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I think I broke my toe last night. It started as a little bruise and tonight the bruise is covering 3/4 of my toe front and back. Any doctors want to chime in?


It doesn't really hurt that much. I've been told that you really can't do anything for a toe.


I think I broke my toe last night. It started as a little bruise and tonight the bruise is covering 3/4 of my toe front and back. Any doctors want to chime in?


It doesn't really hurt that much. I've been told that you really can't do anything for a toe.


My wife did that last month, she is a NP so she knew there wasn't really much to do about it. Hers became really painful so she asked some of the docs in her office hoping she would get a different answer than what she already knew herself. Nope. Grin and bear it is the answer she received.


TWC decided to send something to collections, which happens to be an account that was already paid and closed, while I am in the midst of house hunting.


The mortgage company, and myself, are none too pleased.

Posted (edited)

Last month I traveled from Buffalo to Orlando(non-stop) on Southwest for vacation. Used a fairly expensive piece of Samsonite luggage for the first time(at least first time on a plane). Got to Orlando, pull out handle is jammed and won't come out. Get to the hotel, empty it out, unzip the lining, tube that handle recesses into, is bent in a big way.


Call Southwest..."we don't cover handle damage". Call Samsonite..."we don't cover handle damage". Of course the store we bought it from 6 months ago is not going to take it back.


Arrive back in Buffalo a week later, and happened to have a window seat right outside where the baggage handlers were unloading the luggage. One guy was more or less placing the bags from the conveyer belt onto the cart. The other guy was acting as if he was practicing for a new Olympic event...Luggage Toss. :angry:

Edited by LabattBlue

Some jackass in a minivan decided that he wanted my lane while I was right next to him this morning. He ran me off the road into the opposing lane of traffic. Luckily no one was coming at that second. His reaction after I lay on my horn? He waves.


Most of our office staff is at a business meeting in San Antonio (I am one of the few left behind). We all laughed at the thought of them sweating their a$$e$ of in Texas in July, but a quick check of the weather shows that it will be warmer and more humid here in Buffalo today than down there. Yay.


I had a dream last night that I was being attacked by a bird while sleeping (I was asleep in the dream). I couldn't wake up. All I could do was thrash around.


For the first time since probably kindergarten, I fell out of bed. Cracked my head pretty good on the bedside table, too.


With less than two months to go before the wedding, the singer we've had lined up for the ceremony since about November backed out on us. It isn't a good reason either (one that I won't get into), but she actually asked the question "can they change the date". This date we've had picked for just about a year now and put down serious deposits for, yeah, we'll move it for you, sure.


It's time to rescind this past complaint. I found out yesterday that this singer had surgery for breast cancer over the weekend. So it looks like her original story was just a cover as she wanted some privacy. I feel bad about judging her harshly over this. My soon to be father-in-law is also in the middle of a cancer battle, so obviously this is something we're very compassionate about.


I've had to do this in the past...especially in a call-center environment where our reviews/bonuses were based on numbers of calls, etc. It sucks because it takes away your time and you lose productivity and then your bosses wonder why you weren't as productive this month.


This week's complaint...ear wax. (those with weak stomachs may want to turn away) My right ear had felt like it was clogged with water for the past few weeks, so when I finally went to the doctor on Tuesday, he found dried up ear wax in there...yuck. He attempted a flush with water & hydrogen peroxide, but all he did was irritate the hell out of the ear canal and shave off a few flakes. So, I've been putting in drops since Tuesday afternoon to soften the wax so he can do another flush attempt tomorrow.


Meanwhile, my ear feels even more clogged, there's an occasional shot of pain, and a constant ringing that one would usually get after they leave a 1987 Metallica concert. To top it off, my co-worker is a soft talker, so I can barely hear him as it is. Now I don't hear him at all.



I'm not sure if it would work for your condition but google ear candle or ear candling.


I'm not sure if it would work for your condition but google ear candle or ear candling.


I ended up taking the ear wax softener (Debrox - works wonders), then the nurse flushed it all out on Friday. My left ear (which was clean, according to the doc) felt like it was clogged in comparison after the flush. Pain - gone. Ringing - gone. Hallalujah.


My complaints...


On Monday, we ordered a ups (uninterruptible power supply) to be shipped overnight. It's still not here yet. We should have used UPS instead of FedEx, apparently...


We also ordered a new data cabinet to be delivered to our DR location, brought inside, and onto the second floor into our data center. The freight guys struggled to bring it inside the building and then insisted it wouldn't fit into the elevator. Two of us went there yesterday, took the doors and all panels off and got it into the elevator with no problems. We paid that freight company over 5 bills to do just that.


I had a dream last night that I was being attacked by a bird while sleeping (I was asleep in the dream). I couldn't wake up. All I could do was thrash around.


For the first time since probably kindergarten, I fell out of bed. Cracked my head pretty good on the bedside table, too.


I hope your head is okay...but I'm not going to lie, I got a good laugh out of this.


Jenny McCarthy being hired by The View. If she is given a platform to spout her dangerous vaccine nonsense, people, mostly kids, will end up dead of completely preventable diseases. I love free speech, but this type of crazy is deadly.


Jenny McCarthy being hired by The View. If she is given a platform to spout her dangerous vaccine nonsense, people, mostly kids, will end up dead of completely preventable diseases. I love free speech, but this type of crazy is deadly.

But if its another place I can see her cans, I'm all for it.


Jenny McCarthy being hired by The View. If she is given a platform to spout her dangerous vaccine nonsense, people, mostly kids, will end up dead of completely preventable diseases. I love free speech, but this type of crazy is deadly.


Deadly...perhaps. But I'm leaning more towards Darwinism at this point. People should really know better by now, and I have a hard time feeling sympathetic for someone who takes medical advise from the playmate of the year.


Deadly...perhaps. But I'm leaning more towards Darwinism at this point. People should really know better by now, and I have a hard time feeling sympathetic for someone who takes medical advise from the playmate of the year.


One person not getting their kid vaccinated puts my kids at risk. That's not Darwinism, that's manslaughter.


Daycare. My son is running around outside for an hour in 100 degree heat, comes in from lunch and eats too fast. He chokes, and spits up his food. (he's 5). I get the call at work that he threw up and I have to come and pick both my kids up from daycare.


I understand rules are rules, but for crying out loud. When I got there, he was crying because he didn't want to leave, and that he felt fine.


One person not getting their kid vaccinated puts my kids at risk. That's not Darwinism, that's manslaughter.

If your kids are vaccinated, do you really have anything to worry about?

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