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My other complaint is the death of Net Neutrality.


This is the most important thing that has happened to small business in the last 50 years, and it is completely unmitigated terrible-ness. Comcast, Verizon, and Time Warner are essentially being given the keys to the entire 21st Century Economy.


Amazon can now buy exclusive rights to sell certain products of the internet.


Say you sell home made soap, Proctor and Gamble could theoretically pay Verizon to prevent your site from loading for people who have Verizon Internet.


Say you make independent movies, Comcast could prevent your internet stream because they don't want it to compete with their NBC-Universal content.


Say you're a media watch-dog who reports on journalistic transgressions committed by CNN. You think TIme Warner is going to give your site much bandwidth?

What's the alternative, though? Service providers would become the mule of those supplying content (they already kinda are). I'm not saying it's right, but what is the solution?


What's the alternative, though? Service providers would become the mule of those supplying content (they already kinda are). I'm not saying it's right, but what is the solution?


Corporate Solution: Leave as is.


Market Solution: Break Up the Telecom's monopolies in certain delivery areas and let the market sort it out.


Moderate Solution: No Blocks, limits on content throttling.


Government Solution: Return to Net Neutrality through new legislation.


Super-Liberal Solution: Nationalize the fiber network and hand it over to the USPS. Run Fiber to everyone's mailbox. 1 gig connections for all like Sweden and S. Korea.


My Solution: Provide infrastructure investment to alleviate congested lines, bring up the overall speed of the network, pass net neutrality law, but now the telecoms have no excuse to throttle down anyone.


And BTW, imagine if your phone provider decided who could call your number based on how much they were willing to pay. So "You've Won a Free Cruise!!" guy pays AT&T and now gets unlimited access to your number, but your kids school has to wait on hold because they're no coughing up the money to cut in line. That is what this is.


I found out Tuesday that my friend lost his battle with cancer a lot sooner than anticipated. apparently he was in a good amount of pain, so I guess it's for the better. The gripe I have is that I can't get to California in such short notice to attend the funeral. His mom sent a bunch of us a letter though letting us know where we can send flowers etc, and that she doesn't expect all of us to make it out there.


And LGR, I was recently in a wedding myself, and was given an odd gift as well. It took a little while for me to understand the meaning behind it, but maybe there's more meaning to not just yourself, but to the friendship that you guys have. Hope that helps.


:( Sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer ###### sucks.


Mine for this week: my dad works for a small ophthamology practice (he's an optician), and his asshat bosses decided that they should cut his hours to half-time in order to save money. This was announced to him on New Year's Eve and was effective immediately, leaving him suddenly scrambling for a new job and trying to figure out insurance coverage. Thankfully he can get coverage through my stepmom's employer, but it's still ###### that they didn't give him any notice.


My MeeMaw passed away very early this morning, she was 97. May the 4 winds blow you safely home


Condolences. Must be a lot of great memories.


My MeeMaw passed away very early this morning, she was 97. May the 4 winds blow you safely home


My most sincere condolences - I just lost my mom in November. She was 91 and a great Sabres' fan....


I've been living 30 yards away from my apartment complex's completely acceptable gym for over 7 months and I just set foot in it today. I am disappointed in myself.

I've lived in that apartment complex three years and have yet to set foot in it. To be fair, it is new this year. I'm just weird about people seeing me working out. :(


My MeeMaw passed away very early this morning, she was 97. May the 4 winds blow you safely home

My most sincere condolences - I just lost my mom in November. She was 91 and a great Sabres' fan....


Condolences to you both.


Wow, 97. That's a life well lived.


Indeed. I hope I make it that long (assuming I'm still in possession of my faculties and in fairly good health).


Complaint: people who still have Christmas lights up as of Jan. 23rd. I appreciate that they were probably a pain to put up, and they do look nice, but FFS it's been almost a month since Christmas. Take 'em down, already!


Complaint: people who still have Christmas lights up as of Jan. 23rd. I appreciate that they were probably a pain to put up, and they do look nice, but FFS it's been almost a month since Christmas. Take 'em down, already!


But it's so damn cold.


I am of the "New Years Day, no matter how hungover you are" school


As am I. I'll even make an allowance for the following weekend if New Year's is midweek, but beyond that is ridiculous.


My MeeMaw passed away very early this morning, she was 97. May the 4 winds blow you safely home



MeeMaw is one of those words that I feel I should hate because it's just too cool, but I can't because, well,… it's just too cool.

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