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My complaint is people who were hired after me and got promoted to a position that they don't deserve (and aren't really qualified for). Then they send out a message to the entire office that is rife with grammatical and spelling errors, proving to everyone that patronage was the only reason they got the job in the first place. If you aren't sure about the spelling and/or use of a word, look it up! There are certainly enough electronic nannies available. Good grief! :blink:

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the positive responses...! So much hate and war have been created by straying from the ideas of Christ and holding tightly onto religious law with a clenched fist... probably the reason why the Pharisees and Sadducees despised him so much! ;)


Politics and religion in this thread. It never ends well. Please stop.


Saw this after I posted.. you got it :)

Edited by BMoreSabres

While I'm excited that I got tires for my bike mounted and balanced yesterday, that's only 1 of a bazillion bike and house projects I need to get done.


My complaint is people who were hired after me and got promoted to a position that they don't deserve (and aren't really qualified for). Then they send out a message to the entire office that is rife with grammatical and spelling errors, proving to everyone that patronage was the only reason they got the job in the first place. If you aren't sure about the spelling and/or use of a word, look it up! There are certainly enough electronic nannies available. Good grief! :blink:


Welcome to the club. I work for a fortune 500 company with 25k employees worldwide. Last year they embarked on a new job title hierarchy to go in effect company wide for research and engineering associates. The goal of this program was to get everyone on the same playing field throughout the company wide since titles could vary widely from site to site for people doing essentially the same job. So they unveil the new titles sometime last year, I get mine and think nothing of it really. That is until I begin to receive emails from colleagues in other groups at my site, people who I have worked with in the past who were hired well after me, and their new tiles in the email sig indicate their titles are above mine!!!??? Wtf?? Some of these people couldn't design a competent and well controlled experimental study if their life depended on it. I'm not one to make a stink usually, but I could not let this stand without going to the top. I get meetings with my bosses boss, HR leaders, the whole nine yards. Of course nothing ever came of it and all I got was corporate HR hand waving BS back at me. My main argument to them was that the company spent who knows how many hundreds of thousands of dollars on this program to get everyone throughout the company on the same playing field, and in the end they didn't even accomplish their goal at this SITE??!! You just can't fight the man in a bloated organization this big though. My form of simple protest was that I removed my title on my email signature and I ordered new business cards without my title on them. You really do have to just laugh at the corporate BS though or it will drive you mad, this place is like the movie Office Space times 10.


Voles and chipmonks darn buggers have moved into my mulch beds the last few years and dig holes under my sidewalk and all through my mulch beds. I do my own landscaping/lawn chores and just after I get it all remulched and flowers planted for the summer season they retrench and go for the new plants and roots.


I am tiring of sharing my space with them and considering drastic measures :ph34r: (envision Caddy shack/Bill Murray) and going after these darn varmits...


found out yesterday why I did not get this job back in January and the reason is a lot of insider bs and I also found out that the person they hired barely does their job and several people have now indicated they wished they had hired me... well you ###### me over so you could hire whomever this 1 person wanted and she hired the person her friend really liked so now your stuck with them... have fun. FREAKING PISSED

Guest Sloth
Posted (edited)

Just got back from work. Working while sick = not worth it :(


Didn't miss one day of work this year. All sick/personal days not used carry over to next year. This actually never stops. I know a few people that have 80+ days saved. Makes it nice to where if I want get back up to Buffalo for a Bills or Sabres game or visit family I can simply do it. Working while sick = worth it to a certain degree


I'll admit I did not get sick this past year, though.

Edited by thanes16

Didn't miss one day of work this year. All sick/personal days not used carry over to next year. This actually never stops. I know a few people that have 80+ days saved. Makes it nice to where if I want get back up to Buffalo for a Bills or Sabres game or visit family I can simply do it. Working while sick = worth it to a certain degree


I'll admit I did not get sick this past year, though.


we can only accumulate 14 sick days. I've never accumulated more than 3 before (1/qtr) I use them with vacation.


found out yesterday why I did not get this job back in January and the reason is a lot of insider bs and I also found out that the person they hired barely does their job and several people have now indicated they wished they had hired me... well you ###### me over so you could hire whomever this 1 person wanted and she hired the person her friend really liked so now your stuck with them... have fun. FREAKING PISSED


You'll love this one!


My gf worked for a Finance Manager that had been at her non-profit for almost 20 years as her second. The Finance Manager decided to leave, and instead of promoting my gf to her position, they hired some bozo who spent a lot more time texting and buying useless things with company money and a lot less time doing her freaking job. Since she took over, there was a larger deficit and the books gradually became a mess, and naturally she tried to blame my gf.


In the end, my gf filed for FMLA and was fired after she decided not to come back instead of being blamed for a mess that wasn't hers. Collecting unemployment that the company pays for and letting the worthless new Finance Manager rightly burn is fitting revenge for piss-poor HR and management decisions. We expect the non-profit to collapse within a year because of their mismanagement.


