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:huh: :huh:


I was able to pull out some jargon thanks to the fact that my mother was a research scientist for years and I spent a lot of time at her lectures/presentations/labs, etc. But it doesn't help the confusion at all lol


When she says this:


My boss is an epidemiologist so this is her approach, but I'm a molecular biologist so my job is to test for functional differences in the SNPs. For example, she looks at how common a variant is in a population and whether it correlates with any other measures from that group (like levels of serum vitamin D metabolites), where I test whether a specific variant changes DNA:protein binding and gene expression.


Think this:


Yes but picture the image. An attractive Biodork chick in a white lab coat with thick black rimmed glasses and ...cue the music and the cameras!


and then it doesn't matter...


Unfortunately, sometimes. :( My boss is an epidemiologist so this is her approach, but I'm a molecular biologist so my job is to test for functional differences in the SNPs. For example, she looks at how common a variant is in a population and whether it correlates with any other measures from that group (like levels of serum vitamin D metabolites), where I test whether a specific variant changes DNA:protein binding and gene expression.


So someone else previously did the grunt work and you get to deal with the more practical part. I did a bit on both sides of that and that first step was a whole different world. The really painful part was sitting through those meetings with absolutely no background whatsoever.


:huh: :huh:


I was able to pull out some jargon thanks to the fact that my mother was a research scientist for years and I spent a lot of time at her lectures/presentations/labs, etc. But it doesn't help the confusion at all lol


The genetic stuff has a whole language of its own. I worked with stuff related to it for about 3 years and I still picked up so little.


So someone else previously did the grunt work and you get to deal with the more practical part. I did a bit on both sides of that and that first step was a whole different world. The really painful part was sitting through those meetings with absolutely no background whatsoever.


The genetic stuff has a whole language of its own. I worked with stuff related to it for about 3 years and I still picked up so little.


I did all (most) of it! Part of why I'm leaving here... only about half my job is stuff I actually enjoy. I understand stats and epidemiology after working with it for 6+ years, but I've never been impressed by the type of work where the only answer you get is:


"Look, A is related to B!"

"But what does it mean?"

"The p-value is highly statistically significant!"

"But what does it mean??"



I would have just gone with..."I got ya protien binding right here......"




Thanks! It'll actually be my second first author manuscript. :) The lab I'm in currently is studying how genetic variants influence the metabolism of vitamin D, with the hope of eventually extending that to kidney cancer risk / treatment. The new lab will be focused on studying the inflammatory response, both in patients with allergies and with inflammatory bowel disease. Should be interesting! :lol:


Sounds interesting. Back when I worked in academic research I was in a lab studying iron metabolism. We had an anemic rat model that displayed impaired iron GI uptake and transport in RBC's. It was eventually attributed to a missense mutation in a gene encoding a membrane associated divalent metal transporter. That's about when I left, but I should check and see where the characterization studies have gone since then. Now im in corporate research which is a whole different animal. There is a lot of glossing over the nuts and bolts of how things work in the effort to come up with the next big product. Congrats on the new job too!


Sounds interesting. Back when I worked in academic research I was in a lab studying iron metabolism. We had an anemic rat model that displayed impaired iron GI uptake and transport in RBC's. It was eventually attributed to a missense mutation in a gene encoding a membrane associated divalent metal transporter. That's about when I left, but I should check and see where the characterization studies have gone since then. Now im in corporate research which is a whole different animal. There is a lot of glossing over the nuts and bolts of how things work in the effort to come up with the next big product. Congrats on the new job too!


DMT1? Sounds like cool stuff. One of the other projects in the lab is looking at uptake of divalent heavy metals (Hg, Cd, and Pb) in the kidney in relation to metallothioneins and renal cell cancer. Cool project, but unfortunately that one is all epidemiology at this point (the boss is trying to get funding for a molecular study). And thanks on the job!


DMT1? Sounds like cool stuff. One of the other projects in the lab is looking at uptake of divalent heavy metals (Hg, Cd, and Pb) in the kidney in relation to metallothioneins and renal cell cancer. Cool project, but unfortunately that one is all epidemiology at this point (the boss is trying to get funding for a molecular study). And thanks on the job!


