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Definitely good people here. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Hopefully we'll be able to get a good diagnosis (positive too) on my sister as to why her heart is doing what it's doing. she got into the cardiologist up in Syracuse, so we're headin up tomorrow morning.


Very good. Good luck. Hopefully it's just something goofy.


Thanks for all the kind words. Sorry to fill your thoughts with my families problems but sometimes its good to get it out. The boy is doing good considering and they give him a 70% chance of survival which leaves about 30% of which we don't even let cross our minds. He'll be infertile due to the radiation so we had a biopsy done and banked his sperm. Seemed like the right thing to do and one day him and his potential wife will thank us. Again, thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Sabrespace is filled with the best people and I've come to admire many of you. Cheers.


It's a battle, but if he's tough enough to get to the point where he could withstand what was happening to him before they caught it, he can withstand the cavalry coming in to chase out the bad guy.


That's great you thought ahead to bank. I am in a similar situation as far as that goes. Technology has come a long way and I'm sure he will be thankfull someday.


Not as heavy subject as the preceding but I think I'm going to propose...again. Been together for a couple years now but I'm feeling trepidation due to my failed marriage. I thought I had everything but it was a sham. I think this is the one but I can't shake my mistake.


I may not come across as the hopeless romantic, but if you got the goods....go for it. If your gut tells you bingo, and your head is only slowing you down because of the past....I trust the gut. You must have been on guard early on, and if she got that far through your trust meter.....you are just getting regular nerves. Don't pull a Darcy and let Briere walk for 500K. Besides, I think we are due for a Sabrespace bachelor party.


I've never complained on here,at least that I can remember but now its time. March 1st my son woke up and had trouble peeing. He's 13. He'd been having aches in his lower abdomen for about a month but our general practitioner misdiagnosed the cause. Went to a urologist and he did a rectal check with the finger and his exact words were " oh my god,he's got a mass blocking his urethra " Worst thing I've ever heard. Long story short he had an mri at the local hospital and was rushed to vancouver to bc childrens hospital by ambulance. Catheter inserted,cat scans,more mri,pet scan and right into a regimen of chemo that will run till dec2. Just finished 6 weeks of radiation treatment that ran 2 minutes a day and is still getting chemo.Turns out he has (pardon my spelling) a rhabdomiosarcoma. I've been told they see about 30 cases a year in Canada. Its a growth thats wrapped itself around his urethra,prostate,rectum and has grown into his bladder lining. Lost his hair so i shaved mine but thankfully after 3 months he's finally had the catheter removed. He's been poked,prodded and had what seems like every indignity a 13 year old can have but all in the name of his survival. Doctors and nurses are amazing and top notch for their fields. Drugs, medication coming out of our ying yangs. Back and forth to the hospital,probably 2 months stay so far between the bc childrens hospital and the easter seal house down the street from the hospital. Countless ferry rides back and forth to and from Nanaimo to vancouver. He's doing ok and another mri coming up on the 17th of june to gauge the shrinkage of the growth. All I can say is I've got lots to complain about but I thank god every day that I live here and am under Canadas medical system because this treatment,the hospital stay,the travel, all of it. Mri's,cat scans,pet scans x-rays,medications, its all been absolutely FREE. Not a cent spent and what I have spent is a tax write off for the year. So you will never hear me complain about our system or my sons treatment. Thats all i got.

God Bless your son and family!My wife and i are having our first baby [which is a boy] on August 18th.We tryed for along time for this baby with no luck,but after we got back from our trip from Buffalo we found out we were pregnant!We have 2 months to go before Hudson Royce is here!Thanks to Buffalo for giving us a life long gift!


