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I've never had a problem with a NY DMV. Am I the only one?


Oh god yes. I was born in Germany. My father was in the army, my mother was (and this is important) also an American citizen. I went to the DMV when I turned 16 with My Army issued birth certificate. Wouldn't take it. My mom had to resort to contacting our congressman to get me a birth certificate issued by the department of state. Took a year. I was not licensed to drive until I was almost 18.


I've never had a problem with a NY DMV. Am I the only one? 

Nope, never had one either. Usually in and out

Co-worker on my team just runs around all day gossiping and talking everyone else. Literally 1 desk over, I can hear you talking me. 


When I lived in Rochester, I only went to the mobile DMVs. When they rotated around the suburbs, I never waited more than 10 minutes for anything. I don't have any idea if they do those in Buffalo/other parts of WNY


A woman walked out in front of my car while completely glued to her cell phone this morning. It was at the opening of an access road to the parking garage, so it's a very heavily traveled spot. I saw her, so nothing happened, but I was sure to get as close as possible to her so that the "you're an idiot" message would be sent.

On the way home yesterday, coming around a blind curve on a 55mph, two lane country road. Halfway through the curve I see a dump truck coming the other way straddling the median because it was passing a bicyclist. Blind curve, using both lanes, to make a pass on a 55 mph road.


I had all 4 tires off the pavement to avoid that one. Totally innocent biker is lucky that there was no collision. He would have never made it through.


Ive come up hills 3 times on this commute to find cars I n my lane cresting the hill to make a pass. You can't be in a hurry on 2 lane winding hilly roads or you'll kill somebody.


On the way home yesterday, coming around a blind curve on a 55mph, two lane country road. Halfway through the curve I see a dump truck coming the other way straddling the median because it was passing a bicyclist. Blind curve, using both lanes, to make a pass on a 55 mph road.


I had all 4 tires off the pavement to avoid that one. Totally innocent biker is lucky that there was no collision. He would have never made it through.


Ive come up hills 3 times on this commute to find cars I n my lane cresting the hill to make a pass. You can't be in a hurry on 2 lane winding hilly roads or you'll kill somebody.

Area in Lockport had a trucker come over the hill and kill a young girl that way. They changed the speed limit to 35 after that, and the trucker killed himself a year some years later on the anniversary of her death


OMFG If the person I had just talked to had been the first person (14 calls ago) who I had talked to this would have been almost stress free. 


I've never had a problem with a NY DMV. Am I the only one? 


Nope, I've had pretty good luck too. Even doing stupid stuff like, "hey, I need my new license plates but my registration is 3 weeks expired" (back when they were switching from the red statue of liberty plates to the ones with the blue mural on top). I got a new license at the Shamokin PA DMV a few weeks ago and that was painless too. The only annoyance with PA is they used to require check or money order (No cash, no credit) so you'd go through the line and have to go find a money order if you forgot a check. Actually, I'm half thinking they didn't take personal checks either. Luckily, the only I usually go to was next to a grocery store.


On the way home yesterday, coming around a blind curve on a 55mph, two lane country road. Halfway through the curve I see a dump truck coming the other way straddling the median because it was passing a bicyclist. Blind curve, using both lanes, to make a pass on a 55 mph road.

I had all 4 tires off the pavement to avoid that one. Totally innocent biker is lucky that there was no collision. He would have never made it through.

Ive come up hills 3 times on this commute to find cars I n my lane cresting the hill to make a pass. You can't be in a hurry on 2 lane winding hilly roads or you'll kill somebody.

I'm not trying to be overly humorous here, and I know that there are many bicycleists on this board, but if you are older than 15 and on a bike in America on streets meant for cars then you are an .


I'm not trying to be overly humorous here, and I know that there are many bicycleists on this board, but if you are older than 15 and on a bike in America on streets meant for cars then you are an ######.


I'm having a tough time figuring out what humorous in that. I'm back riding the bicycle again. MrsPie and I are trying to work out a move that'll put us close enough to "stuff" that the bicycle works for errands. I can get to Aldi on my bike without issue, but our Aldi sucks.


I heard something on the radio about (I think) Hawaii making that act illegal for pedestrians.  That's about as close as you'll get.

Gotta start somewhere


It's called anti-vaxxers. Same constituency.

I'll just leave that one alone.


I've never had a problem with a NY DMV. Am I the only one? 

Me too. Jersey DMVs as well.


