shrader Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 I'm getting sick and tired of having to dodge cars that are waiting to turn left in the opposite lane. It never ceases to amaze me how impatient drivers are out here. They're leaving their car at almost a 45 degree angle right in the way of oncoming traffic.
dEnnis the Menace Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 Traveled to DC Sunday for work, and came home last night. I gave up my Sunday evening to drive to DC, and then spent 2 days walking around a conference/convention, and then yesterday in a hotel answering emails and working remotely before leaving, getting home at 745pm. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically, and I still had to be up at 530, to leave my house by 630 to get to work by 745 this morning. I don't have flex scheduling anymore, and I don't want to use my PTO (it's too valuable), so I'm now on cup of coffee number 3, and fighting to stay awake. Today, and tomorrow cannot end soon enough :(
chileanseabass Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 (edited) After being told two months ago to "find a new job," I'm now tasked with hiring a new sales manager, as one of mine turned in her resignation on Monday. I can't believe how awful some of these resumes are. The position is listed on Career Builder and asks that you please send a resume and cover letter. Of all the applicants, only two have sent cover letters. You're applying for a sales position. Your cover letter is your opportunity to sell yourself to me. If you can't sell yourself, why in the hell should I hire you to sell for me? On top of that, the overall quality of the resumes is really poor. This isn't some high ranking position, but it's pretty sweet for a recent college grad - up to $40K (base + commission), health insurance, 401K, 3 weeks paid vacation, domestic and international travel. Where the hell are all the unemployed folks that graduated in May? The only applicants I've received have 10-20+ years of experience and are, honestly, way over qualified for the position (yet they don't submit the requested cover letter and many resumes are laden with typos, which is baffling). For all the cries of what a bad job market this is, seems like most of these folks don't want a job bad enough to follow directions (send a cover letter) or proofread their resume. Edited October 25, 2012 by ChileanSeaBass
Claude_Verret Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 On 10/25/2012 at 12:39 PM, shrader said: I'm getting sick and tired of having to dodge cars that are waiting to turn left in the opposite lane. It never ceases to amaze me how impatient drivers are out here. They're leaving their car at almost a 45 degree angle right in the way of oncoming traffic. I drop my son off at school every morning. The school is situated in the middle of a residential neighborhood so it's not normally a high traffic area. This year the principal has been out front directing traffic since 99% of the kids carpool and there is no bus service. He has done an excellent job with managing traffic flow in and out of the parking lot this year. So this morning there is a line of about 10 cars waiting to turn right into the school when I get in line, some guy about five cars ahead who isn't waiting to turn into the school is "stuck" in this line. Instead of waiting the 30 seconds to a minute it might take to keep going, he breaks out of line into oncoming traffic just as the principal had let traffic coming to other way proceed. This of course results in a major cluster fukc and grinds traffic flow to a halt. What a tool.
FogBat Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 On 10/25/2012 at 12:37 PM, spndnchz said: bump Love the avatar! How apropos. My sister-in-law's husband believes that Bettman is the worst commish in all of pro sports. I can't argue with that. On 10/25/2012 at 1:31 PM, ChileanSeaBass said: After being told two months ago to "find a new job," I'm now tasked with hiring a new sales manager, as one of mine turned in her resignation on Monday. I can't believe how awful some of these resumes are. The position is listed on Career Builder and asks that you please send a resume and cover letter. Of all the applicants, only two have sent cover letters. You're applying for a sales position. Your cover letter is your opportunity to sell yourself to me. If you can't sell yourself, why in the hell should I hire you to sell for me? On top of that, the overall quality of the resumes is really poor. This isn't some high ranking position, but it's pretty sweet for a recent college grad - up to $40K (base + commission), health insurance, 401K, 3 weeks paid vacation, domestic and international travel. Where the hell are all the unemployed folks that graduated in May? The only applicants I've received have 10-20+ years of experience and are, honestly, way over qualified for the position (yet they don't submit the requested cover letter and many resumes are laden with typos, which is baffling). For all the cries of what a bad job market this is, seems like most of these folks don't want a job bad enough to follow directions (send a cover letter) or proofread their resume. And these kids have college degrees??? John Dewey may be dead, but his "spirit" is alive and well. :thumbdown: Ok, my two complaints for the week. One's pretty strong, the other one's tepid. 1, Ann Coulter. What an embarrassment she is for conservatives! I expect Chris Matthews to spew the venom that he does on MSNBC and just about get away with it. However, for someone who claims to be as conservative as she is, she knows better. 2, It's not Friday yet. Not because it's not TGIF, but because I can just taste what's going to happen tomorrow. I can't wait to break the news when it happens.
