2ForTripping Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 Save some coin, eat a bit healthier and take your lunch from home Quote
Team Strike Force Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 Since we are complaining, I hate when I talk to a friend from Buffalo (or see it on a message board like this) and someone "food drops" ... like, "Gotta go, we're going to Ted's!" or "Just got back from Duff's!" or any mention of Might Taco, Anderson's, Bocce's, Bob and John's .... the list goes on .... it makes me hungry and jealous that I am so far away. . I'm far away, too. The fast food talk plus a Sabres board made me think about Mighty Taco. I don't like my friends and family going to Anderson's without me, either. Quote
frisky Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 I've had a craving for Duff's wings for the last 11 years. Chicken wing sauce does not = Tapatio. Quote
WNY-Enforcer Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 My complaint of the week, the people who ride in the left lane on the highway constantly, especially when not passing, nor going faster than the other traffic. God knows how much I hate taking my cruise control off traveling back and forth from Buffalo to Fredonia on the 90, but yet I have to do it non-stop because of people who think the left lane is used unless they are exiting! Quote
darksabre Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 My complaint is that I have far too much to complain about and not enough time to do it! Quote
Team Strike Force Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 I hate how every time I go to the store, any store, and I bring my items to the checkout, the cashier is obliged to ask "Do you have a _______ card? It will save you 10%." It's as if I should be shamed for purchasing goods from a store of which I'm not a "member." Quote
LabattBlue Posted July 17, 2008 Author Report Posted July 17, 2008 They F*** YOU at the drive-thru, okay? They F*** YOU at the drive-thru! They know you're gonna be miles away before you find out you got f***ed! They know you're not gonna turn around and go back, they don't care. So who gets F***ed? Ol' Labatt Blue! Okay, sure! I don't give a F***! I'm not eating this tuna, okay? But wise old LB checked his bag after he pulled away and did a quick 180! They were just as miserable the 2nd time thru! :lol: Quote
LabattBlue Posted July 17, 2008 Author Report Posted July 17, 2008 Save some coin, eat a bit healthier and take your lunch from home This was supposed to be a complaint thread, not a commentary on my eating habits. :D Quote
LabattBlue Posted July 17, 2008 Author Report Posted July 17, 2008 I hate how every time I go to the store, any store, and I bring my items to the checkout, the cashier is obliged to ask "Do you have a _______ card? It will save you 10%." It's as if I should be shamed for purchasing goods from a store of which I'm not a "member." Barnes and Noble is terrible at this. Makes me want to respond with..."I should have just purchased my books on Amazon and saved even more money than your stupid card offers". Quote
Bmwolf21 Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 Barnes and Noble is terrible at this. Makes me want to respond with..."I should have just purchased my books on Amazon and saved even more money than your stupid card offers". I prefer to order from Amazon or some other online retailer, so when I am looking for a particular book I'll stop in a shopping center bookstore to see if they have it (so I can thumb through and decide if I really want to buy it.) I really hate when they don't have the book in stock, but push you to order it from them. Yeah, I want to make another trip out the mall to decide whether I want the book. If I'm going to order it sight unseen, I'd rather it come right to my house so I can drop it right back in the mall if it sucks. Quote
spndnchz Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 click the BB Code Help button and scroll down to the one that tells you how to put in youtube videos. thanks <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wYGapse2tQ&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wYGapse2tQ&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Quote
Bmwolf21 Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 Yeah but once you hit 16, Kevin Lowe can offer you a ridiculous offer sheet and your McDonald's will have to match and pay you like the 23-year old Fry Guy. How the hell did I miss this the first time through? Good stuff, BtP.... :thumbsup: no one forced them to take that job, if they don't care about it don't take it... "not paying me enough" isn't really a good reason to act like an a$$hole when the job description they agreed to is being followed. If people are asked to do things that aren't in their job description, "not paying me enough" can be a valid excuse... but I'm pretty sure the Fast Food Cashier job description has something to the effect of being polite, friendly, accomodating, and always making the customer feel welcome. I agree, but to borrow a phrase from a TSW rant thread - "it is what it is." I expect bad attitudes and crappy service from 90% of the fast food industry. The big exception is Chick-fil-A - they always seem to have happy people who actually don't act like you're a bother when you actually dare to order food. I've never dealt with a bad employee at a Chick-fil-A. I've heard they treat their employees very well and really work at removing workers with bad attitudes/customer service skills. Quote
spndnchz Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 EAPhqXj_24I I hate when someone reminds me of this day in Sabres History and I at first, start to cry like a, well, girl, and then get really pissed off that Peters can't fight for sh$t. :ph34r: Quote
