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Well, that's kind of what I'm getting at - who decides which are the "Big 6" holidays and which aren't? Is honoring two of our country's finest Presidents less important than honoring the US work force? (I'm guessing that Labor Day might be the next one to get rolled back to "minor" holiday status.) If the federal government says it's a holiday, as far as I'm concerned, it's a holiday....


True. I used to work at a state University where they gave us all of those as paid holidays, but the assumption seemed to be that you would work those days anyhow and accumulate the extra time off like vacation. Very odd.


Got a "Dear John" email from an employer today. Went through a grueling 7 hr interview with them on Monday. It was an awesome position too., Would have had me right back where I left off with my old job. What motivates me to put it in the complaint thread is; the interview included a personality and skills assessment by an Industrial Psychologist/consultant of some sort. His assessment of my personality was scary close to what I really felt about myself. What I think did me in was, he asked me if I thought the position I was interviewing for was going to be challenging enough for me. I thought I answered it well but he ended that line of conversation with, "well, I think you are going to have this job figured out in 18 months and then you'll be bored". Maybe I should have challenged him more strongly about it.


3 times in the last year I've been told by prospective employers that they think I'll be bored with the position I was interviewing for. All three were jobs I really, really wanted. And the b!tch of it is, I am applying for jobs that would be at a higher level than these three, but I can't get a fecking interview for those.




Got a "Dear John" email from an employer today. Went through a grueling 7 hr interview with them on Monday. It was an awesome position too., Would have had me right back where I left off with my old job. What motivates me to put it in the complaint thread is; the interview included a personality and skills assessment by an Industrial Psychologist/consultant of some sort. His assessment of my personality was scary close to what I really felt about myself. What I think did me in was, he asked me if I thought the position I was interviewing for was going to be challenging enough for me. I thought I answered it well but he ended that line of conversation with, "well, I think you are going to have this job figured out in 18 months and then you'll be bored". Maybe I should have challenged him more strongly about it.


3 times in the last year I've been told by prospective employers that they think I'll be bored with the position I was interviewing for. All three were jobs I really, really wanted. And the b!tch of it is, I am applying for jobs that would be at a higher level than these three, but I can't get a fecking interview for those.




Wow, that's brutal. That's like career purgatory. I suppose the silver lining is you are getting interviews for jobs you really want--should be able to land one (not that this makes it any less frustrating).


My complaint is one of the classes I'm teaching is public opinion, and one of the students is a hopeless skeptic. The prereqs for this course include statistics and research methods, so the idea of probability theory and sampling techniques cannot be new to him--but he doesn't believe in any of it. He doesn't believe samples can represent a population, doesn't believe in the validity of polling, and will put his faith in a handful of personal anecdotes over decades of scientific research. I have no idea how to get through to him, and he's been an active participant in class. I honestly feel like I'm being trolled, making for a very annoying experience.


Got a "Dear John" email from an employer today. Went through a grueling 7 hr interview with them on Monday. It was an awesome position too., Would have had me right back where I left off with my old job. What motivates me to put it in the complaint thread is; the interview included a personality and skills assessment by an Industrial Psychologist/consultant of some sort. His assessment of my personality was scary close to what I really felt about myself. What I think did me in was, he asked me if I thought the position I was interviewing for was going to be challenging enough for me. I thought I answered it well but he ended that line of conversation with, "well, I think you are going to have this job figured out in 18 months and then you'll be bored". Maybe I should have challenged him more strongly about it.


3 times in the last year I've been told by prospective employers that they think I'll be bored with the position I was interviewing for. All three were jobs I really, really wanted. And the b!tch of it is, I am applying for jobs that would be at a higher level than these three, but I can't get a fecking interview for those.




That sucks. It's odd, too... even if he believes you'll be bored after 18 months, that's still 18 months during which they could have a well-qualified and productive employee! Would they rather have a noob who takes 18 months just to "get it" and maybe stay longer? They can always add responsibilities or look at promotions down the line. Sorry to hear that, weave.