Marvelo Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 Donald Trump, the horse's ass. I love what Colbert said about him anyway.
MattPie Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 Leaving the hitch on a truck/car all the time. What, you're worried that you're going to have to tow something and the extra minute to put the hitch on will be the difference between life and death? Is it some kind of macho thing, "Look, I tow stuff with my awesome truck!" even though the ball is shiny and appears to never have been used? Someone help me out here.
LGR4GM Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 There will not be an 82 game season this year because the NHL Owners suck... T-Pegs you are excluded from the previous statement.
SwampD Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 Something posted in another thread made me think of this. (Sorry, SFiNS, I'm just having a hard time finding "Bow to my will or kill your son" as awesome ;)). I know I've complained about this before, but it came up again this week. I really can't stand when someone tells me "God only gives to someone what he knows they can take.". So, wait, you mean God thought about it first, and then still decided to be an a$$hole. Gee. thanks.
Sabres Fan in NS Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 On 10/25/2012 at 4:39 PM, SwampD said: Something posted in another thread made me think of this. (Sorry, SFiNS, I'm just having a hard time finding "Bow to my will or kill your son" as awesome ;)). I know I've complained about this before, but it came up again this week. I really can't stand when someone tells me "God only gives to someone what he knows they can take.". So, wait, you mean God thought about it first, and then still decided to be an a$$hole. Gee. thanks. No problem. But, that's not exactly how it went down. It's a parable to outline that this life is all about tests and how we do on them. Same with your second point.
Weave Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 How is this for a morning? this was Monday. Headed off bright and early to a company "hiring event". Hate these. Hated them in college, hate them now. About 20 minutes down the I-90 my cell phone rings. A recruiter is calling me. Now, I work in a VERY international workplace. A good 25% of our workforce is here on work visas, mostly India and China, but it is truly global. I have gotten very used to, and very good at decyphering accents. But this recruiter's Indian accent was so thick I was getting maybe every 3rd word. After a difficult minute or two I ask if I can call back when I reach my destination. No problem. So..... I get to the "career fair" about 30 minutes early. Check the call log on my phone to get the number of the guy who called me and it's not there. And then it dawns on me that I recently changed phone settings to only log missed calls. Sunnofa..... Upon reflection I can't say I recall having any feelings of impending dread at that moment but I should have. I'm still very early but, might as well go in and get comfortable. I walk up to the receptionist and say "Good morning. I'm here for the the career fair today". She gets a sympathetic look on her face and says, "I'm sorry. The career fair is cancelled and we have no re-schedule planned yet". You've got to be kidding me. At this point i should add that I was on their website the previous evening to verify time and date, so they didn't publish anywhere that it was cancelled. WTF? She had a kindly-old-lady look to her and I wasn't about to get frustrated with her. Besides, it's always a good idea to be nice to the gatekeepers. They control access, right? I do my best to put on a happy face but I doubt it was successful, I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. She did offer to hand deliver my resume to the HR manger, which I accepted with a "thank you". But, it turned out to be a waste of a 40ish mile drive (one way) and a vacation day. Moving on..... I get in my vehicle and pound out an angry vent text to a friend. And the message won't send. Now what? I can't be out of service, it's the Buffalo burbs afterall. I check my signal strength and instead of bars it says "off". So I spend the next 5 minutes in the parking lot trying to change my settings to connect to the cellular network. And my phone just won't connect. OK, now my blood pressure is really starting to go up. Time to go home and re-group. Get home and call my cell provider's customer service number. I'm holding my cell in one hand and the land line is up to my ear in the other hand. While I'm on hold the cell phone suddenly comes to life and connects to the network. Why? Who knows. I guess I should be happy. I hang up and get on my cell phone account webpage to drag up that number that called me earlier. I find it, Google it, and find it is a recruiter out of Auburn Hills, MI. Call the number and it rings 4 times. Then it goes to an answering message. "We're sorry but we cannot accept your call right now". Click. Seriously? Fecking seriously? No company name? No extention list? No leave a message? Nothing? WTF kind of organization is this? 2 weeks in and my job hunt is going to have me on BP medication.