Changing my NY license to PA was agonizing. I went in with my NY licence, SS card, birth certificate and 2 pieces of mail to prove my address. Cool right? Wrong! I get up to the window in just under an hour. The lady tells me she needs my original birth certificate. I tell her that is the original. It's not a copy. It's got the raised county seal, it's the receipt that came with the baby! It's even in the original envelope, 1985 postage and all. She's all "it needs to have a barcode." Bitch, birth certificates didn't have barcodes in 1985! She tells me "you'll have to go to Albany and have them get you the original copy." Well I'll be damned if a copy can be original. So I go online, buy a new birth certificate, have it overnighted and go back to the DMV the next day. I walk in, see the lady. Walk right up to her window, cutting the 7,000 people who were there before me and said, "hey, you told me to come right back up when I had my original birth certificate." In and out in 5 minutes. All you have to do is be a hugely inconsiderate and cut everyone in line.


I'm having a tough time figuring out what humorous in that. I'm back riding the bicycle again. MrsPie and I are trying to work out a move that'll put us close enough to "stuff" that the bicycle works for errands. I can get to Aldi on my bike without issue, but our Aldi sucks.

As stated, wasn't trying to be funny. Just be aware that streets were not made for you and you'll do just fine. Take up an entire lane on a busy two lane road and.. well... you suck.


Changing my NY license to PA was agonizing. I went in with my NY licence, SS card, birth certificate and 2 pieces of mail to prove my address. Cool right? Wrong! I get up to the window in just under an hour. The lady tells me she needs my original birth certificate. I tell her that is the original. It's not a copy. It's got the raised county seal, it's the receipt that came with the baby! It's even in the original envelope, 1985 postage and all. She's all "it needs to have a barcode." Bitch, birth certificates didn't have barcodes in 1985! She tells me "you'll have to go to Albany and have them get you the original copy." Well I'll be damned if a copy can be original. So I go online, buy a new birth certificate, have it overnighted and go back to the DMV the next day. I walk in, see the lady. Walk right up to her window, cutting the 7,000 people who were there before me and said, "hey, you told me to come right back up when I had my original birth certificate." In and out in 5 minutes. All you have to do is be a hugely inconsiderate ###### and cut everyone in line.

I waiting to be yelled out because my bill of sale is copy... because you know the dealer has to keep the original by law. 


I'm not trying to be overly humorous here, and I know that there are many bicycleists on this board, but if you are older than 15 and on a bike in America on streets meant for cars then you are an ######.


Though I wouldn't go as far to say that, it still annoys the H out of me when I have to pass a bicyclist on any 2-lane road. I had to pass one yesterday who was completely inside the white line on a 45mph road (where everyone goes 60), so I was slowing down to about 20 so that I didn't jut too far into the other lane. I felt bad for the cars behind me, but what am I gonna do?


Here's the thing. By my house, the narrow-two lane, lots of blind driveways until you get to the four lane crossroads. All sorts of moron bikers. If everyone's lucky, they'll just be in the middle of the lane they belong in. Enraging everyone else, but not killing them.


I've seen it the opposite way as well. How nobody has been killed in my neighborhood on a bike in the right years I've been here is a miracle.


Monday morning I started a roast in the slow cooker for pulled pork.  I tend to be heavy-handed when trimming the fat because it grosses me out.  Since I was heading to work, I forgot all about taking out the trash right away.  And I don't have air conditioning at my house.


Monday evening:  mmm, pulled pork.


Tuesday morning:  off to work!


Tuesday evening:  dear God, it smells like something died in my kitchen.   :sick:


Thank God for candles!


As stated, wasn't trying to be funny. Just be aware that streets were not made for you and you'll do just fine. Take up an entire lane on a busy two lane road and.. well... you suck.

And you're wrong. Not only does the bike have as much right to the road as you do, the bike legally must be on the road. They are not supposed to be on sidewalks or pedestrian ways. They are supposed to follow all of the motor vehicle laws that cars/trucks must follow. And you have to treat them like another motorized vehicle on the road.


The only problem with bicycles on the road is their respect level for motor vehicle laws and your respect level for their right and necessity to be on the same road you are on.


On the way home yesterday, coming around a blind curve on a 55mph, two lane country road. Halfway through the curve I see a dump truck coming the other way straddling the median because it was passing a bicyclist. Blind curve, using both lanes, to make a pass on a 55 mph road.


I had all 4 tires off the pavement to avoid that one. Totally innocent biker is lucky that there was no collision. He would have never made it through.


