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I hear incredible things about that, why is that a complaint?

O it wasn't. I was just thinking about being single. I hate it and it sucks but I am trying to think of upcoming things to get by.


O it wasn't. I was just thinking about being single. I hate it and it sucks but I am trying to think of upcoming things to get by.


hey man. something similar happened to me exactly a year ago. my gf of a year broke up with me after taking me to my first SU game. She gave me the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" line and proceeded to tell me we should be friends etc. I had just been laid off, and had already paid to go on this ski trip with her. On said ski trip, I was not intentionally flirting with a waitress, however it seemed that way to her, and in the middle of the restaurant, she just blew up at me for flirting with another woman. Crazy I tell you.


Well, it all works out man. Had I not broken up with Crazy girl, I wouldn't have met the girl of my dreams a month and a half later. We've been dating ever since, and I gotta say, I've never been happier. We've been living together since November, and I'm thinking of starting to shop for a certain piece of jewelry (she's already dropped hints of what she wants recently). almost scary how awesome life can turn out for you if you keep an open mind.


Don't sulk bro. You'll do fine!


My crazy complaint. I've been going thru this semi audit recently, showing a customer our capabilities, etc. I've busted my ass on this project and the work for this customer for several months now. We finally got a forecast that is VERY promising for my dept. When we had a meeting with senior mgmt to propose a long term kind of agreement etc, our general manager did nothing but rave to the customer about our senior management team, but did nothing to compliment me, the other engineer on the project or our sales person who brought them in the door to begin with. I don't want him to practically blow a load over the work the three of us had completed, but a little recognition would've been nice. (for the record, he practically blew a load over our senior management team). kind of insulting. yay politics.


Sorry to hear that, LGR. I've been there before...years ago, but I was there. The girl I was dating in college (dated only for a few months, but it felt like the real deal) let me go because she couldn't figure things out for herself. She actually had run into her ex and he had pushed her buttons enough to get her all confused, so I was the victim. We got together again a little over a year later...then got married 3 years after that and just celebrated 17 years this past October. Either she'll come around or something will work out for you - I firmly believe things happen for a reason, whether or not you like it at the time.


My complaint - after the storm that hit us yesterday, I decided to wait until this morning to clear out the driveway. So, in order to get to work on time, I got up at 5am with about 4-5 hours of sleep - mostly because the aforementioned female was snoring most of the night (she does that when she has a cold) - ran the snowblower and did some shoveling. It's almost 4:00 now and I haven't gotten over the slow-motion, dragging feeling I've had all day. On top of that, my throat feels a tad raw. :cry:


hey man. something similar happened to me exactly a year ago. my gf of a year broke up with me after taking me to my first SU game. She gave me the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" line and proceeded to tell me we should be friends etc. I had just been laid off, and had already paid to go on this ski trip with her. On said ski trip, I was not intentionally flirting with a waitress, however it seemed that way to her, and in the middle of the restaurant, she just blew up at me for flirting with another woman. Crazy I tell you.


Well, it all works out man. Had I not broken up with Crazy girl, I wouldn't have met the girl of my dreams a month and a half later. We've been dating ever since, and I gotta say, I've never been happier. We've been living together since November, and I'm thinking of starting to shop for a certain piece of jewelry (she's already dropped hints of what she wants recently). almost scary how awesome life can turn out for you if you keep an open mind.


Don't sulk bro. You'll do fine!


My crazy complaint. I've been going thru this semi audit recently, showing a customer our capabilities, etc. I've busted my ass on this project and the work for this customer for several months now. We finally got a forecast that is VERY promising for my dept. When we had a meeting with senior mgmt to propose a long term kind of agreement etc, our general manager did nothing but rave to the customer about our senior management team, but did nothing to compliment me, the other engineer on the project or our sales person who brought them in the door to begin with. I don't want him to practically blow a load over the work the three of us had completed, but a little recognition would've been nice. (for the record, he practically blew a load over our senior management team). kind of insulting. yay politics.

well here's hoping :beer:


Jeez, CSB... I hope that clears up quickly because that sounds pretty awful.


Mine for today: I've literally spent all day working on and planning out a new experiment to test a bunch of conditions and find out what works best for future experiments, only to have the instrument I needed to do said experiment malfunction at the very last step. I worked all day without lunch for this?! :censored:


Jeez, CSB... I hope that clears up quickly because that sounds pretty awful.


