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My insurance will probably cover some nice drugs, I just don't have the time to go see a doctor. I don't have a primary care physician so I'll have to go to the ER. Which is not how I want to spend my evening. My back hurts but I'm managing. Limiting myself to lighter duty at work. I just wish it would get better faster.


Urgent Care. Faster and cheaper.


O come on! now the statewide system know as Galileo has crashed at most places... the slightly good news is we are still online but since everyone shares a catalog, anything we don't own isn't showing up... and ILL is down.




Urgent Care. Faster and cheaper.


Good call, I always forget about urgent care. Maybe I'll just go there right after work, there's one not far from my house. I hope they can prescribe me something before the pharmacy closes.


My insurance will probably cover some nice drugs, I just don't have the time to go see a doctor. I don't have a primary care physician so I'll have to go to the ER. Which is not how I want to spend my evening. My back hurts but I'm managing. Limiting myself to lighter duty at work. I just wish it would get better faster.

Urgent Care. Faster and cheaper.


THIS. PCP is nice, but it's not mandatory. any clinic can diagnose you.





I got mediocre grades for my first semester at McGill and my parents didn't let me go back. So I'm going to community college and working in my home town. Talk about a quality of life 180. So now I no longer live across the hall from my best friend and my life is a whole lot more boring. And I have to get used to slow internet again. And the last two games I purchased, Halo 4 and Guild Wars 2, are unplayable because I don't have broadband.


Job hunting. I know a few of you got new jobs not too long ago, and I followed what you all had to say about the unemployment process, but two weeks in and I'm going crazy at my house! I've been trying to apply for at least 3 jobs a day between Syracuse and Buffalo (I've sent my resume to 20 + companies now). I've been going running outside around noon or so almost every day (my dog is starting to hate me for that), and then going to the gym around 9 at night. I have even started to re read my FE Review Manual to brush up on all of my engineering skills. My girlfriend has started helping me make a list of things to do to get ready to move out (I'm still living at home, but that'll change with whatever new job I get). I just hope these companies get back to me soon.


Also, half complaint: a year ago today I weighed in at 267 LBS. Today I weighed in at 235 LBS. I've hit a plateau with weight loss, but I've still lost a few inches off my waist...now I need to go buy a new suit for interviews because my old one doesn't fit. Off to the suits thread lol.


I got mediocre grades for my first semester at McGill and my parents didn't let me go back. So I'm going to community college and working in my home town. Talk about a quality of life 180. So now I no longer live across the hall from my best friend and my life is a whole lot more boring. And I have to get used to slow internet again. And the last two games I purchased, Halo 4 and Guild Wars 2, are unplayable because I don't have broadband.


I'm sensing a connection between that first sentence and the last sentence. Still, it does suck.


Had a lot more to do with partying than gaming :huh:


Sounds like you should have chosen one of those two. I gamed a lot when I was younger (high-school), but haven't spent serious time on a video game in 20 years.


As I get older, I'm starting to see the concept of a free-time budget. You have to work (or go to school), you have to sleep. After that, it's all about choices. Buy a house: one free time share. Watch TV regularily: another free time share. Work out: you know the drill. If I were you, I'd ditch the gaming and continue partying. :) There's nothing like the partying when you're young.





THIS. PCP is nice, but it's not mandatory. any clinic can diagnose you.





Sitting in the urgent care. This place is EMPTY. Decided to file as workers comp in case this injury comes back to haunt me later. Don't want to waive my right and then get screwed 20 years from now.


Let's see what they can do for me.


I saw a kid using an iPad to hitch hike today. He wrote his destination on the screen and was holding it up. Worst of all, it was at most a 30 minute walk.


Chances that he still has that iPad in his possession?