The de-holidization of America. Next Monday is a well-recognized federal holiday (and is recognized by most, if not all states as well). On a conference call with two other groups, we were trying to schedule another call for early next week. I mentioned that Monday was a holiday and both other groups said that it was not a holiday for them. :blink: I've run into this same issue before when returning after the Columbus Day long weekend - I have angry voice mail wanting to know why no one was in our office. (Well, it WAS a holiday...)


So, what constitutes a "real" holiday these days? How come everyone seems to be OK with Labor Day but not Columbus Day? Independence Day but not Presidents' Day? And to top it off, now stores are open on Thanksgiving (and they already have been staying open on New Years Day). What will be the next holiday to be "demoted" to an optional day off?


My place of business is open 24/7 and we get no holiday pay, no shift pay, they only match 1.5% of our 401k and no bonuses of any kind, even for executives. Blows! However they do pay me 2x more than my last employer(same industry) and the last place paid holidays, matched 401k up to 6% and gave out Xmas bonuses. What can I say, I'm a mercenary who's looking for the biggest payday.


That sucks. It's odd, too... even if he believes you'll be bored after 18 months, that's still 18 months during which they could have a well-qualified and productive employee! Would they rather have a noob who takes 18 months just to "get it" and maybe stay longer? They can always add responsibilities or look at promotions down the line. Sorry to hear that, weave.


One employer told me straight out in an interview that he doesn't want to hire someone who will move up quickly. He wants someone who will be in that position for the long haul. WTF? When did promotability become a negative?




One employer told me straight out in an interview that he doesn't want to hire someone who will move up quickly. He wants someone who will be in that position for the long haul. WTF? When did promotability become a negative?


That blows weave! I was once turned down for a promotion because my bosses thought I was "making my position look too easy." One of those bosses left, they promoted the right guy(for once) to replace her and I was promoted within a month. Its tough working for lousy people, but when you can work for someone who respects you and what you are capable of and they themselves are good at their jobs, it makes it all so much better. Its also better when your employers aren't threatened by you and try to help in your advancement. But I guess that's pretty rare these days.

You sound like you're pretty damn smart/qualified/ good in your field. I think something good will be coming your way.




Wow, that's brutal. That's like career purgatory. I suppose the silver lining is you are getting interviews for jobs you really want--should be able to land one (not that this makes it any less frustrating).


My complaint is one of the classes I'm teaching is public opinion, and one of the students is a hopeless skeptic. The prereqs for this course include statistics and research methods, so the idea of probability theory and sampling techniques cannot be new to him--but he doesn't believe in any of it. He doesn't believe samples can represent a population, doesn't believe in the validity of polling, and will put his faith in a handful of personal anecdotes over decades of scientific research. I have no idea how to get through to him, and he's been an active participant in class. I honestly feel like I'm being trolled, making for a very annoying experience.


Just pretend he posts on here.


That blows weave! I was once turned down for a promotion because my bosses thought I was "making my position look too easy." One of those bosses left, they promoted the right guy(for once) to replace her and I was promoted within a month. Its tough working for lousy people, but when you can work for someone who respects you and what you are capable of and they themselves are good at their jobs, it makes it all so much better. Its also better when your employers aren't threatened by you and try to help in your advancement. But I guess that's pretty rare these days.

You sound like you're pretty damn smart/qualified/ good in your field. I think something good will be coming your way.


One thing I always noticed while working for NYS...everyone encouraged promotion, even your own boss, even if it meant leaving the agency for another one. Getting to a high grade level (which meant getting a bigger pension at retirement time) was like finding the holy grail. That said, if your management liked you, you still had to tip-toe around if you wanted to leave.


Wow, that's brutal. That's like career purgatory. I suppose the silver lining is you are getting interviews for jobs you really want--should be able to land one (not that this makes it any less frustrating).


My complaint is one of the classes I'm teaching is public opinion, and one of the students is a hopeless skeptic. The prereqs for this course include statistics and research methods, so the idea of probability theory and sampling techniques cannot be new to him--but he doesn't believe in any of it. He doesn't believe samples can represent a population, doesn't believe in the validity of polling, and will put his faith in a handful of personal anecdotes over decades of scientific research. I have no idea how to get through to him, and he's been an active participant in class. I honestly feel like I'm being trolled, making for a very annoying experience.

