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My dryer broke Tuesday evening and I can't get it fixed for at least another two weeks. Ugh. I forgot how much I hate having to get quarters and go to the laundromat.


It's Summer. Can't you you hang a bunch of it outside to dry? Go to Home Despot and get a $5 clothsline.


It's Summer. Can't you you hang a bunch of it outside to dry? Go to Home Despot and get a $5 clothsline.


As humid as it's been lately, I'm not sure it'd work! Plus I'm paranoid about bugs getting in my clothes, lol.




As humid as it's been lately, I'm not sure it'd work! Plus I'm paranoid about bugs getting in my clothes, lol.


With the spider I ran into this morning on my clothesline, I don't blame you!




This bugs the hell out of me! Especially since the one's where I am that are doing it, make more than me, and don't devote one full paycheck a month to student loans! I'm making ends meet, STFU! :censored:




best part about interns haha! I remember being one of 'em too :blush:



My complaint: Control freaks, and parents that charge their kids that are still in college rent (aka my girlfriend's father). She's trying to go to med school, and has enough money saved for one year's tuition after inheriting 90% of the money from her aunt. Her parents charge her rent, make her buy her own food, charge her for health and car insurance, her cell phone, and then on top of that she buys her own gas, and has to buy all the stuff for her apartment and school. :censored: The guy pisses me off with how selfish he is, and how greedy he can be. He just takes the money from her account to pay for some of those bills. If she wasn't about to start med school, and was completely done with school, I could understand it, but she's not going to be able to keep working much during med school, so her income is going to be gone.


Do any of you parentals charge your kids rent? Will you be charging your kids rent at some point? am I delusional to think that this is ridiculous? I live at home now, and don't pay rent per say. But I pay the cable/internet/phone bill, I buy half the groceries, I pay my part of the family plan cell phone bill, and I do my share of stuff around the house to help my mom out. I also, as stated above pay a large amount in student loans (thanks RIT), so I feel as if my mom is giving me a fair deal.


My parents never charged me a dime! For anything! My mother did my laundry until I was 22. They paid for my food, cable, internet, central air, the whole 9 yards. And this is all with me taking 6 years (and 3 colleges) to graduate.

the only things I ever paid for were my car, gas and books. And beer money of course.

I could never imagine charging my son rent! Not ever. My fiancè (who's been on her own since 17) doesn't get it at all. But that's just how I am. I don't care how long he lives with me to be honest. As long as he's got a job and is planning to move out at some point, he can live here for free.


My parents never charged me a dime! For anything! My mother did my laundry until I was 22. They paid for my food, cable, internet, central air, the whole 9 yards. And this is all with me taking 6 years (and 3 colleges) to graduate.

the only things I ever paid for were my car, gas and books. And beer money of course.

I could never imagine charging my son rent! Not ever. My fiancè (who's been on her own since 17) doesn't get it at all. But that's just how I am. I don't care how long he lives with me to be honest. As long as he's got a job and is planning to move out at some point, he can live here for free.


That's what my mom says. But My girl's dad pinches every penny he can out of her, and to me, that's no longer teaching responsibility, as much as instilling anew level of stress. The family has a history of anger problems, and it's tough for me to help make her feel better when her father freaks out about a $2 tip/someone not putting in exactly the right amount for a tip. I can't stand going out with him. I could go on for hours. This girl is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, but her father is borderline the worst :( I just wish I knew how to help her, because she is freaking out over starting med school in a few weeks. She is almost finished with an application for the air force, and they would be paying for the three years that she cant pay for, but she keeps picking up extra shifts at the restaurant where she works to make extra money (I can't blame her), so she doesn't have much time to finish the application, as she doesn't get home till after 11 almost every night. she's coming to visit me tonight though, so I'm going to try to help her finish it up.


As humid as it's been lately, I'm not sure it'd work! Plus I'm paranoid about bugs getting in my clothes, lol.


You'd be surprised. It may be humid but there is alot of air movement. We use a clothesline for at least half of our laundry this time of year. About the only thing that consistently goes in the dryer is underwear.


As for bugs, well, I guess I can understand a good hangup. Heaven knows I have mine.


People who have no sense of respect for the fact they're in a public place when at a restaurant. My mom just got back from vacation yesterday, so we went out to breakfast this morning. A couple of older guys were a few tables over discussing politics. Aside from the fact that's always a bad thing to discuss in public, the one was practically screaming about things, dropping F-bombs every other word, and slamming his fist down on the table. I eventually asked him to tone it down once I realized he wasn't going to stop, and he did quiet down then....but still, to me it was just a total lack of respect for others who were trying to peacefully enjoy their meal.


When I graduated it took me about 8 months to find a job in my field. During this time of working various odd jobs my parents did charge me a modest rent. I didn't think anything of it and actually considered it a steal when taking into account all the food my friends and I would eat.