Hank Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 On 10/25/2012 at 2:29 PM, MattPie said: Leaving the hitch on a truck/car all the time. What, you're worried that you're going to have to tow something and the extra minute to put the hitch on will be the difference between life and death? Is it some kind of macho thing, "Look, I tow stuff with my awesome truck!" even though the ball is shiny and appears to never have been used? Someone help me out here. My personal experience: a few months ago I got back from the lake, as I'm raising the boat off the hitch I remember I had to go to the store and left without taking the hitch off. On my way home from the store I was rear ended by a kid. The front end of his car was tore up from the hitch but there was no damage to my truck. It was then I realized the hitch is a nice buffer and I've never taken it off since. Why would a hitch on another mans vehicle bother you?
MattPie Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 On 10/25/2012 at 7:08 PM, Hank said: My personal experience: a few months ago I got back from the lake, as I'm raising the boat off the hitch I remember I had to go to the store and left without taking the hitch off. On my way home from the store I was rear ended by a kid. The front end of his car was tore up from the hitch but there was no damage to my truck. It was then I realized the hitch is a nice buffer and I've never taken it off since. Why would a hitch on another mans vehicle bother you? Pretty much what you said. What would have been likely a very minor accident for both parties becomes a huge hassle for one. Although you can't be too upset about screwing up someone's car that rear ends you. :) As someone who rides a motorocycle, though, I'd much rather slide into a flat bumper than a harpoon.
Claude_Verret Posted October 25, 2012 Report Posted October 25, 2012 On 10/25/2012 at 6:45 PM, weave said: How is this for a morning? this was Monday. Headed off bright and early to a company "hiring event". Hate these. Hated them in college, hate them now. About 20 minutes down the I-90 my cell phone rings. A recruiter is calling me. Now, I work in a VERY international workplace. A good 25% of our workforce is here on work visas, mostly India and China, but it is truly global. I have gotten very used to, and very good at decyphering accents. But this recruiter's Indian accent was so thick I was getting maybe every 3rd word. After a difficult minute or two I ask if I can call back when I reach my destination. No problem. 2 weeks in and my job hunt is going to have me on BP medication. That's a hell of a day for sure, but the first part resonated with me. I work in a very international workplace as well, and out of all the accents the thick Indian accent is most often the toughest for me to make out. I had an Indian guy in my group until recently who I could hardly ever understand, in meetings I'd often find myself just nodding in agreement when I didn't understand him only to find out later that I had agreed to do something I had no idea about. It was like the low talker episode of Seinfeld where Jerry ends up agreeing to wear the puffy shirt.
Eleven Posted October 26, 2012 Report Posted October 26, 2012 It's been a hell of a week, and I mean hell. One friend down for good (35 years old). Two other friends lost their mothers (50-something and 60-something). One more friend lost a brother (42). Insane.
darksabre Posted October 26, 2012 Report Posted October 26, 2012 On 10/26/2012 at 2:49 AM, Eleven said: It's been a hell of a week, and I mean hell. One friend down for good (35 years old). Two other friends lost their mothers (50-something and 60-something). One more friend lost a brother (42). Insane. That sucks dude. What was the 35 year old's story?
shrader Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 This jackass teenager who was trick or treating last night decided to say to me "this is a robbery" as I was at the door. I wanted to refuse candy but out of fear of a later egging, I just wound up calling him and idiot.
