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I had something like that the other day when I was driving down a fairly rural, very narrow road outside of my neighborhood.  This idiot kid was walking in the middle of the street not paying attention.  I was right behind him and give him a light double tap of the horn and he didn't react at all.  Turns out he was wearing headphones.  Even if he's blasting those things, I have no idea how he couldn't hear a horn behind him.

He can certainly feel it when your bumper rides up his a$$... :devil:


No complaints here. Just here for the light reading.


Eh, my usual whiny complaint. Way too much to do and the damn school year hasn't even started yet. On a red alert project at work requiring overtime, got lots of backed up freelance I'm chipping at (sorry, person on here I'm being slow with :( ), and teaching some high school kids this weekend that I've had to prepare for. 


So burned out. It's only August. How the HELL do my friends have kids and stuff? I can barely find time to feed the damn cat... 


I'm currently in the process of getting fitted for a new contact lense.  I have a condition that forces me to wear hard lenses so there's a bit of a process there.  Each time, I go in for an appointment and then 2 weeks or so later the lense is delivered, hoping it fits well.  That's not working out so well right now.  I then have to wait another week for an appointment where they tweak the lense slightly, followed by another 2 week wait for delivery.  Wash rinse and repeat over and over.  I'm on my third iteration now and I'm not quite sure they know what they're doing.

I'm going to assume that you've looked into laser eye surgery and it's not an option. Because what you are describing sounds not only time consuming but expensive.


I'm going to assume that you've looked into laser eye surgery and it's not an option. Because what you are describing sounds not only time consuming but expensive.

Not an option. It's just time consuming. One single co-pay covers the repeated appointments, then insurance covers most of the lens.


Woke up Tues morning at 10:30am to several missed calls/texts regarding a buyer who wanted to see the house at 11:30am. Faaack! Rushed around to vacuum and pick up and took a quick shower, and it was so warm in the bathroom after that I left an extra fan on and only got half dressed while I finished getting ready to leave the house. Suddenly I hear voices and when I turn around there are people walking up my stairs, and I had to shout "I need pants!" So horribly awkward. My Realtor had told their Realtor I wasn't home since he hadn't reached me earlier in the morning so they took it upon themselves to come over early and I never heard them come in. Supposedly they were considering an offer (deciding between my house and one other they'd seen), but we still haven't heard back yet.


Woke up Tues morning at 10:30am to several missed calls/texts regarding a buyer who wanted to see the house at 11:30am. Faaack! Rushed around to vacuum and pick up and took a quick shower, and it was so warm in the bathroom after that I left an extra fan on and only got half dressed while I finished getting ready to leave the house. Suddenly I hear voices and when I turn around there are people walking up my stairs, and I had to shout "I need pants!" So horribly awkward. My Realtor had told their Realtor I wasn't home since he hadn't reached me earlier in the morning so they took it upon themselves to come over early and I never heard them come in. Supposedly they were considering an offer (deciding between my house and one other they'd seen), but we still haven't heard back yet.

Should've just left off the pants and acted as if nothing was amiss. Alpha. 


Should've just left off the pants and acted as if nothing was amiss. Alpha. 





###### you cancer. Literally go f##k off

Amen to that, man.


Separate (somewhat petty) complaint: in the last four weeks, I've driven from Harrisburg, PA to center city Philadelphia four times, Delaware four times, and Baltimore twice.  I'm so sick of being in the car for hours on end every few days, and it's not going to get any better next week.




Amen to that, man.


Separate (somewhat petty) complaint: in the last four weeks, I've driven from Harrisburg, PA to center city Philadelphia four times, Delaware four times, and Baltimore twice.  I'm so sick of being in the car for hours on end every few days, and it's not going to get any better next week.


get some podcasts to binge listen


get some podcasts to binge listen

I should look into that; I do love me some "Wait, Wait!" but I have an older iPod that isn't recognized by my car (boo).  I've tried an aux cable but the sound quality is so awful I can't use it.


They just want to know whether or not naked biodork comes with the house

:lol: Sadly, they were not in my demographic (single mom with two small children).


I should look into that; I do love me some "Wait, Wait!" but I have an older iPod that isn't recognized by my car (boo).  I've tried an aux cable but the sound quality is so awful I can't use it.


:lol: Sadly, they were not in my demographic (single mom with two small children).


You can get a fm transmitter for about $30. Might be worth it.


You can get a fm transmitter for about $30. Might be worth it.

I had one with my old car, but darned if I know what I did with it!  I'll have to dig around and see if it turns up.  It worked great for music, but podcasts were sometimes problematic because the audio would be low enough at times to trigger some kind of "auto-off" function.  But that thing should be around here somewhere...