People who have no sense of respect for the fact they're in a public place when at a restaurant. My mom just got back from vacation yesterday, so we went out to breakfast this morning. A couple of older guys were a few tables over discussing politics. Aside from the fact that's always a bad thing to discuss in public, the one was practically screaming about things, dropping F-bombs every other word, and slamming his fist down on the table. I eventually asked him to tone it down once I realized he wasn't going to stop, and he did quiet down then....but still, to me it was just a total lack of respect for others who were trying to peacefully enjoy their meal.


umm.... sorry about that. :bag:


People who have no sense of respect for the fact they're in a public place when at a restaurant. My mom just got back from vacation yesterday, so we went out to breakfast this morning. A couple of older guys were a few tables over discussing politics. Aside from the fact that's always a bad thing to discuss in public, the one was practically screaming about things, dropping F-bombs every other word, and slamming his fist down on the table. I eventually asked him to tone it down once I realized he wasn't going to stop, and he did quiet down then....but still, to me it was just a total lack of respect for others who were trying to peacefully enjoy their meal.


A growing trend unfortunately. Most people simply do not care if their actions impact others in public. My kids are finally getting old enough where we don't have to worry about taking them out to eat and causing disruptions. There has been more than one occasion where I've gathered my family and walked out of a restaurant because the kids were causing a scene, then you see other parents who consider a restaurant to be their kids personal playground. That annoys me to no end.


People who have no sense of respect for the fact they're in a public place when at a restaurant. My mom just got back from vacation yesterday, so we went out to breakfast this morning. A couple of older guys were a few tables over discussing politics. Aside from the fact that's always a bad thing to discuss in public, the one was practically screaming about things, dropping F-bombs every other word, and slamming his fist down on the table. I eventually asked him to tone it down once I realized he wasn't going to stop, and he did quiet down then....but still, to me it was just a total lack of respect for others who were trying to peacefully enjoy their meal.


Totally agree with everything here, except the bolded. Where are you supposed to discuss politics if not in public? isn't that the whole point?


I get not being loud in a restaurant, but surely the volume and vulgarity are the problem, not that they were discussing politics.


Totally agree with everything here, except the bolded. Where are you supposed to discuss politics if not in public? isn't that the whole point?


I get not being loud in a restaurant, but surely the volume and vulgarity are the problem, not that they were discussing politics.


If you heard what was being said you'd understand. They were extremists, and quite insulting/demeaning in what they were saying.


If you heard what was being said you'd understand. They were extremists, and quite insulting/demeaning in what they were saying.






Kidding aside... nothing ruins a restaurant experience more than customers who can't/won't keep their conversations confined to their own table.






Kidding aside... nothing ruins a restaurant experience more than customers who can't/won't keep their conversations and children confined to their own table.


Fixed. ;) And as a former restaurant employee, thank you, CV, for being one of the few who recognize that the waitresses are not there to babysit / dodge your kids while you eat!


Fixed. ;) And as a former restaurant employee, thank you, CV, for being one of the few who recognize that the waitresses are not there to babysit / dodge your kids while you eat!


I guess thats why it annoys me so much too. I used to bartend and my wife used to bartend and waitress so we both have little patience for it.






Kidding aside... nothing ruins a restaurant experience more than customers who can't/won't keep their conversations confined to their own table.


Insert ethnically insensitive comment here





Posted (edited)

ppl I currently work with are not only lazy but giant douche bags and I better get this other job cuz I don't think I can take the stupidity much longer.

Edited by LGR4GM
Posted (edited)


Kidding aside... nothing ruins a restaurant experience more than customers who can't/won't keep their conversations confined to their own table.



and smoking... There are still some states that allow it..

Edited by wjag

and smoking... There are still some states that allow it..


I'd almost forgotten. Last time I was in a restaurant that allowed smoking was a great little diner near Detroit.


This guy walks by my office door 4 or 5 times a day and lets out this really loud grunting noise. It sounds like he's taking a dump or something. It's really getting annoying. The only way I'll complain more is if it turns out that he's doing this because he's in serious pain due to some medical condition. In that case, I really look like a dick.


We are the Borg. There is a very long hallway to get in to where I work, with no windows or doors. I can't tell you how many times I have passed people that just have their head down looking at their smart phones with no acknowledgement that an actual human is passing within inches of them.


On a related note, I hate smart phones. I'm really wondering about all this "convenience" that I've heard so much about. All I see is a bunch off people who are always being interupted. I somehow manage to have a life (as sad as it is) and get stuff done. And is it really that important to be able to find out the name of the actor who played the limo driver in the first Die Hard movie while I'm tailgaiting at a Bills game?


On a related note, I hate smart phones. I'm really wondering about all this "convenience" that I've heard so much about. All I see is a bunch off people who are always being interupted. I somehow manage to have a life (as sad as it is) and get stuff done. And is it really that important to be able to find out the name of the actor who played the limo driver in the first Die Hard movie while I'm tailgaiting at a Bills game?


This. A couple of my wifes friends and her recentely went out for a celebration of one of their birthdays. I stopped in (yes I was invited) to buy them a round and 4 of 6 were head down on their Fing iphones. My wife wasn't one of them as she leaves hers in the car. Unbelievable. I have a Razr Max, but work hard to not be "that guy".


If you dragged your family photo album around, and made people look at it, you'd be very unpopular. This is the new version of that. Put it away, it can wait.


I applaud my father, who after witnessing his grandchildren texting this past thanksgiving while ignoring each other, collected all the kids phones and said they could have them back when they left. It was awesome. The kids played football and claimed it was the best bird day they ever had.

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