Mine for today: I've literally spent all day working on and planning out a new experiment to test a bunch of conditions and find out what works best for future experiments, only to have the instrument I needed to do said experiment malfunction at the very last step. I worked all day without lunch for this?! :censored:

murphies law at it's finest

You can take the girl out of FSU, but not the FSU out of the girl.


A) All broads are crazy. It's your job to find the broad whose crazy most matches yours and who is in tune with her own craziness...which a good one will admit they have no clue


B) If you are a good hearted dude, it's going to sting. Like PA said, it's playoff experience. Chalk it up to being more prepared and better for yourself next time around. Don't get too cynical, but read point A again and realize that comes with insecurity and the need to feel appreciated. I like to employ a "distanced appreciation" until I know it's the real goods. I'm cynical to a fault, but a romantic at heart. That's why I will marry a stripper.


C) You have a good year of jack material built up. Find an adult film star who is somewhat similar in looks, and take it out on Little LIGR.


D) For as much as you may or may not get harassed here sometimes, I have no doubt you are a good dude. Enjoy being young. If you get broken up with on a phone call or through data exchange, that's not captain material. A true woman breaks up with you to your face so you can ram her one more time for old time's sake. That's the rule.


Hilarious. This is your best post in the past year :beer:


I'll try this in my best shrader-complaining-about-other-drivers voice. I'm turning left at an intersection in my one-horse town, in the turning lane. The light turns green, but there's opposing traffic. I drift out as is my legal right and a few cars go straight through. The next car stops and waves me through. It's an older woman. I refuse to go, out of principle, and a slight fear that we'll miscommunicate and collide, and I'll be of course at fault. But this crazy lady keeps waving. And she's getting more frantic each time I don't move. I just stare straight ahead. She's becoming more empathic, insistent, then a bit angry. She must have sat there for 10-15 seconds, which is an eternity. When someone finally laid on the horn behind her, she threw up her hands and proceeded. I saw her turn toward me as she passed in my peripheral vision, but I just sat there in a fake catatonic state. Actually, it was awesome.


Stupid iOS 7. Finally relented and updated my iPad, and really wishing I hadn't. Pictures that had been fine for backgrounds are suddenly distorted and too zoomed-in, overall appearance is cartoonish, and I could swear Safari is buggy now (although I'm glad they embraced the combination search/address toolbar like Chrome).


At least Colonel Taylor still understands me.


The randomness of my mind annoys me at times. For whatever reason, today I'm stuck thinking about something that happened around Christmas time:


My dad's health has deteriorated a lot in recent years. Coupled with that, some mental issues have popped up. When I was home in the Buffalo area over Christmas with my wife, he was telling her this story about how he spent a long time at a Red Sox game this summer a few days before our wedding having a long talk with her father. My dad told her about how he was having trouble sitting in the cramped seats, so he spent the last 4 innings or so sitting out in the concourse where there was tons of room. My soon to be father-in-law saw him out there and spent the rest of the game with him, even though it was a crazy game with a late big comeback by the Red Sox. He passed up on the game he was very interested in in favor of spending some time with my dad.


It's a good story and all, but there's one big problem with it. That wasn't my father-in-law who sat with him. It was me. My father-in-law was very sick at Christmas time from his battle with pancreatic cancer and was at the end of the line. I didn't have the heart to correct the story with my father because I'm content with that being his lasting memory of a person he'll never see again. But still, it bugs me. I can see him getting two random people mixed up, but not his son.



Why this is even on my mind today, I have no clue.


The randomness of my mind annoys me at times. For whatever reason, today I'm stuck thinking about something that happened around Christmas time:


My dad's health has deteriorated a lot in recent years. Coupled with that, some mental issues have popped up. When I was home in the Buffalo area over Christmas with my wife, he was telling her this story about how he spent a long time at a Red Sox game this summer a few days before our wedding having a long talk with her father. My dad told her about how he was having trouble sitting in the cramped seats, so he spent the last 4 innings or so sitting out in the concourse where there was tons of room. My soon to be father-in-law saw him out there and spent the rest of the game with him, even though it was a crazy game with a late big comeback by the Red Sox. He passed up on the game he was very interested in in favor of spending some time with my dad.


