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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a helluva week.


My wife lost her job on Monday.  She was a county worker in a very politicized department.  It was pretty much a patronage job.  Frankly, we don't know how my wife got it to begin with.  The closest we can say we are to connected is, my wife is friends with a sister of a county legislator.  Not real connected.  We felt very fortunate indeed that she had the job.  She's only been in this position since August.  The woman that is replacing my wife is the wife of former legislator, they are very politically connected.   Word form my wife's co-workers is that the decision to hire this lady came right from the State Senator from our district.  He wanted his people in this job.   Did not matter that my wife did the job well.  DId not matter that she was going to be on the street, and a struggling to get by family is going to be down an income.  Mr. State Senator wanted HIS person in the job.   I am beyond bitter right now.  Feck him.  Feck him right in the ear.  I just became a volunteer for whoever his next opponent is.  A very motivated one.


And then yesterday.......... I came home form work and my wife is in a panic.  "we've got a problem".  "What?"  "I let the dog out when I came home, and he got out of the backyard".  "xxxxxx".  About the time I was stepping out of the house to look for him we heard him bark.  He was in the driveway, at our side door, barking to come in.  Thank God.  He didn't run.  So...... I check the yard to see how he got out and I found a 6ft section of chain link fence in the front of the backyard that is destroyed.  It looked like someone kicked it in until it broke away from the post, and then they slid it back, accordion style, until there was a 3ft gap in the fence.  The chain link is all stretched and beat to .  WTF?   Why would someone do this?  The fence is only 4ft high, so it would be easy to jump.  And there is an unlocked gate on the other side.  If you wanted out, you certainly didn't need to destroy my fence to get out.  I am baffled by the motivation.  Worse yet, this is the 2nd time in 6 months that someone did this.  the first time I was able to repair the fence.  This time it is so badly damaged that I need to replace it.  And I'll have to spend a bit more money.  No sense putting chain link back in.  I'm going to have to go with wrought iron or something that won't be so readily destroyed.  Why would someone do this?


Where are my blood pressure pills?  I'm on the warpath.


It's been a helluva week.


My wife lost her job on Monday.  She was a county worker in a very politicized department.  It was pretty much a patronage job.  Frankly, we don't know how my wife got it to begin with.  The closest we can say we are to connected is, my wife is friends with a sister of a county legislator.  Not real connected.  We felt very fortunate indeed that she had the job.  She's only been in this position since August.  The woman that is replacing my wife is the wife of former legislator, they are very politically connected.   Word form my wife's co-workers is that the decision to hire this lady came right from the State Senator from our district.  He wanted his people in this job.   Did not matter that my wife did the job well.  DId not matter that she was going to be on the street, and a struggling to get by family is going to be down an income.  Mr. State Senator wanted HIS person in the job.   I am beyond bitter right now.  Feck him.  Feck him right in the ear.  I just became a volunteer for whoever his next opponent is.  A very motivated one.


And then yesterday.......... I came home form work and my wife is in a panic.  "we've got a problem".  "What?"  "I let the dog out when I came home, and he got out of the backyard".  "xxxxxx".  About the time I was stepping out of the house to look for him we heard him bark.  He was in the driveway, at our side door, barking to come in.  Thank God.  He didn't run.  So...... I check the yard to see how he got out and I found a 6ft section of chain link fence in the front of the backyard that is destroyed.  It looked like someone kicked it in until it broke away from the post, and then they slid it back, accordion style, until there was a 3ft gap in the fence.  The chain link is all stretched and beat to ######.  WTF?   Why would someone do this?  The fence is only 4ft high, so it would be easy to jump.  And there is an unlocked gate on the other side.  If you wanted out, you certainly didn't need to destroy my fence to get out.  I am baffled by the motivation.  Worse yet, this is the 2nd time in 6 months that someone did this.  the first time I was able to repair the fence.  This time it is so badly damaged that I need to replace it.  And I'll have to spend a bit more money.  No sense putting chain link back in.  I'm going to have to go with wrought iron or something that won't be so readily destroyed.  Why would someone do this?


