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One year ago today was a 15 hour day in the hospital for tests. One year ago tomorrow was the surgery and diagnosis. RIP, my little Sara Elf.


So sad.


Anything I could complain about pales in comparison.


You and your bride are still in my prayers, 11.


The second set of obligatory prayers is in 30 minutes, but a Muslim can say a little prayer at any time. I just did.


Take care, my friend.


1000% increase in donations year over year since the start.


It's working EXCEPTIONALLY well.


no kidding. I'm impressed


One year ago today was a 15 hour day in the hospital for tests. One year ago tomorrow was the surgery and diagnosis. RIP, my little Sara Elf.


my thoughts out to you on this day friend.


Yeah, my lhasa/shih tzu mix did the same to me when he got older. That sucked, but I had a long and happy history with him before he started pulling that nonsense. This dog is only a couple (5?) years old and hasn't earned it, at least from me. I'll have to try making her sleep outside my room and see if that helps.

Ours has been doing this since we got her at 3 months old. We've tried everything possible to get her to sleep later...she lasted until 7am one morning, but that was it. It's still consistently between 5:30 and 6:00.


The ALS Ice Bucket challenge.


Excuse me but I don't need to be guilted into charity. I give what I can to the organizations that I choose.


I'm starting to wonder if people understand what ALS is or why they're dumping freezing cold water on themselves. Seems like it's so "viral", people are doing it to be cool.


Complaining about a campaign that has raised a lot of money for a good cause just because you dislike the campaign. People get conned or coerced into so much useless BS I'm not going to complain when they get convinced to do some good in this world.


Complaining about a campaign that has raised a lot of money for a good cause just because you dislike the campaign. People get conned or coerced into so much useless BS I'm not going to complain when they get convinced to do some good in this world.


It's not so much the campaign itself but what it has turned into. Like I said earlier, most I see now never even mention ALS. It has become the "dumb cold water on your head because everyone else is" challenge.


One year ago today was a 15 hour day in the hospital for tests. One year ago tomorrow was the surgery and diagnosis. RIP, my little Sara Elf.



As nfreeman said, Hang in there the best you can. Thoughts an Prayers for you.


I wonder what rock I have been living under/ I have no idea what the ALS and ice bucket thingy is. I guess ignorance truly is bliss.


I wonder what rock I have been living under/ I have no idea what the ALS and ice bucket thingy is. I guess ignorance truly is bliss.


I had heard rumblings of some ice bucket stuff, but haven't seen a video or really knew what was going on.


Been thinking about divorce alot lately. It's time for a difficult conversation.


Sorry to hear that weave.


Think long and hard about this. Not preaching, but think of your son (I am certain that you have). Think of the costs involved ... divorce was invented by lawyers in order for them to get rich (a joke to ease the tension). The cost of keeping two homes is extremely high.


That said, I don't know your situation and sometimes divorce is the only option and is for the best.


One year ago today was a 15 hour day in the hospital for tests. One year ago tomorrow was the surgery and diagnosis. RIP, my little Sara Elf.


:( Sending good thoughts your way, my friend.


Been thinking about divorce alot lately. It's time for a difficult conversation.


Only you and the wife can decide what's right for your situation, and it's never an easy decision, but sometimes it's the right one. (And sometimes the other person just needs a wake-up call.) I wish you luck in figuring out how to resolve things.


It's not so much the campaign itself but what it has turned into. Like I said earlier, most I see now never even mention ALS. It has become the "dumb cold water on your head because everyone else is" challenge.

Yeah from what I've read on my social network feeds, it's turned into: "dump a bucket of ice water on yourself or pay $100." I think they are missin the point...


Very sorry to hear it Weave. I hope you and your wife can work it out.

Not sure of weave's exact situation but my divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. Didn't have kids or finances to worry about.


At the hospital with the wife and in the bed next to us is a special needs person. She is there because she is claiming something is wrong with her. Doctors do their checks, nothin wrong. They also greeted her with a not to enthusiastic, "your back?".


She's been coughing and hacking (sounds forced and fake to me, my former step son thought he was a pro at this but it was amateur hour). So much so that she's now fake vomiting from her fake coughing and belly aching every couple of minutes, "it hurts, ow".


I'm seriously annoyed that we are essentially being forced to listen to these shenanigans while we are here for legit reasons. (Not getting into but nothing too serious)

Finally got a look at the special needs girl. I was floored, she was kinda hot. Real thin, pretty face just a little trashy looking. Bizarre.


Reminded me of Charlize Theron on Arrested Development.


Posted (edited)

I wonder why your current wife left him? Hmmmm


My complaint? Found out my dog has cancer. Malignant grade 3 soft tissue sarcoma came back on the biopsy. ###### cancer.


This might seem harsh, and mind you i have had several dogs, one with cancer.

Its hard to say goodbye and they all have their own personality you love, but in the end its only a dog, and let it go peacefully.


No pain, go to the vet , give it a shot, or like my previous dog that went with the seditive alone, its hard but its the right thing to do. give it a hug and say goodbye.


On a bright note, we got some investors coming into my company wanting to expand our brand and quality to go global, our competition is on the market to being sold.

So we got that going for us :D

But our current clients are expanding + new big client + experienced people leaving, basically i know im ###### unless i pull like massive extra shifts.

Edited by Heimdall
Posted (edited)

This is a Lame complaint by comparison to some of you guys and girls...



People that willingly go to casinos and then complain about losing money. You sir are an a$$hole!

Edited by ubkev

This is a Lame complaint by comparison to some of you guys and girls...



People that willingly go to casinos and then complain about losing money. You sir are an a$$hole!

I thought everyone that goes to a casino only wins. I mean that's all I hear. I won this at the casino, I won that at the casino. They conveniently omit the part where they dropped $5k to win the $3k they are coming home with. I don't get casinos, never have never will. I work too damn hard for my money to just give it away.



I thought everyone that goes to a casino only wins. I mean that's all I hear. I won this at the casino, I won that at the casino. They conveniently omit the part where they dropped $5k to win the $3k they are coming home with. I don't get casinos, never have never will. I work too damn hard for my money to just give it away.


It's my industry, most of the people that work in table games are gamblers. I don't get it at all and I've been doing this for 10 years. It's also the only job I can think of where people actively try and work as few hours as possible. Full timers are guaranteed 40 hours every week and almost all of them will sacrifice 10 hours of $30/hour for an early out so then can blow $100 at the bar. I don't know, maybe Im too money hungry to understand.


HAHHAHAHA, oh I felt that last week nfreeman. Stay strong man, they do eventually leave. Unless they *gulp* live in town.....


Can I complain now that the Fantastic Friday thread remained locked the past two straight Fridays?


When I received my promotion 15 months ago, I was promised to be paid at a certain rate but I would initially be brought in at about 90% of that while I settled in. So here I am a year+ later making the same with a new boss and more empty promises from him. I'm already making 1/2 to 2/3 of what most people in my position make industry wide. This is getting frustrating.

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