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Relax.  You're still in the newlywed / honeymoon phase.


Be patient, your gaming time will come soon enough.



Sure, that is until it gets sucked away completely, never to be seen again by the black hole for personal time known as parenthood


You should see what marriage does to playing video games.  I will still pick up the occasional new game that I've been waiting on for a while, but then it takes me about 6 months to actually play through it.  The next new game I will want will require me to buy a PS4.  I can't wait to hear the wife's opinion on that one.

well the ps4 can run hulu, netflix, gamecenter and HBO go so maybe that could help convince her?



What's a girlfriend or wife?  


I'm confused by this. Isn't every game of the playoffs shown by the networks of NBC? If you also have cable, I'm pretty sure you can log on to NBC.com and stream all the games once you select your provider.


I cut the cord last month.  I hadn't turned on a television in my house in about a year.


You should see what marriage does to playing video games.  I will still pick up the occasional new game that I've been waiting on for a while, but then it takes me about 6 months to actually play through it.  The next new game I will want will require me to buy a PS4.  I can't wait to hear the wife's opinion on that one.


Play them together... we used to Wii bowl and golf, and I know my sis and her husband played a lot of Guitar Hero together (until the kids came about--now kids, I think they kill video games until they're of age to play themselves).


I'm confused by this. Isn't every game of the playoffs shown by the networks of NBC? If you also have cable, I'm pretty sure you can log on to NBC.com and stream all the games once you select your provider.


I think provider is a key word there. I'd watch a lot more playoff hockey if I could see it on gamecenter. Without a TV provider, at best I'll turn on some of the NBC games if I'm around the house at the time. Once the playoffs become relevant to the Sabres, I'll probably go with a proxy service. The NHL playoffs aren't worth $100/month (if that even gets me the right cable package). 0xB: send me the semi-legal site in PM if you don't mind, I'd like to give it a look.


Sure, that is until it gets sucked away completely, never to be seen again by the black hole for personal time known as parenthood


Preach it brother. Maybe if I get time later, I'll unleash my real complaint for the day.


I cut the cord last month.  I hadn't turned on a television in my house in about a year.



Play them together... we used to Wii bowl and golf, and I know my sis and her husband played a lot of Guitar Hero together (until the kids came about--now kids, I think they kill video games until they're of age to play themselves).

I'm jealous.


Relax.  You're still in the newlywed / honeymoon phase.


Be patient, your gaming time will come soon enough.


It has far more to do with me than it does with her.  My old days won't be coming back.  There's never going to be enough time for that.


I cut the cord last month.  I hadn't turned on a television in my house in about a year.



Play them together... we used to Wii bowl and golf, and I know my sis and her husband played a lot of Guitar Hero together (until the kids came about--now kids, I think they kill video games until they're of age to play themselves).


She's one of those technologically challenged types.  She'll never be interested in the stuff.


I gave up on video games years ago.  One day I was playing for what I thought was an hour - it was more like 3 1/2 .  Yikes! That was just too much valuable time to use on gaming.  I unplugged the console and stuck it in the closet where it has been ever since.


So my work trip to Finland just got canceled, but it comes with a silver lining. I would have been wheels up for London at 8:05 pm Saturday, and thus in the dark for the lottery.


Finland.  Not quite Scandinavia, not quite Russia.  It's like the weirdest parts of each.


You dodged one.  


At around this time yesterday, the fluorescent lights above my desk went out.  I immediately put in a request to have to fixed.  As of now, they're still out.  I just sent another message to remind them and they respond saying that it has just been passed along to the maintenance people and they should respond within 24 hours.  So there you have it, the proper response time around here for replacing a light bulb is 48 hours. :wallbash:


At around this time yesterday, the fluorescent lights above my desk went out.  I immediately put in a request to have to fixed.  As of now, they're still out.  I just sent another message to remind them and they respond saying that it has just been passed along to the maintenance people and they should respond within 24 hours.  So there you have it, the proper response time around here for replacing a light bulb is 48 hours. :wallbash:


I wish mine were out, I hate fluorescent lights.


Gonna have to put down my cat I've had for 18 years. Kidneys have been on the outs for awhile but hadn't affected her quality of life...but a few days ago she started having trouble walking, and it has deteriorated fairly rapidly and she's in obvious pain. Had her for nearly 2/3 of my life :(


Gonna have to put down my cat I've had for 18 years. Kidneys have been on the outs for awhile but hadn't affected her quality of life...but a few days ago she started having trouble walking, and it has deteriorated fairly rapidly and she's in obvious pain. Had her for nearly 2/3 of my life :(

:cry: sucks.  Pets are such a constant comforting presence.  It's really shocking how much it hurts when a long time pet is gone.


I wish mine were out, I hate fluorescent lights.


They're better than nothing when you need to read stuff that has been printed out on paper.


Gonna have to put down my cat I've had for 18 years. Kidneys have been on the outs for awhile but hadn't affected her quality of life...but a few days ago she started having trouble walking, and it has deteriorated fairly rapidly and she's in obvious pain. Had her for nearly 2/3 of my life :(


Do cats usually make it 18 years?  That's a high number.  I thought it was bad losing a dog that had been around 10 years or so, but those extra 8 with the cat have make it sting even more.


Gonna have to put down my cat I've had for 18 years. Kidneys have been on the outs for awhile but hadn't affected her quality of life...but a few days ago she started having trouble walking, and it has deteriorated fairly rapidly and she's in obvious pain. Had her for nearly 2/3 of my life :(


Sorry to hear man.  Just think of the great joy she brought you for the 18 years.  Pets are truly a gift.  


Gonna have to put down my cat I've had for 18 years. Kidneys have been on the outs for awhile but hadn't affected her quality of life...but a few days ago she started having trouble walking, and it has deteriorated fairly rapidly and she's in obvious pain. Had her for nearly 2/3 of my life :(


Sorry to hear this.


Our beloved Sam passed away at 19.  She had kidney problems, but in the end old age got her.  She passed away peacefully at home.


It's never easy.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Gonna have to put down my cat I've had for 18 years. Kidneys have been on the outs for awhile but hadn't affected her quality of life...but a few days ago she started having trouble walking, and it has deteriorated fairly rapidly and she's in obvious pain. Had her for nearly 2/3 of my life :(


:( Sorry, man... that's one of the worst decisions you'll ever have to make, but it sounds like it's the right thing at this point.


They're better than nothing when you need to read stuff that has been printed out on paper.



Do cats usually make it 18 years?  That's a high number.  I thought it was bad losing a dog that had been around 10 years or so, but those extra 8 with the cat have make it sting even more.

18 isn't unheard of for cats (I know someone whose cat made it to 20!).  In general, smaller dog breeds live much longer than larger breeds (my Lhasa Apso / Shih Tzu mix was 17), and indoor cats have similar lifespans to small dogs.

My complaint: job hunting.  Ugh.

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