Stuff like this happens all the time!!!!




Jesus Christ did teach compassion, forgiveness, etc, and she is being more Christian-like than most 'Christian' people who actually know it, that's for sure. Bashing her isn't cool IMO/

Wow. Everyone who replied like you did to my complaint really proved my point about her. You don't know the Gospel. (Thankfully, when I posted the story on my Facebook wall, my friends got it.) Works such as "compassion" don't get us to heaven. They never have. Only God's Grace does.


The replies did remind me of one thing: ignorance of good theology and the Gospel while trying to claim WWJD is dangerous.


Wow. Everyone who replied like you did to my complaint really proved my point about her. You don't know the Gospel. (Thankfully, when I posted the story on my Facebook wall, my friends got it.) Works such as "compassion" don't get us to heaven. They never have. Only God's Grace does.


The replies did remind me of one thing: ignorance of good theology and the Gospel while trying to claim WWJD is dangerous.

you belong in Alabama

Not a complaint so much as it is a depressing thought:


Someday, Alex, Geddy, and Neil will stop making music. THAT is sad ...


True, but 10 or 15 years ago did you think the boys would still be going in 2012, let alone producing epic works like Clockwork Angels?

Posted (edited)

Not a complaint so much as it is a depressing thought:


Someday, Alex, Geddy, and Neil will stop making music. THAT is sad ...

Did you hear Pete Townshend call Clockwork Angels a "waste of time"? Just heard something about that on the radio... Edited by Arcsabresfan41

you belong in Alabama


not gonna lie...I laughed. :angel:


It's OK ... he signed out just after his post.


dEnnis ...


Did you laugh about my post or his?


While I do not agree with his views I will defend his right to have and express them, but ...


... only to a point, as we have hate crimes laws on the books in Canada and it is a very fine line, but he is not in Canada.


Did you hear Pete Townshend call Clockwork Angels a "waste of time"? Just heard something about that on the radio...


I heard the Pete Towshend comment, but that's taking it a little out of context. Rush received an award last month in Ottawa and Towshend was also there. When Geddy and Alex were chatting with him they mentioned that they had a new album coming out soon, and Towshend said something to the effect of questioning the wisdom of making an album these days and he said that that they are a "waste of time". He's right in the sense that there is little to no money to be made anymore in making rock albums.


Did you hear Pete Townshend call Clockwork Angels a "waste of time"? Just heard something about that on the radio...

well, take the whole thing in context: he said making an album any more is a waste of time. or something along those lines. he wasn't specifically referencing "clockwork angels." but yah, that kind of floored me.




I heard the Pete Towshend comment, but that's taking it a little out of context. Rush received an award last month in Ottawa and Towshend was also there. When Geddy and Alex were chatting with him they mentioned that they had a new album coming out soon, and Towshend said something to the effect of questioning the wisdom of making an album these days and he said that that they are a "waste of time". He's right in the sense that there is little to no money to be made anymore in making rock albums.

Thanks for clarification, I was in a noisy vehicle when it came on, and the guys at 97 Rock said something like, "did you really have to say that?" or something... That makes more sense.


Complaint: Exams. :sick:


True, but 10 or 15 years ago did you think the boys would still be going in 2012, let alone producing epic works like Clockwork Angels?

10-15 years ago, they were 45-50 years old. if the stones, in their 70s, can keep going (albeit sadly and pathetically), then yah--i figured they'd be around a while longer.


"clockwork angels" is their masterpiece.


I heard the Pete Towshend comment, but that's taking it a little out of context. Rush received an award last month in Ottawa and Towshend was also there. When Geddy and Alex were chatting with him they mentioned that they had a new album coming out soon, and Towshend said something to the effect of questioning the wisdom of making an album these days and he said that that they are a "waste of time". He's right in the sense that there is little to no money to be made anymore in making rock albums.


ha ha ha! i totally missed this! sorry man.


It's OK ... he signed out just after his post.


dEnnis ...


Did you laugh about my post or his?


While I do not agree with his views I will defend his right to have and express them, but ...


... only to a point, as we have hate crimes laws on the books in Canada and it is a very fine line, but he is not in Canada.


your comment. I thought his was very condescending. No matter though, everyone has their opinions. I believe you are quoting some Voltaire there (I may disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it?) lol.


10-15 years ago, they were 45-50 years old. if the stones, in their 70s, can keep going (albeit sadly and pathetically), then yah--i figured they'd be around a while longer.


"clockwork angels" is their masterpiece.




ha ha ha! i totally missed this! sorry man.


True, not so much their age at the time, but the tragedies of Neil Peart losing his teenage daughter in a car accident and then his wife to cancer within a year in the late nineties. I certainly thought they were likely done as a band. Thinking about those personal tragedies in Neil's life and some stuff I've had to deal with makes 'The Garden' a real gut wrencher for me. What an epic and beautiful song, and perhaps Neil's finest hour as a lyricist.

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