apuszczalowski Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 no one forced them to take that job, if they don't care about it don't take it... "not paying me enough" isn't really a good reason to act like an a$$hole when the job description they agreed to is being followed. If people are asked to do things that aren't in their job description, "not paying me enough" can be a valid excuse... but I'm pretty sure the Fast Food Cashier job description has something to the effect of being polite, friendly, accomodating, and always making the customer feel welcome. There are some that are just @ssholes all the time and then I would agree. But the crap that some of these employees have to go through, they don't pay you enough to have to put up with what some customers and employees put you through. I worked at a KFC from when i was 15 - 19 as a "cook". At the time I had to pay for gas and insurance on my vehicle, plus anything else I wanted, while in Highschool so I worked 40 hour weeks (or close to 40 hour weeks) along with the other cooks. To get the extra hours though, I needed to learn the front counter and work the register, and you can't imagine what some people put you through up there. I had one customer order 2 of the family meals, customer took them and was fine. He came back 20 minutes later irrate at me for not including paper plates and plastic utensils. He demanded free food and when i said I couldn't do that, but I would be happy to give him plates and forks (something they will give out for free IF YOU ASK) he said that wasn't good enough and he should be compensated for his "troubles" and that I should have known that by ordering all that food, he was having a family get together at a local park, and that the kids were all complaining vcause they were hungry and he couldn't serve them food without plates and forks. I told him only a manager could give him free food, and that the manager was not in and had left for the day. He demanded to speak to someone at that moment so I went to the back and gave him the managers home phone number. He then asked to use our phone to call him and I told him to find the payphone down the street, cause its against store policy to allow a customer in the back. He stormed out and I received a call from the manager saying to give him what he wanted becuase if he complained to head office, thats what they would do, So I packed it up ready to go for when he came in. He demanded that i apologise to him, and I told him I did nothing wrong, he said I did and that obviously the manager agrees because he got what he wanted, and I told him I followed store policy. He told me then he would report me and my attitude to the manager the next day and have me fired. i told him good luck, I look forward to it. I kept my cool and laughed it all off while he was becoming irrate because under $7 an hour is not worth it in my opinion to get worked up about something like that, when most of the other female employees that did that job would have been brought to tears in that situation. When it came to the minimum wage jobs that I have had, I always did my best and what was asked of me, but I never went over and beyond, and never took things personally or cared much about the job because it was just that, a minimum wage job that was to earn me some extra spending money. Quote
BetweenThePipes00 Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 How the hell did I miss this the first time through? Good stuff, BtP.... :thumbsup: I agree, but to borrow a phrase from a TSW rant thread - "it is what it is." I expect bad attitudes and crappy service from 90% of the fast food industry. The big exception is Chick-fil-A - they always seem to have happy people who actually don't act like you're a bother when you actually dare to order food. I've never dealt with a bad employee at a Chick-fil-A. I've heard they treat their employees very well and really work at removing workers with bad attitudes/customer service skills. I have noticed this also ... in my experience, it seems MANY more of their workers are of a different demographic than your average fast-food worker. At least around here, it seems like a lot of them are middle-aged women who are working part time because they want to get some extra cash, not because they are trying to make ends meet ... thanks for noticing that other post too, i thought it was just a bad line for a minute there. Quote
Bmwolf21 Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 I have noticed this also ... in my experience, it seems MANY more of their workers are of a different demographic than your average fast-food worker. At least around here, it seems like a lot of them are middle-aged women who are working part time because they want to get some extra cash, not because they are trying to make ends meet ... thanks for noticing that other post too, i thought it was just a bad line for a minute there. I don't know. All the ones I've been to seem to have a similar demographic mix as McDonald's, BK, etc., but maybe Chick does a better job of training or does a better job of screening their prospective employees -- or some combination of both. Quote
apuszczalowski Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 I have noticed this also ... in my experience, it seems MANY more of their workers are of a different demographic than your average fast-food worker. At least around here, it seems like a lot of them are middle-aged women who are working part time because they want to get some extra cash, not because they are trying to make ends meet ... thanks for noticing that other post too, i thought it was just a bad line for a minute there. thats true too, you do find that alot of the "daytimers" at those places are oldeer woman, most are just there to suppliment their partners income and earn some extra money for themselves and their family. Alot of them were house wifes who know have children old enough to not require a parent to supervise them and they want to get out of the house to do something. The night shifts are usually the younger kids running the place because they were in class during the day Quote
