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Why don't you start by telling us all what you're looking for? Someone might know someone.


And that right there is about 95% of what the job search comes down to, especially when you're at that just trying to get your foot in the door level.


Just came downstairs to find my computer in some kind of restored state. I don't know what the hell Windows did overnight, but it is somewhat unsettling.


With the green grass wallpaper?


Various things.


My career path is in crime analysis. There wasn't much in entry level when I graduated with my Bachelor's in criminal justice in 2010. So I went for my Master's in the same field. It's been an exercise in frustration for a number of reasons I'd rather not get into. Regardless, there are more entry level CA jobs now than there were two years ago, so I'm applying for those. I expect slower but better progress on that front.


In the meantime I need something to pay the bills. My only work experience is in a warehouse building crates and driving forklifts. I always got paid too well at that job. I'm trying to steer myself away from blue collar work like that so that my work history will look better. I want something that will allow me to make use of my writing skills, my adaptability, my creative personality and my tech background (it's no secret I'm a gear head and was an engineering student for three years).


Basically I want to work a day job that will let me use my head and maybe let me learn a new skill. Unfortunately companies seem able to hire people who are overqualified rather than those who are brimming with potential.


Sorry to keep this going, but only trying to help...what type of crime analysis? Are we talking forensic accounting, so that you would be useful to, say, a bank's fraud prevention department? Or fingerprints and gunpowder? Or both, etc.?


Sorry to keep this going, but only trying to help...what type of crime analysis? Are we talking forensic accounting, so that you would be useful to, say, a bank's fraud prevention department? Or fingerprints and gunpowder? Or both, etc.?


More along the lines of geospatial and temporal analysis. Simply put, crime mapping. I can take databases of offender information or crime event information, and look for patterns to determine locations and time periods where certain crimes are a problem. The primary purpose is to help guide police response and work with investigators.


I'm a certified crime analyst in NYS but most NY agencies aren't hiring. I also don't have any on the job experience, just schooling. I've had a few bites, including a job in Arlington, TX, that I was well under-qualified for but they liked my work samples.


I've got some experience with IBM SPSS statistics software, but without data to analyze I can't really apply it much. I also know ARCGIS pretty well, but again need access to it to gain more experience.


See, that's the opposite problem from my mom. She's a computer programmer (COBOL) whose been out of work for over 2 years now. She's tried learning some of the new languages, but can't get the hang of it. So, she's trying to get any job she possibly can. Now she lives with me (lost her house), has no savings (spent it all trying to save her house) and her unemployment ran out in March, so she's on my dime. She has applied EVERYWHERE. Minimum wage included. Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, you name it.... nothing.


Just from the computer standpoint, what languages has she been trying to learn? C++ and Java, for instance, are very different than COBOL. Not just on the syntax, but the entire model and through process is different. I don't know COBOL, but some of the more script type languages might be something to try (Python and PHP are the first that come to mind).


My complaint: I was in Buffalo from Saturday until last night, I got used to seeing my girlfriend and family on a regular basis.


More along the lines of geospatial and temporal analysis. Simply put, crime mapping. I can take databases of offender information or crime event information, and look for patterns to determine locations and time periods where certain crimes are a problem. The primary purpose is to help guide police response and work with investigators.


I'm a certified crime analyst in NYS but most NY agencies aren't hiring. I also don't have any on the job experience, just schooling. I've had a few bites, including a job in Arlington, TX, that I was well under-qualified for but they liked my work samples.


I've got some experience with IBM SPSS statistics software, but without data to analyze I can't really apply it much. I also know ARCGIS pretty well, but again need access to it to gain more experience.


Ever done anything with Crowdsourcing? I know a few research groups in my company that are working with the concept. It seems like it'd be a parallel discipline to what you're talking about.


Just came downstairs to find my computer in some kind of restored state. I don't know what the hell Windows did overnight, but it is somewhat unsettling.

Buy a Mac and don't look back! ;)


Just from the computer standpoint, what languages has she been trying to learn? C++ and Java, for instance, are very different than COBOL. Not just on the syntax, but the entire model and through process is different. I don't know COBOL, but some of the more script type languages might be something to try (Python and PHP are the first that come to mind).


My complaint: I was in Buffalo from Saturday until last night, I got used to seeing my girlfriend and family on a regular basis.




Ever done anything with Crowdsourcing? I know a few research groups in my company that are working with the concept. It seems like it'd be a parallel discipline to what you're talking about.


I've never touched on crowdsourcing but I suppose it is worth looking into.


Buy a Mac and don't look back! ;)


Mac's are even worse! Those things brick themselves and then I have to let someone else fix it. I'd rather solve my own problems.


Buy a Mac and don't look back! ;)


Install Linux for free! :)


I've never touched on crowdsourcing but I suppose it is worth looking into.


Check it out. There's a fair number of efforts out there that are trying to glean good data from sources like Twitter, Facebook, etc.


Just came downstairs to find my computer in some kind of restored state. I don't know what the hell Windows did overnight, but it is somewhat unsettling.

I was just telling someone whose computer did the same thing as yours, that all my conputers tweeked a little this week. One of them was on and it went to a log in screen. It has never been logged out. I think it's Skynet running some tests.


For the record, all my computers are Macs.


I was just telling someone whose computer did the same thing as yours, that all my conputers tweeked a little this week. One of them was on and it went to a log in screen. It has never been logged out. I think it's Skynet running some tests.


For the record, all my computers are Macs.


