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We agreed to watch our friends' kids so they could go to Portland on their own. We're watching them until Sunday, and we started Tuesday night. So far, they've poured water in our lawn mower gas tank, and one of them peed on our couch. No, it's not leather or vinyl. It's not microfiber, either. It now smells like waffles.


On a similar note, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat waffles again ...


We agreed to watch our friends' kids so they could go to Portland on their own. We're watching them until Sunday, and we started Tuesday night. So far, they've poured water in our lawn mower gas tank, and one of them peed on our couch. No, it's not leather or vinyl. It's not microfiber, either. It now smells like waffles.


On a similar note, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat waffles again ...


Eeew, lol.


For me: freakin' Verizon's incompetence continues. After all the back and forth earlier in the month of do-I-or-don't-I return the modem (with the 4th and most recent person telling me I didn't), I received a return kit in the mail two weeks ago... for the return of a router! :blink: I sent the modem back with a long letter detailing their customer service issues and telling them to refund my money ASAP. If they try to charge me for anything else, I'm going to go apesh!t on someone.


On a side note: I miss my buddy. :(


We agreed to watch our friends' kids so they could go to Portland on their own. We're watching them until Sunday, and we started Tuesday night. So far, they've poured water in our lawn mower gas tank, and one of them peed on our couch. No, it's not leather or vinyl. It's not microfiber, either. It now smells like waffles.


On a similar note, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat waffles again ...


Ouch. I feel for you man. This reminds me of a similar complaint. Neighbors who never watch their kids and let them run wild around the neighborhood. I live at the end of a cul de sac and I have a private backyard with a tree house swingset and outdoor TV, so I understand and encourage my kids to play back there with their friends. But one of my neighbors will shoo their kids outside on the weekends early in the morning and NEVER come out to check on them all day long. I like to cook breakfast for my family on weekend mornings, and these kids are knocking on the door at 7 am! The mother of the kids is literally addicted to exercise and triathalons and will sometimes leave the eight and six year old home alone for long periods of time while she goes for a run or bike ride. Suddenly I'm left feeding these kids lunch and having to put up with their sibling quarrels while she neglects them. I've told my wife she has a week to put a stop to this her way or else I'm going to and I won't be nearly as nice about it.


Ouch. I feel for you man. This reminds me of a similar complaint. Neighbors who never watch their kids and let them run wild around the neighborhood. I live at the end of a cul de sac and I have a private backyard with a tree house swingset and outdoor TV, so I understand and encourage my kids to play back there with their friends. But one of my neighbors will shoo their kids outside on the weekends early in the morning and NEVER come out to check on them all day long. I like to cook breakfast for my family on weekend mornings, and these kids are knocking on the door at 7 am! The mother of the kids is literally addicted to exercise and triathalons and will sometimes leave the eight and six year old home alone for long periods of time while she goes for a run or bike ride. Suddenly I'm left feeding these kids lunch and having to put up with their sibling quarrels while she neglects them. I've told my wife she has a week to put a stop to this her way or else I'm going to and I won't be nearly as nice about it.

our neighbor is *exactly* like that ... minus the whole exercise addiction. her addiction lies ..... elsewhere. her 8 year old is constantly over at our house, which we don't mind cuz really, there's more going on over at his house than we want/need to know but we know it's not at all good, so sure--he comes over to escape. the problem is that his mom *never* checks on him, his 15 year old sister (who is more in charge than her mom is), rarely checks on him, so he's left to his own devices 90% of the time. he watches whatever he wants on tv and youtube, he's learned a lot of foul things that he's dearly passed on to my 8 and 6 year old daughters, and half the time when he comes over, he's not at all nice to them, which confuses the hell out of them. it turns all kinds of ugly, so we end up sending him home ... blah.


Yeah, on the roads the average driver is just your garden variety moron. But in parking lots they take it to a whole new level.



