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The Diocese of Buffalo took the decision to close ten schools. I understand that they had to close some, but one of them is a school at which I know one of the teachers. The guy works a night job, too, just to make ends meet. This sux.


My laptop has to go in for service. I have been transitioning to the cloud for a while, and I decided to go whole hog and switch to a chromebook, which essentially forces you onto the cloud. So with the book down for a few weeks, I've transitioned to my Wife's old MacBook for a while:




what is this? some "we are not going to be held to anybody elses standards" gimmick? Mouse wheel down moves you down the page, right? Not on Mac! it's like learning how to drive all over again in a car that turns left when you rotate the wheel clockwise and has the gas and brake switched. It's complete bull ######.


Actually, it's just the way your wife has it configured. Apple lets the user decide what's going to happen with the mouse wheel / trackpad / etc.


I was the best man at a wedding last weekend. It was ridiculously over the top affair with the Brides mother being a control freak. The problem was the brides mother kept all the days plans and times to herself so no one ever knew what was going on. I spent 12 hours in flat out scramble mode trying to make up for her mistakes. Everything from losing a tuxedo, to losing a flash drive, to not helping with the set up of the flowers (she was her daughters florist). It was a nightmare. When I finally dragged myself into bed at 1:30am I was sore, tired, and a little pissed. All an all I am glad I was there for my friend but I feel completely taken advantage of and that my efforts went highly unnoticed.


What really pissed me off was the oddest thing. Our gifts we got from the groom. As the best man I knew I was getting something and I wasn't expecting anything crazy. The other two guys open their gifts and they were very meaningful and thought out. Each one was something that was important to them. Mine... some ###### thing I don't give a rats ass about that has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have even the slightest interest in. It is wrong in my mind to even have this thought but it made me feel pretty terrible when I saw how thoughtful their gifts were and then I open mine and literally had to stop myself from saying WTF? I was the best man and have known this guy for 14 years... Also EVERYONE knows I am huge Sabres fan, EVERYONE! He got his buddies cufflinks that were very meaningful to them... mine some gimmicky generic things that mean nothing to me.


Sorry. I am just really upset that I meant so little to this entire process even though he was very sincere when he asked me to be the best man. This rant probably sounds really bitter and I apologize but I just felt like I was an after thought and that hurt.


The groom may have thought he was giving something meaningful to you - it's strange how people we know for a long time don't necessarily know our most important wants/interests. Example: A few years back, my friend of 50+ years gave me a cookie jar for my birthday. The cookie jar is a representation of a rather overweight dude on a motorcycle. Now, I am an overweight guy and I do ride a Harley. However, whomever sculpted the dude on the cookie jar did not do it in a flattering way. To make it worse, my friend said to me, "Hey, I just had to buy this for you! It looks just like you!". Well, it doesn't and I was a little hurt that my friend thought so. But, I accepted the gift and gave it all the consideration it deserves. It is still in the original box in my basement, just waiting for trash day.


I found out Tuesday that my friend lost his battle with cancer a lot sooner than anticipated. apparently he was in a good amount of pain, so I guess it's for the better. The gripe I have is that I can't get to California in such short notice to attend the funeral. His mom sent a bunch of us a letter though letting us know where we can send flowers etc, and that she doesn't expect all of us to make it out there.


And LGR, I was recently in a wedding myself, and was given an odd gift as well. It took a little while for me to understand the meaning behind it, but maybe there's more meaning to not just yourself, but to the friendship that you guys have. Hope that helps.


I found out Tuesday that my friend lost his battle with cancer a lot sooner than anticipated. apparently he was in a good amount of pain, so I guess it's for the better. The gripe I have is that I can't get to California in such short notice to attend the funeral. His mom sent a bunch of us a letter though letting us know where we can send flowers etc, and that she doesn't expect all of us to make it out there.


And LGR, I was recently in a wedding myself, and was given an odd gift as well. It took a little while for me to understand the meaning behind it, but maybe there's more meaning to not just yourself, but to the friendship that you guys have. Hope that helps.


###### ###### cancer...

Posted (edited)

Actually, it's just the way your wife has it configured. Apple lets the user decide what's going to happen with the mouse wheel / trackpad / etc.


Nope, wiped and reinstalled the OS. Bull ###### is the default setting. Apple poses a bigger existential threat to the human race than global warming and virus mutation combined.

Edited by Glass Case Of Emotion

Nope, wiped and reinstalled the OS. Bull ###### is the default setting. Apple poses a bigger existential threat to the human race than global warming and virus mutation combined.


Hahaha when I get home I'll look for the specific setting that you need to configure.


Hahaha when I get home I'll look for the specific setting that you need to configure.

System Preferences/Trackpad?


Also check your mouse's preferences.


I shouldn't have to check a setting to get my laptop to abide by the laws of nature.

You do in the crazy world of Apple.


more than one button apparently *was* a mistake!


