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Posted (edited)

Because I know you're in PA but don't stalk well enough to know where.


Lol well I'm in southcentral PA (closer to Philly than Pittsburgh), but the bf moved to Oklahoma City last Dec. and we never lived together.

Edited by biodork



Lol well I'm in southcentral PA closer to Philly than Pittsburgh), but the bf moved to Oklahoma City last Dec. (we never lived together).


I should stalk better before making jokes :-)


Badly sprained my thumb last night playing volleyball. It's all swollen and slowly turning a green shade of purple. fml


I messed my thumb up over the winter (luckily it didn't make me any worse at volleyball since I rarely set), but I still don't have (and probably will never have) the same flexibility in it that I used to. You might want to get it looked at.

Posted (edited)

On a lighter note:


Having to steer clear of social media because of not watching the current episode of your show (currently it's this weeks Game of Thrones that I haven't had time to watch yet) and having friends that insist on discussing each episode in full spoiler fashion across Facebook, Twitter and G+


And on that note pre-finals week at my schools being such a crapshoot that I haven't had time to watch Game of Thrones or any of my other shows. I thought I wouldn't dread finals now that I'm teaching, nope, it's worse.


On a different note: the Raymour and Flanigan guy that came out this week to tell me (after I called over a week ago) "yep that's broken" and that they would call in the next 2-3 days to schedule a time to pick my love seat with a broken support up. It'll be almost 3 weeks from the time I called before they even begin repairs. Thats not including how long repairs and the return trip will take! Platinum protection plan my arse.....

Edited by Ottosmagic13
Posted (edited)

I messed my thumb up over the winter (luckily it didn't make me any worse at volleyball since I rarely set), but I still don't have (and probably will never have) the same flexibility in it that I used to. You might want to get it looked at.


I was a catcher when was playing baseball back in my youth. I have no idea how exactly it happened, but one year back when I was 15 or 16, a pitch caught me just right in the glove to push my thumb back awkwardly. It almost immediately swelled up to softball size. I got that crazy multicolor bruise a little later in the week. That thing can still bug me to this day if I catch my hand in just the right way. You never realize just how important a thumb is until sprain it.


Another one that is pretty crazy is that every so often when I'm golfing, the big toe in my back foot flairs up. It happens so innocently, but then I have trouble walking the rest of the day.

Edited by shrader

I was a catcher when was playing baseball back in my youth. I have no idea how exactly it happened, but one year back when I was 15 or 16, a pitch caught me just right in the glove to push my thumb back awkwardly. It almost immediately swelled up to softball size. I got that crazy multicolor bruise a little later in the week. That thing can still bug me to this day if I catch my hand in just the right way. You never realize just how important a thumb is until sprain it.


Another one that is pretty crazy is that every so often when I'm golfing, the big toe in my back foot flairs up. It happens so innocently, but then I have trouble walking the rest of the day.


I had a similar injury as a pitcher in high school. A comebacker that I tried stabbing with my bare hand and bent my thumb back. Ouch.


The insulation around the electric cable running outside my house up to the power meter is wearing through, and a few weeks ago I contacted a company for an estimate. Being a generic handyman place, they actually referred me to a different electrician because they felt the project required someone with more experience than they had on staff. Fair enough, and honesty is always appreciated.


I called this guy the morning of May 26th and left a message explaining the problem, where I'm located, etc., but after 2 weeks I hadn't heard back from him. Since it was right before the holiday weekend when I called I figured maybe he was on vacation, so I called a second time last Friday and left a similar voicemail. He called back having clearly not listened to either message, and asked if we'd spoken before and thought I was located in a different nearby town. I told him where I was actually located and re-explained the same thing I'd explained in the voicemail, and he made an appointment to come out yesterday morning at 9am.


Yesterday I got up early to wait for this guy since I had the morning off work, but 9am came and went and this guy was a no-show. Around 10am I called intending to leave a message telling him to forget about it, but he answered the phone and apologized, saying he'd completely forgotten since something else had come up. I told him he could have a second chance if he could come out at 9am today or tomorrow, and he said he would be there at 9am today. Fine.


This morning he called around 8:55am and said he was close but wasn't sure which house was mine, saying he was in front of house #415 on N ___ St. I'm confused because there is no direction on my street address and a little annoyed because I'd told him the house number was 407, but I figured he was just on the wrong end of the street when he was describing the area. Then he says, "you're in Carlisle, right?" NOPE. He was in the other town he'd thought of when we'd spoken the week before, which is about 20 minutes away. I told him to forget it because I was going with someone else for the work rather than deal with this aggravation. That guy better be a whole lot better at electrical work than he is at organizational skills. Effing moron.


