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I put an outfit on my dog for Halloween one year. He wouldn't move. Just stood there looking at me.



yeah our dog follows me as close as he can get, acting like "if I'm cute enough, and loveable enough, he'll take it off"


People with heads this far up rectums: http://www.newsday.com/news/nation/united-airlines-fliers-fight-over-knee-defender-seat-recline-cops-called-1.9161591


These 2 jerks can't behave like civilized adults and an entire planeload of people have to make an unscheduled landing and end up 2 hours late at their original destination? Are you kidding me? I hope they both spent the night in jail.


(To be clear, while I think the dude bears the lion's share of the blame, the woman clearly must have been acting in an insane fashion and is thus also blameworthy.)


That cat sweater is all you :lol:


Although to be honest he doesn't seem to hate it. He just gets confused because it messes up his depth perception.

Which is HILARIOUS...


People with heads this far up rectums: http://www.newsday.c...alled-1.9161591


These 2 jerks can't behave like civilized adults and an entire planeload of people have to make an unscheduled landing and end up 2 hours late at their original destination? Are you kidding me? I hope they both spent the night in jail.


(To be clear, while I think the dude bears the lion's share of the blame, the woman clearly must have been acting in an insane fashion and is thus also blameworthy.)


I saw that story... pretty ridiculous that those two idiots ruined that flight for everyone.


On a related note: am I the only person who doesn't understand the need to recline your seat on an airplane? I mean, to call it reclining is being generous with the definition since it's really such a small adjustment, but I know I find it annoying when the person ahead of me puts their seat back because all of a sudden it's in my face. Maybe I'm biased being a smaller person who has plenty of leg room (even in regular economy class), but I just don't get it.


I saw that story... pretty ridiculous that those two idiots ruined that flight for everyone.


On a related note: am I the only person who doesn't understand the need to recline your seat on an airplane? I mean, to call it reclining is being generous with the definition since it's really such a small adjustment, but I know I find it annoying when the person ahead of me puts their seat back because all of a sudden it's in my face. Maybe I'm biased being a smaller person who has plenty of leg room (even in regular economy class), but I just don't get it.

You get it. At 6'4", even reclined it sucks, but it's a little better.


What kind of douche buys and uses a Knee Defender. Was his seat reclined?


You get it. At 6'4", even reclined it sucks, but it's a little better.


What kind of douche buys and uses a Knee Defender. Was his seat reclined?


I think we all know exactly the kind of douche that buys and uses a knee defender.


You get it. At 6'4", even reclined it sucks, but it's a little better.


What kind of douche buys and uses a Knee Defender. Was his seat reclined?


I think it said in the story he did it because he had his laptop out on the tray table. I have to say I can't blame him for not wanting her to recline her seat... tough enough to fit your laptop on those little trays even with the seat in front of you upright. That being said, once they asked him to take off the defender thing he should have complied.




I think we all know exactly the kind of douche that buys and uses a knee defender.


I don't see what the problem is. I'm tall and like my knee space. And if my tray table is subject to the movements of another individual then preventing any collateral damage makes perfect sense.


People are animals. Screw em. I'll have the knee defender.


Just looked at billables for YTD, and then compared them to the 2 years prior (my first year with company and the year prior to my arrival). I have increased billables 73% over what they were the year before I took over. My first year here was only a modest 22% over the prior year. This year is fifty-something percent over that. where did that money go, and why are my cap-ex requests denied, and why couldn't my technician get a better raise like I requested? GAH!


In all seriousness, and in the spirit of Complaint Thursday, the problem really is the airlines, which don't provide us with enough space. Those of you who know me know that I am not exactly the tallest man on any given airplane, and there isn't enough legroom for me when someone reclines.


Or maybe the problem is we consumers, who tend to buy airline tickets on price alone.


I don't mind if the person in front of me reclines their seat, so long as they duct tape shut their screaming brat traps.


That's really easily remedied. Headphones.

Posted (edited)

In all seriousness, and in the spirit of Complaint Thursday, the problem really is the airlines, which don't provide us with enough space. Those of you who know me know that I am not exactly the tallest man on any given airplane, and there isn't enough legroom for me when someone reclines.


Or maybe the problem is we consumers, who tend to buy airline tickets on price alone.




That's really easily remedied. Headphones.


Here's the best part: reclining your own seat actually gives you less leg room.

Edited by d4rksabre

I don't know. When it comes to air travel, I'll put up with kneecap busting and loud children, since I have experienced barf explosion passengers. Ever had someone projectile vomit next to you in a tiny space for 3-4 solid hours? Then start it up again when the plane starts descent? Spoiler- it doesn't all get in the bag every time.


I've got wayyyyy too many stories like that. Though the screaming children is pretty damn bad. Infant triplets on a 7 hour flight. That sucked. I felt for the parents. They were doing everything they could.


Drunken teenagers who can drink in their home country who are being denied booze on an american carrier flight... those are worse than the infants.


Oh joy, I hop on a plane tomorrow. I've jinxed myself, now.


I think it said in the story he did it because he had his laptop out on the tray table. I have to say I can't blame him for not wanting her to recline her seat... tough enough to fit your laptop on those little trays even with the seat in front of you upright. That being said, once they asked him to take off the defender thing he should have complied.