It's a good story and all, but there's one big problem with it. That wasn't my father-in-law who sat with him. It was me. My father-in-law was very sick at Christmas time from his battle with pancreatic cancer and was at the end of the line. I didn't have the heart to correct the story with my father because I'm content with that being his lasting memory of a person he'll never see again. But still, it bugs me. I can see him getting two random people mixed up, but not his son.



Why this is even on my mind today, I have no clue.


That's really tough. My grandfather has onset dementia and confuses the lot of us boys (My Uncle (his son), and my cousin and me (We're both in our mid twenties)). It's heartbreaking to see.


My complaint today: I thought I had dodged the bullet in regards to the sickness going around work, but lo and behold, I am the just the last person to get it :censored: . Nobody would stay home and take a free sick day so as not to spread this damn thing, so now I'm sick. I took a sick day Monday, and now I'm just trying to weather it.


shrader, that's tough. Most of us (if we're lucky enough to have our parents into old age) slide into that uncomfortable feeling that we're the parents now. But you and your siblings, and maybe your mom if she's around and OK, have to take care of him now.


I have a bit of experience here. I wouldn't assume that the issue is "mental." Don't assume dementia or Alzheimer's or whatever. In the older population, there can be lots of differential diagnoses. You said his health has been slipping. It could be a medication side effect. It could be another disease process.


My mom got suddenly very confused. Despite some other weird symptoms (loss of appetite, trouble swallowing, hiccups, a muscle cramp in her back, etc.), her doctor did the typical yawn and "she's 84" vibe. I googled the symptoms and in two minutes had an answer: low magnesium. I demanded the blood test, she came back very low and within 24-48 hours of supplementation she was fine (or relatively fine), again.


You have to be your dad's advocate now. Unless his doctor is some combination of Marcus Welby and Greg House, just assume that they are ###### things up.


I have a bit of experience here. I wouldn't assume that the issue is "mental." Don't assume dementia or Alzheimer's or whatever. In the older population, there can be lots of differential diagnoses. You said his health has been slipping. It could be a medication side effect. It could be another disease process.


It's definitely tied into something else, but I don't want to get into details. It's definitely an ongoing process that changes day to day.


Tough to hear, shrader. My prayers go out to you.


My complaint (again, paling in comparison)...I have to drive from Albany to Binghamton *tomorrow* for work over the weekend. Two things bug me about this:


1. The latest installation of Snowmageddon. Not only will it be a close call as to when the snow starts to taper off and when I need to leave, but I have to drive I-88. I can only pray that road is in good, passable condition. That said, the farther away I get from Albany, the more it should be cleared up. And forget about everyone that lives in the Northeast and likes to complain about this. :angry:


2. It's Valentine's/President's Day weekend. The spousal unit will be traveling herself on Monday morning. I was hoping to really treat her to something nice for this weekend, but once my trip was scheduled, that plan was off. I already have about 10 hours with her on Sunday, provided I get back on time. If any part of my work has to be put off for a day, that cuts that time in half...at best.


Aw man, Shrader, I'm sorry.


My father is beginning to show signs of something along these lines as well. He's relatively young, 69 years old, but every time I see him, which is 3 or so times a year now, he slips a notch. It's a strange haunting feeling for me. I remember his mother slipping, too, until she had zero clue who I or my dad were and thought her late husband was going to come pick her up in the Studebaker from ice skating any minute. I don't know what is wrong with my dad, and I haven't really got a way of asking as he's loudly convinced that all is well. He still travels around the world for work on a regular basis and plans to do so for the foreseeable future. He can't remember what I told him in the morning, he can't hear or see well, and his driving is abysmal, but he can still give me the most exact description of any historical event or draw you a perfect engineer's drawing of any vehicle, plane or boat ever made- just ask at random.


No real complaints for me this week, I s'pose. Just the usual stress and worrying over nothing!


