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Yes! My 12yo son is in the advanced math group at his school. He's good at numbers and does it quickly in his head in his own way and comes up with the correct answers, however he loses a lot of credit because his explanations aren't always what the teacher is looking for. His explanations actually makes sense and he gets the right answer, but loses credit because it's not the way they were taught to do it.


What this does is helps kids who are not naturally good at math by giving them a single path to the answer. However, this punishes kids who are naturally good with numbers because it forces them to think like everyone else. It drives me nuts to see my kid get so discouraged because he's losing points even though he has the correct answers. My younger boy isn't as proficient at math but is better at memorization so his math grade is likely better than it would be without common core.

What this is, though, is training for college. College courses set high standards for doing things exactly as requested. The better method is frequently rejected for a particular method.


Your kid is being taught not to ask questions, just to do the work.


The rub is whether or not we should be training kids for college.


Complaint 2: the new Ghostbusters trailer.

It looks like a SNL sketch

He still wouldn't pull over despite your pleas of "alright, alright I will vote for Trump!!!"

Hahahah nope  :lol:

It probably is teaching to the test. We have a huge problem with that in this country. 

You would love Finland. They have education down pat. After WW2 they looked around and realized their natural resources and production could never keep up, so they invested everything into education so they could sell ideas and brains instead. Their educational system is amazing, and it's entirely because they teach you how to learn, and they're very good at it


What this is, though, is training for college. College courses set high standards for doing things exactly as requested. The better method is frequently rejected for a particular method.


Your kid is being taught not to ask questions, just to do the work.


The rub is whether or not we should be training kids for college.


I'm not buying the idea that common core is simply training for college.   I was encouraged to think creatively at the University I attended.    


Common core will help raise the overall performance of students in standardized testing, but at the expense of those who are naturally gifted with numbers.     


It looks like a ###### SNL sketch


Hahahah nope :lol:


You would love Finland. They have education down pat. After WW2 they looked around and realized their natural resources and production could never keep up, so they invested everything into education so they could sell ideas and brains instead. Their educational system is amazing, and it's entirely because they teach you how to learn, and they're very good at it

Schools here certainly aren't in the business of teaching kids how to learn. If they were I'd have done much better in college from the start. I had to learn how to learn. It was awful and nearly derailed my entire life.


All so my grade school can keep its graduation rates artificially high.


You should park someplace else nearby tomorrow and bring a pogo stick into the job with you and pretend like it's your new transportation to work. Then when there's a call offsite to fix a problem at a remote location tell him he has to go because his bike is faster than your pogo stick.






Unicycle or skateboard would probably work as well. Either way, don't put up with that crap. You shouldn't have to bear all the off site burden if it's part of his job description as well.


Company went on a firing spree, but told those people they'd just fired to come to the meeting where they told us they'd let people go but the company was Doing Great! Barf. Watched former coworkers leave in tears. Real professional, bosses. 


Then they cut matching our 401k's, because we're supposedly not doing so hot. Wouldn't bother me much, except the bosses take their pals (read, 1/3 of the company) out to the bar Every. Single. Night. And put hundreds of bucks worth of drinks and food on the company card. Or they just disappear during the day to go play and drink and hang out. You wonder why the place is having trouble, do you? 


Priorities. If it wasn't for my love of teaching at RIT and a decent paycheck, I'd be gone already. 


And with that, I'm planning my exit, to Buffalo, hopefully this time next year. I want to work in sports and art, and move back in with d4rk full time. Anybody know of anything? I'm eyeing down New Era Caps and probably going to be harassing the Sabres- I'd love to do the game day posters like CBJ does. Just gotta get my ducks in a row and attack. Doing some apps with my coworker- see where those go. 


Also, hi, been absent from the board lately, not that I ever really contributed anyways- been dealing with a lot. Still a lurker though.


Priorities. If it wasn't for my love of teaching at RIT and a decent paycheck, I'd be gone already. 


What do you teach at RIT?  My son is in the New Media Design program.


What do you teach at RIT?  My son is in the New Media Design program.

Oh awesome! My boss is... the head of that program. 