Still no offers (and no more showings) on the house after 4 weeks.  Getting very discouraged there.


Yesterday the head of a different lab came through looking for someone, and he found me and asked if I was new.  I said yes, and he must've heard from my boss that she'd recruited me because he asked if I'm the one who'd worked for my previous boss, who they all know because he used to work here.  I said yes, and he told me he's been reading our most recent publication (of which I am first author) because his lab is starting to work on something similar.  He asked if I'd done the experiments in the paper, and I told him that I'd done all but the clinical work, and he told me he wanted to introduce me to his lab members so they can ask questions if they have trouble when setting things up because it's good to know someone with that kind of expertise.  Then he asked if I was a PhD, and when I told him I had a Master's, his face fell and he said, "oh, that's too bad... I've been looking to hire someone in my lab, and I've talked to lots of people but they weren't any good."  WTF, dude?  For one, I'm not looking to change labs, but whyinthehell do people in research still insist on putting so much value on a piece of paper that proves little other than time put in when presented with other, more tangible evidence that someone is fully qualified?   :wallbash:


And my dad has his consultation with radiation oncology yesterday.  They were hoping to get a treatment plan arranged at UPenn and have his actual treatment done at home (Delaware), but they doctor told him that he should be treated at UPenn because they can do a different type of radiation that is more targeted to the superficial layers with less risk of side effects from traditional radiation.  Okay, that's good to know.  But they also want to combine it with chemo because they say there's a 25% chance of recurrence with radiation alone, and they want him to get radiation 5x / week for 6 weeks.   :blink:  I'm glad they are considering all options and want to make sure he has the best possible chance at being cancer-free, but we thought he was through the worst of the treatment and are now realizing he has a long ways to go yet.


Still no offers (and no more showings) on the house after 4 weeks.  Getting very discouraged there.


Yesterday the head of a different lab came through looking for someone, and he found me and asked if I was new.  I said yes, and he must've heard from my boss that she'd recruited me because he asked if I'm the one who'd worked for my previous boss, who they all know because he used to work here.  I said yes, and he told me he's been reading our most recent publication (of which I am first author) because his lab is starting to work on something similar.  He asked if I'd done the experiments in the paper, and I told him that I'd done all but the clinical work, and he told me he wanted to introduce me to his lab members so they can ask questions if they have trouble when setting things up because it's good to know someone with that kind of expertise.  Then he asked if I was a PhD, and when I told him I had a Master's, his face fell and he said, "oh, that's too bad... I've been looking to hire someone in my lab, and I've talked to lots of people but they weren't any good."  WTF, dude?  For one, I'm not looking to change labs, but whyinthehell do people in research still insist on putting so much value on a piece of paper that proves little other than time put in when presented with other, more tangible evidence that someone is fully qualified?   :wallbash:


And my dad has his consultation with radiation oncology yesterday.  They were hoping to get a treatment plan arranged at UPenn and have his actual treatment done at home (Delaware), but they doctor told him that he should be treated at UPenn because they can do a different type of radiation that is more targeted to the superficial layers with less risk of side effects from traditional radiation.  Okay, that's good to know.  But they also want to combine it with chemo because they say there's a 25% chance of recurrence with radiation alone, and they want him to get radiation 5x / week for 6 weeks.   :blink:  I'm glad they are considering all options and want to make sure he has the best possible chance at being cancer-free, but we thought he was through the worst of the treatment and are now realizing he has a long ways to go yet.

Aw bio, sorry about your dad. Hopefully it all does what it's intended and that's the end of it!


And man, maybe it's just as well you won't be working with a guy who reacts that candidly to your credentials. If you know the work and can do the job, it seems massively wrong to go without a person or hire a worse candidate instead of going with the "less qualified" person. I get it, but booo. Academia. 


Still no offers (and no more showings) on the house after 4 weeks.  Getting very discouraged there.