DMT1 it is, but it was called nramp2 when I was there. I would have welcomed an epidemiological study as an alternative to all the rad studies I did! I've worked with isotopes of Fe, Mn, Co, Cd, Zn, Pb and a few others. Working with cobalt was a bit disconcerting at the time since it's such a high energy gamma emitter, but my rad badges always came back good.


Should we open up a "OT: Nerd talk" thread? /jk :flirt: At least someone is saving the world.


:lol: Sorry, I did take that one off track for a bit. Okay, back to complaining: I wanna go home! Better? ;)


:lol: Sorry, I did take that one off track for a bit. Okay, back to complaining: I wanna go home! Better? ;)


I never passed chemistry yet I'm the one to help sue or defend chemical companies. Go figure.


Got a cough or wheeze? Call Spndnchz.

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I never passed chemistry yet I'm the one to help sue or defend chemical companies. Go figure.


Got a cough or wheeze? Call Spndnchz.


That sure beats Cellino and Barnes.


1) we lost last night

2) Two of my college friends are supposed to get married this upcoming July. Well, both of them are coming to me for relationship advice because they are struggling with everything. I've been friends with each of them for almost the same amount of time. I didn't really condone the wedding to start with, but since he made me the best man, I've really warmed up to it, and actually support it now. Problem is, they are having a lot of problems. I am between a rock and a hard place because i can't help both of them without causing a stir, and I can't just pick one because I've been friends with both of them. This my friends, is a catch-22. GAH :death:


no lie ... some ass hole with a vendetta literally followed me all the way to my office. This guy zipped in and out of traffic like he couldn't care less about anyone else. He cut me off 3 times in about 5 miles, and I was in the HOV lane, double white lines. A) You can't pass in a double white, B) just guessing, but I'm willing to bet he doesn't have an HOV lane pass. Finally, he cut me off a 4th time, and I high beamed the hell out of him. He scooched over to the next right lane over, then slowed down, THEN pulled even with me and started yelling at me. All kinds of wild gesticulations, etc, then he slowed down more and pulled in behind me. Followed me all the way to my building, where the last mile of the drive is a semi-lonely stretch of 2-lane roadery. He pulled even with me and mouthed, "I'M GOING TO F*** YOU UP!!" I shake my head, look over at him, and mouth, "NO YOU'RE NOT," then I pulled in to my secure parking lot.


I don't know what his deal is, but I wouldn't be surprised if he sat outside my parking lot waiting for me this afternoon/evening.


Partly I'm mad at myself for even stooping to the brighting, so really I have no one to blame but myself, but seriously? Following someone 20 miles just to mouth, "I'M GOING TO F*** YOU UP" only to drive away?




no lie ... some ass hole with a vendetta literally followed me all the way to my office. This guy zipped in and out of traffic like he couldn't care less about anyone else. He cut me off 3 times in about 5 miles, and I was in the HOV lane, double white lines. A) You can't pass in a double white, B) just guessing, but I'm willing to bet he doesn't have an HOV lane pass. Finally, he cut me off a 4th time, and I high beamed the hell out of him. He scooched over to the next right lane over, then slowed down, THEN pulled even with me and started yelling at me. All kinds of wild gesticulations, etc, then he slowed down more and pulled in behind me. Followed me all the way to my building, where the last mile of the drive is a semi-lonely stretch of 2-lane roadery. He pulled even with me and mouthed, "I'M GOING TO F*** YOU UP!!" I shake my head, look over at him, and mouth, "NO YOU'RE NOT," then I pulled in to my secure parking lot.


I don't know what his deal is, but I wouldn't be surprised if he sat outside my parking lot waiting for me this afternoon/evening.


Partly I'm mad at myself for even stooping to the brighting, so really I have no one to blame but myself, but seriously? Following someone 20 miles just to mouth, "I'M GOING TO F*** YOU UP" only to drive away?




wow. I've had someone follow me home before (about a year or so ago), which is just as scary. He cut me off twice in traffic, then when I passed him (after we got out of Ithaca) because he was doing 45-50 in a 55, he tailgated me the last 10 miles home. when I turned onto my road, I flipped him off, and then he slammed on his brakes. He found my car in my driveway, came and knocked on the door, and wanted me to step outside to talk. I had my large, aggressive (a good thing this time), dog by the collar, and was like, "no thank you?" after a few minutes of yelling at me to put my dog inside and talk like a man, I threatened to let my dog loose (foaming at the mouth now from the excitement). At that point, the guy left.


