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To all of the gym questions, I am in high school now. We never play dodgeball anymore, but it isn't banned, we always are doing something else. Girls are required to swim all six days of the swim unit, or else they make up the day later. If they don't, they get a failing gym grade. It was more lenient for guys, as I skipped 3-4 of the days with no consequences. We swam in trunks, which have to be taken back and shoved in your locker, not allowed to be air dried anywhere. It sucks. The hockey unit was, like, 3 days or something too short, but kids were breaking fingers. We just mess around in the weight room every day now.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/29/2012 at 10:57 PM, biodork said:

Late entry today:


We're in the process of reorganizing the samples in our large lab freezer. This is largely because no one had the foresight to set it up properly when the lab started about 3 years ago, so now it's a mess and very difficult to find anything. I'm essentially in charge of it because 1) it was mostly my suggestion, 2) I've done this before and have a good idea how to do it, 3) the other two in the lab are lazy and won't do it properly, if at all. It's been taking longer than it should have because although I can set up the "infrastructure" part of it (labeling, organization, electronic records, etc), I don't know what all is in there and what should be kept vs. tossed, consolidated, etc. aside from my own samples. I moved my own and asked the other two to move their samples into a predefined place when they had time and to let me know when they were done, and my boss was going to do his separately since he had more to go through. One guy did right away, which is fine. My boss started on his earlier in the week, and had gotten at least halfway through. The other guy (who had the least to move) just did his this morning, but also decided to take it upon himself to move not only his samples, but to relabel some of the boxes and recombine things from two different shelves onto one. Newsflash, moron: they were separate for a reason!! He recombined all the stuff my boss had already gone through with all the other crap that had yet to be organized. Dammit.


I feel your pain. Years ago st an old job i was tasked with cleaning out a -80 freezer. At the bottom i came across three unlabeled whole rat carcasses in plain brown paper bags. Rat popcicles WTF??

Edited by Claude_Verret
  On 3/29/2012 at 1:46 PM, LabattBlue said:

Already cut the grass on Tuesday for the first time. It really needed it, but the more you cut it, the faster it seems to grow. :angry:

At least you have grass! I just moved to Austin, TX, and easily 95% of residential lawns are either not grass, dead grass, or unkempt clumps of crap. Yeah, I'd say that only 5% of the lawns here would qualify for, say, 20th percentile or better in suburban Rochester or Buffalo. My dad would go berserk if he saw how it is down here! :lol:


  On 3/29/2012 at 3:12 PM, d4rksabre said:

I don't care about my graduate degree. Which is making it very hard to complete. It's also making me miserable all the time, which is putting a lot of stress on the rest of my life, including my wonderful girlfriend. Bless her heart for putting up with me.

Haha, sounds like me last semester. Gotta tell yourself that it'll all be over soon, and sac up! I promise you'll feel accomplished in the end d4rk, at least to some degree (pun intended).


  On 3/29/2012 at 5:14 PM, plenzmd1 said:

Not to ruin anyones day..but i must be one of those "old people" LOL. (You all should thank yourselves you have not met me and do not have that visual burned into your brains)


I am 49 and just used to guys being naked in the locker room. I mean i can see if you are lounging around and all, but i never understood hanging out in a locker room. Go in, get my shower, get out. Maybe a shave, brush teeth, deodorant ...done.

Speaking of saccing up, I was also going to post that I might just be one of those old guys. 'Sall good, you gotta embrace those awkward moments, fellas!

  On 3/29/2012 at 11:57 PM, Claude_Verret said:

I feel your pain. Years ago st an old job i was tasked with cleaning out a -80 freezer. At the bottom i came across three unlabeled whole rat carcasses in plain brown paper bags. Rat popcicles WTF??


Lol eww, gross. Thanks for the laugh. :)

  On 3/29/2012 at 8:55 PM, buftex said:

What a douche! You I mean....you prefer to buy on Amazon, but you want to take a trip to the mall to dog ear their book, and then buy it from someone else...I think I just found my complaint for next Thursay! :P

I'm not going to even get into the context of the post, but did you really just reply to a post from nearly four years ago?


  On 3/29/2012 at 9:24 PM, SwampD said:

So, you've never searched online for hours for something and then went to a store to buy it locally? Apparently, there is no cost to having an online presence.

Thank you.


My "finally the damn headache went away, well after work ended" complaint: the general public is insane and is filled with jerks, morons, and ######.


Another complaint - since someone quoted one of my posts from Page 1 of this epic thread, I went back and started reading the thread, right from the beginning. The complaint: this thread was much funnier four years ago.


I might change my opinion when I get past page 15 or 20 but for now, I am actually finding myself laughing out loud at some of our conversations.


Being forced to swim naked...wait a minute, that was last week!


Who decided that it would be a good idea to run voice traffic across the network infrastructure? Now if the network goes down, you lose your computer and phone. :wallbash:


I was supposed to have the whole day off for Opening Day today, but today is the only day that me and the other two leads on this project/event (which takes place next Saturday) can meet until next Thursday, which is too close to the event for us to cover everything we need to cover. So that means my day off just turned into a half-day.

  On 4/5/2012 at 12:05 PM, LabattBlue said:

Being forced to swim naked...wait a minute, that was last week!


