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Our warehouse manager got fired over something trivial on Friday. Now the company wants to know why we're so behind this week and why we need to put in overtime. :doh:


Stealing lunches?


I just find it funny that someone can sit there and bench two 120 lb dumbells and then refuses to carry them an extra three feet in order to put them back where they got them from. I'm in no way an overly clean person, but I do like keeping things in order.


Few things annoy me more than a lack of gym etiquette. In some sense, those guys are announcing to the world they they are selfish individuals. Put your damned dumbbells back where they belong. Strip your plates from the bar when you're done. Carry a damned towel and use it. And, don't try to take up 5 pieces of equipment at once. Plus the "grunters" annoy me... and the guys who stare at themselves in the mirror and flex for 80% of the time they're in the gym annoy me... and the "belters" annoy me (guys who wear a weight belt to do kickbacks with the pink and purple weights)...


Few things annoy me more than a lack of gym etiquette. In some sense, those guys are announcing to the world they they are selfish individuals. Put your damned dumbbells back where they belong. Strip your plates from the bar when you're done. Carry a damned towel and use it. And, don't try to take up 5 pieces of equipment at once. Plus the "grunters" annoy me... and the guys who stare at themselves in the mirror and flex for 80% of the time they're in the gym annoy me... and the "belters" annoy me (guys who wear a weight belt to do kickbacks with the pink and purple weights)...

Sick people who still come to work. You've got paid sick time ######!!


all of both of these.


The National Weather Service shut down Washington and Baltimore on the threat of blizzard that amounted to nothing more than a windy and rainy day.


I've had it with winter. I'm ready for spring.


Me too buddy. I washed my car yesterday and decided I was ready to see it stay clean for a while. Bring on the warm weather!


One thing I will never miss about WNY is the winter season that drags on and on and on and...Having said that, I despise the three months of hot humid ###### weather that we get down here for june to august more than any three month stretch of winter weather in WNY.


We had our dog neutered yesterday and I'm wracked with guilt.


One of my favorite jokes. (no offense puppy)


"Go get it boy! Go get your ball!"


"I can't. Doctor took 'em"


Me too buddy. I washed my car yesterday and decided I was ready to see it stay clean for a while. Bring on the warm weather!


My apartment is so poorly insulated that I either have to pay a huge heating bill or suck it up and live with the cold. I went with option 2, which is really starting to catch up to me in recent weeks. If that helps me build up the savings quicker so I can buy a house, I'll be fine with it.


We had our dog neutered yesterday and I'm wracked with guilt.


You could always get the same procedure and then you won't feel so guilty.


One thing I will never miss about WNY is the winter season that drags on and on and on and...Having said that, I despise the three months of hot humid ###### weather that we get down here for june to august more than any three month stretch of winter weather in WNY.


I keep trying to remind myself of the awful mid-Texas summers every time the thought strikes me that I want to move south again. But I still want to move south.


Anyway, my complaint is that sometimes I discover music that I missed out on like a decade ago. Got a whole bunch of Daft Punk CDs from the library the other day and am enjoying it all, but, again, a decade or so late.


I'm trying to hire a new salesperson. It's a pretty sweet job for a recent grad or someone who has been out of school for only a few years. $28K salary plus commission, health insurance, retirement plan, 3 weeks PTO the first year, domestic and international travel. I've had the job posted on three local university job sites and through indeed.com, and not one single person with less than 8 years experience has applied. The salary is low, but it's a new position with a small company, and there's lots of room to grow if you're good at it. For all the talk about how horrible it is for recent grads to find jobs, why has no one applied? I just don't get it.


I'm trying to hire a new salesperson. It's a pretty sweet job for a recent grad or someone who has been out of school for only a few years. $28K salary plus commission, health insurance, retirement plan, 3 weeks PTO the first year, domestic and international travel. I've had the job posted on three local university job sites and through indeed.com, and not one single person with less than 8 years experience has applied. The salary is low, but it's a new position with a small company, and there's lots of room to grow if you're good at it. For all the talk about how horrible it is for recent grads to find jobs, why has no one applied? I just don't get it.


What do you sell?




Few things annoy me more than a lack of gym etiquette. In some sense, those guys are announcing to the world they they are selfish individuals. Put your damned dumbbells back where they belong. Strip your plates from the bar when you're done. Carry a damned towel and use it. And, don't try to take up 5 pieces of equipment at once. Plus the "grunters" annoy me... and the guys who stare at themselves in the mirror and flex for 80% of the time they're in the gym annoy me... and the "belters" annoy me (guys who wear a weight belt to do kickbacks with the pink and purple weights)...


I can't agree more. I work at a gym and have to deal with these jackasses every damn day. Put your weights back. Stop hogging five things at once. Get off your damn phone while working out. Wipe down your machines. And keep your damn kids off the equipment.


Federal Loan office didn't process my request to change my payment plan to Income Based before a payment was due today, and now I have to shell out two weeks pay to get them off my back for a year. I need a better job. :(




My apartment is so poorly insulated that I either have to pay a huge heating bill or suck it up and live with the cold. I went with option 2, which is really starting to catch up to me in recent weeks. If that helps me build up the savings quicker so I can buy a house, I'll be fine with it.


You've got the girl living with you now, right? Turn the heart up to like 85. Trust me, you'll have a lot less to complain about when she adjusts her in-home wardrobe accordingly. Well worth the extra $75 in heating cost.


You've got the girl living with you now, right? Turn the heart up to like 85. Trust me, you'll have a lot less to complain about when she adjusts her in-home wardrobe accordingly. Well worth the extra $75 in heating cost.



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