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I was just going to post this. Sounds like the "Uber in Buffalo" movement is gaining a lot of traction in the last few months, and the voices for it are now much louder than the taxi companies argument against.


Coming soon (hopefully).


I wonder if the rest of the state is making any noise about it, though.  Cabs here suck, but I've never had a problem in Rochester or Albany.  Never took one in Syracuse.


Re grades and such:  My son is taking an online class and this weekend he saw he had a 0 on a project he turned in weeks ago but the instructor just got around to grading.  He's scored As on all the rest of the work in the class.  The instructor said she couldn't open the attachment from the online submittal, which my son can show when it was submitted (there's a time logged).  Apparently the rule is that all work has to be submitted via this tool and he can't simply send it email (school is afraid of attachments maybe?)  So now he's stuck waiting on the IT people to figure out how to open a Word attachment that somehow got corrupted when he submitted it....


Let's just say the contrast between students at RIT and students at UB was stark. My anecdotal evidence was that far more students at UB acted like that.

Well, it wouldn't be surprising if UB students were worse than RIT students, but framing it as a private vs state is where you get it wrong. It's higher entrance requirements vs lower requirements. If you thought UB was bad, you should experience Brockport or Buffalo State.

Posted (edited)

Complaint: up until 4:45 last night trying to patch (and subsequently fix) a pile of my Linux systems. The folks that develop on them are doing the right thing in have their own package repos and whatnot, but they've let it crumble a little and made some questionable upgrade packages of to replace system stuff with newer versions so few if any of the upgrades worked without manual intervention.

Edited by MattPie

George Carlin. Even now, as a corpse. He had a bit about it way back when, about the pressure from society to wash your hands. He said he only washed his hands after going the bathroom if he ###### on his hands, which was only two to three times a week. He had a good point. The only reason to wash your hands after going to the bathroom is because of all the OTHER stuff you've touched entering and using the restroom. Then you have to navigate the door on the way out without touching it, else all the hand hygiene in the world just went for naught. Think about it. Assuming you washed your Dockers Dragon that morning and put on clean underwear, your hands are much dirtier than your trouser snake. You should wash up BEFORE touching your Chad Johnson Rob, TBH.

Maybe a little more frequent over the holidays


I was just going to post this. Sounds like the "Uber in Buffalo" movement is gaining a lot of traction in the last few months, and the voices for it are now much louder than the taxi companies argument against.


Coming soon (hopefully).

there is some opposition about Uber over here to, a lot of cab drivers are corrupt and working illegal and the ones who do work correct are overpriced.

in the end its not something they'll be able to stop.

Ok.  I couldn't wait any longer for the thread to open for this one.


Some guy dropped a deuce in the mens' room and walked out without washing his hands.




Yeah they once ran a taste on a bowl of nuts at a bar and found urine on them from 9 different people (not all male).   

I often see my friends not wash their hands, pisses me off.


The IRS!!


They have given me a lot of work lately with their crack down on US citizens living abroad ... primarily in Canada.


I have a new corporate client (until now my work has been strictly personal US returns) the director of which is a US Resident Alien.


So, now I have to sort out the corporate tax requirements of said corporation.


I thought that Revenue Canada was the worst at *mumbo jumbo*, but the IRS is far, far worse.


there is some opposition about Uber over here to, a lot of cab drivers are corrupt and working illegal and the ones who do work correct are overpriced.

in the end its not something they'll be able to stop.


Yeah they once ran a taste on a bowl of nuts at a bar and found urine on them from 9 different people (not all male).   

I often see my friends not wash their hands, pisses me off.


Urine is sterile, NBD. :)


The IRS!!


They have given me a lot of work lately with their crack down on US citizens living abroad ... primarily in Canada.


I have a new corporate client (until now my work has been strictly personal US returns) the director of which is a US Resident Alien.


So, now I have to sort out the corporate tax requirements of said corporation.


I thought that Revenue Canada was the worst at *mumbo jumbo*, but the IRS is far, far worse.


It's why they are there.


Well, it wouldn't be surprising if UB students were worse than RIT students, but framing it as a private vs state is where you get it wrong. It's higher entrance requirements vs lower requirements. If you thought UB was bad, you should experience Brockport or Buffalo State.

I have to disagree. I don't think RIT's admissions requirements were any higher than UB's (at least for engineering). I was accepted to both and I was not an exceptional student. But RIT attracted a different type of student at a higher rate than UB. When I went back to UB a few years ago I found myself surrounded by students with a different attitude. That they were paying less money seemed to mean that passing classes should have been easier. They expected teachers to roll over for them.


