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Funny, my very first grad school professor referred to MDs as "...nothing more than body mechanics. They just apply the knowledge that the researchers create." Although not entirely inaccurate, it was said in a very derogatory fashion.

Every way of man is right in his own eyes. - proverbs 21:2


Looking at the x-Rays the bone that I broke never fully healed. It's stilled partially broken apparently so they would go in and put a screw to properly align it.

The ligaments in that area have tightened in such a way that the range of motion is hindered severely, but the bone is still able to be fixed without re-breaking it or whatever other options they normally consider.

At least that's what I understand from my conversation with the doc. Maybe they just want me to get the surgery because it's more lucrative for them. I've got time to sort it out, but I appreciate the tips.

Mine was still slightly broken 3 years later, which is where the splint came in. (Generally immobilizing it for ~2 months allowed it to finalize the setting that had improperly begun years prior.) But Dr believed (and it turned out to be correct) that the wrist function could be improved more without surgery than with it. Your situation could be completely different, but at a minimum I'd want a second opinion before doing anything permanent.


if/when the bone is fully healed there are a lot of tortures that PT's could put your soft tissue through to quite possibly improve the function. (I've been shocked at how well PT allieviates / cures soft tissue issues.)


As statec up thread - good luck w/ it. Mid-20's are far too early in life to have chronic pain &/ or reduced mobility/function.


PM me if you'd like to continue this discussion.

I enjoy reminding them that they aren't medical doctors. Had a guy I used to work with, that would always take the wind out of his sails. Pompous isn't a strong enough word.

Funny. Most of my engineering professors were quite proud of pointing out the distinction that engineers are taught in their science and medical doctors are trained in their art. :p


I have broken my left wrist twice. I would advise PT at the least. Surgery sucks but can be necessary. I would chose the option that gave me the most strength. I would much rather have strength over mobility. You'll need it when you're old and broken. Those walkers can be tricky.


Microsoft Office 2013.  Ew.


It's awful.  I used to be able to work with 10 or more spreadsheets open.  Now Excel locks up if I have three files open.

Yeah, they should've stopped at 2003 IMO.  I'd gotten used to 2007 and 2010 even though I wasn't a big fan, but 2013 just sucks... more stuff that looks like it's meant for a tablet.  Boo.


Yeah, which would be okay if everything else looked like that.  But it doesn't.  And if you go deep enough into the menus some of them look like normal windows (i.e., they didn't tabletize all of them). Just kind of a hack job on the graphics.  Also, THE MENU ITEMS YELL AT YOU.

All this talk of broken wrists make me glad mine is only sprained.


Working late tonight. Don't know how late. Project got screwed again, not enough artists, same old never-ending crap. I guess I don't mind working late, what I mind is that my freelance is getting pushed back another day. Been working overtime nearly every day for weeks now. I need to write a syllabus and set up the school year. I don't know when the heck Ill get to that. I'm so tired. Everything's so off schedule and behind and I'm just drowning in guilt. There's only so many hours in a day and so much creative energy in my stupid brain. My work is starting to suck. 


I found PhDs to be more socially awkward than arrogant. Then again, engineers tend to be a rather arrogant group so my calibration may be skewed.


To say nothing of, holy off the scales socially awkward Batman!


It depends a lot on the field.   BTW - I know of at least 4 PhD's who regularly frequent this board


It depends a lot on the field.   BTW - I know of at least 4 PhD's who regularly frequent this board


An awkward, impersonal lot, known to post horrible things without any awareness of their effect!   :P


 There's only so many hours in a day and so much creative energy in my stupid brain. My work is starting to suck. 


Sounds like you're almost at the right level to start working on Office 2015.


How will I survive the workload this semester... unknown.

18 credits, all 400 level classes, I know the feeling. But, at this point, with it being my last semester, I feel more like this


Posted (edited)

Just got home from work.


Stepped in cat vomit barefoot and found cat s hit all over the floor.


The perfect end to a perfect day.

