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My other complaint is that the Connolly II thread was closed. And it was just starting to get really good.


Oh, and I want to complain on behalf of the country of Japan. With yet another massive earthquake today, I'm sure the prevailing sentiment right now has to be "Why us?"


Why is Carolina still in the playoff hunt...

Why does the NYS Government suck...

WHy does the federal government suck...

Why am I going to get flagged for terrorism for posting this...

Why do people have droids that automatically post on facebook where they are ( I am really not that interested)...

How are my roomates still in pharmacy school when they can't even get up for a class at noon, let alone one at eight AM ( you should really double check your Rxs if they are going to be your pharmacist)

Why do some people cross the street extremely slowly even though they know you have a green light...


And that is what grinds my gears....

Add this to your list as well. I remember when they tried to get the public to buy into "Gasohol" back in the 80's. Well, it didn't fly, so they nixed it. Now, they figure that since they can't do a hard sell, they'll force it on us. Typical Communists. (No, I will not back down from calling them that. When one of my fellow truckers tells me that he came to America from Romania back in the mid-80's to get away from Communism, only to discover that they've implemented it over here now, I totally understand him. This is not the same country I grew up in and I know that there are board members on here who are older than I am who know this all too well.)


IIRC, more corn used for fuel means less corn on the dinner table. Plus, more fields devoted to corn means less wheat and other essential crops grown. This picture is just completely messed up.


My other complaint is that the Connolly II thread was closed. And it was just starting to get really good.


Oh, and I want to complain on behalf of the country of Japan. With yet another massive earthquake today, I'm sure the prevailing sentiment right now has to be "Why us?"

not to get all geographical and stuff, but ....


the islands formed from the interacting of the asian and pacific plates. there have always been massively large earthquakes/tsunamis in the region; i think the reason we're so shocked by the last month's events is the fact that we actually have front-row seats due to the leaps and bounds jumps of technology that brings instantaneous news feeds from literally anywhere in the world. even when egyptian government had shut down their entire internet infrastructure, people were STILL getting the message out about what was happening in tahrir square. we had real-time, instant news feeds from various vantage points in japan; virutally real-time video of the devestation of the earthquake and tsunamis. BUT this isn't new to them. sitting in the ring of fire as they do, and specifically japan because of its geographic location on the asian/pacific plates ... they're going to get hammered with earthquakes and tsunamis. what's different is our ability to get notifications and the depth of that coverage from practically anyone at any time.


Drivers don't typically stop for stop signs where they are supposed to stop. If there's no white line to show you where to stop, you need to stop BEHIND the sidewalk! Oy.


here's my complaint. it's april. i live in a ****ing desert. it's snowing, and my sat dish is inoperable. 8 years of never having a problem, yet "bones" is new tonight for the first time in 3 weeks, and my crappy provider's equipment gets bogged down by a dusting of powder. 7.5 years with dish network and we *never* had an issue. 6 months with DTV, and i've had nothing BUT issues.


damn you, two year contract. damn you to hell.


here's my complaint. it's april. i live in a ****ing desert. it's snowing, and my sat dish is inoperable. 8 years of never having a problem, yet "bones" is new tonight for the first time in 3 weeks, and my crappy provider's equipment gets bogged down by a dusting of powder. 7.5 years with dish network and we *never* had an issue. 6 months with DTV, and i've had nothing BUT issues.


damn you, two year contract. damn you to hell.

Is this with Directv or someone completely different?


Got my last run in tonight before my company's 5K (Saturday morning) and my run absolutely sucked tonight. No juice at all and couldn't get loose until the end of the run.


Drivers don't typically stop for stop signs where they are supposed to stop. If there's no white line to show you where to stop, you need to stop BEHIND the sidewalk! Oy.


No joke. And even when there is a line, everyone stops halfway over it instead of before it like you're supposed to. If I'm stopping behind you and I'm on the white line, you're doing something wrong.


Chief complaint of the week: the number of people who are falling for this guy's "prophecy" that the world is coming to an end on May 21, 2011. IMO, more than likely we're all still going to be here on May 22nd and in the foreseeable future.


Gotta say that the big Game 1 win is making me not even dread my my monthly "why do your numbers suck/what are you doing to fix it" meeting tomorrow. Or not nearly as much.


Two other complaints, though - frigging allergies and sinuses. The windy days last week really ramped up the allergies, which fired up the sinuses, which means head pain, runny nose, all that fun stuff.