I doubt the guy will wait for you. He'll get bored if he has to wait all day for you lol.


wow. I've had someone follow me home before (about a year or so ago), which is just as scary. He cut me off twice in traffic, then when I passed him (after we got out of Ithaca) because he was doing 45-50 in a 55, he tailgated me the last 10 miles home. when I turned onto my road, I flipped him off, and then he slammed on his brakes. He found my car in my driveway, came and knocked on the door, and wanted me to step outside to talk. I had my large, aggressive (a good thing this time), dog by the collar, and was like, "no thank you?" after a few minutes of yelling at me to put my dog inside and talk like a man, I threatened to let my dog loose (foaming at the mouth now from the excitement). At that point, the guy left.


I doubt the guy will wait for you. He'll get bored if he has to wait all day for you lol.


if he does, that's fine. i know what he looks like, and what his car looks like. like i said, i'm not violent. we have plenty of security guards patrolling our facility; i'll just flag them down and inform them that he's stalking the campus. he'll be detained, interrogated, and eventually let go. maybe. if not, oh well.

Posted (edited)

Some people on the roads are NUTS and need to be avoided at all costs. A few months ago, I was trying to get into the right hand turn lane, and just needed the guy in front of me to move up a few feet(he was going straight). I gave him one small honk of the horn. He didn't budge, the light turned green), he went straight through the intersection, made a u turn, followed me, and proceeded to start screaming out his window at me. I ignored him, and he drove off.


Road rage is out of control, and like I said, needs to be avoided at all costs. You never know who you are dealing with.

Edited by LabattBlue

if he does, that's fine. i know what he looks like, and what his car looks like. like i said, i'm not violent. we have plenty of security guards patrolling our facility; i'll just flag them down and inform them that he's stalking the campus. he'll be detained, interrogated, and eventually let go. maybe. if not, oh well.


That's good.


Some people on the roads are NUTS and need to be avoided at all costs. A few months ago, I was trying to get into the right hand turn lane, and just needed the guy in front of me to move up a few feet(he was going straight). I gave him one small honk of the horn. He didn't budge, the light turned green), he went straight through the intersection, made a u turn, followed me, and proceeded to start screaming out his window at me. I ignored him, and he drove off.


Road rage is out of control, and like I said, needs to be avoided at all costs. You never know who you are dealing with.


Wow, that's ridiculous. Some people should not get off the rocker! In regards to your last statement, some people avoid it just out of fear, other people, like the idiot that I was, learn the hard way. Either way, you're absolutely correct


Some people on the roads are NUTS and need to be avoided at all costs. A few months ago, I was trying to get into the right hand turn lane, and just needed the guy in front of me to move up a few feet(he was going straight). I gave him one small honk of the horn. He didn't budge, the light turned green), he went straight through the intersection, made a u turn, followed me, and proceeded to start screaming out his window at me. I ignored him, and he drove off.


Road rage is out of control, and like I said, needs to be avoided at all costs. You never know who you are dealing with.


couldn't agree more. unfortunately, i had a lapse of judgment this morning and busted out the high beams. not even remotely necessary, but what's done is done. no, i don't think he'll camp out in front of my building all day, but who knows? psychos are just that--psycho.


couldn't agree more. unfortunately, i had a lapse of judgment this morning and busted out the high beams. not even remotely necessary, but what's done is done. no, i don't think he'll camp out in front of my building all day, but who knows? psychos are just that--psycho.


Send out an unmanned drone. :death:


unfortunately, i had a lapse of judgment this morning and busted out the high beams.

Girls Gone Wild style?

Got a friggin jury duty request in the mail. Starts next Tuesday. Shoot me now.


hey SDS can you write me a letter? lol


hmm ... i sense an idea here.

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