Where are my blood pressure pills?  I'm on the warpath.


Wow We've, sorry to hear all that.  You always hear about political stuff like that happening, but I've never heard the side of the displaced before.  Hopefully 2016 brings better luck for you.


It's been a helluva week.


My wife lost her job on Monday. She was a county worker in a very politicized department. It was pretty much a patronage job. Frankly, we don't know how my wife got it to begin with. The closest we can say we are to connected is, my wife is friends with a sister of a county legislator. Not real connected. We felt very fortunate indeed that she had the job. She's only been in this position since August. The woman that is replacing my wife is the wife of former legislator, they are very politically connected. Word form my wife's co-workers is that the decision to hire this lady came right from the State Senator from our district. He wanted his people in this job. Did not matter that my wife did the job well. DId not matter that she was going to be on the street, and a struggling to get by family is going to be down an income. Mr. State Senator wanted HIS person in the job. I am beyond bitter right now. Feck him. Feck him right in the ear. I just became a volunteer for whoever his next opponent is. A very motivated one.


And then yesterday.......... I came home form work and my wife is in a panic. "we've got a problem". "What?" "I let the dog out when I came home, and he got out of the backyard". "xxxxxx". About the time I was stepping out of the house to look for him we heard him bark. He was in the driveway, at our side door, barking to come in. Thank God. He didn't run. So...... I check the yard to see how he got out and I found a 6ft section of chain link fence in the front of the backyard that is destroyed. It looked like someone kicked it in until it broke away from the post, and then they slid it back, accordion style, until there was a 3ft gap in the fence. The chain link is all stretched and beat to ######. WTF? Why would someone do this? The fence is only 4ft high, so it would be easy to jump. And there is an unlocked gate on the other side. If you wanted out, you certainly didn't need to destroy my fence to get out. I am baffled by the motivation. Worse yet, this is the 2nd time in 6 months that someone did this. the first time I was able to repair the fence. This time it is so badly damaged that I need to replace it. And I'll have to spend a bit more money. No sense putting chain link back in. I'm going to have to go with wrought iron or something that won't be so readily destroyed. Why would someone do this?


Where are my blood pressure pills? I'm on the warpath.

Sounds like teenager boredom. We used to do hellacious things in the name of nothing better to do. Got some teens in your hood?



My complaint. As some of you know, I got a new (to me) Jeep Grand Cherokee. I cznt describe how much I love this thing. It's the altitude package. Black pearl coat paint, black leather interior, tinted windows and some fat 20" rims to boot. Sooooo, a week after I drove it off the lot I go to spray my windshield to clear some muck and the sprayer isn't working. Well, the dealership I bought it from is an hour and change away so going there to get it looked at isn't an option. So I'm taking it to a local dealer who is affiliated and will fix it under the lemon law warranty. Also, I'm not sure if the heated side mirrors are working. The Orange icons imbedded in the mirror aren't lighting up. They supposed "certified" my vehicle the day before I picked it up. Doesn't look like they did a very good job.


That's rough We've, yeesh.


I have three complaints, all connected. First, I had to move back in with my parents last week for probably the next month or so because after shoulder surgery this coming Monday, I'll functionally have no right arm for at least a month. So not only will I be living with my parents at 30, but I won't be able to leave the house at all by myself for awhile. Ugh.


Second, well, not looking forward to major surgery and being a cripple for 4-6 months. Exercising is a really important part of my life, and I won't be able to do any actual lifting until June (the ortho made it quite clear that I'll be functional well before the 6 month mark, but the weight lifting will have to wait).


Lastly, this being my last week of relative freedom, I had a long list of things I wanted to do. Well I came down with a sinus infection on Christmas, and have been feeling miserable and been laying around all week. Just this morning I started to feel human again, but still feel kinda crappy. Oh, and because of the antibiotics, I can't even drink until Sunday...but I can't drink Sunday either since it's the day before surgery. That's a lot of hockey and a football game to endure without a single beer :(


Bonus complaint: money. I have good insurance, but between various doctors visits and the surgery, I'll be down $140 or so during the freaking holidays. Then after the surgery, looking at physical therapy 2-3 days per week at $20 a pop for a cool ~$200 a month. Quick, somebody lose a bunch of charity bets to me, with the charity being...me.


