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ESPN radio without context:  "Here's a guy, he's gonna fly around, he's gonna make plays, he's valuable to his team, he's fast, he's got heart...what do you think, Ass?"


"Absolutely.  He could be one of the best ever in three years, Jerk."


Ass:  "I'm telling you, Jerk, the pure athleticism of this guy [THEY ACTUALLY SAY "THIS GUY" INSTEAD OF HIS NAME] just tells me that one day, he's up for that big contract."


Jerk:  "I think so too, Ass..."


And so it continues.


Without mentioning the name in five minutes.  Or the team.  Or the SPORT.


Ok, it's not cricket or baseball, but it could be just about any other team sport, right?


People that change a meeting to "remote only due to weather" 15 minutes before the meeting. Hint: I've been in the car for at least 30 minutes when you sent that.


1) The Complaint Thread has been locked all day.


2) I still have not signed a contract for my reappointment that is to start in less than three weeks, nor have I met with my former (soon to be current #2) boss to discuss any details regarding scheduling and what she wants me to work on.


3) My current (soon to be current #1) boss is being wishy-washy on whether or not he wants to give up and leave research or go all-in and make a push for funding, which is terribly unhelpful when trying to figure out what I'm going to do.


4) I'm effing exhausted after pulling an all-nighter last week before my trip, and staying up late the last several nights stressing about my situation.


5) Snowboarding season is almost over.  :(


The Canandaigua School District decided that they know Ollie better than the 3 therapists that have been working with him for the past 12 months and the premier autism medical experts in the region and decided to deny most of our petition to increase his intervention services. The best part is that the chair of the Special Education committee was a complete condescending ass the entire time. So he won't get access to Autism specific services until September, and in the meantime, they're cutting his in-home OT and Speech, and forcing us to change group programs for no reason.


She actually added, in the middle of the contentious meeting, "Phew, I'm going to need a drink after this meeting!"


You think your job is tough lady? try raising my kid for 5 minutes.


[all of the swears]




They brought in dozens of massive industrial fans to dry us out and it was like working in a jet engine testing facility (the office is open plan and cement floored so the echoing... oh the echoing). But honestly, it's been a huge blessing in disguise for me- I've been working from home since one day in that environment elicited a migraine from hell. The bosses are gone, half the office is at PAX, I don't have a huge to-do list at work, so I've been staying home and chipping away at the freelance mountain (most I've ever had, which is good, but stressful). 


Weird week. 2 more people are quitting. One of them is very mad and threatening to send a (rather immature, in my opinion) email around that just lets the management have it. That makes 5 in the last 2 months. All important people, too.


I'm beginning to look around a bit more than I was.... ice maintenance guy at Thomas Creek has offered to teach me to drive the zamboni and work there! So yeah, who knows... I'm definitely getting worried. 


I assume this is old hat for those in the game industry, but I get a little Roman-style* satisfaction reading about game testers' crappy work stories.



* "Hey, my life isn't what I thought it might be, but I'm not getting eaten by lions down there.


The Canandaigua School District decided that they know Ollie better than the 3 therapists that have been working with him for the past 12 months and the premier autism medical experts in the region and decided to deny most of our petition to increase his intervention services. The best part is that the chair of the Special Education committee was a complete condescending ass the entire time. So he won't get access to Autism specific services until September, and in the meantime, they're cutting his in-home OT and Speech, and forcing us to change group programs for no reason.


She actually added, in the middle of the contentious meeting, "Phew, I'm going to need a drink after this meeting!"


You think your job is tough lady? try raising my kid for 5 minutes.


[all of the swears]


I don't pretend for one minute to completely grasp your life or the hurdles you must jump with your kid, but I still know that it can't be easy, and that that woman sounds like a bitch.  I'd raise freaking hell about her and what they did.  best of luck to you


I assume this is old hat for those in the game industry, but I get a little Roman-style* satisfaction reading about game testers' crappy work stories.



