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Emergency vets. My older dog (small breed, lhasa/shih tzu mix) was walking around like she was in pain for about 48 hours, so we took her in last night. $100 just to walk in the door...yikes!


It's likely some stomach/intestinal issues, so we have to watch her for the next couple of days.

Posted (edited)

I think lighter fluid works as paint remover in a pinch.




My cat lit herself on fire once. Just stood right over a burning candle for no reason, then ran around meowing while her belly smoked. She put it out before I could catch her, but damn cats are dumb. It's like they never learned stop-drop-and-roll.

Edited by WildComrade

 The worst part is I've been trying to convince her to have a baby before we are both too old. I've assured her that we would do a good job taking care of it. This does not support my position. At all.


My cat lit herself on fire once. Just stood right over a burning candle for no reason, then ran around meowing while her belly smoked. She put it out before I could catch her, but damn cats are dumb. It's like they never learned stop-drop-and-roll.


They try to drop, but then always land on their feet.

Posted (edited)

Finishing up a painting project in the house today. My cat is always in the way and I've accidentally got a big glob of white paint on him. My wife is not going to be pleased. I tried wiping it out but only smeared it all down his side. Any ideas how I can get it out before she gets home?



Got to clear my google image search history now.

Edited by Assquatch

Finishing up a painting project in the house today. My cat is always in the way and I've accidentally got a big glob of white paint on him. My wife is not going to be pleased. I tried wiping it out but only smeared it all down his side. Any ideas how I can get it out before she gets home?

Your wife is only part of your troubles. Pepe LePew LOVES cats w/ white paint smeared down the side. If you don't shave that sucker soon; your whole house will waft of limburger.

 I have been laughing all afternoon! These posts are priceless. I called her to confess and sent her a link to this thread. She is so amused that she has forgiven me already! You folks really saved my ass! 


That's a lot of sharts man...


My complaint: Radon.  Had the house inspected.  Stood by our offer, just waiting for the radon test to come back to get our financing.  Come to find out that the radon reading was at 24 [units unknown], EPA allows 4 [units unkown].  Now we need a mitigation system in place.  Seller got a quote, and it's $2,000.  At first they wanted us to pay.  Now they are saying how about 50-50.  I don't want to pay a penny for it.  I also don't want to lose this house over $1,000....


everything else is immaculate with this house.  It's absolutely perfect, and it's got a lot of potential (partially finished basement...just begging me to finish it with a bar, garage with workshop in the back, shed, 0.5 acres, near a decent school here in CNY...). 



Take some advice our agent gave us when we found it in my parents house.  Same scenario, last minute,  off the charts numbers.


Pay the 2K and walk away.  Do not mitigate it yourself.  If you do and it doesn't work, you could be sued later.


I paid the fee and walked away.  It's their problem now.


They actually told us they may have things to sell after they try selling a lot to family members.


And I didn't know my credit would take a hit! that's good to know now. My credit is pretty good right now, scares me to take a hit.

Yeah, you'd think if you are financially worthy enough for a new car and a mortgage, then you might be able to get a washer and dryer financed. Nope! Only about $750 worth. I even had to pay a deposit to the gas company. I've never missed a payment on anything in my life. That really had me pissed off because I had no idea to expect it. It's all pretty short term though. Should go back up within about 3 or 4 months.


Dammit; I was looking for something to drown out my horrible neighbor's incessant monologue after the Sabres game, and settled on a show I'd never heard of on Hulu called "Eye Candy". Four episodes later I am forcing myself to stop binge-watching out of obsession since I need to work tomorrow.


Dammit; I was looking for something to drown out my horrible neighbor's incessant monologue after the Sabres game, and settled on a show I'd never heard of on Hulu called "Eye Candy". Four episodes later I am forcing myself to stop binge-watching out of obsession since I need to work tomorrow.


I can't stop watching Borgia. Luckily I'm almost done at which point I'll start doing something useful with my time.


The house next door has been abandoned since we moved in back in August.  I'm working from home today and as I walk out the front door I see that a group of two guys have smashed in the garage door and are clearing out the entire interior of the home.  I have no idea if this is legit or not, but I doubt that's how they'd be getting into the house if this was completely on the up and up.  The few other people in the neighborhood who are home don't seem to care though.  Was I wrong to call the police on this one?