My complaint is the jacktards who drive around the parking lot at the gym three or four times looking for a spot in the front row so they don't have to walk a hundred extra feet on their way into the gym where they will presumably exercise anyway!


our neighbor is *exactly* like that ... minus the whole exercise addiction. her addiction lies ..... elsewhere. her 8 year old is constantly over at our house, which we don't mind cuz really, there's more going on over at his house than we want/need to know but we know it's not at all good, so sure--he comes over to escape. the problem is that his mom *never* checks on him, his 15 year old sister (who is more in charge than her mom is), rarely checks on him, so he's left to his own devices 90% of the time. he watches whatever he wants on tv and youtube, he's learned a lot of foul things that he's dearly passed on to my 8 and 6 year old daughters, and half the time when he comes over, he's not at all nice to them, which confuses the hell out of them. it turns all kinds of ugly, so we end up sending him home ... blah.


Not to freak you but having an 8 yr old boy who has learned "foul" things around your two daughters may not be so good.


That's why HE has to play at OUR house. it's a long, long story, but they are flat-out forbidden from going in his house. at all. ever.


and when he's over, they play in the backyard or in a room adjacent to where we are.


to be fair, he's a nice kid, and when we hear him say something or see him doing something, we step in and say something. i mean, the kid isn't all bad news; he just has no direction. at *eight*!! that's sad to us. but given his parents' backgrounds and issues, it's not surprising.


but yah ... close eye kept at all times. :)

Posted (edited)

My complaint is the jacktards who drive around the parking lot at the gym three or four times looking for a spot in the front row so they don't have to walk a hundred extra feet on their way into the gym where they will presumably exercise anyway!


Ahhh, that's right along the same lines as the thing I complained about at my old job all the time. The weight management center located on the 2nd floor of my old building and all of their patients using the elevator instead of the stairs. I love stupid people.





Oh, and on that note with gyms. I hate the people who can't put the weights back exactly where they got them from. After all that heavy lifting, they just put them on the closest rack possible. Who cares that all the racks are clearly labeled. I can never find the damn weights I'm looking for because of these lazy Fs.

Edited by shrader

It now smells like waffles.


<snip>I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat waffles again ...


so terrible. so great.


Ouch. I feel for you man. This reminds me of a similar complaint. Neighbors who never watch their kids and let them run wild around the neighborhood.
our neighbor is *exactly* like that ... minus the whole exercise addiction. her addiction lies ..... elsewhere.


the weirdness of other parents, and the resulting weirdness passed onto their kids, is one of the biggest challenges to being a parent yourself. i reckon that most parents have some version of these stories; i know i have mine.


i'd had enough with one particular urchin from around the block -- what with her vaguely adult-themed pretend play and potty mouth (and that's just the stuff that i happened to overhear) -- and kindly advised her mom that she wasn't welcome to play at our house anymore. she asked why. so i told her. she assured me that there must be some mistake. rather than get into, i told her words to the effect of "maybe so, but i'm choosing to live with that mistake."


ahh, the denial parent. our neighbors' parents were like that. constantly picking on me and my brother cuz they knew my dad was nowhere to be found (mom was doing the single parenting thing), so they figured they could get away with whatever. finally went to my mom one day and told her what was going on. she went to the neighbor and told the mom that her son would knock me down for no reason, steal my bike and ride on it all afternoon, or whatever it was he had done. "WHAT!? No ... you're mistaken. my boy would *never* do anything like that!! he's an ANGEL!"


damn near lost my dinner on that one. "he's an angel." yah. straight from the bowels of hell.


using that as a baseline for dealing with our neighbors and their kids, i started using the video function on my phone. after a couple of vids of their kids acting up, questioning me wasn't even an issue.


gotta love technology. :)

Posted (edited)

A friend of mine got into a huge 3 car collision because some idiot didn't have their dogs secured and jumped all over them and they lost control of the SUV. Her car was totaled and if she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she would have died. Her car rolled over 2x. One of the dogs died.