* "Hey, my life isn't what I thought it might be, but I'm not getting eaten by lions down there.

haha awesome. Yeah, I'm sure it's different for devs over designers. My friend was in San Fran for GDC and went to her friend's apartment... he's a 24 year old software engineer and lives in a penthouse. They toured some of the big gaming companies out there... And now our bosses are talking about relocating out there... just them... because they are "sick of the weather" and want to be "in a trendier city for fun" and live a little higher. I make less than four apple watches a year after four years at a successful company and they want to winter in Cali. Bah.


The trouble with working at a AAA company is... you make the money, but your life is spent on that computer working. I guess I'm lucky to have a life outside of work. I'm becoming an amateur aerialist (as in trapezes) in addition to hockey player! 


My complaint- so many all nighters. Burning the candle at both ends. Making lots of little mistakes on different things as a result. Holy depression. Haven't even been lurking here much. Wasn't going to post until I saw the reply post. Sorry for kvetching. It's all I ever do anymore. 


The Canandaigua School District decided that they know Ollie better than the 3 therapists that have been working with him for the past 12 months and the premier autism medical experts in the region and decided to deny most of our petition to increase his intervention services. The best part is that the chair of the Special Education committee was a complete condescending ass the entire time. So he won't get access to Autism specific services until September, and in the meantime, they're cutting his in-home OT and Speech, and forcing us to change group programs for no reason.


She actually added, in the middle of the contentious meeting, "Phew, I'm going to need a drink after this meeting!"


You think your job is tough lady? try raising my kid for 5 minutes.


[all of the swears]

Yikes, that's about as bad as it gets. Is there any kind of appeal process in place?


Shave it down, make it round!


I'm definitely not ready to start shaving my head yet, but I'm sure the time will come when that becomes the only "professional" option. 

The Canandaigua School District decided that they know Ollie better than the 3 therapists that have been working with him for the past 12 months and the premier autism medical experts in the region and decided to deny most of our petition to increase his intervention services. The best part is that the chair of the Special Education committee was a complete condescending ass the entire time. So he won't get access to Autism specific services until September, and in the meantime, they're cutting his in-home OT and Speech, and forcing us to change group programs for no reason.


She actually added, in the middle of the contentious meeting, "Phew, I'm going to need a drink after this meeting!"


You think your job is tough lady? try raising my kid for 5 minutes.


[all of the swears]


Challenge her to a duel. 


But seriously, that sucks. And the schools want us to give them more money.  :wallbash:


The Canandaigua School District decided that they know Ollie better than the 3 therapists that have been working with him for the past 12 months and the premier autism medical experts in the region and decided to deny most of our petition to increase his intervention services. The best part is that the chair of the Special Education committee was a complete condescending ass the entire time. So he won't get access to Autism specific services until September, and in the meantime, they're cutting his in-home OT and Speech, and forcing us to change group programs for no reason.


She actually added, in the middle of the contentious meeting, "Phew, I'm going to need a drink after this meeting!"


You think your job is tough lady? try raising my kid for 5 minutes.


[all of the swears]

Public Schools can eat a big fat dick!

Posted (edited)

Public Schools can eat a big fat dick!


That should be "big, fat dick!". <--- Commas: learned in public school :)

Edited by Met'yuPirog

To add to this awesome day, it's been one of his worst evenings in a long while. I'm sure the parental stress is affecting him. I'm also relatively certain the scratches on my face will eventually heal.



Public Schools can eat a big fat dick!


There literally are no other options for Autism in Ontario County. We can't even pay for the services we want on the side, the good therapists are all tied to networks managed by Ontario-Wayne BOCES.


I'm definitely not ready to start shaving my head yet, but I'm sure the time will come when that becomes the only "professional" option. 


Challenge her to a duel. 


But seriously, that sucks. And the schools want us to give them more money.  :wallbash:



All of the decisions today were based on them wanting to save money. If they had unlimited funding, I'm sure we would have gotten exactly what we wanted.