Ive come up hills 3 times on this commute to find cars I n my lane cresting the hill to make a pass. You can't be in a hurry on 2 lane winding hilly roads or you'll kill somebody.


Two days ago I watched the car in front of me decide to pass (on the left) a car who was waiting to turn left.  That car had been waiting a while because it was busy and there was never an opening.  So once they got a chance, the a-hole behind them floors it around them, blocking them from the only chance to make the turn.  That guy was suck a dick, and if that car hadn't seen him and started to turn, that small road with no shoulders would have been completely crippled.  Not in any way life threatening like yours was, but it came to mind immediately after reading your post.

Posted (edited)

I've never had a problem with a NY DMV. Am I the only one?

I was escorted out of the downtown Buffalo DMV about 25 yrs ago. Today I would have been arrested. Too long a story for a lunchtime post on an iphone. Maybe Uncle Weave will tell the tale some time.

Two days ago I watched the car in front of me decide to pass (on the left) a car who was waiting to turn left. That car had been waiting a while because it was busy and there was never an opening. So once they got a chance, the a-hole behind them floors it around them, blocking them from the only chance to make the turn. That guy was suck a dick, and if that car hadn't seen him and started to turn, that small road with no shoulders would have been completely crippled. Not in any way life threatening like yours was, but it came to mind immediately after reading your post.

Nothing is so important to move 2 tons of metal and plastic impatiently. If you have reason to be that impatient, you should have called for an ambulance instead of driving. Edited by We've

Two days ago I watched the car in front of me decide to pass (on the left) a car who was waiting to turn left.  That car had been waiting a while because it was busy and there was never an opening.  So once they got a chance, the a-hole behind them floors it around them, blocking them from the only chance to make the turn.  That guy was suck a dick, and if that car hadn't seen him and started to turn, that small road with no shoulders would have been completely crippled.  Not in any way life threatening like yours was, but it came to mind immediately after reading your post.

Maybe it's the weather or the looming solar eclipse, but in the past few days I've seen more boneheaded behavior from both drivers and pedestrians than I have all year.


And you're wrong. Not only does the bike have as much right to the road as you do, the bike legally must be on the road. They are not supposed to be on sidewalks or pedestrian ways. They are supposed to follow all of the motor vehicle laws that cars/trucks must follow. And you have to treat them like another motorized vehicle on the road.

The only problem with bicycles on the road is their respect level for motor vehicle laws and your respect level for their right and necessity to be on the same road you are on.

Mmmmmmmm. Hmmmmm.


Mind you, I live in a community (several contiguous communities actually) priding itself (themselves) on making everything foot/bike friendly. As a result: greenways everywhere (where bicyclists don't behave themselves either, but I digress) bike lanes on most major roads (excellent), and strict traffic enforcement in the areas one would explain etc things to be a problem in.


All of that good. Not enough. Again, a bike going the wrong way up a hill on a blind curve is asking for trouble. Happens all the time right by my house. Won't be the bikers, who can see the mess, left to deal with it when the inevitable happens.


Do bikes have a right to be on the road? Yes. Does this abrogate any responsibility for thier conduct? Depends on who you ask. The bicyclists I've seen and met don't seem to understand why everyone is always angry. Kinda like my daughter, six years old, had a habit of running straight across a busy hallway without regard for anyone walking. Except nobody dies in that scenario.


Mmmmmmmm. Hmmmmm.


Mind you, I live in a community (several contiguous communities actually) priding itself (themselves) on making everything foot/bike friendly. As a result: greenways everywhere (where bicyclists don't behave themselves either, but I digress) bike lanes on most major roads (excellent), and strict traffic enforcement in the areas one would explain etc things to be a problem in.


All of that good. Not enough. Again, a bike going the wrong way up a hill on a blind curve is asking for trouble. Happens all the time right by my house. Won't be the bikers, who can see the mess, left to deal with it when the inevitable happens.


Do bikes have a right to be on the road? Yes. Does this abrogate any responsibility for thier conduct? Depends on who you ask. The bicyclists I've seen and met don't seem to understand why everyone is always angry. Kinda like my daughter, six years old, had a habit of running straight across a busy hallway without regard for anyone walking. Except nobody dies in that scenario.

Bike was going with traffic as required by law. Soft shoulders so it was unsafe for bike to be off the pavement.


The wrong here was 100% with a dump truck that was piloted by an impatient driver who was passing a legal "vehicle" in a no passing zone.


