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If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what I did.


Now quit your whining Swampass!


You probably think I'm the biggest ref complainer out there, but I actually joke around with those guys more than most. It's so much more fun that way.


Yeah, that thought occurred to me after they were planted.


I just pinched em way back. Someone said to pinch above a leaf node.


You into gardening? What grows good for ya?


Usually I like to do tomatoes and peppers. This year I got exotic with eggplant and potatoes.


Walked into work today and found out 12 people were let go. Some really good people that I have worked with over the last nine years. A toast to those people who put up with a ogre like me in person. They deserved a better day then they had today. :beer:


Yeah, that thought occurred to me after they were planted.


I just pinched em way back. Someone said to pinch above a leaf node.


You into gardening? What grows good for ya?

I don't what it is, what I plant in my yard grows like crazy. I planted some grapes last season. The vines are all over the place. I have no idea what to do with them.


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what I did.


Now quit your whining Swampass!

Never. There is no way I would ever want to deal with a jackass like me.


TV. Does anyone care about being creative anymore. It seem like every show could be called "The Biggest A$$hole". They get twelve people together to see who the biggest a$$hole is. To choose the winner, they get an even bigger a$$hole to decide. On one of the shows, the a$$hole is a chef. On another show the a$$hole is a designer. On another it's a dog groomer or a fat-a$$, etc.


A what happened to telling a good story (that doesn't involve a doctor, cop, or lawyer)?


TV. Does anyone care about being creative anymore. It seem like every show could be called "The Biggest A$$hole". They get twelve people together to see who the biggest a$$hole is. To choose the winner, they get an even bigger a$$hole to decide. On one of the shows, the a$$hole is a chef. On another show the a$$hole is a designer. On another it's a dog groomer or a fat-a$$, etc.


A what happened to telling a good story (that doesn't involve a doctor, cop, or lawyer)?

Thank you. "Reality" shows are all about attention these days. My wife used to be into Survivor and I told her that I don't mind watching the competitions/challenges, but the other 45 minutes of the show is watching people sit around and bitch about each other or scheme against the other players. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Give me a good sitcom or a classic cop show any day. 'Cheers' and '24' are probably my two favorite all-time TV shows - they're not realistic, but who cares?


Thank you. "Reality" shows are all about attention these days. My wife used to be into Survivor and I told her that I don't mind watching the competitions/challenges, but the other 45 minutes of the show is watching people sit around and bitch about each other or scheme against the other players. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Give me a good sitcom or a classic cop show any day. 'Cheers' and '24' are probably my two favorite all-time TV shows - they're not realistic, but who cares?


I NEVER watch reality shows. Just never got into 'em. Right now I love Rules of Engagement (I swear someone that knows me must have created the character Jeff (and my name is Jeff) played by Patrick Warburton) and can't wait for Rescue Me to start again. Oh, and playoff hockey is great to watch, too, but I hear that series is ending within 2 weeks, damn.


I hate when people rush to beat a red light when traffic is backed up even though they know they'll get stuck in the middle of the intersection. I saw two buses do that this week. There's no maneuvering around one of those, everyone is screwed. The only funny part is that the first car s/he blocked off was actually a supervisor from the transit authority. He was able to pull up along side the bus and give that driver one ###### of a lecture.


TV. Does anyone care about being creative anymore. It seem like every show could be called "The Biggest A$hole". They get twelve people together to see who the biggest a$hole is. To choose the winner, they get an even bigger a$hole to decide. On one of the shows, the a$hole is a chef. On another show the a$hole is a designer. On another it's a dog groomer or a fat-a$, etc.


A what happened to telling a good story (that doesn't involve a doctor, cop, or lawyer)?

Check out "The Pacific" and "Treme" on HBO. Both are outstanding and both tell good stories very well.


Someone changed the timing of the light at the exit I get off at for work this week. The exit has a very long off ramp and traffic backs up to the interstate where people are pulling off onto the shoulder to get into line. I hope they change it soon because there is going to be a nasty little pile up.