That's rough We've, yeesh.


I have three complaints, all connected. First, I had to move back in with my parents last week for probably the next month or so because after shoulder surgery this coming Monday, I'll functionally have no right arm for at least a month. So not only will I be living with my parents at 30, but I won't be able to leave the house at all by myself for awhile. Ugh.


Second, well, not looking forward to major surgery and being a cripple for 4-6 months. Exercising is a really important part of my life, and I won't be able to do any actual lifting until June (the ortho made it quite clear that I'll be functional well before the 6 month mark, but the weight lifting will have to wait).


Lastly, this being my last week of relative freedom, I had a long list of things I wanted to do. Well I came down with a sinus infection on Christmas, and have been feeling miserable and been laying around all week. Just this morning I started to feel human again, but still feel kinda crappy. Oh, and because of the antibiotics, I can't even drink until Sunday...but I can't drink Sunday either since it's the day before surgery. That's a lot of hockey and a football game to endure without a single beer :(


Bonus complaint: money. I have good insurance, but between various doctors visits and the surgery, I'll be down $140 or so during the freaking holidays. Then after the surgery, looking at physical therapy 2-3 days per week at $20 a pop for a cool ~$200 a month. Quick, somebody lose a bunch of charity bets to me, with the charity being...me.


About 4-5 years ago I came down with shingles in my right eye.  Cost me well over $1000 when it was all said and done.  And I had decent insurance then.  I can't imagine getting through that without a serious credit card balance if it happened today.


About 4-5 years ago I came down with shingles in my right eye. Cost me well over $1000 when it was all said and done. And I had decent insurance then. I can't imagine getting through that without a serious credit card balance if it happened today.

Shingles in your eye? I can't even imagine. I feel like you've mentioned this before somewhere around here, and hearing about it again is no less horrifying.


I hear ya on the money, TrueBlue. I'm a few grand down from my little broken bone now... thank god I was saving saving saving for a future house, wedding, kids... dang.  :cry:


Sorry about all that, We've. Cruddy time of year for these things. :( 


complaint stems from xmas last week: My family is so negative. All hypochondriacs, all wired so that sympathy over physical problems is the only way they show caring. They call me selfish for having moved away. I never noticed these unpleasant qualities until I moved away. No wonder I'm as negative/annoying as I am. 


Also held my friend with the heroin using husband for a couple hours while she just cried. Helped another friend across the country through some truly evil heartbreak. Awful stuff. People suck.


Glad to be back in NY and with d4rk's family. 


Hey, new surgery related complaint! Just got the call from the scheduler, and I'm to go in at 2:30 with surgery at 4. Sure, whatever...except I still have to fast starting at midnight, even with the late afternoon surgery. I'm going to be A) starving and B) caffeine deprived. 

Posted (edited)

Damn True, that's rough. Being immobile sucks. I used to joke with my friend about being a cripple as he has both acl's torn, and here I get a sprained mcl and start worrying I need surgery and how I'm gonna afford/deal with it. Best of luck to you man, I'm sure you'll be much happier with it once it's all done


Ink is right, We've. Definitely sounds like some teenagers in your area. We used to rip out mailboxes because we were bored

Edited by WildCard

Damn True, that's rough. Brining immobile sucks.

I used to joke with my friend about being a cripple as e has both acl's torn, and here I get a sprained mcl and start worrying I need surgery and how I'm gonna afford/deal with it. Best of luck to you man, I'm sure you'll be much happier with it once it's all done


Ink is right, We've. Definitely sound like some teenagers in your area. We used to rip out mailboxes because we were bored

I remember throwing raw eggs at moving cars on Niagara Falls Boulevard as a kid. It was tons of fun for us, but now as an adult I realize if I got an egg on my car I would be pissed and it would be a huge PITA to clean up. Kids are stupid.