Ignore the doosh?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

My infamous co-worker is at it again...he's a biker (10-speed, not the Harley kind) and bikes into work every day. If you don't know, we're a group of network engineers/admins (i.e., data comm stuff), so part of our job is to be able to high-tail it out to a remote branch office in case something breaks on a moment's notice. We're a small group of 3, so it's him, me, and our boss. Since our boss seems to be MIA half the time, that leaves it to me to hop in the car and go fix the problem. Most of our branch offices are local (Albany area), but it's not like I'd have to make a trip to Syracuse, Binghamton, or Buffalo where our other offices are. We have company vehicles, but it was recently announced that they are no longer available for our use - maintenance & gas seem to be too costly. I'm also responsible for the major projects our group does, so when a branch office goes dead, my projects suffer. My boss told me he'll have a serious talk with said co-worker about this, but I'm sure he hasn't yet. :wallbash: I gave the guy a guilt trip on Tuesday when I had to make an office visit, but I think he just doesn't care.


Oh yeah...and Katy Perry. She's mighty fine to look at, but her songs annoy the living H out of me.

Edited by Buffalo Wings


Oh yeah...and Katy Perry. She's mighty fine to look at, but her songs annoy the living H out of me.


Agreed - and now she's debased herself by smooching with Miley Cyrus at a recent concert. Sad...


My complaint today - the f**king weather. The weather report last night said we'd have a "burst" of snow around rush hour this morning. Well, we have some full-blown lake effect and so far have about five inches on the ground. So, where was the "winter storm warning" or the "lake snow advisory"? Stupid meteorology......


Scratched cornea. Ow.


I've done that twice (same eye), and ouch indeed... it's like having sand under your eyelid. Hope it heals quickly for you.


I finally have a chance to go snowboarding again tomorrow and I may not be able to go since I'm sick. :(


I'm enrolled in a clinical trial that won't let me wear my contacts for close to two months. Glasses suck.


Wait till you get a little older....i've had to give up the contacts almost entirely. It got so I couldn't read a menu in a restaurant without taking them out.


Is every human being sick with something just slightly different and neverending right now? This has been the Winter of disease. It got so bad at my house that even my dog was on antibiotics and steriods so she could breathe.


went to bingo last night and got out muscled of all the bingo's by a pack of tough old ladies. They have all their gear, padded seats, fancy dabber bags, filled with caramel corn, tick tacks, licorice. Try to sit in a regulars seat and all hell breaks loose. Bingo a tough game..


went to bingo last night and got out muscled of all the bingo's by a pack of tough old ladies. They have all their gear, padded seats, fancy dabber bags, filled with caramel corn, tick tacks, licorice. Try to sit in a regulars seat and all hell breaks loose. Bingo a tough game..

:lol: How old are you?


Is every human being sick with something just slightly different and neverending right now? This has been the Winter of disease. It got so bad at my house that even my dog was on antibiotics and steriods so she could breathe.


I thought I was going to get through this winter without catching something, but my boss is currently sick (as is often the case, between the patients he sees and his three young disease vector children). Boo.


went to bingo last night and got out muscled of all the bingo's by a pack of tough old ladies. They have all their gear, padded seats, fancy dabber bags, filled with caramel corn, tick tacks, licorice. Try to sit in a regulars seat and all hell breaks loose. Bingo a tough game..


That's quite poetic and I want Christopher Walken to read it.


I thought I was going to get through this winter without catching something, but my boss is currently sick (as is often the case, between the patients he sees and his three young disease vector children). Boo.

It just snowballs. I got some kind of stomach flu over christmas and I haven't been well since. D4rk keeps getting man colds. Even our mildly mentally deficient cat sneezes uncontrollably all the time. It's exhausting.


went to bingo last night and got out muscled of all the bingo's by a pack of tough old ladies. They have all their gear, padded seats, fancy dabber bags, filled with caramel corn, tick tacks, licorice. Try to sit in a regulars seat and all hell breaks loose. Bingo a tough game..

That's quite poetic and I want Christopher Walken to read it.

What he's not telling you, though, is that pitchers of beer are like 4 dollars. That's a really cheap party.

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