And I am still feeling it from my Memorial Day Weekend bender. :beer:


I just had to buy a new dryer a few weeks back, and now my mattress is shot (backaches for the last week). I'm just going to flip it over for now, but soon I'll have to cough up another big chunk of change to get a new one.... Grrrr.....:wallbash:


A friend of mine here at college had her car die last week. Some pile Nissan she had for about a year. She tried to take it to the junkyard and it died again. So she had to leave it on the side of the road over the weekend. I helped her find a new car on Saturday. Paid $700 for a Saturn with a crack in the windshield. She took it back to Massachusetts where she is from to get it inspected, and all sorts of other things failed that looked perfectly fine when I was checking it out. Her parents are pissed off (could hear her mom yelling in the background, calling me a jerk, etc.) I'll probably have to bite the bullet now on paying her back for the car since it was my fault she bought it. Repairs would probably cost more than the car is worth. And to top it off her other car got vandalized so she had to pay extra to have it towed because people stole 3 wheels off of it and it got towed to a yard for being abandoned.


Yeah, it's the right thing to do, but boy does it suck. That's gonna be almost two weeks pay after we junk it. Then we gotta find her another car.


Tempted to just tell her to tell her mom to find her a car. That'll piss her mom off real good. She's a super biatch.


Love it when parents wont help their daughter out. She has zero money and travels for her job (she's a photographer and does photo shoots for people all over the NE). Her parents just bought two new cars but they wont help her get a decent used car that'll last her more than a year. And then have the audacity to call ME a jerk. Right. Last I checked, I'm the one trying to help.


Next car is going straight to the garage first. No screwing around. Because now it's going to be my money, that I need.


Sucks tryin' to help people sometimes. :censored:


I hate when people rush to beat a red light when traffic is backed up even though they know they'll get stuck in the middle of the intersection. I saw two buses do that this week. There's no maneuvering around one of those, everyone is screwed. The only funny part is that the first car s/he blocked off was actually a supervisor from the transit authority. He was able to pull up along side the bus and give that driver one ###### of a lecture.

Now that you mention it, I have something that might as well be right up your alley. Ever go through those work zones on the Interstates where they have signs telling you you're about to lose a lane in so many feet and that you need to get out of that lane? What is extremely annoying is when you have those "looking out for #1" types who careless about the fact that they're holding up traffic on those who are already in the lane they need to be in just so they can get ahead of the rest of the traffic. It's even more annoying when I have to slam on the brakes on 80k #s of equipment just so some jerk like that doesn't find himself 6 feet under and my company winds up getting sued because of his or her stupidity. I've resolved that if anyone tries to cut me off at the last minute like that, I simply refuse to let them in when we're already crawling at a snail's pace through a work zone. They can wait like the rest of us.


I would even venture to guess that there are some of you on this forum who are guilty of this in some way or another (but you're too :bag: to admit it).


I live right off a fork in the road in the city. The "neighbors" across the street continually take there little Pug on the grass between the two streets to do it's business and never pick it up. I am thinking the best way to teach them a lesson is to wait till their next family function at the house then I am going to do my business on their lawn during the party. My only questions is where should I eat lunch before? Moe's, Taco Bell or Mighty Taco?


I live right off a fork in the road in the city. The "neighbors" across the street continually take there little Pug on the grass between the two streets to do it's business and never pick it up. I am thinking the best way to teach them a lesson is to wait till their next family function at the house then I am going to do my business on their lawn during the party. My only questions is where should I eat lunch before? Moe's, Taco Bell or Mighty Taco?

Not to sound crass in encouraging you, but chase it down with some milk or yogurt. That should assist in raising a stink! :thumbsup:


I am sick of utility companies and their contractors digging up streets and then not being able to fill the hole in, so that it is level with the existing pavement. Either I feel like I am driving in potholes or over speed bumps where there are none. :angry:


My neighbors two houses away (are they really called "neighbors", in that case?) are having a guy re-roof their house. One guy. He starts banging away at 6:15am. Luckily, the wife & I are already awake by then, but the rest of the neighborhood gets a nice wake-up call.


I also hate meetings. :death:

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