Yikes, that's about as bad as it gets. Is there any kind of appeal process in place?



There is, but it would take until september, and by then, he'll be in exactly the program we want him to be in.


freaking application process... it is so convuluted and I am filling out the same information in multiple places on the same application... it's been rediculous.  Also deadline is April 1 but found out yesterday my application may take up to 4 weeks to be processed... SO THEN THE DEADLINE WAS LIKE LAST WEEK!!!! GRRRRR


there may eventually be a fantastic friday post but for now I worry I am screwed


I'm officially going bald. 

It's all good bro. I "came down with" alopecia universalis 3 years ago. It's an auto immune thing. Nearly every hair on my entire body has fallen out. The beard, head hair and beloved(by me not wifey) chest hairs where hard enough but then the eyebrows and eyelashes followed. I never realized how much I loved my eyebrows! I'm a big boy though and realize it could be worse. I could actually have the cancer that people who haven't seen me in a while think I have. Life marches on. Moral of the story is "Eff those hairs" Bro! You don't need those traitors! ;)


The Canandaigua School District decided that they know Ollie better than the 3 therapists that have been working with him for the past 12 months and the premier autism medical experts in the region and decided to deny most of our petition to increase his intervention services. The best part is that the chair of the Special Education committee was a complete condescending ass the entire time. So he won't get access to Autism specific services until September, and in the meantime, they're cutting his in-home OT and Speech, and forcing us to change group programs for no reason.


She actually added, in the middle of the contentious meeting, "Phew, I'm going to need a drink after this meeting!"


You think your job is tough lady? try raising my kid for 5 minutes.


[all of the swears]


We fought those battles with my son.  Good luck.... it's tough.


The Canandaigua School District decided that they know Ollie better than the 3 therapists that have been working with him for the past 12 months and the premier autism medical experts in the region and decided to deny most of our petition to increase his intervention services. The best part is that the chair of the Special Education committee was a complete condescending ass the entire time. So he won't get access to Autism specific services until September, and in the meantime, they're cutting his in-home OT and Speech, and forcing us to change group programs for no reason.


She actually added, in the middle of the contentious meeting, "Phew, I'm going to need a drink after this meeting!"


You think your job is tough lady? try raising my kid for 5 minutes.


[all of the swears]

Ugh. Fight the good fight, Brother. Nobody is a better advocate for your child than you.

That should be "big, fat dick!". <--- Commas: learned in public school :)

Lol. That's two degrees talking! Neither of them are in English. Actually I scored higher on my Spanish Regents than on my English one.


It's more the administration of the public school system that can eat a big, fat dick. Whole lot of ass covering and very little good education decision (obviously depending on where).


My district sent out a letter before this school year. They said that since the district was in the bottom 5 percentile, that students could chose to attend the nearest private school, tuition free for 1 year.

Now my kid is home schooled and next year will be in a charter school. Hopefully he'll learn to use commas and other punctuation better than his step dad lol.


Good luck, Vodka... I hope things turn around at the school and your face heals quickly.  In the meantime, today sounds like it would occasion a visit to the whiskey thread!


It is complete BS that I am required to retake the GRE.  I have a masters degree already but to go back to grad school for another, GRE.  The point of the GRE is technically to give a standardized score for people leaving undergrad and attempting to get into and complete graduate level work.  I have already completed graduate level work so it is BS.  Basically just another stupid hoop to jump through.  All week I have been stressed because of this dumb thing.  Obviously I have been studying but geometry and quadratic equations?  Why the hell would I remember something I learned 12 years ago when I was a sophomore in high school and have never once used it since?  I am beyond annoyed.  I take it tomorrow and I just want to say that I fully expect it to be dismal.  I only hope I score high enough on the verbal portions to hit the magical 65th percentile mark that is the minimum recommendation.  

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