dEnnis the Menace Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 My company has pushed me to my breaking point with their stupidity. I went to school to be a mechanical engineer. I have my bachelors and masters, and I passed the FE exam. I am grateful to have a job, don't get me wrong, but I spent 6 years at a school learning engineering, not marketing, advertising and sales. I did not sign on for a sales, marketing and advertising job. I was told it would be sales engineering. I have completed maybe 3 engineering projects in my time here. Every time I finally get an engineering job though, I get yelled at for not doing enough of the other 3. I am slowly losing my knowledge of engineering, and it's frustrating. I finally decided after discussing with my girlfriend that I would apply for new jobs. She says I'm always grumpy when I get home, and they are taking my weekends away from me making me travel, and not reimbursing me in any way for that time. So last night I applied for 6 new jobs, 5 of which are in Buffalo. So there's some Friday thread worthy news in there too. I'm just at my breaking point, and it's pouring into my personal life, which is signaling time for a change.
Weave Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 On 11/1/2012 at 12:59 PM, dEnnis the Menace said: My company has pushed me to my breaking point with their stupidity. I went to school to be a mechanical engineer. I have my bachelors and masters, and I passed the FE exam. I am grateful to have a job, don't get me wrong, but I spent 6 years at a school learning engineering, not marketing, advertising and sales. I did not sign on for a sales, marketing and advertising job. I was told it would be sales engineering. I have completed maybe 3 engineering projects in my time here. Every time I finally get an engineering job though, I get yelled at for not doing enough of the other 3. I am slowly losing my knowledge of engineering, and it's frustrating. I finally decided after discussing with my girlfriend that I would apply for new jobs. She says I'm always grumpy when I get home, and they are taking my weekends away from me making me travel, and not reimbursing me in any way for that time. So last night I applied for 6 new jobs, 5 of which are in Buffalo. So there's some Friday thread worthy news in there too. I'm just at my breaking point, and it's pouring into my personal life, which is signaling time for a change. Looks like I have competition, eh? Where do you work? Maybe I should get ready to apply for an opening at your place. :)
dEnnis the Menace Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 (edited) On 11/1/2012 at 1:02 PM, weave said: Looks like I have competition, eh? Where do you work? Maybe I should get ready to apply for an opening at your place. :) I'm currently down in Elmira, and trust don't want here. I think we're at different enough points in our careers that we shouldn't be competing too much :flirt: I just want to 1) be closer to where I work (clarification: I currently live an hour from where I work, and live with my mother because it is unfeasible financially to move closer on my own), and 2) make a little more to pay off my student loans, which are taking 1 full paycheck a month (yeah, a little underpaid). oh and 3) I want to be closer to family and friends. My girlfriend is in Syracuse, so I'd be moving a little further from her, but it'd be worth it. Especially since once she starts clinical rotations, I'm rarely going to see her. :( Edited November 1, 2012 by dEnnis the Menace
Sabre Dance Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 As dark and rainy as it was this morning, there were still cars driving around without headlights (or even parking lights). Um, unless you're driving a fluorescent orange car with reflective stripes, you need to have your headlights on to be seen when it is A) dark and B) rainy. (Plus, it's the law). Even turning my lights on and off at the car as it goes by doesn't work. Hey, the light switch is RIGHT THERE! Just click it!
wjag Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 On 11/1/2012 at 1:14 PM, Sabre Dance said: As dark and rainy as it was this morning, there were still cars driving around without headlights (or even parking lights). Um, unless you're driving a fluorescent orange car with reflective stripes, you need to have your headlights on to be seen when it is A) dark and B) rainy. (Plus, it's the law). Even turning my lights on and off at the car as it goes by doesn't work. Hey, the light switch is RIGHT THERE! Just click it! I though tthat meant slow down, there's a cop with radar... Not enough people extend that simple courtesy anymore...
dEnnis the Menace Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 On 11/1/2012 at 1:16 PM, wjag said: I though tthat meant slow down, there's a cop with radar... Not enough people extend that simple courtesy anymore... I try to. some people just flash their brights back at me :doh: yeah, people without headlights on when dark or rainy, or even foggy bugs the he!! out of me! it's not for you, it's for the other drivers on the road to see you!!! :censored:
shrader Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 On 11/1/2012 at 1:18 PM, dEnnis the Menace said: I try to. some people just flash their brights back at me :doh: You did your part. The next step is to hope that person gets pulled over.
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