Nope, wiped and reinstalled the OS. Bull ###### is the default setting. Apple poses a bigger existential threat to the human race than global warming and virus mutation combined.


This made my day. Down with the cultish tyrants!


I shouldn't have to check a setting to get my laptop to abide by the laws of nature.


I don't get it. Mine works in the "normal" fashion, whether with trackpad or with mouse.

Posted (edited)

People who complain about Macs, and yet will spend days looking for the right drivers and chipsets for their PC in order to get the most basic of peripheral to work. :devil:



Also, I can't stand co-workers who try to explain the way they do things with logic, when what they are doing makes absoluetly no sense. Look, just tell me,"Ya know, this is the way I've always done it and I'm not changing. I know that there is a better way but I just don't care." That is at least a valid answer that I can respect. To try and validate your clusterfluge logically just reinforces what I already know, that you are a dumbass and a blockhead.

Edited by SwampD

People who complain about Macs, and yet will spend days looking for the right drivers and chipsets for their PC in order to get the most basic of peripheral to work. :devil:


People who assume everyone who complains about Mac is using a PC despite people's clear statement that they were using a Chromebook. :P


There is something I'm not getting, and I did read the article. When I want to scroll up, it's two fingers up. When I want to scroll down, it's two fingers down. With the mouse, same way; up means up and down means down.


There is something I'm missing, here.

What OS are you using? The newer Macs and OS have it reversed (like when using an iPhone) as the default.

Posted (edited)

What OS are you using? The newer Macs and OS have it reversed (like when using an iPhone) as the default.


10.8. Up means up, down means down. Just like on my PC at work, on my phone, on anything.


10.8. Up means up, down means down. Just like on my PC at work, on my phone, on anything.


WAIT. I just tried that on the phone. IT IS WRONG. IT IS SO WRONG. If Apple is doing that on the computers now, wow. I don't know why it's natural on one device and not the other, but if they start that ###### with the laptops and stuff, bloody murder!


OK, Edit: Go to System Preferences, then Trackpad, and then deselect "Scroll direction: Natural." That should do it.

Edited by Eleven

10.8. Up means up, down means down. Just like on my PC at work, on my phone, on anything.




WAIT. I just tried that on the phone. IT IS WRONG. IT IS SO WRONG. If Apple is doing that on the computers now, wow. I don't know why it's natural on one device and not the other, but if they start that ###### with the laptops and stuff, bloody murder!


OK, Edit: Go to System Preferences, then Trackpad, and then deselect "Scroll direction: Natural." That should do it.


Awesome, I'll choose natural when I get a chance.


Just curious: is the other option 'sacrifice your first born to the Demon Lord Ba'al as we attempt to resurrect the departed soul of Steve Jobs"?


Awesome, I'll choose natural when I get a chance.


Just curious: is the other option 'sacrifice your first born to the Demon Lord Ba'al as we attempt to resurrect the departed soul of Steve Jobs"?


DE-select "natural."


10.8. Up means up, down means down. Just like on my PC at work, on my phone, on anything.




WAIT. I just tried that on the phone. IT IS WRONG. IT IS SO WRONG. If Apple is doing that on the computers now, wow. I don't know why it's natural on one device and not the other, but if they start that ###### with the laptops and stuff, bloody murder!


OK, Edit: Go to System Preferences, then Trackpad, and then deselect "Scroll direction: Natural." That should do it.

I know that there was time between these posts, but the fact that they ended up as one, with a quoting of the post within the post,… that just adds to the crazy.


Whenever my nieces and nephews use my computers, they always comment on how weird the scrolling is.


Damn millennials.


My other complaint is the death of Net Neutrality.


This is the most important thing that has happened to small business in the last 50 years, and it is completely unmitigated terrible-ness. Comcast, Verizon, and Time Warner are essentially being given the keys to the entire 21st Century Economy.


Amazon can now buy exclusive rights to sell certain products of the internet.


Say you sell home made soap, Proctor and Gamble could theoretically pay Verizon to prevent your site from loading for people who have Verizon Internet.


Say you make independent movies, Comcast could prevent your internet stream because they don't want it to compete with their NBC-Universal content.


Say you're a media watch-dog who reports on journalistic transgressions committed by CNN. You think TIme Warner is going to give your site much bandwidth?


My other complaint is the death of Net Neutrality.


This is the most important thing that has happened to small business in the last 50 years, and it is completely unmitigated terrible-ness. Comcast, Verizon, and Time Warner are essentially being given the keys to the entire 21st Century Economy.


Amazon can now buy exclusive rights to sell certain products of the internet.


Say you sell home made soap, Proctor and Gamble could theoretically pay Verizon to prevent your site from loading for people who have Verizon Internet.


Say you make independent movies, Comcast could prevent your internet stream because they don't want it to compete with their NBC-Universal content.


Say you're a media watch-dog who reports on journalistic transgressions committed by CNN. You think TIme Warner is going to give your site much bandwidth?


Now this is a legitimate bitch and a serious threat.

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