompting the wind to blow them into my yard. This pisses me off to no end. I have the only beautiful lawn in northeast Pennsyltucky, and these ###### ###### are constantly littering on it! I'd take it up with the school, but they won't do anything about it and if they did do something it would probably make the problem worse or start a war with the work crew and me.




Wow, what a lame complaint this is haha!



I'll take a cue from Josie. "Pumpkin flavored." No, it isn't. It doesn't taste a damned thing like a pumpkin. It tastes like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger. Those are not pumpkins. Stop trying to sell me "pumpkin flavored" things.


I'll take a cue from Josie. "Pumpkin flavored." No, it isn't. It doesn't taste a damned thing like a pumpkin. It tastes like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger. Those are not pumpkins. Stop trying to sell me "pumpkin flavored" things.


Allspice, not cloves. You are the last person I figured would make that mistake.


But thank you. Tell anyone who says they like pumpkin to eat a scoop out of the can. That'll cure 'em.

Posted (edited)

Allspice, not cloves. You are the last person I figured would make that mistake.


But thank you. Tell anyone who says they like pumpkin to eat a scoop out of the can. That'll cure 'em.


Cloves. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Pumpkin_pie Do you not think I do my research on this stuff before posting?


And even better than a scoop out of the can--bite right into that eye that you cut out for your jack o'lantern.

Edited by Eleven

Nnnnope. But it is a bit like walking eggshells talking to her. One of my students is a guy who did a piece about a drag queen, because it's something he has interest in. She went off on a rant about gender, under her breath, muttering away... during crit... I stopped talking, looked at her, was about to ask if she had something to say or not (I could only hear it because she was sitting about 5 inches from me, scooching closer when she could), and she shut it. Oy. I just don't want to be the catalyst for her to go nuts or something.


Sorry girl, to me you're female, a student, and here to learn, that's what your profile says. But I'm just a straight privileged white female who doesn't know or understand anything but pumpkin spice lattes, right? (I hate pumpkin flavored anything).


I know it seems complex on its face but as the teacher it's your responsibility to ensure that the learning environment isn't damaged by a student who is disruptive. If she is visibly bothering the other students or hindering your ability to teach the course, then you need to pull her aside and be straightforward about it. Disruptive students are not to be tolerated under any circumstances regardless of how fragile or crazy they seem. If you let her get away with it she'll just keep doing it. And her talent doesn't excuse her from it.


You don't have to be mean about it, but don't be afraid to be firm with her. If she can't handle it, then it isn't your problem and she should go live in the woods or something.


I usually have more complaints around tuesday, when I have my weekly mental breakdown. I usually solve/find some way to cling to hope by Thursday. But I do have a student that is a bit on the... hard to deal with side.


My class is going great. I love my students, I love seeing them learning and progressing. They seem to all like me, too. I'm enjoying teaching. But I have a student who seems to have some issues. Some of you may be familiar with SJWs, social justice warriors. This person, as this person refuses to go by any kind of gender pronoun, is getting on my nerves. This person doesn't interact well with others. Fine. Except this person must talk to ME every five goddamn seconds. These are college students. This person seems to need to touch me a lot. Interrupt others to bring attention to the project they are working on. Constantly.


I was discussing a student's piece and said "something something crazy something" (I used the word crazy.). This problematic student had been writing randomly on the whiteboard, mostly color theory stuff. Whatever. Student stares at me in the weirdest way then starts scribbling on the whiteboard. Whatever. Ignore, help other students, class starts to let out. Several start hanging around my desk, asking me to leave with them since problem child will not stop talking nonsense at me about passions with games and stuff ( a little is fine, but there's a limit, kid). One motions to the whiteboard.

Scrawled into an impossible to read diatrabe is "CRAZY IS AN ABELIST SLUR MANUFACTURED BY CISLORDS AND ANTI FEMINISTS ALL GENDER IS BINARY blah blah blah i couldn't read the rest, it got tiny and illegible. I didn't react, just wished everyone a good evening and left.


Problem person now just sits and laughs out loud with headphones on. Interrupts me when I'm with other students, gets told by the entire class to shush. Problem child is not malicious, not mean, but problem child has problems. Also very talented. I'm trying to help the struggling students, not you, darling.


It's easy to want to get mad, but I know there's something off. Doing my best to just be positive and supportive, and firm when necessary.


Despite you being a Seinfeld-hating heathen, I'll try to be helpful. Did said student give you a disability form of any kind? If so, you're kinda screwed and have to deal with it.


