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We've got a bunch of aunts in the apartment right now. The place is very clean, so I'm guessing they were driven in by the landlord's yard work. Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of them because the wife likes to freak out.


Andro pellets.


Just got a quote to replace our front door and two front windows. $3700 for the door and $3400 for the windows. Are you nuckin' futs? If that guy gets that price from anyone then God bless'm.


We've got a bunch of aunts in the apartment right now. The place is very clean, so I'm guessing they were driven in by the landlord's yard work. Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of them because the wife likes to freak out.


Why would you want to get rid of your aunts?


I love my aunts ... they are great cooks and really like to spoil their favourite nephew.







Just got a quote to replace our front door and two front windows. $3700 for the door and $3400 for the windows. Are you nuckin' futs? If that guy gets that price from anyone then God bless'm.


That's his way of telling you that he doesn't want the job. Business must be good.


We put on a screen porch last year, and the first quote we got was close to $40k for the job. I couldn't stop laughing when my wife called me and told me that. We ended up getting it done for less than half that.


Andro pellets.


You mean Amdro right? Or are you suggesting that he put his aunts on steroids?


That's his way of telling you that he doesn't want the job. Business must be good.


We put on a screen porch last year, and the first quote we got was close to $40k for the job. I couldn't stop laughing when my wife called me and told me that. We ended up getting it done for less than half that.


That's what I figured. With all the contractors around here busy with Sandy repairs, it's probably not the time to do elective surgury on the house.


We've got a bunch of ants in the apartment right now. The place is very clean, so I'm guessing they were driven in by the landlord's yard work. Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of them because the wife likes to freak out.

Try these. They work very well. The only problem is for a day or two you see hundreds of ants go in to the container to get the liquid. They all eventually leave and are supposed to go back to the group and kill the rest. it worked for me.




Try these. They work very well. The only problem is for a day or two you see hundreds of ants go in to the container to get the liquid. They all eventually leave and are supposed to go back to the group and kill the rest. it worked for me.




I have used these a few times to combat the yearly ant invasion at my house (although the last year or two there haven't been any). The seem to work very well. I've found them at Lowe's each time.


We've got a bunch of ants in the apartment right now. The place is very clean, so I'm guessing they were driven in by the landlord's yard work. Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of them because the wife likes to freak out.


Big ants or little ones? If they are the bigger carpenter ants you got a problem that most likely will require a good exterminator to get rid of. If they are the common little ants that get attracted to food left on the floor than they are easy to deal with using most of the products you can find in a big box store.


Dealt with carpenter ants in two houses now. First one required tearing down an enclosed porch because the nest was in the porch and the exterminator couldn't get at it effectively enough to permanently get rid of the nest. The 2nd time was in a different house. The nest was easy to spray so I got them myself.


That's his way of telling you that he doesn't want the job. Business must be good.


We put on a screen porch last year, and the first quote we got was close to $40k for the job. I couldn't stop laughing when my wife called me and told me that. We ended up getting it done for less than half that.




You mean Amdro right? Or are you suggesting that he put his aunts on steroids?




Yeah, Amdro. Had black ants and circled the house with it. Two days, no ants to be found. Like others said you need this stuff because they take it back to the nest for food. Had carpenters and actually used grub killer. (not me mind you, the landlord)

Posted (edited)

Big ants or little ones? If they are the bigger carpenter ants you got a problem that most likely will require a good exterminator to get rid of. If they are the common little ants that get attracted to food left on the floor than they are easy to deal with using most of the products you can find in a big box store.


Dealt with carpenter ants in two houses now. First one required tearing down an enclosed porch because the nest was in the porch and the exterminator couldn't get at it effectively enough to permanently get rid of the nest. The 2nd time was in a different house. The nest was easy to spray so I got them myself.


They're not carpenter ants. If that was the problem I'd definitely be going to the landlord on this one. I probably still will, but for now I've got some cheap traps down right now. They weren't the same ones nucci suggested, but when I checked this morning, they sure as hell were drawing attention.


