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My mailman is incompetent and takes no pride in his job. When he first took over the route, the 3-4 houses around were constantly re-shuffling our mail to the correct person because he'd put it in the wrong boxes. (Not just 405's mail in 407 and vice versa, but some of each in both boxes.) A few weeks back I had a package out for delivery that was then marked as being held because there was no secure location for delivery, when 1) it was a small box that could have easily fit between the front and screen door if he truly were worried (although I'm sure he isn't because he routinely leaves things in plain sight rather than walk them the extra 3-4 steps to the door), and 2) when I did get the package it said plainly on the label "carrier - leave if no response". This past weekend I had a package out for delivery on Saturday that late in the afternoon was updated to "undeliverable as addressed" and said it would be returned if sufficient information was available. I contacted both the vendor and the post office to see what was wrong, and Tuesday (when both re-opened after the holiday weekend) it was delivered with absolutely nothing wrong or ambiguous with the label that would indicate it couldn't have been delivered on Saturday. F'N jacka$$.


My mailman is incompetent and takes no pride in his job. When he first took over the route, the 3-4 houses around were constantly re-shuffling our mail to the correct person because he'd put it in the wrong boxes. (Not just 405's mail in 407 and vice versa, but some of each in both boxes.) A few weeks back I had a package out for delivery that was then marked as being held because there was no secure location for delivery, when 1) it was a small box that could have easily fit between the front and screen door if he truly were worried (although I'm sure he isn't because he routinely leaves things in plain sight rather than walk them the extra 3-4 steps to the door), and 2) when I did get the package it said plainly on the label "carrier - leave if no response". This past weekend I had a package out for delivery on Saturday that late in the afternoon was updated to "undeliverable as addressed" and said it would be returned if sufficient information was available. I contacted both the vendor and the post office to see what was wrong, and Tuesday (when both re-opened after the holiday weekend) it was delivered with absolutely nothing wrong or ambiguous with the label that would indicate it couldn't have been delivered on Saturday. F'N jacka$$.


Ugh. Where I live the mail may or may not show up. Depends on whether the mailman feels like delivering it or not. The whole neighborhood has complained to the postmaster general, but no one seems to care.


It'll be interesting to see whether the postal service gets privatized down the road.


Ugh. Where I live the mail may or may not show up. Depends on whether the mailman feels like delivering it or not. The whole neighborhood has complained to the postmaster general, but no one seems to care.


It'll be interesting to see whether the postal service gets privatized down the road.


That's messed up. So much for this, eh?




18 U.S. Code § 1703 - Delay or destruction of mail or newspapers

(a) Whoever, being a Postal Service officer or employee, unlawfully secretes, destroys, detains, delays, or opens any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail entrusted to him or which shall come into his possession, and which was intended to be conveyed by mail, or carried or delivered by any carrier or other employee of the Postal Service, or forwarded through or delivered from any post office or station thereof established by authority of the Postmaster General or the Postal Service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

(b) Whoever, being a Postal Service officer or employee, improperly detains, delays, or destroys any newspaper, or permits any other person to detain, delay, or destroy the same, or opens, or permits any other person to open, any mail or package of newspapers not directed to the office where he is employed; or

Whoever, without authority, opens, or destroys any mail or package of newspapers not directed to him, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.


That's messed up. So much for this, eh?




We're told this is one of the worst postal routes in Nashville and because of that no one wants to do it. And, budget cuts and financial problems keep them from shortening the route. So, we get ###### service and are forced to deal with it.


The new idea (which is actually an old idea) to save the postal service: postal banking.

Posted (edited)

Dear SabreSpace:


Given GoDD's continued insistence on posting Penn State/child molestation innuendos, I have suspended him for 90 days. This is his 2nd suspension relating to this issue.


Please feel free to post or PM me with any thoughts on this.




My complaint: GoDD can be a good poster but he can't stop himself from libelling people on this forum.

Edited by MattPie

We're told this is one of the worst postal routes in Nashville and because of that no one wants to do it. And, budget cuts and financial problems keep them from shortening the route. So, we get ###### service and are forced to deal with it.


The new idea (which is actually an old idea) to save the postal service: postal banking.


Thing is, even if it's an undesirable route, someone is assigned to it. So there really shouldn't be any valid arguments from their side about "well, no one wants to do it" because it's someone's JOB to do it, whether they like it or not! There are plenty of people out there who wish they had a job, so why can't they fire that a$$hole and hire someone who actually wants to work?


Hadn't heard about the postal banking thing before... how would that work?


My complaint: GoDD can be a good poster but he can't stop himself from libelling people on this forum.




Dear SabreSpace:


Given GoDD's continued insistence on posting Penn State/child molestation innuendos, I have suspended him for 90 days. This is his 2nd suspension relating to this issue.