I've been sick with allergies for almost 3 weeks. Stuffy nose and stuff running down throat. Tried different medicines without success. Had to sleep a couple nights in a chair because I kept coughing when I layed down. And at work they have to AC too high so it's always cold.


And our guinea pig we've had for 6 years died of old age. Had to bury her in the backyard.


Working on locking up my social media profiles. If I'm gonna teach, I don't want my students googling me and having a laugh at my selfies from age 14. Nothing is more humbling than going through your old photos/social account trail. I swear I wasn't vain, just self centered. I'm so embarrassed. :sick:

Posted (edited)

So Tues. night I saw a small brown moth on my dining room wall and whacked it with a fly swatter. I was distracted and forgot to clean it right away, and when I did last night I realized there was actually a small hole or depression in the wall where it had been, and another little spot further down. Odd, but I figured maybe my fault for not cleaning it the night before (do bug guts eat wall?). Tonight I noticed it looked like the hole had filled back in, and when I looked up close there was some kind of little wormy larvae in there, crawling near the top!!! So grossed out. I read online that you can kill them with white vinegar, so I sprayed that to get rid of the material filling in the hole and it (the material, not the worm) flushed out the smaller hole further down the wall. Bastard dug a little tunnel in my wall! I difn't see the worm come out so I put painter's tape over both spots, but omg, so creeped out. There'd better not be any more of those things! :(


And burnt popcorn. Accidentally ate a piece, and BLECH.

Edited by biodork
Posted (edited)

I've been dealing with sewage/plumbing problem all week... right now to fix everything the grand total is up to $16,650. And we do NOT have that money sitting around, needless to say we are miserable.


We've owned the house for 8 years, but it's an old house (80-100 years old). We had a sinking area in our backyard near the foundation. So my friend and I dug a big hole to see what was going on... we saw lots of gaps in the foundation so we knew things weren't good. Suddenly, gallons of water came rushing thru the foundation at us. I jumped out of the whole and yelled in to see what my wife was doing... she was doing laundry. And the water was apparently just pouring thru the foundation. Holy crap! Long story short, we get a plumbing company to come out. Lots of separations and cracks in the old sewer line (about 80-100 yrs old). But before we knew that, we found it was actually blocked by about 20 feet of solid waste, but water was getting out because of the 'holes' so the water was getting out and the waste was building up but we didn't know it. The foundation of the back of the house was eroded and water would just pour out of the foundation thru the gaps and erode the back yard. Basically like a little under the house river was forming every time we did laundry, showered, flushed the toilet, etc. Oh yeah and we found that the kitchen sink WASN'T HOOKED INTO ANY SEWER LINE AT ALL! just a pipe that emptied to under the house, so that added to and caused it's own river or erosion. AND, once we found the 'house trap' (outside), soil had moved so much that it basically got turned sideways and all sorts of separations in that pipe too. This is all stuff that I saw with my own eyes, on the camera and then dug up under the house. I was side by side them 99% of the time. So much more to describe but I think you get the idea... just a nightmare. And I don't know if our homeowners insurance will pay for any of it, I hope they do... we'll see.



Edited by TM8-PL16

I've been dealing with sewage/plumbing problem all week... right now to fix everything the grand total is up to $16,650. And we do NOT have that money sitting around, needless to say we are miserable.


We've owned the house for 8 years, but it's an old house (80-100 years old). We had a sinking area in our backyard near the foundation. So my friend and I dug a big hole to see what was going on... we saw lots of gaps in the foundation so we knew things weren't good. Suddenly, gallons of water came rushing thru the foundation at us. I jumped out of the whole and yelled in to see what my wife was doing... she was doing laundry. And the water was apparently just pouring thru the foundation. Holy crap! Long story short, we get a plumbing company to come out. Lots of separations and cracks in the old sewer line (about 80-100 yrs old). But before we knew that, we found it was actually blocked by about 20 feet of solid waste, but water was getting out because of the 'holes' so the water was getting out and the waste was building up but we didn't know it. The foundation of the back of the house was eroded and water would just pour out of the foundation thru the gaps and erode the back yard. Basically like a little under the house river was forming every time we did laundry, showered, flushed the toilet, etc. Oh yeah and we found that the kitchen sink WASN'T HOOKED INTO ANY SEWER LINE AT ALL! just a pipe that emptied to under the house, so that added to and caused it's own river or erosion. AND, once we found the 'house trap' (outside), soil had moved so much that it basically got turned sideways and all sorts of separations in that pipe too. This is all stuff that I saw with my own eyes, on the camera and then dug up under the house. I was side by side them 99% of the time. So much more to describe but I think you get the idea... just a nightmare. And I don't know if our homeowners insurance will pay for any of it, I hope they do... we'll see.




