5th line wingnutt Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 totally agree and idk why it no longer does. I am going to complain about the lack of money I have because there are almost no jobs and the economy is in the sh*thole.... thxs Bush you really were the worst. president. ever. Bush has not been in office for more than 3 years. This is his fault? How? Quote
shrader Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 Politics in this thread. It never ends well. Quote
SwampD Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 Bush has not been in office for more than 3 years. This is his fault? How? http://costofwar.com/en/ Quote
5th line wingnutt Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 http://costofwar.com/en/ OK, I am against most wars. Obama has had 3 years to end them. Mabbe he shoulda. Quote
SwampD Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 OK, I am against most wars. Obama has had 3 years to end them. Mabbe he shoulda. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/18/us-iraq-withdrawal-idUSTRE7BH03320111218 Quote
Randall Flagg Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 (edited) http://costofwar.com/en/ Wow. Almost a quarter of what President Obama has done in three years! :little ninja guy who I can never remember how to input/Grier in a mask: ;) (/ducks for cover) Edited June 1, 2012 by Arcsabresfan41 Quote
TrueBlueGED Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 (edited) Wow. Almost a quarter of what President Obama has done in three years! :little ninja guy who I can never remember how to input/Grier in a mask: ;) (/ducks for cover) It's actually a little more than half of what Obama has spent. Obama's big proposals which cost money were healthcare and the stimulus...which totaled about $2.5 trillion over 10 years (this is using the revised, more expensive CBO estimate on healthcare...original estimate was $900 billion, new estimate is about $1.7 trillion). The wars combined have cost about $1.3 trillion. And that's without even taking into account Bush's other costly legislation. It's one thing to bitch about Obama's spending, it's completely another to say Bush was even slightly more fiscally responsible. And yes, I'm aware there has been other spending such as the payroll tax cut, extension of the Bush tax cuts, and unemployment insurance extensions. However, if you think those proposals wouldn't have happened with any other president, you haven't followed American politics very long. Plus even if you added those in, the wars have still cost probably around 40-45% of Obama's additional spending, significantly more than a quarter. New complaint: people who bitch with one-sided talking points and half-assed numbers when they don't actually know what they're talking about regarding how the budget and political process works. Edited June 1, 2012 by TrueBluePhD Quote
Randall Flagg Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 It's actually a little more than half of what Obama has spent. Obama's big proposals which cost money were healthcare and the stimulus...which totaled about $2.5 trillion over 10 years (this is using the revised, more expensive CBO estimate on healthcare...original estimate was $900 billion, new estimate is about $1.7 trillion). The wars combined have cost about $1.3 trillion. And that's without even taking into account Bush's other costly legislation. It's one thing to bitch about Obama's spending, it's completely another to say Bush was even slightly more fiscally responsible. And yes, I'm aware there has been other spending such as the payroll tax cut, extension of the Bush tax cuts, and unemployment insurance extensions. However, if you think those proposals wouldn't have happened with any other president, you haven't followed American politics very long. Plus even if you added those in, the wars have still cost probably around 40-45% of Obama's additional spending, significantly more than a quarter. New complaint: people who bitch with one-sided talking points and half-assed numbers when they don't actually know what they're talking about regarding how the budget and political process works. just flinging some ######... Not intended to be a legitimate argument...As for my real complaint of the day, lactic acid build up from not cooling down properly. Ouch. Quote
TrueBlueGED Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 just flinging some ######... Not intended to be a legitimate argument... As for my real complaint of the day, lactic acid build up from not cooling down properly. Ouch. Yea sorry, that wasn't entirely directed at you. I talk and deal with so many blind partisans (some of whom are actually informed, despite their bias....and others who just don't have a clue about how anything in government works) that the past few posts were just kind of a match that lit the fire in me ;) . I certainly don't know everything about everything politics-related, but I can spot a garbage argument, "finely-tuned" numbers, or partisan talking point instantly. Oh, and the lactic acid thing is a very legitimate complain. Quote
