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that actually sounds pretty cool.


if it weren't for the kids and dogs, i might have been happy with it. also, the 2 am factor was kind of a drag, though i almost busted out my camera gear to try for lightning pics , but i opted to just go back to sleep.


It's not just Canada. I want spring.


And why do gyms play the worst music imaginable?


That's why I always have my ipod...


Crappy morning - overnight road work on I-87 southbound towards Albany spilled into the early rush hour and caused huge backups. Then some person didn't check their blind spot and almost side-swiped me. Then I get into work and our server admins are arguing with me about how the network isn't configured right causing problems for users, combined with my mother calling me because her PC is having what seems to be significant problems. Oh yeah...that tool that sits next to me hasn't shut up all day long and decides to slam his fist on his desk multiple times because he couldn't figure out how to edit a spreadsheet. On top of all that, I have to come back into work an hour earlier than I thought because it fits the schedule better for our vendor's technician.


:censored: :wallbash: :doh:


In the end, I didn't get into an accident...I solved the problem with my mother's PC...the server admin found a config error...my co-worker finally asked me about the spreadsheet thing, which I fixed for him...and I'll get extra comp time for the work I'm doing later. I guess dealing with the BS and getting my BP up worked out in the end.




That's why I always have my ipod...


Me too, but I always wind up hearing that damn music when I'm in the locker room changing. Synthesized music and auto-tuned voices drive me crazy. They could use Stephen Hawking for that "music" and no one would even notice.


Me too, but I always wind up hearing that damn music when I'm in the locker room changing. Synthesized music and auto-tuned voices drive me crazy. They could use Stephen Hawking for that "music" and no one would even notice.


They play mostly Fox News in my locker room. I realize that for many of you, that is not a problem. For me, it's worse than synthesized music and auto-tune.


They play mostly Fox News in my locker room. I realize that for many of you, that is not a problem. For me, it's worse than synthesized music and auto-tune.

Sounds like MSNBC or CNN to me.

Sounds like MSNBC or CNN to me.


CNN is the only one of the bunch to offer more than 50% of air time as news. Both MSNBC and FOX are over 50% opinion, with MSNBC the worst offender at nearly 80% opinion.


Important note: those numbers do not analyze the content of the news, nor which or what kind of stories are presented; it's strictly an analysis of covering events versus taking heads giving their opinion on said events.


My complaint: I don't actually care that the Sabres are playing tonight. I hate feeling that way, but this team isn't even fun to watch when they do win. :(


New complaint: I'm worried that these last three posts may take this thread into uncomfortable territory.


If it helps, I would also not like MSNBC in my locker room. Local news (if it's the right time of day) or ESPN would be just fine. Yes, even crappy ESPN.


In keeping with the theme, my complaint is also the weather. While it hasn't been a horrible winter by Buffalo standards (well, unless you live south of the city - they're still getting lake-effect snow dumped on them right now), we've only had a few days with comfortable temps since last fall. I mean, it is the first full day of Spring and the current temp is 20 degrees F. And even though the sun is brightly shining, there are a few snowflakes floating by my office window. No wonder I've been glued to the Golf Channel the past few weekends - it's nice to see green grass and people in shirtsleeves.....sigh.


It's still frickin' snowing..... :angry:


My complaint: I don't actually care that the Sabres are playing tonight. I hate feeling that way, but this team isn't even fun to watch when they do win. :(


i'm in the same boat. i'm in "project mode," and i need to go to radio shack at some point to pick up some components. i get off work at 5:30, when the game is already in progress. then i have a 30-45 minute commute, dinner, run to RS before they close, and see where things stand at that point.


either way, i'll probably at least listen to the game. RJ is too entertaining to pass up.


i'm in the same boat. i'm in "project mode," and i need to go to radio shack at some point to pick up some components. i get off work at 5:30, when the game is already in progress. then i have a 30-45 minute commute, dinner, run to RS before they close, and see where things stand at that point.


either way, i'll probably at least listen to the game. RJ is too entertaining to pass up.


Yeah. I'm to the point where I'll watch / listen if I'm free, but I don't rush home from work or skip errands to catch the beginning of the game.