I teach Digital Illustration 1. NMD is a great program- tough, but he'll def get a job upon graduating- San Fran is a really booming market for it. A bunch go to NYC too. It seems to be the jack of all trades major for art, thereby guaranteeing success. 


My last post in this thread was over 6 years ago, about missing my brother's birthday.  On an unfortunate, related note, my brother, the kindest, most unconditionally generous and caring person I've ever known, passed away yesterday at 31.  Life is infuriatingly and depressingly unfair at times.


My last post in this thread was over 6 years ago, about missing my brother's birthday.  On an unfortunate, related note, my brother, the kindest, most unconditionally generous and caring person I've ever known, passed away yesterday at 31.  Life is infuriatingly and depressingly unfair at times.

Wow. 31. I'm so sorry man. 


My last post in this thread was over 6 years ago, about missing my brother's birthday. On an unfortunate, related note, my brother, the kindest, most unconditionally generous and caring person I've ever known, passed away yesterday at 31. Life is infuriatingly and depressingly unfair at times.

I am sorry to hear about your loss. I will pray for your family.

My last post in this thread was over 6 years ago, about missing my brother's birthday.  On an unfortunate, related note, my brother, the kindest, most unconditionally generous and caring person I've ever known, passed away yesterday at 31.  Life is infuriatingly and depressingly unfair at times.

I almost didn't post because I just don't know what to say at a time like this, as I'm sure others don't as well. Just know that everyone here feels for you and is praying for you and your family. 


My boss keeps using the moronic saying "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".


I desperately want to tell him no, not really at all. The definition of insanity is mentally ill, not of sound mind.



It really grates on me. It might be my least favorite saying ever. It's beyond stupid. But he says it all the time. I want to print out the definition and anonymously leave it on his office door.


My boss keeps using the moronic saying "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".


I desperately want to tell him no, not really at all. The definition of insanity is mentally ill, not of sound mind.



It really grates on me. It might be my least favorite saying ever. It's beyond stupid. But he says it all the ###### time. I want to print out the definition and anonymously leave it on his office door.

I hate it too. Humans by nature repeat routines. What if the thing you're repeating is practice? Repetition should inherently lead to different results.

Posted (edited)

I think you guys may be taking that saying too literally, or maybe applying it to in a universal sense when it's not supposed to be


And juju, sorry for your loss, I honestly can't imagine that. My brother is my best friend. I hope everything works out for you

Edited by WildCard

I think you guys may be taking that saying too literally, or maybe applying it to in a universal sense when it's not supposed to be

I think the complaint here is that other people apply it too liberally :p


I think you guys may be taking that saying too literally, or maybe applying it to in a universal sense when it's not supposed to be

I'm pretty sure my boss thinks it's the actual definition. I'm not kidding. He's not unintelligent but we work in a factory. He's a limited man as am I.


Unicycle or skateboard would probably work as well. Either way, don't put up with that crap. You shouldn't have to bear all the off site burden if it's part of his job description as well.

I don't. To be fair, we have a company vehicle that he can use and he has used it for stuff like this. However, at times when that isn't available or he's late to work and the remote site issue needs addressing right away, I'm the man. He's not an idiot, but he's lazy. He needs to be told "Go do XYZ" or else he won't do it.


I just brought this to management again today and they "promise" he will do his fair share of the work and I don't have to bear the burden. We'll see....


Jujufish, my condolences go out to you. 31 is way too young. I hope you and your family will stay strong through this.


My last post in this thread was over 6 years ago, about missing my brother's birthday.  On an unfortunate, related note, my brother, the kindest, most unconditionally generous and caring person I've ever known, passed away yesterday at 31.  Life is infuriatingly and depressingly unfair at times.

I got nuthin'. So sorry for your loss, JuJu... way too young. :(


My last post in this thread was over 6 years ago, about missing my brother's birthday.  On an unfortunate, related note, my brother, the kindest, most unconditionally generous and caring person I've ever known, passed away yesterday at 31.  Life is infuriatingly and depressingly unfair at times.


I've got nothing better to offer than anyone else, but hang in there.

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