I've never complained on here,at least that I can remember but now its time. March 1st my son woke up and had trouble peeing. He's 13. He'd been having aches in his lower abdomen for about a month but our general practitioner misdiagnosed the cause. Went to a urologist and he did a rectal check with the finger and his exact words were " oh my god,he's got a mass blocking his urethra " Worst thing I've ever heard. Long story short he had an mri at the local hospital and was rushed to vancouver to bc childrens hospital by ambulance. Catheter inserted,cat scans,more mri,pet scan and right into a regimen of chemo that will run till dec2. Just finished 6 weeks of radiation treatment that ran 2 minutes a day and is still getting chemo.Turns out he has (pardon my spelling) a rhabdomiosarcoma. I've been told they see about 30 cases a year in Canada. Its a growth thats wrapped itself around his urethra,prostate,rectum and has grown into his bladder lining. Lost his hair so i shaved mine but thankfully after 3 months he's finally had the catheter removed. He's been poked,prodded and had what seems like every indignity a 13 year old can have but all in the name of his survival. Doctors and nurses are amazing and top notch for their fields. Drugs, medication coming out of our ying yangs. Back and forth to the hospital,probably 2 months stay so far between the bc childrens hospital and the easter seal house down the street from the hospital. Countless ferry rides back and forth to and from Nanaimo to vancouver. He's doing ok and another mri coming up on the 17th of june to gauge the shrinkage of the growth. All I can say is I've got lots to complain about but I thank god every day that I live here and am under Canadas medical system because this treatment,the hospital stay,the travel, all of it. Mri's,cat scans,pet scans x-rays,medications, its all been absolutely FREE. Not a cent spent and what I have spent is a tax write off for the year. So you will never hear me complain about our system or my sons treatment. Thats all i got.

Very scary. Good luck and keep us posted.


My Thursday complaint is..







whew, glad I got that off my chest.


My fiance ask me to stay with a friend for awhile because her and my parents had another huge fight and I finally said to both parties this is BS ENOUGH. I told both sides they must sit down and talk and she said basically that she doesnt want ppl who "hate" her at her wedding and that she will never feel comfortable around them and that she does not want a wedding now. This 5 year relationship imploded like a freaking star... Stable for years than BAM! its gone. Either way at the end of the day, if it does end: I lose her, and I will resent my parents part in it, so I lose them as well. Kobayashi Maru.


It's a story that probably won't translate too well in this thread, but I hate the lack of respect from other drivers around here. I'm sure just about everyone can relate to that one.


It's a story that probably won't translate too well in this thread, but I hate the lack of respect from other drivers around here. I'm sure just about everyone can relate to that one.


In Buffalo, I find the problem to be pedestrians. Who jaywalk. Who take a few steps into a lane and then slow down, as if they've "established position" under NBA rules or something. Does anyone know how to cross with a light here?


My fiance ask me to stay with a friend for awhile because her and my parents had another huge fight and I finally said to both parties this is BS ENOUGH. I told both sides they must sit down and talk and she said basically that she doesnt want ppl who "hate" her at her wedding and that she will never feel comfortable around them and that she does not want a wedding now. This 5 year relationship imploded like a freaking star... Stable for years than BAM! its gone. Either way at the end of the day, if it does end I lose her and I will resent my parents part in it so I lose them as well. Kobayashi Maru.


If it's true love, don't let anything get in your way of spending the rest of your life enjoying it.


Your fiance, and eventually your parents, will respect u for it.


If it's true love, don't let anything get in your way of spending the rest of your life enjoying it.


Your fiance, and eventually your parents, will respect u for it.

I thought it was, now idk. Shes not willing to compromise at all on the issue of seeing my parents. It so awkward going to family events and she stays home. She's gotta meet me halfway or at least some part of the way. Right now she is "I will not meet your parents or discuss this with them and you abandoned me and didnt stand up for me enough."

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In Buffalo, I find the problem to be pedestrians. Who jaywalk. Who take a few steps into a lane and then slow down, as if they've "established position" under NBA rules or something. Does anyone know how to cross with a light here?