Yesterday the head of a different lab came through looking for someone, and he found me and asked if I was new.  I said yes, and he must've heard from my boss that she'd recruited me because he asked if I'm the one who'd worked for my previous boss, who they all know because he used to work here.  I said yes, and he told me he's been reading our most recent publication (of which I am first author) because his lab is starting to work on something similar.  He asked if I'd done the experiments in the paper, and I told him that I'd done all but the clinical work, and he told me he wanted to introduce me to his lab members so they can ask questions if they have trouble when setting things up because it's good to know someone with that kind of expertise.  Then he asked if I was a PhD, and when I told him I had a Master's, his face fell and he said, "oh, that's too bad... I've been looking to hire someone in my lab, and I've talked to lots of people but they weren't any good."  WTF, dude?  For one, I'm not looking to change labs, but whyinthehell do people in research still insist on putting so much value on a piece of paper that proves little other than time put in when presented with other, more tangible evidence that someone is fully qualified?   :wallbash:


And my dad has his consultation with radiation oncology yesterday.  They were hoping to get a treatment plan arranged at UPenn and have his actual treatment done at home (Delaware), but they doctor told him that he should be treated at UPenn because they can do a different type of radiation that is more targeted to the superficial layers with less risk of side effects from traditional radiation.  Okay, that's good to know.  But they also want to combine it with chemo because they say there's a 25% chance of recurrence with radiation alone, and they want him to get radiation 5x / week for 6 weeks.   :blink:  I'm glad they are considering all options and want to make sure he has the best possible chance at being cancer-free, but we thought he was through the worst of the treatment and are now realizing he has a long ways to go yet.


You shoulda punchisized his face. That's a crap thing to say to a coworker you don't even know yet. 


No real complaints here, just sad that summer's nearly over and I didn't even make it to one car show. But I did see two airshows, so, evens out? Also, summer's almost over. Seriously. What. Where'd it go..? Not looking forward to adding teaching back into my already overloaded schedule. Do it for the children.... 


Still no offers (and no more showings) on the house after 4 weeks.  Getting very discouraged there.


Yesterday the head of a different lab came through looking for someone, and he found me and asked if I was new.  I said yes, and he must've heard from my boss that she'd recruited me because he asked if I'm the one who'd worked for my previous boss, who they all know because he used to work here.  I said yes, and he told me he's been reading our most recent publication (of which I am first author) because his lab is starting to work on something similar.  He asked if I'd done the experiments in the paper, and I told him that I'd done all but the clinical work, and he told me he wanted to introduce me to his lab members so they can ask questions if they have trouble when setting things up because it's good to know someone with that kind of expertise.  Then he asked if I was a PhD, and when I told him I had a Master's, his face fell and he said, "oh, that's too bad... I've been looking to hire someone in my lab, and I've talked to lots of people but they weren't any good."  WTF, dude?  For one, I'm not looking to change labs, but whyinthehell do people in research still insist on putting so much value on a piece of paper that proves little other than time put in when presented with other, more tangible evidence that someone is fully qualified?   :wallbash:


And my dad has his consultation with radiation oncology yesterday.  They were hoping to get a treatment plan arranged at UPenn and have his actual treatment done at home (Delaware), but they doctor told him that he should be treated at UPenn because they can do a different type of radiation that is more targeted to the superficial layers with less risk of side effects from traditional radiation.  Okay, that's good to know.  But they also want to combine it with chemo because they say there's a 25% chance of recurrence with radiation alone, and they want him to get radiation 5x / week for 6 weeks.   :blink:  I'm glad they are considering all options and want to make sure he has the best possible chance at being cancer-free, but we thought he was through the worst of the treatment and are now realizing he has a long ways to go yet.


Sorry to hear about your dad.  Keep the positive vibes up! And good luck with the new gig. 


No real complaints here.  Just moving through the motions here.  I need a vacation, bad. 


Adobe.  One of our remote applications uses Adobe Reader (or Acrobat) to open data entry forms.  Every time Adobe sends out an update to Reader, it resets all of the settings to their default, which renders our forms incapable of working correctly.  Over the past six months, I've spent at least 50% of my time working with remote sites to change all of their Reader settings so that our forms work again. On top of that, Adobe keeps adding more security features most of which have to be turned off for our forms to work (which kind of defeats the purpose).  We're working to migrate our forms to another platform which doesn't require Reader, but the rollout on that is at least a couple of months away.  Meanwhile, I sound like a frickin' parrot on the phone..."Disable setting A, enable setting B, etc.  Puke :sick:


A cricket decided to announce to me at 4am earlier this week that it had taken up residence in my house.  It found just the right spot so that its chirping echoed up our stairway.  I went on a hunt that morning and I did manage to find one, before returning to bed.  The chirping started right back up though.  I could find the general area, but not where that one was.  The next day I put down some glue traps and got one right away, now I'm just hoping that there wasn't any type of nest in there with more to come.  The fact that I got two of them doesn't leave me hopeful.


On that note, we have some of the biggest crickets I have ever seen in our neighborhood.  That's no complaint, just an observation.  I have no problem with them whatsoever, but if they make it into the house, the little SOB has to die!

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