The randomness of my mind annoys me at times. For whatever reason, today I'm stuck thinking about something that happened around Christmas time:


My dad's health has deteriorated a lot in recent years. Coupled with that, some mental issues have popped up. When I was home in the Buffalo area over Christmas with my wife, he was telling her this story about how he spent a long time at a Red Sox game this summer a few days before our wedding having a long talk with her father. My dad told her about how he was having trouble sitting in the cramped seats, so he spent the last 4 innings or so sitting out in the concourse where there was tons of room. My soon to be father-in-law saw him out there and spent the rest of the game with him, even though it was a crazy game with a late big comeback by the Red Sox. He passed up on the game he was very interested in in favor of spending some time with my dad.


It's a good story and all, but there's one big problem with it. That wasn't my father-in-law who sat with him. It was me. My father-in-law was very sick at Christmas time from his battle with pancreatic cancer and was at the end of the line. I didn't have the heart to correct the story with my father because I'm content with that being his lasting memory of a person he'll never see again. But still, it bugs me. I can see him getting two random people mixed up, but not his son.



Why this is even on my mind today, I have no clue.

I am sorry to hear that. My father had a stroke 2 years ago and is partially paralyzed on the left side. He knows who we all are but sometimes he gets confused and that feeling of helplessness really is terrible for you as a family member. Just remember that you know what happened and its your memory as well, he may forget but that shouldn't diminish it. You still did that with him and for him. That makes you a good son.


The de-holidization of America. Next Monday is a well-recognized federal holiday (and is recognized by most, if not all states as well). On a conference call with two other groups, we were trying to schedule another call for early next week. I mentioned that Monday was a holiday and both other groups said that it was not a holiday for them. :blink: I've run into this same issue before when returning after the Columbus Day long weekend - I have angry voice mail wanting to know why no one was in our office. (Well, it WAS a holiday...)


So, what constitutes a "real" holiday these days? How come everyone seems to be OK with Labor Day but not Columbus Day? Independence Day but not Presidents' Day? And to top it off, now stores are open on Thanksgiving (and they already have been staying open on New Years Day). What will be the next holiday to be "demoted" to an optional day off?


The de-holidization of America. Next Monday is a well-recognized federal holiday (and is recognized by most, if not all states as well). On a conference call with two other groups, we were trying to schedule another call for early next week. I mentioned that Monday was a holiday and both other groups said that it was not a holiday for them. :blink: I've run into this same issue before when returning after the Columbus Day long weekend - I have angry voice mail wanting to know why no one was in our office. (Well, it WAS a holiday...)


So, what constitutes a "real" holiday these days? How come everyone seems to be OK with Labor Day but not Columbus Day? Independence Day but not Presidents' Day? And to top it off, now stores are open on Thanksgiving (and they already have been staying open on New Years Day). What will be the next holiday to be "demoted" to an optional day off?


Our corporate office and pay roll dept are closed on Monday, but we're open... :censored:


We only get a half day on Christmas eve and New Years eve. My company really gives us the shaft when it comes to holidays.


The de-holidization of America. Next Monday is a well-recognized federal holiday (and is recognized by most, if not all states as well). On a conference call with two other groups, we were trying to schedule another call for early next week. I mentioned that Monday was a holiday and both other groups said that it was not a holiday for them. :blink: I've run into this same issue before when returning after the Columbus Day long weekend - I have angry voice mail wanting to know why no one was in our office. (Well, it WAS a holiday...)


So, what constitutes a "real" holiday these days? How come everyone seems to be OK with Labor Day but not Columbus Day? Independence Day but not Presidents' Day? And to top it off, now stores are open on Thanksgiving (and they already have been staying open on New Years Day). What will be the next holiday to be "demoted" to an optional day off?


I cab't speak for anyone else, but at least around here it seems like the only people with Columbus Day, President's Day, etc off are those affiliated with schools, banks, post offices, and state agencies. Most of the people I work with consider them fake holidays because it's business as usual for us. We only get the "big 6" as paid holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.


I cab't speak for anyone else, but at least around here it seems like the only people with Columbus Day, President's Day, etc off are those affiliated with schools, banks, post offices, and state agencies. Most of the people I work with consider them fake holidays because it's business as usual for us. We only get the "big 6" as paid holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.


Well, that's kind of what I'm getting at - who decides which are the "Big 6" holidays and which aren't? Is honoring two of our country's finest Presidents less important than honoring the US work force? (I'm guessing that Labor Day might be the next one to get rolled back to "minor" holiday status.) If the federal government says it's a holiday, as far as I'm concerned, it's a holiday....

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