Oh wow, that sounds awful! I hope your insurance does cover that!!


Duly noted


I'm so ready to get back to second shift :death:


As an aside and not a complaint at all, this Kaizen event that I have been participating in has been outstanding. My past experiences with Kaizen and Lean were underwhelming but I really lucked into a group that embraced the methods and goals. It's refreshing. Plus this company appears to be taking it seriously, which is hugely important.


Speak for yourself. I have 2 mothers-in-law.


I like using the fake label of step-mother-in-law in order to save people from the extra mental anguish. And now that I think about it, my brother actually did have two as well, until one unfortunately passed away.


Speaking of family, was in NY last week. Loved seeing the family especially my dad and grandparents but the stupid feud that goes on between my brother, mother and some of the cousins (several different ones) where everyone has to one up or put down or what have you the other person, SO F####NG ANNOYING!

Posted (edited)

I don't post much family stuff, but I need to let this one out.


I am 47 and still have 3 of my grandparents. The oldest, my dad's mom, is 94. Sharp as a tack but frail isn't strong enough a word to describe her physical condition. She lives with my grandfather, 89, also physically breaking down but sharp, and my aunt, a 50 yr old lay about who works part time at a grocery store, does as little as she can around the house, and goes into her room and pouts when she doesn't get her way. My dad is retired, 69, but very active. He's a selfish SOB who never has stepped up to his responsibilities as the oldest child of elderly parents. My uncle, dad's other sibling, is in his mid 50's. He's by far the most responsible of the 3 kids when dealing with my grandparents. I live about an hour away from my family. My sister lives in the same town as most of the family. There, now the table is set.


Friday morning G-ma fell. G-pa took her to the hospital to get checked out. She was in alot of pain but no injury was found so she was sent home. I found out about it on Father's Day. 2 days after the fact. 3rd hand. My sister mentioned it in passing when she called to wish me a happy Dad's day. She assumed I knew and had no idea noone called. I saw dad later that day but elected not to say anything being we were at my inlaws house and Dad's day and all.


Tuesday G-ma fell again. This time she was in excruciating pain and off to the hospital they went again. A thorough check by the hospital staff found G-ma to have spinal stenosis, which likely resulted in loss of motor control and her fall. The pressure on her spine is causing her great pain and she is morphined up. Tomorrow she sees a spinal surgeon for a consult. Obviously, at her age and health surgery is not an option. Nursing home care is looking like a real possibility. So, guess when I found out about all this? last night. My sister called and told me. Who told my sister? Noone. She saw a facebook post my aunt made complaining about spending all day yesterday at the hospital. Dad, or anyone else for that matter, didn't find it important enough to call the only two grandkids that live in the fecking state. WTF?


So, sis finds out yesterday and heads up to the hospital. Gets the scoop from the family. Finds out Dad still hasn't seen his mom in the hospital. Yes, he knows she fell again and is in the hospital. And while sis is there, they are all talking about what happens next. Lay about Aunt announces to all that everyone is going to have to step up because she can't handle it. Sis has 3 kids and a full time gig. Unc is full time employed, is already taking care of two houses, and has his daughter and two grandkids living with him. Who the feck does aunt think can step up when she's the only one in the room without full time employment and a family? Aunt and Unc get into an argument over who is gonna wipe Gramma's ass when she needs it? All this in front of Grandma of course. My sister is mortified. My grandfather, whom I am closest to of anyone in my family, is stressed, and practically grieving. He knows there is a chance she may not be coming home. And he gets to listen to his grown kids, one of whom he's been supporting for all 50 years of her life, argue about caring for his beloved wife.


And to top it off, while sis is on the phone telling me this tale of family dysfunction, my dad walks into her house. He assumed she knew about Grandma's latest fall. Dad, how would I know? I thought you got a text. Who would text me? I don't know. Do you know that your son doesn't know either? I thought he knew. If you don't tell him who would? I don't know.


Now that I know, I'm stopping up to see her after work. Not sure I'll be able to keep my tongue in check if aunt or dad are there.


Distance helps. Alcohol helps. I'm not sure there is enough of either.

Edited by weave
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