If not, there's a couple of things to try (speaking of which...why can't you just kick the student out?). As D4rk said, a direct talk after class can be successful depending on the student. Sometimes they really don't understand the effect they're having on the overall environment. The other thing, which I've found to be particularly effective, is a little public shaming. This is really a last resort for extreme cases of disruption (which this seems to be), but some quick wit or a comment that makes the student feel really dumb or embarrassed can be very effective at getting them to stop. Again, absolute last resort, but as D4rk said you have a responsibility to the other students.


Another thing you could look into is an administrative action. Some schools do provide for a process to remove a student from a class, although doing so is difficult. Even if there's no set in stone procedure, it may be worth inquiring with the chair/dean/office of student affairs or whatever for some options. Just make sure you document everything going on.


Despite you being a Seinfeld-hating heathen, I'll try to be helpful. Did said student give you a disability form of any kind? If so, you're kinda screwed and have to deal with it.


If not, there's a couple of things to try (speaking of which...why can't you just kick the student out?). As D4rk said, a direct talk after class can be successful depending on the student. Sometimes they really don't understand the effect they're having on the overall environment. The other thing, which I've found to be particularly effective, is a little public shaming. This is really a last resort for extreme cases of disruption (which this seems to be), but some quick wit or a comment that makes the student feel really dumb or embarrassed can be very effective at getting them to stop. Again, absolute last resort, but as D4rk said you have a responsibility to the other students.


Another thing you could look into is an administrative action. Some schools do provide for a process to remove a student from a class, although doing so is difficult. Even if there's no set in stone procedure, it may be worth inquiring with the chair/dean/office of student affairs or whatever for some options. Just make sure you document everything going on.

I did not receive any information that there is a disability, though I was warned that it was of a high possibility that I would have a few students who are but haven't done anything to have it on their record. They're technically not allowed to tell me.


I usually deal with her by ignoring her incessant pleas unless she comes to me directly (not yelling across the room), waiting turns, even signing up for review (if you have already been through review with me, I need to see the rest of the list before I can come back to you). If she continues yelping at me out of turn, I will tell her to hang on, be patient, be there in a few. She'll do something similar to the pee pee dance then.


These are college kids, 20 years old or so, and I really like that my class is casual. You have a question? Shout it out, come up to me, whatever works. It's a great atmosphere. Everyone's doing great, and the shyer students I'm sure to go to and check on when I can. This girl starts yelping and everyone is like, well, that's what she does.


I'm slowly conditioning her. It's only been a couple weeks, but she's not as likely to come over and put her computer on top of whatever I'm doing screaming "LOOK AT THIS GAME IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL"like she had been. She is now staying (mostly) quiet during any lessons I'm doing, and is better behaved in crits. It's just the occasional enthusiastic outburst/scribbling on the whiteboard that just cranks me. She didn't touch me as much this week either.


I am a brand new adjunct, I turned 25 a few days ago, I don't really have the authority to get her kicked out. She does the work, has great comments for others in crit, is showing improvement. I guess I just also remember having kids like her in my class back in college. There's always at least one in art. Professors were kind and firm and with the exception of a kid who'd spew threats and such, largely treat them like any other student. I have a girl absolutely covered in self harm scars, too. Do I report that? I'm not here to make waves, yet. I will mention crazy lady to my other professors, next time I run into one of them. One of them has her in his class, he's probably unfazed. I'm just new and young and not used to dealing with someone quite this... enthusiastic.


There was a student who tried to join my class and I couldn't let him in (class size). Turns out he had some uh... behavioural issues that hinged on criminal towards other students. A girl who won't stop jabbering/being super eccentric is nothing compared to that. It's just complaint thursday and she gets on my nerves. But thank you all for the advice, I'll definitely have to do something if things get worse/weirder. It IS RIT, this is really not that uncommon.




It changes a man.


And if it doesn't, you are broken.

In case y'all haven't put 2 and 2 together, all the changing my lifestyle with booze stuff is directly related. I couldn't imagine having my senses impaired for one second when I'm with this little man. For his sake and mine.


Cloves. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Pumpkin_pie Do you not think I do my research on this stuff before posting?


And even better than a scoop out of the can--bite right into that eye that you cut out for your jack o'lantern.


OK, am I Cam or Mitchell? I think I'm Cam, because I want to slap you and run into my room and wail. But how darrrrre you question me on the issue of pumpkin pie spice? There's no cloves in it.


OK, am I Cam or Mitchell? I think I'm Cam, because I want to slap you and run into my room and wail. But how darrrrre you question me on the issue of pumpkin pie spice? There's no cloves in it.


Jump on Wiki and straighten it out. It's the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.


Jump on Wiki and straighten it out. It's the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.


I did once. I won't mess with the keepers of the pumpkin pie page again.


@ubkev - I forgot how funny tosh.0 is. I had that episode and another on the pvr and sat down and watched it with the wife. We were both in tears by the end.

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