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If I were running for President my number one platform would be illustrating how little we pay educators in this country, and how difficult we make it for working professionals to leave their careers to go into teaching. 


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Priorities, sir. After all, what's the sense in all that fancy book learning if your football team sucks? Gotta make sure you at least qualify for one of the 75 bowl games sponsored by such and such regional chicken restaurant or foreign car company.


Priorities, sir. After all, what's the sense in all that fancy book learning if your football team sucks? Gotta make sure you at least qualify for one of the 75 bowl games sponsored by such and such regional chicken restaurant or foreign car company.


Lighten up. Every football player in coming out of HS dreams of playing in the WeBuyAnyCar.com Smoka Bowl!


In 40 of the 50 states, the highest paid state employee is either a football or basketball coach.

Gotta keep that school pride going with wins to bring in more students and that sweet, sweet tuition.... which you can hike if you're a prestigious winning sports culture school... 

Posted (edited)

OK, I know everyone has driving complaints and that we have pretty much played them all out....but anyways



People who have the right of way, and then proceed to stop dead in traffic and waive you out of your stop sign so that you can turn. They stop, forcing the 12 cars behind them to stop and they are like "tee hee, it's OK for you to go now, wave wave"


Well you! You go! That was dangerous for you and every car behind you. And I don't care how good and noble you feel about letting me turn out, you're wrong and you're an !



Yep, I responded to someone trying to do what they felt was a nice thing to do for me by calling them an .


I'm an .

Edited by ubkev

OK, I know everyone has driving complaints and that we have pretty much played them all out....but anyways



People who have the right of way, and then proceed to stop dead in traffic and waive you out of your stop sign so that you can turn. They stop, forcing the 12 cars behind them to stop and they are like "tee hee, it's OK for you to go now, waive waive"


Well ###### you! You go! That was ###### dangerous for you and every car behind you. And I don't care how good and noble you feel about letting me turn out, you're ###### wrong and you're an ######!



Yep, I responded to someone trying to do what they felt was a nice thing to do for me by calling them an ######.


I'm an ######.

Those people are the worst. I see so many near-accidents caused by people being nice and waving people out onto busy streets. If I'm pulling out of somewhere I don't need you to wave me out. Keep traffic moving and I'll make my turn when I can. 


Almost drove into someone this week , I was on a roundabout and she just came driving onto it at high speed while on her telephone, didn't even look for other traffic.

I doubted a bit , felt like ramming my toyota (my bumper is already dinged up a bit) in the flank of  her BMW X5.    Would have been her fault anyways.   

But my reflex got the better of me and stomped on my break.    Regretted because that didn't even look back at me and just drove off and kept calling someone on her phone.


These damned energy-efficient lights at work are making me batty.  I'm all for saving the planet and reducing wasted resources, but FFS when I'm sitting at my desk during normal work hours I don't want the lights to turn off every 15 min.!  Can't they set it to stay on when switched in the morning and only use the sensors after 6pm or something?  Sheesh.

Posted (edited)

Eventful week. 


After learning last week that my uncle has ALS and it is rather progressed, we found out over the weekend that my BIL has a lung disease (I don't know what it is called) and his doctor is talking to him about life expectancy in months.  He's 50.  2 teenage kids.  Crushing. 


Aaaand... the lawnmower kicked the bucket Saturday morning.  And this morning we woke up to the sewer drain line for the house plugged somewhere between the house and the street.  Plumber has it fixed now.  There is a newly dug trench in my front yard.  I haven't got the bill yet.  I'm bubbling with anticipation.


*raises white flag*

Edited by We've

I'm really glad that there are some great offseason threads going, but damn I wish we were talking about hockey games that the Sabres were still playing in.


My kid gave me a black eye this week with a headbutt. I was trying to give her a hug. 


The service at Lowes is so bad it approaches criminal. 

Posted (edited)

Wife calls this AM and says her brake pedal is almost to floor.


Take to dealer.  3 problems.


Master cylinder is leaking brake fluid through two seals.  Front, back rotors beyond turning, front and back pads need to be replaced.  Lines bled.


I gasped when told the price.  The lines aren't the only thing that will be bled today.

Edited by wjag
Posted (edited)

I've had a miserable few days from Saturday night to yesterday.