Randall Flagg Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 Yea sorry, that wasn't entirely directed at you. I talk and deal with so many blind partisans (some of whom are actually informed, despite their bias....and others who just don't have a clue about how anything in government works) that the past few posts were just kind of a match that lit the fire in me ;) . I certainly don't know everything about everything politics-related, but I can spot a garbage argument, "finely-tuned" numbers, or partisan talking point instantly. Oh, and the lactic acid thing is a very legitimate complain. I normally am good about cooling down, but I've been pretty busy with school, and when I finish exercising it's late, with more stuff to do, so I've been skipping the cool down. Never do that, anyone. On a bright note, tomorrow is Friday :) :) :) Quote
qwksndmonster Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 Just got back from work. Working while sick = not worth it :( Quote
Randall Flagg Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 Another complaint: me not thinking ahead and picking a cooler, more unique username when joining sabrespace... And hope you feel better qwksndmonster! Quote
SwampD Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I am sitting in a chair doing nothing, I SHOULD NOT BE SWEATING! I really hate Summer. Quote
darksabre Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I am sitting in a chair doing nothing, I SHOULD NOT BE SWEATING! I really hate Summer. You and me both. I love summer, just not the part of it where I feel like I'm in Top Gun constantly. Quote
biodork Posted June 1, 2012 Report Posted June 1, 2012 (edited) I waited too long to order more K-cups, so now I can't make coffee tomorrow morning (or this weekend). :( The other tech at work had his last day today, which is awesome because his laziness and half-assed work resulted in much frustration. Unfortunately, it also means I get to take over the more mundane maintenance tasks that were his responsibility, which is a time suck and bound to be annoying in the short term because his record-keeping left much to be desired. I was looking for an invoice yesterday in a binder where we keep purchasing info, and not only are they not in chronological order, they are hole-punched and inserted forwards, backwards, and upside-down. How effing lazy are you to not even put all the sheets in the same direction?? Ugh. Oh yeah, almost forgot: my A/C started having problems Monday evening, and fortunately it's fixed now, but it's yet another unexpected expense. The issue also lead to an unpleasant discovery of a different nature. I never go in the basement except to change the heat pump filter, which I had last done in early April. When I was there a few days ago during the A/C repair, I found not one, but two deflated and mostly unrecognizable piles of fur with feet. Apparently two bunnies somehow found their way into my basement and got trapped, which makes me feel awful since they would have died slowly of dehydration/starvation. Also feel bad for myself, having had the unenviable task of scraping them off the floor with a shovel to get them back out. I really need to figure out how they got in and fill that gap so it can't happen again. :( Edited June 1, 2012 by biodork Quote
IKnowPhysics Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gciFoEbOA8 Quote
Buffalo Wings Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 (edited) I've missed Complaint Thursdays. Since I've been at my new job for the past 6 months, I don't have much to complain about...until now. We hired a new guy in January. Yes, I'm still a newbie here, too, but I have 15+ years experience in my field and he's on his 5th month now...plus he's about 10 years younger than me. His personality isn't exactly something to be desired - loud talker, says whatever is on his mind at whatever time, fails at trying to be cool, jokes around with everyone (instead of trying to learn) and just recently has started using a nickname for me that I don't particularly care for (side note: my boss uses that nickname for me, but he's known me for over 10 years, so I let it slide with him...plus he's the boss). It's not a vulgar name or anything, just an abbreviation of my first name ("And" instead of "Andy", for example). On top of this, he comes off with an arrogant attitude about some decisions I'm making at work - mostly it's sarcastic, but he keeps doing it. I'm helping to teach him some of the basics of data comm, but he's irritating the H out of me when he turns around and gives me these little shots just to pick on me. Now, I'm all for having fun at work when it's warranted (I try not to be a complete stiff) and I've been pretty sarcastic at times, also (usually to other co-workers who I can have fun with and who know what they're doing when it comes to work). But when this guy keeps on going, it starts to get under my skin. I better calm myself a bit so I don't say something I regret. :huh: :beer: Edited June 7, 2012 by Buffalo Wings Quote