I blame Cody Hodgson's dad.


I'm pretty sure I've "complained" about this before, but it makes me so angry that I have to listen to this conversation several times a month...



I am sick of people in my department bitching about how much other people in the department make. STFU! Either realize that you are already making a fair wage and great benefits(which they are), and stop worrying about how much anyone else is making, or quit and see how much money you are really worth on the street.


This includes one of my own staff who keeps threatening to go to our department head with an ultimatum(pay me more or I quit), if some of the other complainers get bumped up in salary. Go right ahead. Let me know how that works out for you


A$$HOLES! :angry:


I'm pretty sure I've "complained" about this before, but it makes me so angry that I have to listen to this conversation several times a month...



I am sick of people in my department bitching about how much other people in the department make. STFU! Either realize that you are already making a fair wage and great benefits(which they are), and stop worrying about how much anyone else is making, or quit and see how much money you are really worth on the street.


This includes one of my own staff who keeps threatening to go to our department head with an ultimatum(pay me more or I quit), if some of the other complainers get bumped up in salary. Go right ahead. Let me know how that works out for you


A$$HOLES! :angry:


I'll add to this one. Why the frack do people talk about their salary anyway? Nothing good comes from coworkers talking about their salary. All it ends up doing is creating the scenario you are complaining about.


I mentioned bad bananas a while back. The problem is only getting worse. I give you this:




I thought you had meant something else. But yeah, that's pretty gross.


I'm pretty sure I've "complained" about this before, but it makes me so angry that I have to listen to this conversation several times a month...



I am sick of people in my department bitching about how much other people in the department make. STFU! Either realize that you are already making a fair wage and great benefits(which they are), and stop worrying about how much anyone else is making, or quit and see how much money you are really worth on the street.


This includes one of my own staff who keeps threatening to go to our department head with an ultimatum(pay me more or I quit), if some of the other complainers get bumped up in salary. Go right ahead. Let me know how that works out for you


A$$HOLES! :angry:


Read for them Matthew 20:1-16 http://usccb.org/bible/matthew/20/ :)


I'm pretty sure I've "complained" about this before, but it makes me so angry that I have to listen to this conversation several times a month...



I am sick of people in my department bitching about how much other people in the department make. STFU! Either realize that you are already making a fair wage and great benefits(which they are), and stop worrying about how much anyone else is making, or quit and see how much money you are really worth on the street.


This includes one of my own staff who keeps threatening to go to our department head with an ultimatum(pay me more or I quit), if some of the other complainers get bumped up in salary. Go right ahead. Let me know how that works out for you


A$$HOLES! :angry:


In my experience, these are the people with the worst work ethic as well and they are actually complaining about people who work circles around them.


I'll add to this one. Why the frack do people talk about their salary anyway? Nothing good comes from coworkers talking about their salary. All it ends up doing is creating the scenario you are complaining about.


I have a hard time hearing complaints about not having money from people who drive cars I know they can't afford while talking on smart phones I know they can't aford to homes I know they can't afford with six different cable boxes that I know they can't afford to watch a premium movie channels I know they can't afford. Shut up, live within your means and do your job.


Read for them Matthew 20:1-16 http://usccb.org/bible/matthew/20/ :)


I cited this very thing to a co-worker last week. :thumbsup:


Boy, you guys are slipping... already 11:15am and I'm the first one in here? Sounded like Taro had some material from the politics thread (sorry to hear man, hope today is looking up for you).


For me: either Monday or Tuesday night I come home to find a large SUV parked directly in front of my driveway and two unfamiliar kids playing in the street. After managing to angle way around to get in and park, and asked the kids if they knew whose vehicle it was. They said it was their parents there to look at the house next door. I asked them to tell them not to park there because it's very rude to block someone's driveway and go inside. After stepping out front to get my mail, I see the couple being shown the house and asked if they're the ones parked in front of my driveway. They said yes, and I forget my exact phrasing but I said something to the effect that it was rude and asked them next time to park in one of the many other places on the street. The landlady said, "thanks, I probably just lost a tenant" and the couple had the nerve to get snippy with me, with the guy insisting "I'm not a child, you don't have to talk to me like that." My response was, "Why do I even have to tell you? It's obvious." For real, people? I hope they were pissed off and decide they don't want the place. I'm constantly amazed that people need to be told that it's not right to block someone else's private driveway, as if it's some sort of weird new rule I made up. Wtf?

Posted (edited)

Bio, just WOW!


The ignorance of some people knows no bounds. It always amazes me. Well, maybe not.


With luck you pissed this jerkoff enough that you won't end up with him / them as a neighbour ... ;) .




My complaint is a follow-up to my complaint last Thursday.


The price of gas went up to about $1.45 / litre (pushing $6.00 / US gallon) this week.


The NS government introduced gas price regulation, to prevent price gauging, a while ago and the maximum / minimum price is set each week. Not surprisingly the price is always at the maximum. What a joke.

Edited by Sabres Fan In NS

I wish... I talked to the landlady afterwards (I felt a little bad since I'd never met her before) and she apologized for not telling them to move and promised she would make sure people knew in the future that they can't park there. I've had the same problem with the existing tenants for years now (pulling into my driveway, parking in front of my driveway, cigarette butts in my driveway and yard, etc), so at least they're moving, but it doesn't sound like the new people are much better. At least their kids seemed nice and were apologetic for the parents... the kids there now are bratty teenagers who don't respect anyone or anything. Can't stand people like that.

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