At hockey last night, the puck was up against the boards directly between the penalty boxes. I stepped up from D and just barely got to the puck before the on coming winger. We collided, I got spun around and in the act of falling, smacked the back of my head on the ledge where the glass meets the boards. I blacked out for a split second and eventually got up, vision still blurry. The ref proceeds to give me two minutes for boarding. The contact was incidental, and I definitely took the worst of it, yet I got to spend two minutes in box. No one could figure that one out, not even the guy I collided with. He thought he was getting the penalty.


Ouch... hopefully you're not still feeling any ill-effects.


For me, a complaint related to an otherwise good thing. We finally got the paper describing my master's research accepted for publication on 12/26, and the publisher was moving quickly on preparing proofs. Except when they sent them last Friday afternoon (with the requirement that they be returned within 48 h, wtf?), I found that the overzealous copy editor apparently has a thing against commas and decided to take several liberties with the text of our manuscript. Even worse, the figures and tables are not up to par with the original files we submitted. It took me 5 hours to fully edit and annotate that stupid proof and fix all their changes, and I'm still not confident it's going to get done correctly. Ugh.


The flu hype. I remember when people just had colds.


True, although a friend and my fiancee both had a pretty rough 'cold' in the last few weeks. Quote from fiancee, "I was in bed for two days straight." Her family, "Um, you were in bed for three days straight." That's not really a cold. :)


True, although a friend and my fiancee both had a pretty rough 'cold' in the last few weeks. Quote from fiancee, "I was in bed for two days straight." Her family, "Um, you were in bed for three days straight." That's not really a cold. :)

Yes,.. it is. It's just a really bad cold. At least, it was twenty years ago.


And if every year we hear that it is the "worst flu season on record" then either big pharma is doing a horrible job at making shots, or a fantastic job of marketing.


Anyone care to guess mine?


Pick me! Pick me!


True, although a friend and my fiancee both had a pretty rough 'cold' in the last few weeks. Quote from fiancee, "I was in bed for two days straight." Her family, "Um, you were in bed for three days straight." That's not really a cold. :)


My fiancee was throwing up last night. I actually hope it is just some stomach bug because that is far more appealing than some other sort of health issue. Sometimes I wonder if she may have other issues since she does complain a lot about her stomach bothering her.


I hadn't really noticed it until recently, but with my change of apartments in the last couple months, my for my entire drive to work, I'm driving directly into the sun. I wonder how many red lights I've run due to not being able to see them.


And one last one. I'm sure I've mentioned before that the lady in the office next to me has a machine that makes cricket noises that she runs all day. Well, I'M ******* SICK OF CRICKET NOISES!


Or people like Jenny McCarthy are doing a wonderful job of convincing people not to get vaccinated. I've gotten a flu shot every year since I turned 18 except one. Guess which year I got the flu. It wasn't a "bad cold" either. I've worked in a variety of jobs that put me in contact with large numbers of high risk populations and people with suspect hygeine habits e.g. the mentally ill and kids and I haven't gotten sick. I'll go ahead and say that Big Pharmas doing a pretty decent job with the shots it's just that people don't get them for whatever moronic conspiratorial reason they concoct in their own mind.

I have never gotten a flu shot. I have co-workers who are militant about getting them. Guess who misses the least amount of work each year. It's hype.


I have never gotten a flu shot. I have co-workers who are militant about getting them. Guess who misses the least amount of work each year. It's hype.


There has actually been a 4x increase in lab verified flu cases this year in NYS.


I have never gotten a flu shot. I have co-workers who are militant about getting them. Guess who misses the least amount of work each year. It's hype.


It ain't hype my friend. When you get the flu, I promise you that you won't be saying that. A full blown case of the flu is nasty, nasty business.


And if every year we hear that it is the "worst flu season on record" then either big pharma is doing a horrible job at making shots, or a fantastic job of marketing.


Agreed. I get sick of hearing that too. The worst flu season on record would have to be 1919 - it even caused the cancellation of the Stanley Cup Finals.


There has actually been a 4x increase in lab verified flu cases this year in NYS.

I don't doubt that, but is there actually 4x increase in the number of people who have actually contracted the flu?

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