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There has actually been a 4x increase in lab verified flu cases this year in NYS.


I got it in November.....and I haven't been that sick in decades. I figured it would be a bad year if I got it, because I never do. I went to Urgent Care on Thanksgiving instead of hanging with the family. Never go there either. All the hospitals truly have been overrun the past 2 weeks. Can't get a bed in places that are usually wide open.


My fiancee was throwing up last night. I actually hope it is just some stomach bug because that is far more appealing than some other sort of health issue. Sometimes I wonder if she may have other issues since she does complain a lot about her stomach bothering her.


Is she craving pickles?.......


I don't doubt that, but is there actually 4x increase in the number of people who have actually contracted the flu?


Yeah typically the same # of people go to their care provider with the symptoms, and the docs run the test. so the denominator is about the same, but the numerator is 4x.


My wife and I got H1N1 2 years ago while she was pregnant with our 2nd. It was scary because that strain was killing pregnant women if their immune systems went haywire. I pay attention every year now. If your not sure if it's the flu or not, it's not. The flu is an unmistakably terrible experience.


It could be much worse, so far according to the CDC there haven't been any reports of strains popping up showing resistance to nueraminidase inhibitors (tamiflu). If those strains begin to circulate, things could rapidly deteriorate into a pandemic situation.


Yup, must be. :wallbash:


Do me a favor, go work in the environments I worked in and get the quantity and variety of bodily fluids sprayed in your general direction over a 10 year period and come back to me then. It's surely a mere coincidence that I haven't contracted polio or measles or mumps or rubella or tetanus or pertussis either. Damned marketing and medical/government conspirators trying to make us all waste our money and poison us all. What will they do next flouridate our water!!!??

We've covered this already in this thread. For someone in your situation, absolutely, get the shot.


We've covered this already in this thread. For someone in your situation, absolutely, get the shot.


Everyone should get the shot. Other than having an egg allergy or a few other rare medical conditions or circumstances, there is no good reason not to get vaccinated every year.


It could be much worse, so far according to the CDC there haven't been any reports of strains popping up showing resistance to nueraminidase inhibitors (tamiflu). If those strains begin to circulate, things could rapidly deteriorate into a pandemic situation.

There it is. Let the fear begin.


Boy, if tamiflu stops working, that will be awful. People might be sick for 6 days instead of only four.



Sorry, I know I'm being a d!ck, but it's fun and for most people, it's just another cold and flu season.


There it is. Let the fear begin.


Boy, if tamiflu stops working, that will be awful. People might be sick for 6 days instead of only four.



Sorry, I know I'm being a d!ck, but it's fun and for most people, it's just another cold and flu season.


I'm just telling you what I know, having extensive research experience with influenza both on the vaccine and diagnostic side of things. And no, I do not nor have I ever worked for big pharma.


Everyone should get the shot. Other than having an egg allergy or a few other rare medical conditions or circumstances, there is no good reason not to get vaccinated every year.

Got flu shot this year and though I've been dealing w/ a sinus cold for pretty much all of January, I've felt a lot better this winter than in the past as I haven't had the flu (yet).


I'm just telling you what I know, having extensive research experience with influenza both on the vaccine and diagnostic side of things. And no, I do not nor have I ever worked for big pharma.


So is this strain going around one that is actually in the shot?


I have never gotten a flu shot. I have co-workers who are militant about getting them. Guess who misses the least amount of work each year. It's hype.

Never get the flu shots either and same thing, aside from the occasional cold, in the last few years I missed one day of work because I spend a few hours one night vomitting.

I'm sure the flu shots work and are good for certain people and for those who work in certain situations, but I don't think its necessary for the average person working in an average job


I really believe the problem today is that people are becoming too clean. We are covering our kids in antibacterial everything. Virusses are getting stronger because they are adapting to this and working around these sanitizers and antibacterial stuff.


There it is. Let the fear begin.


Boy, if tamiflu stops working, that will be awful. People might be sick for 6 days instead of only four.



Sorry, I know I'm being a d!ck, but it's fun and for most people, it's just another cold and flu season.


If your attitude about the flu si that casual it may very well be that you have never had the flu.