Not that it matters, but this was Livingston County. Its not like the bicyclist had better route options safety-wise. And at the end of the day, he had just as much right to that section of road ad the truck. The curve is 1/4 mile long maybe. At 10mph that bike gets through the curve in about 30 seconds. There is nothing so important for that truck to put my life and the bikers life in danger for over 30 seconds.

Posted (edited)

Ok, it is freakin' impossible to actually make a profit off selling prints and shirts. 


Well, the prints actually isn't so bad. It's the shirts. I have a group of people who want to buy some aerial designs I've whipped up, and others interested in my rust belt stuff. No biggie, just tossed it on my Society6. Yeah.. you make like... nothing off a sale. And that particular site doesn't let you adjust price for better commission. 

I mean, if i went through a local printer and had overhead for my own shirts etc, it's still no profit and actually loss but... 


Trying to find a better way. It's pretty discouraging. Now I know why artists charge $30 for a tank top, and why prints cost so damn much. It's the only way to make a buck. I make 2 bucks off every 25 dollar tank on S6. Almost every design you buy is actually costing the artist more to put it out there. (If you factor in time to make it. S6 is free to use/upload, which is nice).


The trick is trying to make something good enough/interesting enough that people will actually want to pay it. Unfortunately, I don't have the self esteem for that. I recently raised my rates and I'm terrified to actually ask the new rates. I keep going by my old, lower rate. 



How the hell do businesses actually exist... 

Edited by Josie914

Ok, it is freakin' impossible to actually make a profit off selling prints and shirts. 


Well, the prints actually isn't so bad. It's the shirts. I have a group of people who want to buy some aerial designs I've whipped up, and others interested in my rust belt stuff. No biggie, just tossed it on my Society6. Yeah.. you make like... nothing off a sale. And that particular site doesn't let you adjust price for better commission. 

I mean, if i went through a local printer and had overhead for my own shirts etc, it's still no profit and actually loss but... 


Trying to find a better way. It's pretty discouraging. Now I know why artists charge $30 for a tank top, and why prints cost so damn much. It's the only way to make a buck. I make 2 bucks off every 25 dollar tank on S6. Almost every design you buy is actually costing the artist more to put it out there. (If you factor in time to make it. S6 is free to use/upload, which is nice).


The trick is trying to make something good enough/interesting enough that people will actually want to pay it. Unfortunately, I don't have the self esteem for that. I recently raised my rates and I'm terrified to actually ask the new rates. I keep going by my old, lower rate. 



How the hell do businesses actually exist...


Jo, charge the higher rate. Your customers do appreciate the value in your work. (At least the ones I know do. :beer:)


As to your last question, there's a reason the vast majorities of startups don't make it. I'm increasingly being drawn to the conclusion that the primary WHY for that is, even more so than a lack of access to capital, that they don't know how to answer 'how does their product or service fit into the customer's business (or for B2C's: life) plan/ strategy' well enough to get enough sales to make the business viable. (Sorry for the soapboxing.)


Jo, charge the higher rate. Your customers do appreciate the value in your work. (At least the ones I know do. :beer:)


As to your last question, there's a reason the vast majorities of startups don't make it. I'm increasingly being drawn to the conclusion that the primary WHY for that is, even more so than a lack of access to capital, that they don't know how to answer 'how does their product or service fit into the customer's business (or for B2C's: life) plan/ strategy' well enough to get enough sales to make the business viable. (Sorry for the soapboxing.)

No, no worries about soapboxing! 


That's the problem with art... it's not a necessity. I can't hawk a shirt or print and say "this fancy design will totally cook your eggs faster/clean your house better/improve your life as a must need". It's just... "you like to look at it? Do you like to look at it so much that you're willing to pay money so you can look at it alllll the time?" 


My main source of income right now is designs for a guy who sells patches/shirts/hats. He makes bank (is a cop full time, this is his side hustle), and pays me very well. He has a niche group that loooove to spend money on military morale patch stuff. He found that sweet spot, and together we're always coming up with new ideas to sell. 


I don't have that niche yet. I could go after aerialists... but I don't want to go all in on an idea that I'm not sure will actually profit. Hockey isn't working out as I want it to (doesn't mean I'll stop). The average sports fan doesn't want to spend 30 on a shirt, you have to be fan base specific, etc.


Aerialists... they're rarer, but often love to advertise their hobby/livelihood and are willing to drop coin. And there aren't any good aerialist shirts out there. I posted rough sketches and have a bunch of Cirque du Soleil and professional circus artists following me now.  

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