Secure your dogs down if they tend to jump around while you drive and always wear a seatbelt because there's lots of idiots out there. It might save your life.


I thank you.

Edited by 716

A friend of mine got into a huge 3 car collision because some idiot didn't have their dogs secured and jumped all over them and they lost control of the SUV. Her car was totaled and if she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she would have died. Her car rolled over 2x. One of the dogs died.


Secure your dogs down if they tend to jump around while you drive and always wear a seatbelt because there's lots of idiots out there. It might save your life.


I thank you.


1. SUVs are bad.


2. Unless you're coming from the vet, a camping trip, or the lake, there's no need for dogs in the car.


3. Seatbelts save lives, including yours truly (2002 accident). Wear it.


Ended up working 12 hours yesterday and then didn't go to bed until 3am. Today's gonna hurt.


Still miss my buddy.


The increasingly likely scenario for the Ides of September.


The hard disk on the computer I bought in January decided to try to kill itself yesterday. Ran CHKDSK a bunch of times, it seemed to be working fine, and then the computer wouldn't boot. Windows tried to run Startup Repair, which did nothing. So I ran out and bought a new HDD and put the old one in an external case in the hopes that I could recover some stuff from it.


I had it working for a bit and was able to get some files from it, but then I took it off of my laptop and hooked it up to the desktop and it wont open. Managed to force CHKDSK in command prompt, but it's taking its time. This disk is really f'd up.




The increasingly likely scenario for the Ides of September.


Fun fact: the Ides of September is the 13th. (I think it has to do with 31 day vs. other months).


The hard disk on the computer I bought in January decided to try to kill itself yesterday. Ran CHKDSK a bunch of times, it seemed to be working fine, and then the computer wouldn't boot. Windows tried to run Startup Repair, which did nothing. So I ran out and bought a new HDD and put the old one in an external case in the hopes that I could recover some stuff from it.


I had it working for a bit and was able to get some files from it, but then I took it off of my laptop and hooked it up to the desktop and it wont open. Managed to force CHKDSK in command prompt, but it's taking its time. This disk is really f'd up.


If it's making nasty noises, you can try this (but it's really last resort): put it in the freezer for awhile. The temperture changes the mechanics a bit and you can sometimes get it to read for awhile. I wouldn't do it on a humid day otherwise you might get condensation.



Fun fact: the Ides of September is the 13th. (I think it has to do with 31 day vs. other months).




If it's making nasty noises, you can try this (but it's really last resort): put it in the freezer for awhile. The temperture changes the mechanics a bit and you can sometimes get it to read for awhile. I wouldn't do it on a humid day otherwise you might get condensation.



No noises. It's some "fancy" WD hard drive that isn't supposed to make noises.


I'll be honest, I'm disappointed in ASUS for including an HDD in their computer that is known for bricking or arriving DOA. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136767


I replaced it with a Seagate Barracuda. I don't expect any problems from this drive. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148840

Posted (edited)

got denied time off for tomorrow so I could get to my sister's soccer game in Rochester by 5 (2 hrs away). Kind of sucks, but my team needs to get this presentation completed for our customer. :(


Bio, I know the feeling. of the two cats that we recently lost to Coyotes, one of them I've had since she was a kitten (7 almost 8 years), and it's been tough on me, since she used to follow me around everywhere when I was home.


We went and bought a new .22 (Savage Model 93), and really nice scope for getting the Coyotes...but still haven't seen them back down near our yard in a little over a week. we can't shoot them until October if they don't come back down onto our property :censored:

Edited by dEnnis the Menace
Posted (edited)

Can someone explain why funeral expenses are not tax deductible?


because dead people are the only ones that don't complain about paying taxes....

Edited by wjag

Almost got t-boned by a bus this morning while driving through a light that had been green for at least a minute. For whatever reason, they don't feel the need to obey traffic lights out here. They just go whenever they want, even if cars are in the way.

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