Please feel free to post or PM me with any thoughts on this.



Dang. It always sucks losing a first line power forward. At least he'll be back for the playoffs.


Thing is, even if it's an undesirable route, someone is assigned to it. So there really shouldn't be any valid arguments from their side about "well, no one wants to do it" because it's someone's JOB to do it, whether they like it or not! There are plenty of people out there who wish they had a job, so why can't they fire that a$$hole and hire someone who actually wants to work?


Hadn't heard about the postal banking thing before... how would that work?



Well the area I live in is nicely called "gentrified" which loosely translates to "was a dangerous gang infested 'hood" up until a year or two ago. Most of the surrounding areas are still pretty rough as are parts of my neighborhood (e.g., low income housing areas). Tough to get people to deliver mail to bad areas, apparently. And, my larger complaint: no one down here seems to have much work ethic.


I like the idea of postal banking if it takes business away from the payday loan places that are all over town. But, I think it'd be tough to implement in practice since banking is completely unrelated to mail delivery (i.e. the post office has no core competency in banking).


Doesn't do you any good if he's suspended all the time.


He gives us much-needed bite. We've been kicked around by HFBoards for years.


My complaint: GoDD can be a good poster but he can't stop himself from libelling people on this forum.


Cliff wouldn't win a libel lawsuit against GoDD, who has become the John Scott of SabreSpace.


A couple of our windows at work broke a few months ago. We were told this happened because the butcher paper we had been half assedly putting up to block out the sun on our monitors had created a little heat shield and cracked one of the double panes of glass. We still do not have curtains or shades, for whatever it is worth.


Well, they're replacing the glass today. Which means we're working through hammering and drilling (actually pretty normal considering we're expanding up a floor) and... no windows. It's pretty cold in here. No way we could've had this fixed over a weekend? Early morning, even? Sigh.


We were told not to park in the adjacent lot anymore, as there are too many of us and not enough spots for the 3 apartment tenants who need them. Fine. Empty lot now, all hours of the day, we park behind a mall sort of thing now. Fine. I hate walking alone to my car at night around here. Fine. Where does boss man park his massive brand new SUV? Oh right here in the adjacent lot. Rules don't apply to him. He also was bragging about his snowboarding trip with his family MLK day (on brand new super pricey snowboards for everyone!) while we all worked.


Also, my boss hired his favorite bartender as our new head project manager. I'm not denying that the guy may be great at his new job (don't know yet) and it is probably a great opportunity for him but it just adds to the buddy buddy network and general discontent around here...


Petty grumps, thanks for letting me vent on here at you internet folks. Constant lurker, not so often poster lately.


Hey Jo -- how's your noggin after last week?

Much better. Sucked to be out of it for several days. The worst part was the never-ending, vivid, horrid nightmares. I swear to god it made me really depressed, too. Probably in relation to the nightmares/insomnia. But it's all improving. I'm honestly still a little surprised how much it affected me. I still believe it was minor. I cannot imagine getting a severe concussion, let alone multiple ones, on a frequent basis.


Doc had told me not to go to the barn, work or play hockey. I usually do the bulk of the heavy lifting/hard work at the barn. Because I wasn't there and there weren't any extra volunteers, the 2 little old ladies who run it did it all... and one of them had a heart attack Saturday. I know, on a logical basis, that I bear no fault, but I can't help but feel really guilty. She is doing alright, and should be leaving the hospital today. It's good it happened around people who could help.


Stupid head.


Much better. Sucked to be out of it for several days. The worst part was the never-ending, vivid, horrid nightmares. I swear to god it made me really depressed, too. Probably in relation to the nightmares/insomnia. But it's all improving. I'm honestly still a little surprised how much it affected me. I still believe it was minor. I cannot imagine getting a severe concussion, let alone multiple ones, on a frequent basis.


Doc had told me not to go to the barn, work or play hockey. I usually do the bulk of the heavy lifting/hard work at the barn. Because I wasn't there and there weren't any extra volunteers, the 2 little old ladies who run it did it all... and one of them had a heart attack Saturday. I know, on a logical basis, that I bear no fault, but I can't help but feel really guilty. She is doing alright, and should be leaving the hospital today. It's good it happened around people who could help.


Stupid head.


Glad you're recovering (and the little old lady is, too)! Does not sound fun at all.


Last night on the way home from work, something flew out of the ridiculously overloaded (and open) bed of a pickup truck and hit my windshield dead center. I never saw it, but it sounded like a boulder hit my car. I was tempted to call 911 on the truck, but I figured it wasn't quite 911 worthy and that they'd never find the truck before he got off the road. Fortunately the damage was patchable, but I get the feeling that it could have taken out the entire windshield if it had hit just right.