And my 5K time on Saturday was not good. I have set my sights on another 5K in June to see if I can improve my time some.


My boy has a cold... But, at 18 months old mind you, I just went into his room to settle him and i told him that the sabres won and he yelled. He's asleep now, so there's nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile!


Been saving this one up since last Friday evening. It's actually three things, but they're very, very related...


(1) Female housemates.


(2) Terrible television. Specifically: Teen Mom 2.


(3) People who don't understand that the significance of watching sports in real time (as opposed to DVR'ed) is much greater than the significance of watching crappy reality shows in real time.


Now that the playoffs have started, I think I have laid down the law. :thumbsup:


Been saving this one up since last Friday evening. It's actually three things, but they're very, very related...


(1) Female housemates.


(2) Terrible television. Specifically: Teen Mom 2.


(3) People who don't understand that the significance of watching sports in real time (as opposed to DVR'ed) is much greater than the significance of watching crappy reality shows in real time.


Now that the playoffs have started, I think I have laid down the law. :thumbsup:

I agree. They don't make shows on the telly like they used to (although Firefly was halfway decent). So much recycled garbage and the people who do reality shows give me the impression that they actually like the attention they're getting.


As Neil Peart wrote in "The Big Money", It's the fool on television/getting paid to play the fool.


I agree. They don't make shows on the telly like they used to (although Firefly was halfway decent). So much recycled garbage and the people who do reality shows give me the impression that they actually like the attention they're getting.


As Neil Peart wrote in "The Big Money", It's the fool on television/getting paid to play the fool.


Help Nathan Fillion Buy Firefly!


As Neil Peart wrote in "The Big Money", It's the fool on television/getting paid to play the fool.

Haha wow, just listened to that one this morning for the first time in awhile! :thumbsup:


Help Nathan Fillion Buy Firefly!

I heard something about him trying to do that. I hope he can pull it off. The right people were cast for the show. It would just be a matter of getting the original cast members back on the show.


Firefly was definitely a unique show. It didn't mess with anyone's heads (although River's head was messed up by no fault of her own).


Open for business.


3rd week in a row with a sore throat due to allergies. But, the Sabres won, my brother is coming here tonight, and my house survived the storms here. Unfortunately, my wife's new school did not.


Here's an article about the students' return to "school"






My wife won't start till August, as she is finishing out her time at her old school. However, I am personal friends with a few of the teachers currently in that building, 1 happens to be a die hard Sabres fan.


A few Thursday whines:


1. Tim-mah. Meeeeeeelions for what amounts to a PKer. Don Luce was better, and barely made enough to keep his perm looking hot for road trips to Studio 54.


2. It would be interesting to see how things might be different if local elections could get the same interest level from the public as, say, voting for a kid's karaoke contest on FOX.


3. We're currently paying for over 2,400 F-35 Joint Strike fighter planes, at an estimated project cost of $323,000,000,000. I think few, if any, are actually in use - and it seems like nobody even cares. Republican, Democrat or other, that is almost too redonkulous for words.


4. South Florida summers are the worst. It's getting humid down here already; hurricane season isn't far behind. Buffalo winter > South Florida summer. Buffalo people are infinitely > South Florida people.


Whine over, but it felt great. Go Sabres. :-)


Got drunk on Jack Daniels Maple Syrup last night. Went to bed around 3. Rolled around feeling like I was going to die for four hours. Just got up. Now putting together a presentation for class at 10 feeling like death warmed over. :doh:


Gonna nap so hard this afternoon.


Got drunk on Jack Daniels Maple Syrup last night.


Say what now? Is this home made or something you buy?


I have so much to do, I don't know how to keep up. And, I'm going to miss parts of the second and third rounds, and maybe game 1 of the SCF for work. Damn them!


Say what now? Is this home made or something you buy?


I have so much to do, I don't know how to keep up. And, I'm going to miss parts of the second and third rounds, and maybe game 1 of the SCF for work. Damn them!


Home made. You basically just put Jack Daniels in a jug of Maple Syrup and go. There are fancier ways of doing it that remove some of the alcohol, but we're men, and that wasn't going to happen.


Chugging it seemed like a tasty and fantastic idea at the time, but rolling around in pain at 5am made it somewhat regrettable.


Nothing that day old black coffee and some breakfast can't fix! :thumbsup:

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