Jaywalking is a talent around here. You need to know when and where to do it if you ever want to get anywhere. Most people are really good at the timing, but the occasional college freshman does wind up getting picked off once September rolls around. The big problem out here that blocks the flow of traffic are the cars themselves. There's constant running of red lights and stopping in the middle of intersections, blocking flow in all 4 directions. Each day when I leave work, I generally have to wait through about 5 green lights to move 5 car lengths just because a group of idiots just have to sneak through that yellow light even though traffic is already backed up to the intersection.


But my complaint was more about two specific idiots this week. Both times I was waiting to turn and then the second the light changed, the car directly behind me decided to floor it and sneak in front of me. It's hard to explain, but these people are essentially cutting 5 seconds off their entire drive, so I don't get it.


So, not only do the schools in NJ close when there is a whopping 3 inches of snow, but apparently they need to close when it's a whopping 100 degrees (actually only 98). Either you can't handle the snow or you can't handle the heat. You cant have it both ways.


Bikers (bicyclists). I get that you want to wear tight fitting cloths, but do you really have to get the ones that make you look like a billboard for Pellegrino and Fiat. You are still 30lbs overweight. You are not fooling anyone into thinking you are a sponsored, professional rider.

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In Buffalo, I find the problem to be pedestrians. Who jaywalk. Who take a few steps into a lane and then slow down, as if they've "established position" under NBA rules or something. Does anyone know how to cross with a light here?


Here in small college town Blacksburg, VA, it is widely accepted that pedestrians can cross any road at any time they want, and traffic will stop for them and politely let them cross. When I moved here, it certainly took some getting used to.


DOESN'T ANYBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN??!! These kids will all graduate college and move on to bigger and better places and just start crossing streets like it ain't no thang; surely they'll be killed almost instantly in any typical urban environment. :death:


I thought it was, now idk. Shes not willing to compromise at all on the issue of seeing my parents. It so awkward going to family events and she stays home. She's gotta meet me halfway or at least some part of the way. Right now she is "I will not meet your parents or discuss this with them and you abandoned me and didnt stand up for me enough."


1) In some good news and as a follow up to last week's complaints, the doctors found that my little sister has/had a potassium deficiency, which caused her body to some crazy things (black out, heart palpitations, etc.), but the reason why is still unknown...at least she is doing better (two heart monitors and 3 DR trips later...)


2) to KTN: that's a tough situation. One of my good friends went through this a couple years back. He ended up choosing her over his parents, and hasn't regretted it. I don't know your situation, but honestly, I think he made the right choice. His parents finally started talking to him again, and have even tried making amends with his now wife (I have no idea if his parents went to the wedding, I assume they did).


oh, and I do have 1 complaint. to the @$$hole that passed me as I pulled off to the side of the road this morning for emergency vehicles to pass, a big FUUUUUUU. 1) it's a dick move 2) it's illegal in some sense and 3) you didn't even drive the speed limit after you passed me! (43 in a 55 is unacceptable!!!!!!!!!)


If it's true love, don't let anything get in your way of spending the rest of your life enjoying it.


Your fiance, and eventually your parents, will respect u for it.




I feel bad for young people that are always used to being in a relationship. You start to undervalue yourself.


With the end of the Stanley Cup finals, it is officially Summer.























I hate Summer.


My boss is a Boston Red Sox and NE Patriots fan all around, but a fairweather Bruins fan...GIVE IT A REST ALREADY, YOU'RE A FAIRWEATHER FAN! if I have to listen to "how bad the Sabres and Bills are compared to Boston teams" anymore...I might just snap...


My boss is a Boston Red Sox and NE Patriots fan all around, but a fairweather Bruins fan...GIVE IT A REST ALREADY, YOU'RE A FAIRWEATHER FAN! if I have to listen to "how bad the Sabres and Bills are compared to Boston teams" anymore...I might just snap...


I haven't heard a word from anyone here at the office yet. I like it. My supervisor just stopped by and asked if I enjoyed the game. She's not a hockey fan though and once I told her I don't like the Bruins, she was completely fine with it. Maybe I do like this place after all.

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