I have to disagree. I don't think RIT's admissions requirements were any higher than UB's (at least for engineering). I was accepted to both and I was not an exceptional student. But RIT attracted a different type of student at a higher rate than UB. When I went back to UB a few years ago I found myself surrounded by students with a different attitude. That they were paying less money seemed to mean that passing classes should have been easier. They expected teachers to roll over for them.


Shrug. Maybe you just had a bad cohort? Maybe you had a different perspective at UB because you were older? I never had any particularly memorable problems while teaching there.

Ahaha I don't miss this part of teaching. The kids who just suddenly happen to show up to class with half the final project left... 


The amazing stories I'd get, the sob stories, the catastrophic technical failures that prevented them from getting work done, the actual clothes ripping off tantrum I saw.... and then the one creepy boy who would just hang around... and stare at me... after class... "Give me an extension" ... he'd just follow me around, glaring. Lotta stories about that kid.


One of the other students saw him sort of stalking me around and then the rest of the class would stay until I was ready to leave. Which was tough when I was on crutches.  Good kids. Even if some of their excuses were directly out a bad movie script...


One kid- "the campus popo came in and raided my dormroom to look for pot and the memory card my project was on disappeared they might have took it"... well, I wouldn't deny the first part, but hard to have too much sympathy after you've only turned in one project, and the rest were half done and late... 


That last story is amazing :lol:


Shrug. Maybe you just had a bad cohort? Maybe you had a different perspective at UB because you were older? I never had any particularly memorable problems while teaching there.


That last story is amazing :lol:

I don't know. I just remember stories like Josie's kinda being the norm at RIT, but not on a large scale. I heard a lot of complaining at UB, where at RIT a lot more students just accepted their fates.  :lol:

Posted (edited)

Well, it wouldn't be surprising if UB students were worse than RIT students, but framing it as a private vs state is where you get it wrong. It's higher entrance requirements vs lower requirements. If you thought UB was bad, you should experience Brockport or Buffalo State.

I didn't get accepted to Brockport.

Edited by ubkev

Because the New York State Legislature sucks.


I think it's a city union/corrupt government issue, not a state one -- NYC is crawling with ubers (it's been a huge improvement over yellow cabs and crappy car services, btw).


I think it's a city union/corrupt government issue, not a state one -- NYC is crawling with ubers (it's been a huge improvement over yellow cabs and crappy car services, btw).


NYC is the only place in the state with Uber.  The entire rest of the state, it's illegal.  It's a state issue.



They needed to conduct a study to reach these conclusions?  :blink:


4. Conclusions

In spite of the training and performance under supervision during exams and the hand hygiene promotion activity, this study revealed that the students did not have a culture of good hand hygiene practice.

Our study showed that female medical students displayed better hand hygiene practices than male medical students.

It is very likely that the door knobs were contaminated by the hands of students who did not use soap to wash their hands after micturition.

Toilet door knobs were a source of hand contamination even among those who washed hands with soap after the use of the toilet. Hence public toilets should be designed so that while privacy is maintained, the user will not have doors that he or she might have to touch on the way out of the washing area.


I think it's a city union/corrupt government issue, not a state one -- NYC is crawling with ubers (it's been a huge improvement over yellow cabs and crappy car services, btw).

This is interesting. Doesn't uber also draw crappy cars and scummy drivers? Or do ratings and feedback force the bad cars out of business?

WTH Claude?


You throw this out there and don't sum it up for us?




I did read it and it was a very long winded version of exactly not to do what PA said to do.

I wasn't advocating not washing your hands, just not washing your hands and then grabbing the door handle on the way out and acting like you're Mr. Clean. I also find it odd that people think going to the bathroom (the acts themselves) somehow makes your hands dirty.


This is interesting. Doesn't uber also draw crappy cars and scummy drivers? Or do ratings and feedback force the bad cars out of business?

I wasn't advocating not washing your hands, just not washing your hands and then grabbing the door handle on the way out and acting like you're Mr. Clean. I also find it odd that people think going to the bathroom (the acts themselves) somehow makes your hands dirty.


I find it hard to believe that wiping one's butt wouldn't result in an atom of poop alighting on one's hand.  It doesn't need to be a palpable quantity to be infectious.


Wash your hands.


I find it hard to believe that wiping one's butt wouldn't result in an atom of poop alighting on one's hand.  It doesn't need to be a palpable quantity to be infectious.


Wash your hands.

So it's come to this?

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