Edited by Josie914

#1 - Lots of changes happening at work. Our CTO is changing the structure of the department and now every person could potentially have 3-4 people they report to. As far as HR is concerned, we'll still have 1 boss (who approves vacation, signs off on expense reports/time cards, etc.), but every person could be accountable to 3 higher-level managers. Cue the Office Space jokes...


#2 - I seem to have tendonitis again, but in two places - left wrist and right shoulder. Everything I do will aggravate something. I don't usually do this, but I'm seriously considering going to the doc and asking for a shot or for a medrol/prednisone pack. I mean...I've got a lot of golf tournaments to play in the upcoming month, after all.


So our house was built in the 70's and fairly cheaply made.  My wife loves the house and it's a great neighbourhood so we're going to stick it out but some of these reno costs are really starting to add up.  After having the hottest summer since we moved in 5 years ago it's finally time to install air conditioning.  Problem is the house heats off electric baseboards (they are damn expensive to run too).  So I finally decided to spend the $20,000 and have a professional install the duct work, furnace and a/c.  My complaint is not just the cash but I have to tear out all of my two lower level ceilings to fit the ducts.  it's a messy job.  I've covered most of the larger crap with plastic sheets but I was too lazy to move my tv and surround sound.  Now I'm just praying it's covered enough and all of the dust didn't get in and screw up the speakers or anything.  They install duct work/furnace/ac next week and then re-drywall the ceilings and box in the duct work the week after labour day.  This next month can't go by fast enough......


#1 - Lots of changes happening at work. Our CTO is changing the structure of the department and now every person could potentially have 3-4 people they report to. As far as HR is concerned, we'll still have 1 boss (who approves vacation, signs off on expense reports/time cards, etc.), but every person could be accountable to 3 higher-level managers. Cue the Office Space jokes...


#2 - I seem to have tendonitis again, but in two places - left wrist and right shoulder. Everything I do will aggravate something. I don't usually do this, but I'm seriously considering going to the doc and asking for a shot or for a medrol/prednisone pack. I mean...I've got a lot of golf tournaments to play in the upcoming month, after all.


Bursitis and tendinitis in both shoulders. Been struggling with it for 3 (probably way longer but that was when I got diagnosed)years. Lots of physical therapy, light therapy.  Work out with light weights and stretch to keep your range of motion they tell me,but don't work out to much.  Finally got a 5 day prescription for prednisone and have felt good for 3 months.


How often will your Doc give you a shot or the medrol/prednisone? I was hoping that I could call and get a refill as the pain is now back to being constant and I figure I have a month till I'm limited in what I can do again.


So our house was built in the 70's and fairly cheaply made.  My wife loves the house and it's a great neighbourhood so we're going to stick it out but some of these reno costs are really starting to add up.  After having the hottest summer since we moved in 5 years ago it's finally time to install air conditioning.  Problem is the house heats off electric baseboards (they are damn expensive to run too).  So I finally decided to spend the $20,000 and have a professional install the duct work, furnace and a/c.  My complaint is not just the cash but I have to tear out all of my two lower level ceilings to fit the ducts.  ###### it's a messy job.  I've covered most of the larger crap with plastic sheets but I was too lazy to move my tv and surround sound.  Now I'm just praying it's covered enough and all of the dust didn't get in and screw up the speakers or anything.  They install duct work/furnace/ac next week and then re-drywall the ceilings and box in the duct work the week after labour day.  This next month can't go by fast enough......

Go geo thermal and you will love how cheap your electric bill is

Well the semester started, I can tell because my email exploded in a flurry of activity.  Doing 111-12 hour days 3 days a week and starting next week my actual workload gets worse and stays that way into September.  Also I have to finish this big dossier to convince them I deserve a promotion which is fine accept after going over what goes into it, it is basically like breaking down your CV and proving everything on it. Tedious to say the least.  Back to work I guess.