I'm so worried about my mom.  She works so damn hard all the time and whenever she's not working she has to be at home to help with gramma.  She's been at her current job for 16 years and tries way way way way way too hard when the bosses clearly don't give a damn about any of their employees.  She goes to low income homes that have kids with developmental disorders and makes sure they're in a stable environment and helps the family out in any way she can.  Most of her clients are very young mothers.  She cares so much about helping these people and bends over backwards to do her best.  Sometimes she has to call CPS, but that's just part of the job.  Anyways, by the time she gets home she's exhausted and it's really frustrating to do gramma stuff with her.  Taking gramma to the bathroom/getting her ready for bed is an unchanging routine, yet my poor tired mother can never focus on which step is next or what she should be doing.  She has really bad ADHD and I think it might really help her keep her brain unscrambled if she tried some meds.  I don't know.  Every time I try to bring it up she deflects with humor. My sister and I are going to have a sit down talk with her soon. Either way, she needs to quit her job.


EDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying my mom shouldn't work.  She could make wayyyyy more than she does right now working from home as a writer (pamphlets, concert programs, that kinda freelance work).  She could also find employment at Cornell if she wanted.  My brother works in their finance department (or something) and he makes it sound like there are hundreds of high paying jobs available.  My mom, with her tireless work ethic, years of experience as an editor (specifically edited college textbooks), and degree from UPenn would have no problem landing on her feet somewhere.  She accepts that life is going to be hard and but sometimes I think she lets it be harder than it has to and it really sucks to see.



My girlfriend and I are fighting about the dumbest stuff right now.  She's never had to do long distance in a relationship before, and it's starting to show.  She's been doing some really unfair fighting while I've just been trying to express how miserable I am right now.  She's accusing me of being self centered when I think that she's acting like a self-centered jerk.  And at the heart of this is the fact that we both really really really want to see one another.  It's concerning, and draining.


My podcasting partner is bordering on useless.  He's late to our sessions, promises we'll have a room to record in when we don't, and falls asleep halfway into our recordings.  I'm going to try having my brother be co-host instead.  He actually seems to love game of thrones so it should make for a more interesting dynamic anyways.

Edited by qwksndmonster

All I can say about the long distance thing is honesty is the best policy and making sure you know when you will see eachother next helps. I think sometimes having these heavy relationship conversations over the phone or text makes them worse and you should wait to address issues you are having in person. Start but finding out how she feels about the topic before telling her how you are feeling and then meet in the middle.


Being responsible for things when you're not actually allowed to be in charge of them.


And FedEx.  Still.


Jeebus I'm tired.


Being responsible for things when you're not actually allowed to be in charge of them.


And FedEx.  Still.


Jeebus I'm tired.


The bolded is my biggest gripe at work at the moment.  So infuriating.  


The bolded is my biggest gripe at work at the moment.  So infuriating.  

Yep.  I could do a far better job if I were allowed to do it my way, but instead I've got my hands tied to do the half-assed way and the end result is still on me.  So stupid.

Posted (edited)

I've always been someone who takes pride in my work, but the current situation has me so beat down that I just don't give a F about work anymore.  I hate being like that, but it's become just a paycheck and I'm working for the weekends.

Edited by biodork

I've always been someone who takes pride in my work, but the current situation has me so beat down that I just don't give a F about work anymore.  I hate being like that, but it's become just a paycheck and I'm working for the weekends.


I'm almost there :(


Not really worthy of a complaint, but gonna complain anyway.


Getting charged $30, if deemed worthy of even getting tickets, to watch a whole lotta nothin' aka the 2016 NHL Draft.


Wanted to take my kids. Not sure now if I will. $90 is a lot to watch people sitting at tables for 4 hours. One of them was at the last time Buffalo hosted. Might have to be good enough.


Good to see that 20+ years of being a STH is appreciated. <_<


Not really worthy of a complaint, but gonna complain anyway.


Getting charged $30, if deemed worthy of even getting tickets, to watch a whole lotta nothin' aka the 2016 NHL Draft.


Wanted to take my kids. Not sure now if I will. $90 is a lot to watch people sitting at tables for 4 hours. One of them was at the last time Buffalo hosted. Might have to be good enough.


Good to see that 20+ years of being a STH is appreciated. <_<


$0 is a lot to watch people sitting at tables for 4 hours. My friends and I watched Lindros go, then Falloon, and then a couple of more before we bailed.  I wished I had brought a book.


$0 is a lot to watch people sitting at tables for 4 hours. My friends and I watched Lindros go, then Falloon, and then a couple of more before we bailed.  I wished I had brought a book.

It is. And in '98 we left shortly after Kalinin was picked.

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