Medical costs suck. Eight years ago when I got up in a car accident my bills totaled well over $100k. All was covered outside of co-pays. Today that same incident would cost me $10k out of pocket since my company only offers high deductible plans now.


Medical costs suck. Eight years ago when I got ###### up in a car accident my bills totaled well over $100k. All was covered outside of co-pays. Today that same incident would cost me $10k out of pocket since my company only offers high deductible plans now.

Gah. High deductible plans sound great because you take home more of your pay and are generally accompanied with an HSA, but they really don't protect you when you need your insurance the most - during those major events. Those events are kind of the whole point of having insurance in the first place, innit?


Hey, new surgery related complaint! Just got the call from the scheduler, and I'm to go in at 2:30 with surgery at 4. Sure, whatever...except I still have to fast starting at midnight, even with the late afternoon surgery. I'm going to be A) starving and B) caffeine deprived.

Same scenario when I had shoulder surgery. I had warned the nurse that I would want food as soon as I was awake. She insisted I would be nauseous but I've had enough work done that I knew. I bitched so much about wanting a cheeseburger when I was coming to that she had no choice but to feed me.

Damn True, that's rough. Being immobile sucks. I used to joke with my friend about being a cripple as he has both acl's torn, and here I get a sprained mcl and start worrying I need surgery and how I'm gonna afford/deal with it. Best of luck to you man, I'm sure you'll be much happier with it once it's all done


Ink is right, We've. Definitely sounds like some teenagers in your area. We used to rip out mailboxes because we were bored

Mcl sprain? You're lucky. I tore mcl ten years ago and needed no surgery. It's banded and those don't require surgery or so I'm told. Couple months and some PT and I was good.

Damn True, that's rough. Being immobile sucks. I used to joke with my friend about being a cripple as he has both acl's torn, and here I get a sprained mcl and start worrying I need surgery and how I'm gonna afford/deal with it. Best of luck to you man, I'm sure you'll be much happier with it once it's all done


Ink is right, We've. Definitely sounds like some teenagers in your area. We used to rip out mailboxes because we were bored


I'm sure it's kids.  I don't understand the motivation.  I was no angel, but I never with other peoples stuff.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just got news that my 72 year old grandfather has been officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  We all saw it coming, but it's so sad.  I really hope my kids get to see him in close to a similar light as I saw him before he starts to fade too much.  His driving days are over, but he still knows people and places.  Just gets dates and times, and places he's been confused.


The man is my hero.  He was a Tank Commander in the US Army at the Berlin wall (dropped out of hs). left the armor for the green berets.  Left the green berets for the MPs.  Finally left the MPs for the national guard and was one of the Non commissioned officers in charge of a large outfit tasked with security in NYC after 9/11 as his last deployment.  He was a Buffalo city cop, and a plumber in there too somewhere, with some sketchy things that come with being an Italian plumber in Buffalo...He's been everywhere, seen everything.  He has always been lighthearted, quick with a joke, and there to have your back.  Powered through a heart attack, and valve replacement, and a hip replacement.  The man has always seemed indestructible. 


and now I paused to take a phone call from my sister, and whoever is cutting the damn onions in my office needs to stop.


Just got news that my 72 year old grandfather has been officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  We all saw it coming, but it's so sad.  I really hope my kids get to see him in close to a similar light as I saw him before he starts to fade too much.  His driving days are over, but he still knows people and places.  Just gets dates and times, and places he's been confused.


The man is my hero.  He was a Tank Commander in the US Army at the Berlin wall (dropped out of hs). left the armor for the green berets.  Left the green berets for the MPs.  Finally left the MPs for the national guard and was one of the Non commissioned officers in charge of a large outfit tasked with security in NYC after 9/11 as his last deployment.  He was a Buffalo city cop, and a plumber in there too somewhere, with some sketchy things that come with being an Italian plumber in Buffalo...He's been everywhere, seen everything.  He has always been lighthearted, quick with a joke, and there to have your back.  Powered through a heart attack, and valve replacement, and a hip replacement.  The man has always seemed indestructible. 


and now I paused to take a phone call from my sister, and whoever is cutting the damn onions in my office needs to stop.