Bursitis and tendinitis in both shoulders. Been struggling with it for 3 (probably way longer but that was when I got diagnosed)years. Lots of physical therapy, light therapy.  Work out with light weights and stretch to keep your range of motion they tell me,but don't work out to much.  Finally got a 5 day prescription for prednisone and have felt good for 3 months.


How often will your Doc give you a shot or the medrol/prednisone? I was hoping that I could call and get a refill as the pain is now back to being constant and I figure I have a month till I'm limited in what I can do again.


My doc usually sends me to physical therapy before he prescribes prednisone (he's never given me a shot, now that I think of it). The PTs I go to are very good and they eventually get me fixed. The doc and PTs always say rest and ice, which I agree with. However, given that I use a keyboard a lot, I'm going to have some physical labor coming up with some work projects over the next few months, and my golf tourneys, I'm of the hope that he'd agree to medrol/prednisone for now. If it comes back after that, I'm all for PT and rest/ice.


My doc usually sends me to physical therapy before he prescribes prednisone (he's never given me a shot, now that I think of it). The PTs I go to are very good and they eventually get me fixed. The doc and PTs always say rest and ice, which I agree with. However, given that I use a keyboard a lot, I'm going to have some physical labor coming up with some work projects over the next few months, and my golf tourneys, I'm of the hope that he'd agree to medrol/prednisone for now. If it comes back after that, I'm all for PT and rest/ice.


My next rest and ice chance looks to be a week in November. I'll call and ask for an appointment and see what he will do for me. You just seemed to confirm what I figured was going to happen, and I appreciate it. 


People who drive 55 mph in the far left lane of 695.


695 means Maryland, which is South of the Mason Dixon Line, which means you just need to get used to it. :) I found that on 8-lane highway, the right-most two lanes were often the fastest path in the south. All the morons hang out in the left two, and you can pick your way though the right lanes faster than the rolling road block.


Go geo thermal and you will love how cheap your electric bill is

Well the semester started, I can tell because my email exploded in a flurry of activity.  Doing 111-12 hour days 3 days a week and starting next week my actual workload gets worse and stays that way into September.  Also I have to finish this big dossier to convince them I deserve a promotion which is fine accept after going over what goes into it, it is basically like breaking down your CV and proving everything on it. Tedious to say the least.  Back to work I guess.

Interesting, I just assumed the initial cost wouldn't be worth it I guess.  Maybe I should have considered it more.  Anyways, good luck with the work load.


Some people have the worst luck. One of my aunts was born deaf, went blind relatively early in life, and now was just diagnosed with Alzheimers. I'm not sure any combination of livable ailments (the Alzheimers is in the early stages) is worse than those three.


695 means Maryland, which is South of the Mason Dixon Line, which means you just need to get used to it. :) I found that on 8-lane highway, the right-most two lanes were often the fastest path in the south. All the morons hang out in the left two, and you can pick your way though the right lanes faster than the rolling road block.

Yeah, I hear ya.  I try to avoid the right two lanes because so many people are getting off and on (especially where 695 meets 83) and I hate being that d-bag weaving in and out of traffic, but I hate the slow idiots in the far left lane more.


Interesting, I just assumed the initial cost wouldn't be worth it I guess.  Maybe I should have considered it more.  Anyways, good luck with the work load.

The friends I'm staying with installed geo a couple years ago and said it cut their bills in HALF.  It's expensive up front (and unfortunately most of the gov. rebates were not extended, but maybe something through your electric supplier?), but if you plan on staying in this place for a few years you should recover a lot of your installation costs.  I think Liger's parents did geo so he can tell you their experience.


Interesting, I just assumed the initial cost wouldn't be worth it I guess.  Maybe I should have considered it more.  Anyways, good luck with the work load.


I'm not sure geothermal works well up north.  If it worked well I'm sure we'd see it around here alot more often.  They use the hell out of it down south though.


I'm not sure geothermal works well up north.  If it worked well I'm sure we'd see it around here alot more often.  They use the hell out of it down south though.


I saw a sign for it somewhere between Buffalo and Philly the other day. I know there are people around here that are using it with good effect.

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