My last experience with the flu was over 10 years ago. I remember lying in bed understanding how people can, and do die from it. the "real" flu is an eye opener. The level of fatigue and misery is truly enlightening when you are laying in bed suffering from it.


So is this strain going around one that is actually in the shot?


Yes, they nailed it this year. but one of the strains has an abnormally high infection rate. So more un-vaccinated people who are exposed end up infected than normal.


Not that I dislike eating spaghettios cold, but I was expecting a hot lunch. Too bad someone decided to steal my Tupperware container out of the kitchen cabinet at work this morning. Dollars to donuts says it was my boss too.

Well you could do what one of my coworkers did to remedy that situation. Before coming into work, he used the bread in his sandwich as TP, then placed said lunch in the work fridge. Lets just say that guy got a really ###### sandwich.


So is this strain going around one that is actually in the shot?


I don't know, the CDC website has surveillance data that addresses that, but I'd have to dig for it. The vaccine each year has three strains an A/H1N1 , A/H3N2 and a B that are chosen based on data collected by the WHO. Flu virus of course can mutate rapidly, which is only made easier by having a large population of non vaccinated people.


Well you could do what one of my coworkers did to remedy that situation. Before coming into work, he used the bread in his sandwich as TP, then placed said lunch in the work fridge. Lets just say that guy got a really ###### sandwich.





Well you could do what one of my coworkers did to remedy that situation. Before coming into work, he used the bread in his sandwich as TP, then placed said lunch in the work fridge. Lets just say that guy got a really ###### sandwich.


I took a more pleasant route and just put my name on the container :lol:

Posted (edited)

If your attitude about the flu si that casual it may very well be that you have never had the flu.


My last experience with the flu was over 10 years ago. I remember lying in bed understanding how people can, and do die from it. the "real" flu is an eye opener. The level of fatigue and misery is truly enlightening when you are laying in bed suffering from it.

I've had the flu. It sucked. Bad. I'm not saying that the flu doesn't exist or that people don't die from it or that the flu shot isn't necessary. I'm saying that I'm tired of the hype year after year that "This is the worst flu season ever! Pandemic right around the corner! Fear! Disease! Death! Fiscal Cliff! Debt Ceiling! We're DOOOOOOMED!"


I really got somethin' going this morning.


There's no way I'm not getting the flu now this year with all this bad karma I'm puttin' out there.

Edited by SwampD

I hadn't really noticed it until recently, but with my change of apartments in the last couple months, my for my entire drive to work, I'm driving directly into the sun. I wonder how many red lights I've run due to not being able to see them.



I wonder if there is someone from Boston on a message board routinely complaining about how bad Boston drivers are and the red lights they run..


Well you could do what one of my coworkers did to remedy that situation. Before coming into work, he used the bread in his sandwich as TP, then placed said lunch in the work fridge. Lets just say that guy got a really ###### sandwich.


That is just plain wrong! And to tell someone about it .....


I wonder if there is someone from Boston on a message board routinely complaining about how bad Boston drivers are and the red lights they run..


I hope you are in fact talking about me as that anonymous poster, because I got a good laugh out of that one.


Well you could do what one of my coworkers did to remedy that situation. Before coming into work, he used the bread in his sandwich as TP, then placed said lunch in the work fridge. Lets just say that guy got a really ###### sandwich.


And we wonder why there is a flu problem this year.


I hope you are in fact talking about me as that anonymous poster, because I got a good laugh out of that one.



I was... :-)


Or people like Jenny McCarthy are doing a wonderful job of convincing people not to get vaccinated. I've gotten a flu shot every year since I turned 18 except one. Guess which year I got the flu. It wasn't a "bad cold" either. I've worked in a variety of jobs that put me in contact with large numbers of high risk populations and people with suspect hygeine habits e.g. the mentally ill and kids and I haven't gotten sick. I'll go ahead and say that Big Pharmas doing a pretty decent job with the shots it's just that people don't get them for whatever moronic conspiratorial reason they concoct in their own mind.

I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. What's my moronic conspiratorial reason?


I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. What's my moronic conspiratorial reason?


Your reasons may not be moronic or conspiratorial, but outside of the few exceptions that I mentioned up thread, your reasons for not getting vaccinated can't be good ones.

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