This is exactly right. It was way out of line for him to refuse the request. Why does he think the rules don't apply to him? Screw him -- I hope they throw the book at him and that United/Continental bans him for life.


I don't see what the problem is. I'm tall and like my knee space. And if my tray table is subject to the movements of another individual then preventing any collateral damage makes perfect sense.


People are animals. Screw em. I'll have the knee defender.


This is of a piece with your refusal to acknowledge that pirating movies/music is stealing. You aren't living in a vacuum. When you buy a plane ticket, you are buying it fully aware that the person in front of you has the right to be a douchebag and recline his/her seat. You don't get to prevent him/her from doing so. If you don't like it, you can buy a business class or 1st class ticket, or just not fly. But you don't get to just decide that the rules don't apply to you.

Posted (edited)

I'm finding that I am getting annoyed by everyone lately, very annoyed. They all use so many superfluous words, at such a frantic (one might say manic) pace that I want to just get away and take a walk in the woods just so I can think. I don't know if it's because I stopped watching TV 2 weeks ago, but I'm pretty sure that is the reason.


It is just amazing to me the meaningless minutia that people dive into and talk about, and most time they are not even listening to themselves.

We live in a time where amazing things are happening, yet people think the most banal ###### is exciting and "the best thing ever!"







I hate everything.

People with heads this far up rectums: http://www.newsday.c...alled-1.9161591


These 2 jerks can't behave like civilized adults and an entire planeload of people have to make an unscheduled landing and end up 2 hours late at their original destination? Are you kidding me? I hope they both spent the night in jail.


(To be clear, while I think the dude bears the lion's share of the blame, the woman clearly must have been acting in an insane fashion and is thus also blameworthy.)




Bein real rich doesn't make you cool

Your Ed Hardy shirt is still soaked in drool

Everyone can see that you're still a tool

A tool with a lot of money


People are stoopid that's the way it is you see

Don't be stoopid and deny the reality

Well you can drive a bitchin car and wear new clothes

But you're stoopid and everybody already knows


Dr. Phil's a dick and Oprah too

I've got six inches they both can chew

I wouldn't force a terrorist to watch The View

Or listen to Dr. Laura



Edited by Claude_Verret

Flying sucks. I'm not afraid of flying, I'm sure as hell not afraid of terrorists on an airplane...it's just the entire experience sucks. From needing to measure liquids in my carry-on, to taking off my shoes and emptying my pockets like I'm about to go to prison (actually, that kinda makes sense now that I think about it....), to the douchebag passengers who feel the need to stand up the millisecond the plane lands even though they're not going anywhere for 10 minutes, to the.....yea, I could go on. Yes I fly, and I will continue to do so because of the speed and (generally) because it's the same price or cheaper than the alternatives...but I will continue to hate every moment of it.




This is exactly right. It was way out of line for him to refuse the request. Why does he think the rules don't apply to him? Screw him -- I hope they throw the book at him and that United/Continental bans him for life.




This is of a piece with your refusal to acknowledge that pirating movies/music is stealing. You aren't living in a vacuum. When you buy a plane ticket, you are buying it fully aware that the person in front of you has the right to be a douchebag and recline his/her seat. You don't get to prevent him/her from doing so. If you don't like it, you can buy a business class or 1st class ticket, or just not fly. But you don't get to just decide that the rules don't apply to you.


I call bullsh*t. My money buys a space. That space consists of my seat in the fully upright position and the seat in front of me in the fully upright position. That is the default condition of the space I have purchased.


I therefore have the option of expanding my space into the space of the person seated behind me so long as it does not make them unhappy. I'm effectively being given that space.


I also have the option of refusing to allow the individual in front of me to encroach upon the space I have purchased. I expect common courtesy to be extended to me in the form of that person asking whether or not I mind if they recline their seat.


The problem, and the reason the knee defender exists, is that people lack common courtesy. People will gladly take that space I have paid for without asking me if I mind. And that is bullsh*t.



The thing I hate the most on planes is when the person behind you has to pull down on the back of your seat in order to stand up. You're sitting peacefully and then all of a sudden your chair back shifts back violently. I want to punch them each time it happens.


I call bullsh*t. My money buys a space. That space consists of my seat in the fully upright position and the seat in front of me in the fully upright position. That is the default condition of the space I have purchased.


I therefore have the option of expanding my space into the space of the person seated behind me so long as it does not make them unhappy. I'm effectively being given that space.


I also have the option of refusing to allow the individual in front of me to encroach upon the space I have purchased. I expect common courtesy to be extended to me in the form of that person asking whether or not I mind if they recline their seat.


The problem, and the reason the knee defender exists, is that people lack common courtesy. People will gladly take that space I have paid for without asking me if I mind. And that is bullsh*t.


No. You don't get to decide what the space is. The airline gets to decide and offer you whatever it has decided upon. You don't have to accept the airline's offer. But you don't get to accept the offer and then change the deal.


When you buy vodka at the liquor store, do you get to pay for Popov but then upgrade yourself to Grey Goose? When you buy a Ford, do you get to pay for an Escape but then decide you'd prefer to drive an Expedition off the lot?

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