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Is that the word of the day?


Anyway, mangos are like that by design. So, one will never be able to eat a whole one. If one did they would likely have an explosive bathroom moment. Possibly similar to what weave happened upon. Not pretty, indeed.


I love mangos, but am always careful never to go overboard.


lol I can't help it; every time I cut into one, the streaky pit-like thing reminds me of cartilage. Ick.


Thanks. I have a business plan I've toyed with for a number of years as an insurance policy if the job hunt runs dry. I'm not a risk taker by nature or I'd be in the food/beer biz already. But, if I've got nuthin to lose it's not really a risk, right?


There's the spirit. :thumbsup:


I know a couple people who work there. Bad visual. Unfortunately, you can't even un-see your imagination.


As for my complaint, drivers approaching a four way intersection to my right who short cut the left hand turn and take up some of my lane as I approach the intersection. I had to slam on my brakes, because they were to lazy to turn the wheel a bit more, or were holding coffee, a cell phone, putting on make-up, etc. If my car wasn't small, I'd love to end their arrogance.


Wow, that feels better.



Yeah, it was a splattershot. Fecking disgusting. I hope the summanabritch soiled his clothes with that mess.



It really boggles the mind how this can occur. The Howard Stern offender claimed that it wasn't on purpose and that he just couldn't sit down fast enough before he exploded. But still they found ###### on the light switch and up the walls almost to the ceiling. It's almost like you need the equivalent of a blood spatter expert to make sense of what happened.


It really boggles the mind how this can occur. The Howard Stern offender claimed that it wasn't on purpose and that he just couldn't sit down fast enough before he exploded. But still they found ###### on the light switch and up the walls almost to the ceiling. It's almost like you need the equivalent of a blood spatter expert to make sense of what happened.


If an employee did this at my office, I'd gladly put Dexter on the case.

Posted (edited)

It really boggles the mind how this can occur. The Howard Stern offender claimed that it wasn't on purpose and that he just couldn't sit down fast enough before he exploded. But still they found ###### on the light switch and up the walls almost to the ceiling. It's almost like you need the equivalent of a blood spatter expert to make sense of what happened.


I remember in a dorm bathroom in college someone exploded all over a stall. I mean everywhere... handle, seat, walls, floor, etc. Well, the cleaning lady said "screw you guys!" and left it there. She refused to clean it up, and there it sat for a week. The stench was horrible, and the worst (or maybe best?) part was no one could tell whether the guy shat or puked. It was awful and there were only two stalls in that bathroom for a hall with 20 or so guys, so you couldn't avoid it unless you went to a different floor. Finally one day some kid raided the janitors closet and cleaned it all up. We just assumed he was the culprit as well, so we used 8 bungee cords I had in my trunk and attached them from his door handle to one down the hall (during the setup a kid got a black eye when one snapped off and drilled him). We did it at like 3 am, so he couldn't get out in the morning, missed all his classes, and was finally "rescued" just in time for dinner after he repeatedly called the university and complained.

Edited by ChileanSeaBass

I remember in a dorm bathroom in college someone exploded all over a stall. I mean everywhere... handle, seat, walls, floor, etc. Well, the cleaning lady said "screw you guys!" and left it there. She refused to clean it up, and there it sat for a week. The stench was horrible, and the worst (or maybe best?) part was no one could tell whether the guy shat or puked. It was awful and there were only two stalls in that bathroom for a hall with 20 or so guys, so you couldn't avoid it unless you went to a different floor. Finally one day some kid raided the janitors closet and cleaned it all up. We just assumed he was the culprit as well, so we used 8 bungee cords I had in my trunk and attached them from his door handle to one down the hall (during the setup a kid got a black eye when one snapped off and drilled him). We did it at like 3 am, so he couldn't get out in the morning, missed all his classes, and was finally "rescued" just in time for dinner after he repeatedly called the university and complained.


This story reminds me of two things..


1.) In college we also had a soiled toilet seat problem in our dorm. It turns out this kid was from a part of the world where toilets are not common, and people there just relieve themselves in holes in the ground, So this guy wasn't used to sitting on a toilet in a conventional manner, instead he would squat on the seat and go. This is all fine and good except for one problem, his aim wasn't the best and as a result you'd often go into the bathroom to do your business only to find a ###### covered toilet seat that he wouldn't clean up. We brought this to the attention of our RA and RD, but neither would do anything about it at the risk of offending someone from a different culture. We started calling this guy the bombardier and ended up getting into trouble with the university for being culturally insensitive, never mind our argument that this d-bag was being hygienically insensitive.


2.) Never use bungee cords without eye protection. Seriously. I'm blind in one eye from an auto accident and have been to many different eye docs over the years, a few of them have told me that bungee cord mishaps are one of the most common ways that people suffer eye trauma.

Posted (edited)

Got turned down for a position today via email, by a company that had already spoken to me on the phone. Would it really be so difficult to finish the job by giving me a phone call instead? Is professional courtesy dead? :censored:


Edited by d4rksabre

Got turned down for a position today via email, by a company that had already spoken to me on the phone. Would it really be so difficult to finish the job by giving me a phone call instead? Is professional courtesy dead? :censored:


At least it wasn't a tweet.


Complaint: everything I've touched at work in the last 2 days has turned to ######.


I hate people that have sick/personal time, and are truly sick, but are adamant about coming to work. PLEASE DON'T! I DO NOT WANT YOUR GERMS!!!! :censored:


I swear to God, if I get sick...


Ugh, I second this... my oft-mentioned disgusting coworker was sick all last week, yet insisted on coming here and doing his cringe-worthy loud, spraying sneezes all over the damn place. So, so gross.