My mailman is incompetent and takes no pride in his job. When he first took over the route, the 3-4 houses around were constantly re-shuffling our mail to the correct person because he'd put it in the wrong boxes. (Not just 405's mail in 407 and vice versa, but some of each in both boxes.) A few weeks back I had a package out for delivery that was then marked as being held because there was no secure location for delivery, when 1) it was a small box that could have easily fit between the front and screen door if he truly were worried (although I'm sure he isn't because he routinely leaves things in plain sight rather than walk them the extra 3-4 steps to the door), and 2) when I did get the package it said plainly on the label "carrier - leave if no response". This past weekend I had a package out for delivery on Saturday that late in the afternoon was updated to "undeliverable as addressed" and said it would be returned if sufficient information was available. I contacted both the vendor and the post office to see what was wrong, and Tuesday (when both re-opened after the holiday weekend) it was delivered with absolutely nothing wrong or ambiguous with the label that would indicate it couldn't have been delivered on Saturday. F'N jacka$$.


There is a cul-de-sac right next to my house that has almost an identical name and uses the same numbers as my street. So if my address is 123 Shrader Lane, the first house in there is 123 Shrader Road. They change the mailman on my route a lot, so on almost a monthly basis, I start getting mail for that other house. I don't blame the mailman on this as the names are so similar and you're bound to miss those things on your first couple days. I just have no idea why when naming the streets and numbering the houses they decided to use the same exact number for two houses maybe 100 yards away from each other.



There is a cul-de-sac right next to my house that has almost an identical name and uses the same numbers as my street. So if my address is 123 Shrader Lane, the first house in there is 123 Shrader Road. They change the mailman on my route a lot, so on almost a monthly basis, I start getting mail for that other house. I don't blame the mailman on this as the names are so similar and you're bound to miss those things on your first couple days. I just have no idea why when naming the streets and numbering the houses they decided to use the same exact number for two houses maybe 100 yards away from each other.


Wow.. You moved to NC and they names two streets after you. Impressive. :rolleyes:




Wow.. You moved to NC and they names two streets after you. Impressive. :rolleyes:


He needs to petition the neighborhood to rename his street Baby Eater Lane or something along those lines.


New complaint: I hate how so many websites now have the default setting when logging in to "keep me logged in". I should be able to opt-IN if I want that, not have to remember to opt-OUT if I don't.


company meetings at 3:30 in the afternoon. I have so many other responsibilities to tend to between 3 and 5, and a company meeting that is going to last over an hour does not help me get any of it done!

I had a coworker schedule a meeting at the same time. Doesn't he know I cut out early on Fridays. Sheesh.

Posted (edited)

My bank card was compromised. This is a huge pain in the ass. EVERYTHING is linked to that card. On top of it, I learned of this while in the Caribbean, so I had the pleasure of having my account shut down while I was away. My bank gave me access to the debit "side" of the card for a day so I could get $20 bills from an ATM, convert them to casino chips, and then convert the chips to $100 bills so I didn't have to travel with a brick of $20 bills. (No, the casino cashier would not let me do this the easy way. Yes, I made the casino pay for that inconvenience, in the approximate amount of $150 in craps winnings.) I had to launder my own money in four transactions.


On the plus side, I was in the Caribbean for a couple of days.


Yikes...that is a big-time pita. Sorry, Eleven.


A few years ago, my credit card was one in a group of thousands that "were likely compromised". So, Bank of America did a nice thing by disabling it so it wouldn't be used. Upon calling them to ask what happened they told me they were planning on telling me via a letter in the mail. Yes, that's right...snail mail. No email, no phone call...a letter. It's not as if the "letter" would contain the new card that needed activation - just a letter to tell me the card was likely compromised and I should expect a new card within a few days after that. This was 2010 (I think) and I was wondering if it was actually 1950. I asked why not an immediate phone call and the agent told me (in so many words) that they didn't have the man power to make that many calls.


:blink: :huh:


In these days of high-tech everything, they couldn't even set up an automated robo-call to inform the customer? They had no answer for me when I asked what if I was already out of town or if I had an automatic payment set up to go to that card in the next day or so.


The lesson...check your balances every day. This is the only reason I knew there was a problem before I would have run into a sticky spot.

Edited by Buffalo Wings


The lesson...check your balances every day. This is the only reason I knew there was a problem before I would have run into a sticky spot.


Yes. My father travels all over the place, and for some reason, we've had a really bad time with our cards being compromised. My mum usually gets a call for it now, but as such we've learned to be hypervigilant with balances/expense reports/receipts.


Mine's been compromised twice by trying to buy wedding gifts for friends on their registry online through Bed Bath & Beyond. Just don't do it. i've had it frozen by the card company when trying to buy a desktop computer, too, as it was seen as a high ticket item/not a typical purchase. Because of this, I always have a backup card. Crap happens way too often.


Good luck with it, 11.

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