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Hello??? Town highway departments??? It's March...you know the time of year when you need to get out and start filling the THOUSANDS of potholes throughout WNY. :censored:


You'd love Boston. The last road I'm on on the way to work has an endless obstacle course of potholes and manholes. The NFL scouting combine could probably setup that run through the tires drill right down this street.


Roommate yelling when playing Call of Duty and only being average at best and yet he thinks he is the greatest.

Also saying people are "autistic" when I play b/c of how well I do or how poor others play when he is playing.

It blows my mind.


I just bought some stuff at CVS that rang up at $2.83. I gave the cashier $5.08 and she refused to take the nickel. I told her a couple times that it would get me a quarter back, but she still refused. Then when she entered the $5.03 into the register, she saw the change and finally understood it.


And following up on our stereotypes conversation from yesterday, there was no way this woman shouldn't have been able to do the math.

My husband likes to do this "math/change test" for fun. He says he does it to minimize the small change in his pocket, but I think he just likes to mess with people. And you're right, sometimes they will say "you gave me too much" and they refuse to plug the numbers in the register. It is both funny and depressing at the same time.


Couple of things:


I hate to complain about the weather because it is what it is...but c'mon...a foot of snow, tonight? Really? Flood watch, snow watch, flood watch, snow watch, flood watch, snow watch, all in the last two weeks.


Our community is going to try to pass a levy for new school buildings in May. The state says it's our turn for our share of state money to build, and we have to do it now. I agreed to try to get 10 people to vote "yes", and after talking to one belligerant, ignorant woman about it, I just don't want to do it anymore. We definitely need the new buildings, but I just don't have it in me to push people to vote for something that will raise their taxes in this economy. I said I would, though, and the deadline for my ten votes is today, and I'm stressed about it :angry:


Our unlocked cars sitting in our driveway got broken into last night. Scum took my husbands XM radio...again. It happened last summer and we did lock our cars for a time after that, but we live in a nice neighborhood so we got complacent again. Losing the $100 dollar radio for the second time was bad enough, but even scarier was the fact that I had a box ready to go to the post office in my car, full of my father-in-laws mail. He winters in Florida and shares a P.O. box with the business we are partners in, so I send his mail to him every few weeks. Cop said this is a federal crime and they have two cars out looking for the box hoping the Scum ditched it when they saw it contained only mail.


I have more but enough is enough. Time to move on.


Travel mugs. The size of cup holders in automobiles is pretty well standardized, so why do I have several travel mugs that tip over and slosh coffee in my car when I turn a corner? :thumbdown:


Boy do I hate the cloudy, dark, dreary, cold rain soaked weather in between seasons.


That was the entire winter in Maryland. Give me snow any day.


Complaint: my charging system is all f'd up at work, so I'm in this dozens-of-email-long conversation with the labor people trying to figure out how to fix it. But it works out, I blew the breaker taking out half the room I'm in so I'm handicapped on how much work I can do anyways until the electricians get here.


My husband likes to do this "math/change test" for fun. He says he does it to minimize the small change in his pocket, but I think he just likes to mess with people. And you're right, sometimes they will say "you gave me too much" and they refuse to plug the numbers in the register. It is both funny and depressing at the same time.


I take every chance I can get to build up my supply of quarters for laundry day. If I really wanted to mess with the cashiers, I'd give them extra change AFTER they punched the numbers in. Actually, I can think of a specific cashier down the street from my apartment who I'd love to do that to.


My professor sucks! We have a test today and its on over 500 pp slides that he goes through like an auctioneer selling drugs in front of a police station :wallbash: Worst part is he says its on the main concepts... there are 500 slides you prick and 50 main concepts with another 100-200 sub concepts... AHHHHHHHHH :doh:


Scum took my husbands XM radio...again.


i got my sirius radio taken out of my truck last summer, but aren't they technically theft-proof since they require a code to activate? it's basically a paper-weight otherwise, isn't it? that's just a stupid thief if you ask me.


yeah, i hate being a victim of theft (f#@kin' dallas stars).


i got my sirius radio taken out of my truck last summer, but aren't they technically theft-proof since they require a code to activate? it's basically a paper-weight otherwise, isn't it? that's just a stupid thief if you ask me.


yeah, i hate being a victim of theft (f#@kin' dallas stars).

99.9% of the time(overnight), I lock my car in the driveway. The one night I left it unlocked, vandals(teens?) went through the neighborhood checking doors to see which ones were unlocked. They took my sirius radio and I am convinced that the knuckleheads thought it was a GPS.


PS I also never leave my house unlocked even if I am only going up to the corner for gas, and I don't live in a bad nieghborhood where crime is rampant.


99.9% of the time(overnight), I lock my car in the driveway. The one night I left it unlocked, vandals(teens?) went through the neighborhood checking doors to see which ones were unlocked. They took my sirius radio and I am convinced that the knuckleheads thought it was a GPS.


PS I also never leave my house unlocked even if I am only going up to the corner for gas, and I don't live in a bad nieghborhood where crime is rampant.


Can Sirius locate it?


Can Sirius locate it?

I just called them up the next day and had them deactivate it. The police called back a month later and said they caught the people who did it, but none of the merchandise was recovered. Sirius sent me a replacement at no charge.


I just called them up the next day and had them deactivate it. The police called back a month later and said they caught the people who did it, but none of the merchandise was recovered. Sirius sent me a replacement at no charge.


The same thing happened to me when my Sirius radio was stolen. I guess Sirius didn't believe me that it was stolen though as I still get emails asking me to reactivate it. My radio , among other items, was stolen the last night of a beach house rental at the Outer Banks. The rental company said it was common for thieves to walk onto properties from the beach access on Friday night before Saturday morning checkout. This year we are going back and I will be pulling an all nighter lying in wait out at the pool on the last night. I REALLY hope those bastards try it again. :censored:


I just called them up the next day and had them deactivate it. The police called back a month later and said they caught the people who did it, but none of the merchandise was recovered. Sirius sent me a replacement at no charge.

Those things aren't GPS enabled? Seems like they should be able to pinpoint the location of the device. Then again, they can get a new one from china for 2 bucks, so why bother.


Freaking disposable society :censored:


sirius believed my theft story and actually refunded a large portion of my multi-year deal. no replacement was offered, though. WTH?! <_<


Just stopped for gas. $3.69 a gallon! :censored:

NOTICE: These are just observations.


I remember back in the 90's when Clinton decided to tap the strategic oil reserves to ease rising gas prices back then. Republicans balked at it. Then, when gas prices were on the rise again in the last decade, Bush 43 tapped into the same reserves.


They're skyrocketing now, and Obama hasn't done a thing about it.


Thoughts, anyone?

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