Sabre Dance Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 Summer road construction... They are re-paving a relatively busy intersection in South Buffalo (which funnels traffic to Route 5). They ripped off the top layer of asphalt yesterday morning (during peak rush hour) and this morning, were actually laying down the new asphalt and rolling it, again during peak rush hour. Traffic was backed up for FOUR blocks. Many people (including me) did a U-turn and headed back the other way. I was almost, but not quite late for work. Why in God's name couldn't they have waited until after 9:00AM to start the paving (or even 8:00AM)? To top it off, at every intersection I encountered on the way in today, the signal would change to green and the first car in line would sit there and stare at it for five or six seconds. I fully realize that there are many people who blow through red lights and you have to be cautious when venturing into an intersection after the light has changed, but five seconds is a long time when there are a dozen impatient commuters waiting behind you. Aside from that, the weather is gorgeous today.... B-) Quote
dEnnis the Menace Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 people who don't use headlights in the fog. I know I've complained about this before, but I almost witnessed a serious head on collision this morning on my commute. Elmira and it's surrounding area tends to be quite foggy at 7 in the morning. There was a pickup doing 45 in a 55, and the car in front of me had enough. We hit a passing zone, and honestly, it looked clear to me. He went, so I didn't, and then out of nowhere and silver honda civic just appears. I hadn't closed the gap, so the car in front of me was able to get back in, but I doubt the guy would've tried to pass had he seen HEADLIGHTS! Some people's ignorance is so frustrating :wallbash: Quote
Sabres Fan in NS Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gciFoEbOA8 Best line in any movie ever ... Quote
shrader Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 people who don't use headlights in the fog. I know I've complained about this before, but I almost witnessed a serious head on collision this morning on my commute. Elmira and it's surrounding area tends to be quite foggy at 7 in the morning. There was a pickup doing 45 in a 55, and the car in front of me had enough. We hit a passing zone, and honestly, it looked clear to me. He went, so I didn't, and then out of nowhere and silver honda civic just appears. I hadn't closed the gap, so the car in front of me was able to get back in, but I doubt the guy would've tried to pass had he seen HEADLIGHTS! Some people's ignorance is so frustrating :wallbash: I know it goes for all cars, but these are the ones that really bug me: -White cars who don't turn on the headlights in snow -Silver/gray cars who don't turn on their headlights in fog or rain You people do realize that you're essentially driving in a camouflage vehicle at that point, right? I really wish I had the power to give people tickets. I would make the state so much money and not a single case would be a BS ticket. On to me. So we've had a lot of rain in the past week. I walk outside this morning and am finally greeted by blue skies. But somehow it was still drizzling on me. I looked up and it was completely blue above me. Those moments really confuse me. I have to drop a very significant amount of money next week. The item and reason are material for the friday thread (which I won't be sharing), but the new monthly bill is going to be frustrated for a while. Quote
LastPommerFan Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 I have to drop a very significant amount of money next week. The item and reason are material for the friday thread (which I won't be sharing), but the new monthly bill is going to be frustrated for a while. CONGRATS!...This is only the beginning of the frustration. Quote
shrader Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 CONGRATS!...This is only the beginning of the frustration. My purchase is that obvious huh? I guess I'll complain about me being predictable. Quote
Sabres Fan in NS Posted June 7, 2012 Report Posted June 7, 2012 (edited) I have to drop a very significant amount of money next week. The item and reason are material for the friday thread (which I won't be sharing), but the new monthly bill is going to be frustrated for a while. CONGRATS!...This is only the beginning of the frustration. Let me second LPF's congatulations ... My hope is for you and your bride to enjoy many years of wedded bliss. Speaking from experience (our 24th anniversary is coming this October) it will not always be a walk in the park, with many challenges in this life. Just remember that you are a team now and nothing should come between you ... not friends, not family of origin. You two are a family now and that is most important. Edited June 7, 2012 by Sabres Fan In NS Quote
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