Nice tribute. Good luck.


Just got news that my 72 year old grandfather has been officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  We all saw it coming, but it's so sad.  I really hope my kids get to see him in close to a similar light as I saw him before he starts to fade too much.  His driving days are over, but he still knows people and places.  Just gets dates and times, and places he's been confused.


The man is my hero.  He was a Tank Commander in the US Army at the Berlin wall (dropped out of hs). left the armor for the green berets.  Left the green berets for the MPs.  Finally left the MPs for the national guard and was one of the Non commissioned officers in charge of a large outfit tasked with security in NYC after 9/11 as his last deployment.  He was a Buffalo city cop, and a plumber in there too somewhere, with some sketchy things that come with being an Italian plumber in Buffalo...He's been everywhere, seen everything.  He has always been lighthearted, quick with a joke, and there to have your back.  Powered through a heart attack, and valve replacement, and a hip replacement.  The man has always seemed indestructible. 


and now I paused to take a phone call from my sister, and whoever is cutting the damn onions in my office needs to stop.

I'm sorry Dennis, that's never easy.



So many reminders of mortality lately. Yes, the celebrities, who are all the same age as my father (69), but in the last couple weeks I've been made painfully aware of the heroin epidemic in my hometown. Not just my best friend's husband. A guy I knew in high school OD'd Monday, and it resulted in so many people, people I'd never have expected, coming forward about their own struggles with drugs. He was a good kid. Just dealt with some bad things in his life in a poor way. It's the last place you'd expect this kind of problem. I keep thinking of the new HBO doc about the heroin epidemic in Cape Cod. But yeah, over prescribing, blah blah, a lot of hearts are breaking. I've learned a lot about this drug. I wish I didn't have to. Screw the dealers, man. 


Been everyone's shoulder to cry on lately. Bosses have yet to sit down with me about my salary problem. Oh well, got the republican debate to drink beer and yell about tonight! 

Posted (edited)

Been everyone's shoulder to cry on lately. Bosses have yet to sit down with me about my salary problem. Oh well, got the republican debate to drink beer and yell about tonight! 


Speaking of politicians (I apologize in advance, as this is not intended to be a political discussion)...


I hate the State of the Union address. Watching half (or whatever percentage of Democrats are in the house) applaud for everything the president says while the rest of them sit in their seats quietly, then the need to have a "response" from the Republican party is a joke. We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, right?

Edited by Buffalo Wings
Posted (edited)

The Complaint Thursday thread was never unlocked last Thursday!


And sorry to hear, Dennis.  :(


Speaking of politicians (I apologize in advance, as this is not intended to be a political discussion)...


I hate the State of the Union address. Watching half (or whatever percentage of Democrats are in the house) applaud for everything the president says while the rest of them sit in their seats quietly, then the need to have a "response" from the Republican party is a joke. We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, right?

Agreed 100%.  It's gotten unbearably stupid (the political climate, not the SOTU address itself) over the last several years.

Edited by biodork
Posted (edited)

I think I forgot to post this one since it happened right before Christmas, but on the way to my stepmom's father's funeral, somebody sideswiped my dad's car and damaged the passenger side doors.  Someone else managed to get a picture of the license plate as the car sped away without stopping and they reported it to the police, but it's a dead plate so they've had no luck finding the person who did it.  My dad drives a 1995 Camry, so the estimated repair cost is greater than the value of the car and the insurance company wants to have it totaled.  They can't afford a new car right now considering both are unemployed and he's still got a ton of medical expenses, and the car is still driveable but they keep getting calls from tow companies trying to arrange a time for them to take it away.  (Damn you, Powerball...)

Edited by biodork

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