Who decided that it would be a good idea to run voice traffic across the network infrastructure? Now if the network goes down, you lose your computer and phone. :wallbash:


Our company chose to reuse old fiber, instead laying new fiber...to put it mildly, there are somedays where I drop calls left and right, and on top of that the network goes down, and it pisses me off to no end!

  On 4/5/2012 at 12:10 PM, Bmwolf21 said:

I was supposed to have the whole day off for Opening Day today, but today is the only day that me and the other two leads on this project/event (which takes place next Saturday) can meet until next Thursday, which is too close to the event for us to cover everything we need to cover. So that means my day off just turned into a half-day.


My complaint is that you are complaining about having half a day off of work. ;)

  On 3/30/2012 at 3:29 AM, Bmwolf21 said:

Another complaint - since someone quoted one of my posts from Page 1 of this epic thread, I went back and started reading the thread, right from the beginning. The complaint: this thread was much funnier four years ago.


I might change my opinion when I get past page 15 or 20 but for now, I am actually finding myself laughing out loud at some of our conversations.


I did the same thing last week after you posted this. I sure did have a lot beer league hockey complaints I have. Things never change. Oh, and apparently someone really didn't like me.


As for this week. I'm sick, the girlfriend is sick with something completely different. So that means once we get over whatever we have now, we'll probably just trade and then have to deal with whatever the other person has.

  On 4/5/2012 at 1:31 PM, shrader said:



I did the same thing last week after you posted this. I sure did have a lot beer league hockey complaints I have. Things never change. Oh, and apparently someone really didn't like me.


As for this week. I'm sick, the girlfriend is sick with something completely different. So that means once we get over whatever we have now, we'll probably just trade and then have to deal with whatever the other person has.


I'm sick too.


Sick of your sh*t! :P


wanted to work an 11 hour day so i wouldn't have to come in so a) i could get my 40 in, and b) so i wouldn't have to come in tomorrow. i got in 2 hours later than i wanted. i also want to get home and watch the game. if i stay until such a time that i can watch the whole game, i'll only get 9. i then either have to come in for 2 hours tomorrow, or i have to take PTO, or I have to stay until 7 and miss pretty much the whole game.


right now, coming in tomorrow is looking more and more probable, but if i come in, then my boss is going to ask why i'm not working my other 4 hours towards next week (i asked him if i could work 10s this week and next, and he agreed, but he's also forgetful).


were this twitter, this post would actually be closer to 4 or 5, and i'd hashtag it #firstworldproblems.

  On 4/5/2012 at 2:07 PM, MattPie said:

Frozen caliper piston. I can't even budge it with a c-clamp.


Had that happen on my truck like 4 years ago. Tried to do a pad job and ended up having to have it towed to the shop. Two new calipers later... :wallbash:

Posted (edited)
  On 4/5/2012 at 2:37 PM, d4rksabre said:

Had that happen on my truck like 4 years ago. Tried to do a pad job and ended up having to have it towed to the shop. Two new calipers later... :wallbash:


This is on my 82 Honda bike, I'm not even sure I can get new calipers for it. I'll be scouring the classifieds unless the penetrating oil loosens it up. (That's what she said.)

Edited by MattPie
  On 4/5/2012 at 2:50 PM, MattPie said:

This is on my 82 Honda bike, I'm not even sure I can get new calipers for it. I'll be scouring the classifieds unless the penetrating oil loosens it up. (That's what she said.)


Screw it. Find a bike parts yard and throw a whole new triple tree on it. Probably cheaper.


Customers that take the "I'm always right" mantra way over the top. They make me want to drive off a cliff. I'm a fairly patient person, and can deal with stupid requests, however, consistently changing specs at the last possible second requiring us to change our drawings, procedures, and vendors more than once is such a pain the a$s! On top of that, requesting an additional process and component after a proposal is already submitted... :death:


The end of the day cannot get here fast enough. For those of you working half days today...I envy you :(

  On 3/29/2012 at 2:27 PM, nfreeman said:

I hope this isn't too serious, but here goes: my complaint is that good people can be struck out of the blue by a life-altering tragedy.


My family is friends with another family in our neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school as our kids, and one of their sons is close friends with my son. We're not super-close with this family, but we've known them for 7-8 years, seen them socially a few times now and then (including hanging out and watching a Sabres-Bruins playoff game a couple of years ago) and regard them as friends.


The school is on spring break now, so many families naturally take vacations. This family went to a Caribbean island. Last Sunday (i.e. 4 days ago), the family was at the beach and the father was swimming with one of the boys (they have 4 sons in their family). A motorboat comes flying into the area where they are swimming, hits the father, chews him up in the propeller, and just like that, the father is killed -- right there in front of his horrified family.


I wasn't really close with him, but I considered him a friend and respected him. He was a really good guy. Solid as a f----- rock. The kind of guy who would come and get you in the middle of the night if your car broke down. He was 44 and a totally devoted father -- he coached his kids' teams, etc. And they had a really nice family. Now his 4 sons (ages 14, 12, 10 and 8) have to grow up without a father because of some reckless idiot with a motorboat.


It's heartbreaking.


Two things: 1, I'm very sorry to hear about what happened. 2, were criminal charges placed against the driver of the boat?

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