This story reminds me of two things..


1.) In college we also had a soiled toilet seat problem in our dorm. It turns out this kid was from a part of the world where toilets are not common, and people there just relieve themselves in holes in the ground, So this guy wasn't used to sitting on a toilet in a conventional manner, instead he would squat on the seat and go. This is all fine and good except for one problem, his aim wasn't the best and as a result you'd often go into the bathroom to do your business only to find a ###### covered toilet seat that he wouldn't clean up. We brought this to the attention of our RA and RD, but neither would do anything about it at the risk of offending someone from a different culture. We started calling this guy the bombardier and ended up getting into trouble with the university for being culturally insensitive, never mind our argument that this d-bag was being hygienically insensitive..


Let me guess....UB?


We had the exact same issue. Are you my suitemate?


I was almost going to bring this up when Weave said he was taking in an exchange student. Maybe he will go home and find he hit the Daily Double.


That seems to be the theme in this thread today.



2.) Never use bungee cords without eye protection. Seriously. I'm blind in one eye from an auto accident and have been to many different eye docs over the years, a few of them have told me that bungee cord mishaps are one of the most common ways that people suffer eye trauma.



Later in college I broke my thumb in a bungee cord mishap. After doling out a black eye and breaking my own thumb, I've sworn those things off.


Let me guess....UB?


We had the exact same issue. Are you my suitemate?



Actually, no. I did graduate from UB, but this happened at another SUNY institution before I transferred there. Perhaps this barrage of soiled toilet seats at institutions of higher learning is not all that uncommon across the nation?


Another problem this practice causes is the phantom occupied stall. When someone is squatting on the seat with the door locked it gives the appearance of the old lock the stall and climb out prank is being played. This bombardier guy finally wised up and would leave his flip flops on the floor of the stall when he was doing his business so people would know he was in there.


So assplosion gets through the filter...


I wonder what else does too



Assman ... That ones for you Cosmo









I was almost going to bring this up when Weave said he was taking in an exchange student. Maybe he will go home and find he hit the Daily Double.


No crappy seats yet but the kid has plugged the crapper more times in 6 weeks than we have in 10 years. Kid is a fan of TP guess.


Okay without giving to much detail, we need new computers for our students and in the office. Apparently last year they got bids for them but then dropped the ball and didn't get them. Now it has been suggested we should remove the computers because ALL students have laptops or tablets. You are joking right? ALL, every single student does huh? The worst part is students in the last 2 weeks have begun asking if we are getting new computers. It has gotten to that point. A 6yr old computer is too freaking old! What drives me mad is we have the budget for them! We are the most used building on CAMPUS get new computers for our undergrads!


by most used I mean we had 3million visitors last year and we don't keep count on the classroom floor (there are 2 main entrances that are technically on the second floor cause we are on a hill)


The fiancee's crappy roommate (I'm sure most of you remember the previous stories) now has complained that my fiancee has been showing no common courtesy towards her. This is the same "person" (I use that term very loosely) who:

-gets wasted every single night and then stumbles around the apartment loudly for hours at 2 am all while the fiancee needs to wake up at 5:30

-steals her food, whether it's is brand new stuff or leftovers, nothing is off limits

-brings back random guys with her, one of which has walked into my fiancee's room while she's sleeping (yeah, you remember that story)

-has random drunks pass out on the couch while watching tv, making it incredible awkward for the fiancee to walk by them to take a shower in the morning

-leaves mounds of dirty dishes on the counter and oven

-never cleans anything

-has made the front porch unusable due to the odor of cigarette smoke (even though the landlord wrote in a no smoking clause in the will)


So yeah, there's lots to respect there.


So, I've had a pain in my side for about 2 weeks now. I thought it would go away but it didn't. So I went to the doctor this morning and went for some tests. Turns out I have hairline crack in my rib. WTF? How did that happen?


The fiancee's crappy roommate (I'm sure most of you remember the previous stories) now has complained that my fiancee has been showing no common courtesy towards her. This is the same "person" (I use that term very loosely) who:

-gets wasted every single night and then stumbles around the apartment loudly for hours at 2 am all while the fiancee needs to wake up at 5:30

-steals her food, whether it's is brand new stuff or leftovers, nothing is off limits

-brings back random guys with her, one of which has walked into my fiancee's room while she's sleeping (yeah, you remember that story)

-has random drunks pass out on the couch while watching tv, making it incredible awkward for the fiancee to walk by them to take a shower in the morning

-leaves mounds of dirty dishes on the counter and oven

-never cleans anything

-has made the front porch unusable due to the odor of cigarette smoke (even though the landlord wrote in a no smoking clause in the will)


So yeah, there's lots to respect there.


That blows! I know this was brought up before, but how long until she can severe ties with the roommate from hell??


So, I've had a pain in my side for about 2 weeks now. I thought it would go away but it didn't. So I went to the doctor this morning and went for some tests. Turns out I have hairline crack in my rib. WTF? How did that happen?


ouch! heal up soon!


My complaint: common courtesy in the office. It is not necessary to have a ridiculously loud conversation right outside my cubicle, especially when two of the three participants have an actual office with a door that closes. It would've been great for them to go in there anyways since what they were talking about should not be common knowledge to all the employees in the general vicinity. Also, I'M ON THE DAMN PHONE WITH A CUSTOMER! :censored: :wallbash:


I've asked nicely for people to take their conversations and gatherings elsewhere, because as a sales engineer, more than half of my job requires me to use a phone, and it is so distracting having people loudly converse next to you while on said phone. I'm not sure if I'm going to take the passively aggressive route, and forward an email on general office courtesy that was sent out a year ago, or what...but it's getting annoying.

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