New complaint: it's been about 10 months since this happened:


Found a new paper last night that cited a paper of mine in their discussion section, and it happened to be from a collaborator of my former boss. Sounds good so far, except after looking at the context of the citation I saw it was both disparaging and factually incorrect on many levels. Given it was a few sentences it seems unlikely to have been an accidental citing of our paper when they mean someone else's, so that guy can go fcuk himself. Who collaborates with someone and then sh!ts all over their work? Seriously pissed off about it.


After the editorial office had been initially very helpful and was seemingly considering publishing our letter to the editor, we'd heard nothing from them since last July or August. A few weeks ago I emailed them again to follow-up after I couldn't find any correction or letter that had been published, and no response. My former PI (the corresponding author of the original paper) tried contacting them again this week, and we FINALLY heard back today with this:


"Thank you for your e-mail. The editor would like to know what exactly would you like to happen at this point, since ABB does not publish Letters to the Editor."


Really? You couldn't have asked us this 10 months ago, or maybe offered some alternative for getting the inaccuracies addressed? So freakin annoying.


People who think that Chef's is (a) good or (b) even close to representative of Italian food.


It is a local Olive Garden. But with meaner waitresses.


We rolled out a new cloud based computer system for the students called thin client, it has had issues all freaking week and it is starting to get on our nerves. ppl can't log in, they get logged out at random, it is a nightmare. The other day during my night they actually took the machines all offline which pissed ppl off more. They tell us that they are now working properly and there will be no more problems... god I hope so.


We rolled out a new cloud based computer system for the students called thin client, it has had issues all freaking week and it is starting to get on our nerves. ppl can't log in, they get logged out at random, it is a nightmare. The other day during my night they actually took the machines all offline which pissed ppl off more. They tell us that they are now working properly and there will be no more problems... god I hope so.


The cloud can be fun, but the stakes are huge if there's issues. Don't envy you, man.


My sleep schedule is still all messed up from Thailand. try as I might, I can barely keep my eyes open past 9PM and I wake up at 4AM every day. I'd have thought it would slowly slide back to normal but it's been a week now and no change. Grr.


It's been one of those weeks...swamped at work, my workouts are tiring me out, and I'm hungry all the time. I've been on this diet for almost 3 months (successfully lost 18 pounds!) and trying to watch calories, so I'm starting to think that has a lot to do with it. I think I need more protein.


We're hosting Easter dinner for the in-laws and my mother (rest of my family is out of town), so I'll be ready to pig out...and drink.


We rolled out a new cloud based computer system for the students called thin client, it has had issues all freaking week and it is starting to get on our nerves. ppl can't log in, they get logged out at random, it is a nightmare. The other day during my night they actually took the machines all offline which pissed ppl off more. They tell us that they are now working properly and there will be no more problems... god I hope so.


We used thin clients a few years back for users at our semi-annual meetings. In theory, they looked like they were just the ticket. If one became infested with a virus or malware, we could wipe the memory and push out a new image in just a few minutes. In reality, they turned out to be a nightmare. People were reading email with documents attached and couldn't save them as the clinets have no hard drives (just a user "folder" on the central server). We actually had to print up an instruction sheet just so users could save and print documents. (Plus, the company that made them came out with "updates" that always seemed to screw up the images we had in place, so those had to be redone every time an update came along).

We scrapped them for laptops which were lighter, smaller and had full function.

Cloud computing sounds like a wonderful idea, but I don't think we're quite there yet.I never liked the idea of having all of our vital data stored someplace where the envirionmental and technical conditions were out of our control... Just make sure you back up everything. Often.


It's been one of those weeks...swamped at work, my workouts are tiring me out, and I'm hungry all the time. I've been on this diet for almost 3 months (successfully lost 18 pounds!) and trying to watch calories, so I'm starting to think that has a lot to do with it. I think I need more protein.


We're hosting Easter dinner for the in-laws and my mother (rest of my family is out of town), so I'll be ready to pig out...and drink.


Definitely make sure you're getting enough protein and greens. And if you're not already taking a multivitamin be sure to start. My girlfriend always does the diet while working out thing and i find it unproductive. The body needs fuel. As long as it's good fuel, eat as much as your body needs! ;)

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