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You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.

Damn. My condolences 


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.

Man. My sincerest condolences. :(


I am so done with this company.


Have to hang on till spring. Then I still work for them, but at least I won't physically be here. 


Hah I'm pretty much done with mine to, been working here for 8.5 years, going to stick it out 1.5 year more just because I will have been doing shift work for 10 years then.

The silver lining in working shifts for 10 years is I'm eligible for retirement 5 years earlier.    would be stupid to throw that away :p


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.

hug, I am sorry.


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.

So sorry to hear that, hope your mother pulls through.


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.


Sorry. :(


I had some complaints, but after that. Nope.


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.

Oh, my heart goes out to you. So young. My father turned 70 a few days ago. His health is a huge worry of mine.


Know that the people on this board are here for you however we can be.  I'm so sorry. 

Posted (edited)

Godspeed iTinSn's dad.


My complaint is, wife finally found a job she likes and her employer seems to value her. And some violent D bag screwed it up. Client my wife is working with didnt like a decision she made so he walked into her office, closed and locked the door, and went into a violent tirade complete with wall and desk punching. My wife was totally shell shocked by the experience. People nearby heard the commotion and ran over, but with a locked door they couldnt get in until his outburst ran its course. He never touched my wife, but he scared her shitless. He's been dealt with appropriately, but now the wife is questioning the job and the circumstance here.


Its taken her years to find this situation and a total jackass ruined it.

Edited by We've

You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.


Condolences.. That is more than anyone should have to handle in a weekend.  


Godspeed iTinSn's dad.


My complaint is, wife finally found a job she likes and her employer seems to value her. And some violent D bag screwed it up. Client my wife is working with didnt like a decision she made so he walked into her office, closed and locked the door, and went into a violent tirade complete with wall and desk punching. My wife was totally shell shocked by the experience. People nearby heard the commotion and ran over, but with a locked door they couldnt get in until his outburst ran its course. He never touched my wife, but he scared her shitless. He's been dealt with appropriately, but now the wife is questioning the job and the circumstance here.


Its taken her years to find this situation and a total jackass ruined it.


"appropriately" as in...fired? Because that seems like the only appropriate outcome there. 


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.


I am so sorry iTinSn.  God bless you and your family.


Godspeed iTinSn's dad.


My complaint is, wife finally found a job she likes and her employer seems to value her. And some violent D bag screwed it up. Client my wife is working with didnt like a decision she made so he walked into her office, closed and locked the door, and went into a violent tirade complete with wall and desk punching. My wife was totally shell shocked by the experience. People nearby heard the commotion and ran over, but with a locked door they couldnt get in until his outburst ran its course. He never touched my wife, but he scared her shitless. He's been dealt with appropriately, but now the wife is questioning the job and the circumstance here.


Its taken her years to find this situation and a total jackass ruined it.

Man this hits close to home for me.  Sorry to hear Weve.


My wife has finally found a job she enjoys as well.  She works in a library and enjoys her roll working as a children's librarian.  Gets along with her boss and all the rest.  On Sunday some punk teenagers came into the library and shot what she could have sworn was a gun. Then fired it in the air again.  She could tell at that point it was actually just a cap gone but she said it sounded so real.  She kicks them out of the library and he says 'yo it's just a prank yo.'  She broke down in tears at home that night.  They gave her the next day off and then a councilor came in on Tuesday to discuss with the group.  I guess she broke down again.  Now she's saying she doesn't want to even work anymore and just overall depressed.  In today's age of gun violence that ain't funny.  Who ever would think that's a funny prank.  Worst part is since it was only an imitation gun, police can only do so much.


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.

:( Sincerest condolences, iTlnSn, and prayers that your mom recovers fully.


Godspeed iTinSn's dad.


My complaint is, wife finally found a job she likes and her employer seems to value her. And some violent D bag screwed it up. Client my wife is working with didnt like a decision she made so he walked into her office, closed and locked the door, and went into a violent tirade complete with wall and desk punching. My wife was totally shell shocked by the experience. People nearby heard the commotion and ran over, but with a locked door they couldnt get in until his outburst ran its course. He never touched my wife, but he scared her shitless. He's been dealt with appropriately, but now the wife is questioning the job and the circumstance here.


Its taken her years to find this situation and a total jackass ruined it.

:( People suck.


Best of luck to you.  There's must be something in the water right now that's hitting fathers.  We just put mine in a home last week and he's a wreck.  My neighbor's dad broke his hip a day or two ago and is supposed to be in very bad shape, sounds like it may be the end for him.


I know people seem to think I'm a complainer, but I've always taken a lighthearted approach to this thread.  So many of the posts are made tongue in cheek mostly for fun.  You've got to enjoy as many moments as you can.


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.


My condolences.  Awful.


You all know of my hesitation to be a complainer and there's a good reason for it but here I go. Two weeks ago my mother was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. She hadn't seen a doctor since her last child was born 42 yrs ago. They were having a tough time figuring out her problem and she had been suffering the whole time. Last Friday they took my father into the hospital with a blood infection. He's been on the feeble side for years and we were of course all worried. By Sunday night they had realized that my mother's colon was severely inflamed and needed to come out that night. Meanwhile they moved Dad out of ICU because he seemed to be getting better. I got to the hospital early Monday morning from WNY to learn that Dad had passed away. My mother was now in ICU under sedation from her surgery the night before. They didn't remove the ventilator from her until Tuesday morning but the doctor told us it was unwise to tell her about Dad until Wednesday so we were given a brief visit thinking she would be groggy and forget to ask how Dad was doing. Of course all she wanted was to hear how he was so we lied to her. Yesterday we broke the news to her. Not a very fun day at all. The part where us boys needed to make a decision on embalming or cremation ran us ragged because with Mom unavailable we had a very vague idea as to what he actually wanted. Luckily we're all tough as nails and made the right choice. We have been handling all the nuts and bolts type stuff that need to be done and focusing on her. I haven't even had time to grieve for my father yet. Maybe this post is me beginning the process. My Dad was tough as nails and never wanted any of us to be whiners. "The world has enough of those" he would say. Fred was a very good man and I am fortunate to have his genes and his philosophy on life. Fred was only 70 yrs old. God Bless you, man. You were the best.

This is all kinds of awful. Best wishes.


Too much stuff planned for every single weekend. I just want two days where I can sit in a coma with no human interaction


And another team dropped all of their work off on us and it's due next Friday. Hurray

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