chileanseabass Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 so i started a new job this week. it's supposed to be a pretty sweet gig doing some international sales/marketing, and all flippin week i've done nothing. today i moved some boxes around and put together the new mother effin coffee maker. the vp who i report to has to go over with me the major project i've been hired to work on, but she's been busy all week. today we finally scheduled a meeting for 4:30 (the 3rd time we've scheduled something), but she had to go because she forgot about her hair appointment. company pres is back in town tomorrow and i've got squat done on a project he expects done before monday. what a first week. my wife says to quit bitchin since i'm getting pretty good money for sitting on my duff all day. i want to actually do some work. Quote
Stoner Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 so i started a new job this week. it's supposed to be a pretty sweet gig doing some international sales/marketing, and all flippin week i've done nothing. today i moved some boxes around and put together the new mother effin coffee maker. the vp who i report to has to go over with me the major project i've been hired to work on, but she's been busy all week. today we finally scheduled a meeting for 4:30 (the 3rd time we've scheduled something), but she had to go because she forgot about her hair appointment. company pres is back in town tomorrow and i've got squat done on a project he expects done before monday. what a first week. my wife says to quit bitchin since i'm getting pretty good money for sitting on my duff all day. i want to actually do some work. I'd go see accounting. It's probably just the Penske file. 2 Quote
tom webster Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 Sorry to go off the job or food posts but I have to say "I hate all the damn crawls on the TV screen." I don't care if some country bumpkin has to get his rabbit ears tweaked, I don't care if McKeon county is going to have a storm and I especially don't care if channel 4's news is on channel 23 because the football game is on. My guess is that the people that don't care about the football game know where to find the news and they especially know it after about the fifth time the crawl goes by! Of course, it wouldn't matter if Directv didn't black the game out on channel 700 and something but that's a whole other rant! Thanks, I feel much better. Quote
Bmwolf21 Posted July 17, 2008 Report Posted July 17, 2008 Sorry to go off the job or food posts but I have to say "I hate all the damn crawls on the TV screen." I don't care if some country bumpkin has to get his rabbit ears tweaked, I don't care if McKeon county is going to have a storm and I especially don't care if channel 4's news is on channel 23 because the football game is on. My guess is that the people that don't care about the football game know where to find the news and they especially know it after about the fifth time the crawl goes by! Of course, it wouldn't matter if Directv didn't black the game out on channel 700 and something but that's a whole other rant!Thanks, I feel much better. I agree to a point (I like those crawls when a game runs over and the following coverage starts elsewhere) but I'll see your annoying screen crawls and raise you the TNT/TBS/USA in-show pop-up ads. I reached the apex of my hatred for those ads when TBS started "pausing" shows to allow Bill Engvall to walk out in front of the screen and plug his crappy show. STORY LINK Here's a YouTube video: 2vUtfG9Bkec Quote
R_Dudley Posted July 18, 2008 Report Posted July 18, 2008 I agree to a point (I like those crawls when a game runs over and the following coverage starts elsewhere) but I'll see your annoying screen crawls and raise you the TNT/TBS/USA in-show pop-up ads. I reached the apex of my hatred for those ads when TBS started "pausing" shows to allow Bill Engvall to walk out in front of the screen and plug his crappy show. STORY LINK Here's a YouTube video: 2vUtfG9Bkec I dunno either that hasn't happened much here outside PGH yet or I just don't watch enough of the TV.. I'm guessing it's the latter .. :rolleyes: Quote
Bmwolf21 Posted July 18, 2008 Report Posted July 18, 2008 I dunno either that hasn't happened much here outside PGH yet or I just don't watch enough of the TV.. I'm guessing it's the latter .. :rolleyes: So far (from what I can tell) this particular phenomena has been limited to TBS leading up to the new season of the crappy Engvall show. I've read (on other message boards) that TBS got a pretty decent-sized negative response, so maybe they got the point. It absolutely infuriated me the first time I saw it. I'm mostly immune to the other types - the silent, walk into the corner ads, but these were actively interfering with the shows I was watching. Quote
SarasotaSabre Posted July 18, 2008 Report Posted July 18, 2008 My complaint ? The idiots on this board who incessantly write very poorly - horrible spelling/grammatical/grammar errors - like the kind a fifth-grader would make. And I thought this was only reserved for the Bills board - guess I was wrong. Examples: using apostrophe "s" for a nonpossessive noun, i.e., "jersey's"......ughhhhhhh ! Or the hack who tries to use a few big words, does so correctly, but then fumbles a simple word - over and over. I know I'll get grief for this, but hey, it's complaint Thursday.... :wallbash: Quote
Ohiofan Posted July 18, 2008 Report Posted July 18, 2008 In-Laws. BLOODY IGNORANT FOUL SELFISH FAT A$$HOLES!! I have had it with them. They are lazy and stupid and mean and I hate them. Quote
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