They're not really near food though, which makes me think the annual tearing up of the flower bed may have driven them to a new home. The kitchen also has a washing machine in it opposite of where all the food is stored, and they seem to be centralized around that. I guess it's possible a grape or something may have rolled under there.



edit: I'm going to have to read the packaging of what I bought a little better. I assumed all of those ant traps were designed to let them carry the poison back to their nest, but now I'm not sure. We were very fortunate growing up to very rarely have them in our house, so I never learned too much about the traps.

Edited by shrader
Posted (edited)

I am in the funeral industry, been doing it for 27 years, but loosing a friend of 45 years has totally floored me. Sleep in the stars my friend


Sorry to hear, man. My condolences to you.


And here, this happened this morning:




I normally take that highway in to work, but with the closures and resulting traffic, my 25-minute commute took 1.5 hours. They expect the closures to continue through the weekend as they make repairs and test for structural damage to the overpass. Ugh.


Edit: even worse than they thought: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/05/harrisburg_bridges_shut_throug.html


Damages to Interstate 81 will cost tens of millions of dollars and shut a portion of the highway for two or three months near the site of a fuel tanker explosion, state officials said during a press conference Thursday afternoon.


State officials hope to reopen one lane in each direction to traffic on the outbound side in time for the Monday morning commute, but the inbound side needs to be removed along with the bridge overhead the spot on 81 where the explosion occurred.


About 2,000 gallons of fuel also spilled into Paxton Creek and Wildwood Lake. Environmental crews are on site cleaning up now and will continue to monitor for at least a couple months.

Edited by biodork

Sorry to hear, man. My condolences to you.


And here, this happened this morning:




I normally take that highway in to work, but with the closures and resulting traffic, my 25-minute commute took 1.5 hours. They expect the closures to continue through the weekend as they make repairs and test for structural damage to the overpass. Ugh.


Wow. I was thru that interchange over the weekend.


Complaint: May Malaise. I should be excited about the weather, doing stuff outside, etc., etc., but all I've wanted to do is sleep for the last week or two. I just had bloodwork done for nothing related, so I know there's nothing wrong there.


I drove up here to western North Carolina, leaving last Thursday, the rain followed me all the way up. A low pressure system sat over this area for four days, dropped 10.5" in this location on Saturday and Sunday. I can deal with some drizzle for outdoor activities, after all it does that quite often here. But it was to the point of staying in the condo all weekend and going next door to the Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company to watch the hockey games. Rain finally started to let up Monday, but flooding closed one of the roads until mid-day Monday. I planned to get about 3 days in of outdoor fun and 2-3 days of exploring Asheville and the immediate suburbs in the eyes of a perspective resident in hopes of moving here soon. I've been here several times but not looking at it as a resident. Well, all the got cut in half and didn't get nearly as much done as a wanted. Actually, the original plan was to spend about 10 days here but about a week before I was about to leave I found out I need to be back to FL on Saturday. So what started off last month as a potential 10 day trip turned out to be 3 days worth of activities. I'm not happy.


People who back put of parking spots when no one is in the 6 closest spots. Ummm...just drive forward.


I'll pile on this one. People who don't understand it's their responsibility/common courtesy to yield to drivers pulling out of parking spots. Saw a guy lose his mind the other day laying on the horn at someone backing out of a spot. Here's a thought, take a deep breath and let the guy back out!


I'll pile on this one. People who don't understand it's their responsibility/common courtesy to yield to drivers pulling out of parking spots. Saw a guy lose his mind the other day laying on the horn at someone backing out of a spot. Here's a thought, take a deep breath and let the guy back out!


People back out of parking spots?


Wait--is this in a lot?


People who back put of parking spots when no one is in the 6 closest spots. Ummm...just drive forward.

So, you hate it when people back into spots. Now, you hate it when they back out. Maybe you just hate people backing up.

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