Ultimately I don't really care if I'm pissing anyone off.  We should be in our new house by the start of July.


The house next door has been abandoned since we moved in back in August. I'm working from home today and as I walk out the front door I see that a group of two guys have smashed in the garage door and are clearing out the entire interior of the home. I have no idea if this is legit or not, but I doubt that's how they'd be getting into the house if this was completely on the up and up. The few other people in the neighborhood who are home don't seem to care though. Was I wrong to call the police on this one?


Ultimately I don't really care if I'm pissing anyone off. We should be in our new house by the start of July.

Calling the police probably wasn't a bad idea. I'd assume the house was bought on foreclosure and there was no way to get in other than to smash.


Calling the police probably wasn't a bad idea. I'd assume the house was bought on foreclosure and there was no way to get in other than to smash.


I saw the cop outside but don't know anything more at this point.  All I do know is that I now can't show my face outside until these guys are gone.




Calling the cops was absolutely the right thing to do.


Another neighbor was walking around outside an didn't say anything.  I get the feeling that there's something here that I wasn't in the loop on because I'm a renter.  As the next door neighbor you'd think we'd be one of the first people who should know about something like this.  We are going to be out of town for the next two days, so that adds a layer of discomfort to the whole situation.


I have been blessed with mostly good clients over the year when it come to my freelance. 


Unfortunately, because I earned a reputation as being a quick turnaround artist back when I was working just one job, I'm getting clients who expect speed and perfection for no money. (seriously, I ended up working for free last week)


This guy wants a logo. I'm not really a graphic designer, but took the job since it was for a friend, and this client is her boss. "I don't really know what I want but X (my friend) told me you work super fast so  have this all done and wrapped up by beginning of next week and made into business cards for me."


No, man, no. Just no. I'm not a goddamn machine. I am working 30-40 hours freelance (multiple projects at once, not just this one), 40+ hours full time job, and teaching. I need to break this reputation, it is killing me. 


Oh, and my boss is on ANOTHER vacation. On the beach. His fourth weeklong plus vacation since the beginning of the year.

I took two vacation days last week, felt guilty, and ended up just working all one of them when my washer exploded anyways. We still don't technically have vacation days. 


Thank god the weather is nice today or I really think I'd go play in traffic. 


Another neighbor was walking around outside an didn't say anything.  I get the feeling that there's something here that I wasn't in the loop on because I'm a renter.  As the next door neighbor you'd think we'd be one of the first people who should know about something like this.  We are going to be out of town for the next two days, so that adds a layer of discomfort to the whole situation.


I understand what you are saying, but when something looks amiss it is better to assume that it is.

Posted (edited)

I have been blessed with mostly good clients over the year when it come to my freelance. 


Unfortunately, because I earned a reputation as being a quick turnaround artist back when I was working just one job, I'm getting clients who expect speed and perfection for no money. (seriously, I ended up working for free last week)


This guy wants a logo. I'm not really a graphic designer, but took the job since it was for a friend, and this client is her boss. "I don't really know what I want but X (my friend) told me you work super fast so  have this all done and wrapped up by beginning of next week and made into business cards for me."


No, man, no. Just no. I'm not a goddamn machine. I am working 30-40 hours freelance (multiple projects at once, not just this one), 40+ hours full time job, and teaching. I need to break this reputation, it is killing me. 


Oh, and my boss is on ANOTHER vacation. On the beach. His fourth weeklong plus vacation since the beginning of the year.

I took two vacation days last week, felt guilty, and ended up just working all one of them when my washer exploded anyways. We still don't technically have vacation days. 


Thank god the weather is nice today or I really think I'd go play in traffic.

That's not a hard situation to fix. Explain your situation the same way you did here and let people know you can't/won't do quick turnaround jobs for peanuts anymore due to a growing workload. That gives them 3 options:


1. Accept the longer turnaround times

2. Pay you more money to make their business a priority

3. Find someone else to do it


If your plate is full, your plate is full. The key is not to cave and make anyone's project a priority without payment reflecting it. If they think you'll cave and make it a priority without paying a premium for it, you'll continue to get suckered in.

Edited by Drunkard

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